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@Als ick is the INTERCAL compiler.
@Als dict.leo.org translates it asa synonym for "ugh" and "yuck".
@Als I have 4 Great Answer badges. I'm a man of quality, not quantity :P
@RMartinhoFernandes You mean well programmed bot, don't you? ;)
@sbi hmm, You C haters!
Damn, I hate it when I post a wrong answer and people upvote it.
@Als C isn't worth my hate.
@MooingDuck What? Why trolling?
@sbi Yeah, Well I work on procedural C++ remember, so kinda...can't live with it and can't give it up either.
@Xeo In the xkcd chat rooms linking to TVTropes isn't that far from trolling.
@MooingDuck Why?
@Xeo it ruins productivity for hours!
You could get someone fired! :P
@MooingDuck But in this case, it's on-topic.
And he didn't link to it.
@RMartinhoFernandes no, which is why I asked when it's trolling and when not. On the other hand, he did link it here :D
@MooingDuck Impossible!
fuck this room is always trolling
@MooingDuck xkcd chat rooms?
@TonyTheLion er, they do have a forum, but I was thinking thier irc channel
@MooingDuck He won't understand this, because he procrastinates all day, shuns looking for a job, and doesn't earn the money he spends.
@Xeo :b
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Famous last words: tinyurl.com/c8bc54 [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
the ape being brutal as always :P
@Xeo Almost got me, I clicked that one :D
@Xeo Now, that's gotta get you banned or something.
@sbi :'(
@Als Make that "brutally honest", and I agree.
Does anybody here learn smth about Windows 8 on ARM arch?
@RMartinhoFernandes Why? That is but just a lousy spam.
@sbi Also, I don't really spend any money.
@Als Lousy spam? That's a URL shortened link to TVTropes.
@Xeo why that? Have you been adopted by someone super rich or something/
The only thing that could be worse would be "a URL shortened link to a TVTropes page that happens to link to Cracked.com". (yes, those do exist. I learned that the hard way)
@RMartinhoFernandes So?
@Xeo just out of curiosity do you have a degree?
lol educational woes remind me of the pup
tvtropes in the tagline, how to ruin anyone's productivity fast
@Xeo Yeah, right, you don't go shopping the groceries you consume, and don't cook your meals. Now that makes it so much more acceptable to us...
@Xeo room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: When you link to TVTropes, you might get banned. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@TonyTheLion I think it's called O-level in English
+ my certificate from the Games Academy
@sbi Pff
@Xeo He understands only one O, You know which one :P
@Als The "O" in "sex"? Oh, wait, there is none. Now I'm confused. What else does @Tony understand anything about?
@user1131997 Win32 runs on ARMs for years, so win8 don't bring anything new
@sbi It is about that something which happens due that activity called you called Sex
@sbi "The Big O"?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, you follow Stross, too?
@Als Ojaculation?
@sbi Nopes. :)
@sbi Can you make sense of the tweet he followed that with? twitter.com/#!/cstross/status/166932018582650880
@RMartinhoFernandes I thought it might refer to a scene from one of Fforde's Thursday Next books. (Which I, of course, wouldn't remember.)
@Als Mhmm, what else happens during sex? Ah, "cOnception"! Damn, that really took me a while.
@sbi Orgasms!
@Als Oh, that. I forgot.
@TonyTheLion How fitting that you wake up when someone says "orgasm" here.
This is just brilliant timing from you @TonyTheLion
I'm good at timing :P
Q: C2146: syntax : missing ')' before identifier 's' {Different than other questions on stackoverflow}

user1195249So I this is a sample code. I just started using Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition, and I keep getting this error along with others but this bothers me a lot. Program 9.cpp(15): error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 's' Here's my code: #include <iostream> #include <c...

obviously not good at typing...
Obviously not good at looking
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
@Xeo huh?
@RMartinhoFernandes With the amount of time that guy spent on posting the Q, he couldn't spot a , lol
@Als Ha, I have more upvotes on my comment than your answer :P
Damn, not anymore.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's because you posted it as an comment and others as answer.
@RMartinhoFernandes Huh? Last I looked, you got four, he got two.
There is a diff
bot wrong math? thats a new
godamn I got 3 votes for saying he missed a ,
that was easy :P
@Als IME, reputation gain is almost inversely proportional to the effort or depth of an answer.
