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@MooingDuck Do you know when the C++11 is available for academics in Europe? And how to purchase it?
@CaptainGiraffe You mean the standard or what?
@CaptainGiraffe The standard is already available for purchase. You can get it directly from the ISO, ANSI, etc.
@FredOverflow Yes.
@CaptainGiraffe is it different in Europe?
@MooingDuck I think so, I saw late february as publication date in one of my usual sources.
@CaptainGiraffe no clue. Why can't you just buy it from ISO?
Any links to where I might get it?
Or, if you're feeling flush:
Q: Variadic Templates pack expansions

Tony The LionIn Andrei's talk on GoingNative 2012 he talks about Variadic Templates, and he explains at one point by way of the example underneath how the parameter pack expansions work. Being fairly new to this subject I found it fairly hard to follow how each case works, could anybody please explain how th...

for those adventurous enough
@CaptainGiraffe Oh, I didn't see the Giraffe because my browser window was too small.
So I'm watching Andrei's talk on varaidics from GoingNative Day1. He mentions that for variadic template x<Ts&... , Us...> they are expanded in lockstep. I can't figure out how it's possible to have multiple variadic type lists without a non-type parameter
@JerryCoffin Thanks but that was American and not supported by my Uni. i.e. Its not easy for me to buy from there.
@TonyTheLion hmm, you read my future
@MooingDuck You mean for the length, right? You do it recursively instead, with pattern matching.
@FredOverflow say what now?
You essentially say on the template level "if the list is empty, do this. Otherwise, split the list in a head and a tail, and process the tail recursively".
@CaptainGiraffe Okay, how about:
Oh wait, that's not pattern matching at all, it's template specialization :)
But I like to think of it as pattern matching.
@FredOverflow I realized it's trivially doable if you just add a non-type parameter. It sorta became a self-answering question :/
@JerryCoffin Yep, that would be my librarys goto source. Thanks.
template <class ...Ts, int a, class ...Us> void func();
The "list" already knows its own size, if you will.
@FredOverflow he had two template-type-packs. You seem to be answering a different question
Yes, and both know their own size.
@JerryCoffin Target publication date: 2012-02-28
What exactly would the semantics of the a be?
@FredOverflow same as any other non-type parameter
@CaptainGiraffe But also note that the "published" box is checked. It's been available for a few months now.
If a is 5, what does that mean?
@JerryCoffin It was unavailable for me to order by the library, let me check again please. Thanks for your suggestion though ("published" box checked). I was suspecting legalese from the ANSI guys got in the way from publishing it for me.
@FredOverflow I don't understand where you're going. It means that void func() has a non-type template parameter named a with the value 5.
If I pass a string like "hello world" to printf, the semantics is "please print that string". What are the semantics of a in your particular example?
@MooingDuck Make it enum { separator };.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, sure. That makes sense.
@CaptainGiraffe Doubt that ANSI would really have much to do with it, but a 2-3 month delay before you could get a paper copy (for example) wouldn't be at all surprising.
@JerryCoffin It is the paper copy I'm trying to order. I have the pre pdfs. And the local uni print shop charges more than the 238 CHF to print the pdf for me.
@CaptainGiraffe Ah, in that case it wouldn't surprise me if you need to wait a few more weeks.
@CaptainGiraffe Ouch.
BTW, have I lost my mind, or has this room had the same name/description for something like an entire hour?
@RMartinhoFernandes Ouch doesn't start to describe it, I want it in my bookshelf all smudged up and littered with notes by now.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: This room has had the same description for something like an entire hour. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@RMartinhoFernandes really? In a raised eyebrow Sean Connery style
@MooingDuck Let me take a step back and ask again. What is the purpose of the func function here?
Oh my. I'm back to being an unintentional instigator again.
@FredOverflow do I have to come up with a hypothetical reason to have two template type packs?
Oh, I think I just got it. You want to enable having two parameter packs, I didn't realize that wasn't possible until just now.
@FredOverflow >.< yes. That was the entire question.
Did you every actually mention that that's what you wanted? I just inferred it.
15 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
So I'm watching Andrei's talk on varaidics from GoingNative Day1. He mentions that for variadic template x<Ts&... , Us...> they are expanded in lockstep. I can't figure out how it's possible to have multiple variadic type lists without a non-type parameter
Can I see the definition of x? Or can you at least say where in the talk it appears?
@MooingDuck I read that as "I can't figure out how it's possible to have variadic type lists