@Als That's why I didn't post an answer: I don't want rep for that.
@JerryCoffin Mostly, but not always.
OMG, @Jerry is still alive.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, You the star
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh yes, glad @JerryCoffin, is still alive and ofcourse kickin ;)
@RMartinhoFernandes Don't be too sure about that. I might be a zombie... :-)
@sbi: LoL your comment resulted in No comment as recommended.
I'm going to set up a commit hook that adds // No error occurs here :) at the end of each line of code that doesn't have it yet.
oh and @Mahesh is still alive too
okay off to bed
@RMartinhoFernandes You should probably add one to rephrase every assignment into a COBOL-like 'assign <value> to <variable>` while you're at it...
@Als Sleep well.
But that wouldn't compile.
@JerryCoffin Actually, I think that's wrong. Reputation gain for answers is, I think, directly proportional to a question's popularity and an answer's uniqueness and fun factor.
@RMartinhoFernandes In SVN? IIRC, you shouldn't setup commit hooks that modify the committed file in SVN.
@sbi Why not? (Also, no, not SVN. I ditched that long ago)
@sbi Could be. I know some of my highest-voted answers were strictly off the cuff (often smartass) remarks. When I write a long, detailed answer, most people have apparently already moved on so it gets few votes. At the same time, it's definitely true that regardless of effort or depth, answers to relatively obscure questions often go largely ignored.
A: Subversion: How to append text to every committed file?

sbiLook at the red box at the end of this chapter of the SVN book: While hook scripts can do almost anything, there is one dimension in which hook script authors should show restraint: do not modify a commit transaction using hook scripts. While it might be tempting to use hook scripts to auto...

At work I used git locally, against a TFS server. I'd do the same if it was SVN.
@sbi Have a badge.
@RMartinhoFernandes :D
> Funny thing... we have a developer here who likes WAY CAPS TOO MUCH! Another dev wrote a hook to "lowercaseify" commits if they were over 90% uppercase. =) – Buggabill Oct 28 '09 at 20:56
I hope they weren't using a case.sensitive language.
@Abyx you mean WinCE? It's not such Win32 as for x86
Win8 in presentation promises support its possibilites in ARM not worse, than in x86
@user1131997 yep, WinCE\Mo. It's WIN32 with almost same API.
@user1131997 Yes, but a lot of that isn't adding support for full Win32 on ARM -- it's deprecating a lot on x86 that wasn't already supported on ARM. Despite that, much of the "deprecation" looks purely pro forma -- like they don't expect to ever really remove it, just going through the motions so they can say ARM is an equal citizen.
@RMartinhoFernandes The thing I hate most is those all caps legal agreements. It just reduces readability and makes it much harder to understand it
Sigh, apparently Visual Studio 2010 still allows the binding of lvalue references to rvalues. How stupid is that?
@FredOverflow That's MStupid.
@KianMayne I asked some of the Boost guys about why the Boost license has the all-caps section. From what they said, it's apparently more or less a legal requirement, so your disclaimers of liability and such might be ignored by the court if you don't write them in all caps.
@JerryCoffin What the fuck O.o
@JerryCoffin They require you to shout to make sure they hear you.
@RMartinhoFernandes Pretty much, yeah.
@FredOverflow Nope -- but maybe if I wasn't wearing my big headphones... ;-)
Since we're probably overdue on posting links to videos:
Stalkers of the world unite!
Who can help me? I have sent DHCP discover packet to my provider, and it has returned the next packet:
@user1131997 You probably need to look at a hex dump of the packet to get any clue of what it's really sent.
whatis docsis and the hex address value each time is changing, when I relaunch the program
I have sent simple DHCPDISCOVER packet
@user1131997 Docsis is a standard for cable modems. Without a hex dump, it's hard to guess which hex values you're seeing changing. Could be a time stamp.
and the IP in end of packet is available IP from provider? thanks for advice, I shall dump message now
or use wireshark
or netmon.exe if under Windows
netmon works better under Win, than Wireshark
I prefer to use Linux for network debugging, more tools
`the_board [BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]={
' Can someone tell me what I did wrong?
This is not a whale. What is it?
@LearningC No. I doubt anyone can, because you haven't given us any information about what you did, or what you tried to do or what you hoped to achieve
we don't even know if you did anything wrong
@LearningC You forgot to specify the element type at the beginning, like int the_board ...
You did what, forget or specify?
Sorry. This is the error it is giving me when I tried to compile it
@sbi Schwarzhai?
project1.c:66:38: error: expected expression before '{' token
int the_board [BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE];
@FredOverflow No. Those aren't as big (max 4m). That thing looks like it's at least 10-15m.
the_board [BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]={   // what your first line looks like
int the_board [BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]={   // what your first line should look like
thank you
@LearningC Wait, this is a completely different line. Where exactly is this declared, inside a class?
But if I declared it in the start why I need to say agia that it is int?
You don't. If you want to assign to a C array, you're screwed.
I declared it in main
@TonyTheLion where more tools in Linux? sample please!!!
Then why don't you initialize at the point where you declare?
@user1131997 backtrack linux
I haven't learned points yet
@LearningC This is why you need to provide a complete, self-contained example, ideally on ideone.org, that reproduces the issue.
You don't need "points" in order to initialize an array.
@FredOverflow that's why I usually don't even bother trying to do psychic debugging. Saves me a lot of trouble, and I'm pretty sure it helps the person more in the long term if they learn to provide the relevant information when asking questions
@jalf Amen.
int a[3]; a = {11, 22, 33};   // assignment does not work
int b[3] = {11, 22, 33};      // initialization works
What is the difference between the frist and second?
The first is assignment, the second is initialization.
@LearningC there's a semicolon in the first one
You cannot assign C arrays. That's just the way it is.
@TonyTheLion Backtrack is just a set of popular tools, which each of them can be used well and in Windows
If I declare a int outside, before main, will that make it a global variable?
@user1131997 I was saying that I use Linux for Network debugging, because it has more tools. I don't use windows for Network debugging.
@LearningC yea
If I change the global variabe in any function, will it change when I use it in another?
@LearningC Please show as a little more code, so we can see where you declare the array, and where you intend to assign to it.
@LearningC Yes, that's how global variables behave.
Ok but ideone.org not working
@LearningC .... I can't.... heheh.... ha ha
it has a lot of line
@user1131997 There are a fair number of more specialized tools that (the last time I looked) seemed to be unique to Linux. At the same time, for something like this, it's kind of like trying to decide between a pickup and a big commercial truck to carry home your groceries -- something smaller than either will do just fine..
4 mins ago, by FredOverflow
Then why don't you initialize at the point where you declare?
@LearningC So use pastebin or another service.
4 mins ago, by Learning C
I haven't learned points yet
@LearningC it's ideone.com. Sorry.
@LearningC ideone.com
Well, anybody? I gotta leave. @Fred was pretty close, BTW.
@Xaade oh
@LearningC By "point" I simply meant a point in the source code, like "line 20 column 30" or something.
@FredOverflow I'm sorry.... it's a secondary language thing.... so I'm wrong for finding it funny.... but I can't.... help it.
@sbi About the only guess I could give would be to note that the dorsal fin does look vaguely shark-like (though it sure looks awfully big for a shark...)
@Xaade Funny? I honestly didn't get what he meant by "point". I thought maybe he meant "pointers", but wasn't sure.
@JerryCoffin It's a shark, yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes @Luc, here's the modified form that compiles on Ideone: http://ideone.com/ceBAK
in my local clang version, the whole slew starting at the defines is inside the nested scope in main
@FredOverflow You meant "point" as in "location". He thought you said "point" as in "a type called point".
How come it not printing the numbers between the boxes?
I had absolutely no idea where he got the "point" from, even though I used the same word just before that. My brain was simply unable to parse the "point".
@FredOverflow It has no point.
@sbi Wow. Got lucky on that one!
@JerryCoffin You recognized the fin.
@LearningC Move lines 64 to 72 all the way up and replace line 10 by it, done.
I just did that and it worked
But that array needs to change.
Anyway, gotta go. I'll have a beer tonight, or two, with a former boss of mine. I'd rather not be late! See you!
@LearningC Because nowhere are you saying that the_board[i][j] should be printed. Oh wait, you print characters instead. Forget what I just said.
@LearningC in size?
@LearningC you can't assign to an array -- you can only assign to elements of the array.
@sbi G'night!
@LearningC Welkom to C Arrays..... They doest noth change!
@LearningC std::vector
so it would be best to use a file
@LearningC What exactly do you mean "but that array needs to change"? You removed lines 64 to 72 from inside main, right?
It is a checkers board
everytime I make a move I need to update the array so it can display the new pice
@LearningC or make the size the biggest you'll ever need, and only "use" the portion you need.
@LearningC So then simply do that.
@LearningC You do that by assigning values to individual elements in the array, not by assigning the entire array.
I think my professor would prefer I used a file. To read and write the new data and pices.
is there 3 or 4 people trying to help one person, wow we're a helpful bunch :)
the_board[some_y][some_x] = new_value;
@LearningC update the individual cells.
@LearningC Using a file is fine, but internally you want to store the data in an array anyway (or in a vector, std::array, etc.)
@LearningC You see.... that's what's wrong with the whole thing. Professors.... teaching people how not to do things.
I don't think your professor wants to write to a file every time a player does a move. Can you post the assignment?
The last time I've used a file through the windows file system...... hmmm..... never.
You can simply use ifstreams and ofstreams.
I'm not sure what he watns
@FredOverflow Be Amazed.... professors are unpredictable. They are, by the way, failed professionals.
Oh wait, C. You can simply use fprintf and fscanf.
If you're actually required to do file I/O, which would be incredibly stupid.
Being taught how to code by a non-professional, is like looking for an online tutorial.
@Xaade Not all of them, some aspire to teach.
The homework was required but that was proablly made it simpler for us. For the project he didn't specify what he wants.
@FredOverflow Can't aspire to teach something you've never had to do.
@Xaade I think that is a little bit harsh
@Xaade Then I must really suck at teaching, because I have never earned money on a real project :)
fred is uni guy too
@LearningC Difficult as it is to read minds, I think it would be fair to guess that he'd like to see you use an enum instead of raw (magic) numbers in your array, so you'd have something like enum {empty, black, black_king, red, red_king};, and each square would hold one of those values.
@bamboon It's the public sphere. They're paid by how much they think like a poll.
@FredOverflow Have you accomplished something. Created any "product" that was used by anyone for any practical purpose?
@Xaade Anyone else besides me? Probably not.
Oh wait, I wrote a program that cleans up and exports BlueJ projects :)
@FredOverflow What do you do?
He teaches at uni
@bamboon Not merely harsh, but often inaccurate. To be a failed professional, they would have had to try to be a professional (and fail) before going into academia. Few I've known fit that mold. Most either went directly into academia, or were successful professionals who also taught.
Oh, and I implemented a C++ testing framework that we used for one semester, but then decided to replace it with CATCH.
@TonyTheLion Then unless he has practical understanding of what a job in the industry with client driven project requirements, he's probably not best suited for preparing someone for a career in which they work for companies with client driven projects.
@JerryCoffin some people just like to teach people and share knowledge
Oh, and I wrote a program to detect duplicate porn clips on my hard drive ;)
At the same time..... some companies have horrible programmers and that practical experience is worthless in creating sound code.
@Xaade You don't learn agile methodology in your first weeks of programming.
Oh, and I wrote a drum computer once and used it for a couple of songs.
@Xaade From my knowledge, @FredOverflow knows well what he's doing in his field, I think your rants are unnecessary and rude. You're a bit fast with your judgements and they are somewhat generalized too.
@FredOverflow oh lol
Also, I wrote a VirtualDub filter that cleans up cartoon images. It used MMX and was faster than everything else that was available at the time.
This is what I like for it to look like in the star. ideone.com/30WAO but how do I update the array when a player makes a move without having it print the start again?
@LearningC You were not supposed to move the initialization into the print function. You were supposed to move it to line 10.
10 is different from 18.
@TonyTheLion Unnecessary maybe, rude, not really. My comments don't target people like @Fred.
give me a sec I'll update it
@FredOverflow Then I think you've satisfied my requirements for being a professor.
Oh line 10 is were I frist declared it. I think I understand now.
@Xaade I'm not a professor :)
@bamboon Nope -- not possible. I know I'd never do anything like that, and I'm sure nobody else would either!
@JerryCoffin I think most people hanging out at stackoverflow are guilty of loving to teach others.
@JerryCoffin Your often is vastly different from my often. My often was just the reverse. Horrible professors who have no experience actually coding anything, who failed to find a job, and fell into teaching. With a handful who either actually have experience, or have a vast working knowledge.
The concept of having a person dedicated to teaching is a bad one IMO.... but that's from repeated disappointment. Disclaimer: This is an opinion
@FredOverflow Then, go replace some code-monkey poll thinking professor and do the world a favor!
@FredOverflow teach != professor.
@FredOverflow Pretty much what I was trying to say in a way that I hoped was ironic (and maybe even mildly amusing) without being too sarcastic...
@TonyTheLion If fast means actually making any judgements at all, then guilty as charged.
@Xaade No, I don't want to stay at University for my entire life.
@FredOverflow Ugh.... why are people getting insulted for you....
@Xaade Well, I'll admit that I've been able to be extremely selective about what professors (and other post-secondary teaching types) I know/hang out with.
@Xaade What?
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I could count on my hand the number that I found at least adequate. Noting that they way outdid my personal requirements.
The vast majority were a little more than read from a book and slides, and multiple choice on that.
open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3337.pdf is the C++11 (ish) draft that STL mentioned during the talks.
@FredOverflow I think he's referring to the fact that I tried to defend you, because I considered what he said to be rude
And besides. Where do you think all these bad C++ books come from. Do you really believe they make their sales on suckers alone. No. They stay afloat by an education "industry" that profiteers off of horrible textbooks. All these horrible programmers that learn bad things that the like of (Bjarne et. al.) complain about, come from some uni somewhere.
@Xaade right, seems I misinterpreted then
Bye evyerone. Thank for the help.
Like IE.... why the hell is @LearningC using a static C style array anyway.....
@Xaade because I don't know what I'm doing =)
@Xaade Well, we have Stroustrup's book at our library, and we suggested it at our C++ course, which follows a similar "top down" strategy.
@FredOverflow which c++ beginner books do you recommend?
@Xaade Because arrays are the only data structure available in C? ;)
@TonyTheLion Rants are easy to misinterpret. They are rants. Often aimed at limited personal experience. If there's a generalization in a rant, it isn't meant to be.
@bamboon Stroustrup's swan book, C++ Primer (please do not confuse with C++ Primer Plus which sucks) and Accelerated C++, depending on how much time you have.
@FredOverflow sorry... ass u me d that he was in C++.... given the context of the chat room.
@Xaade How about the context of his username? ;)
@FredOverflow You can have symbols in usernames?
@FredOverflow if I may ask, what is your doctorial degree about?
@Xaade What symbol in "Learning C" are you talking about?
@bamboon I'm neither a professor nor a doctor.
@FredOverflow yeah, but I thought you were doing the doctorial degree right now, and that's why you teach there
@bamboon Nope, I just love teaching :) I have no interest in becoming a doctor and spending another 5-10 years in the ivory tower.
@FredOverflow ah ok cool, got that wrong then
I don't need a doctorate, I just want to be a programmer and a teacher.
And a template nerd, but there is no certificate for that ;)
beside the SO badge, no
@FredOverflow We should create a club. TTT teachers touting templating
Also, I never want to be caught saying "I'd like to do this and that, but my job eats up all of my time".
Like "I have no time for sports" or "I have no time for proper diet". Bullshit.
Today I read that the most common regret about elders is doing what others expect them to do and work too much. I don't want to end up like them.
@FredOverflow Well my inner conversation has been at times, "-You don't have time for this Giraffe. - Shut up and hack!"
@Xaade Some of that probably applies to a few I know. Just for example, I'm pretty sure when he was teaching, my brother Mike drew a fair number of his exercises from "the book":
@FredOverflow I rarely use my formal name Captain, especially when talking to myself.
I'd say the same about my sister, except that I don't think her "the book":
was published until after she quit teaching and went into "real" work...
can anybody help with this ?
@JerryCoffin A very apt comparison to me. I have quite a few ideas for that kind of books in my field, but time is a factor for sure. How did she find time?
@CaptainGiraffe If I recall correctly, she did most of the writing while she was still teaching, but by the time it was published she had moved on.

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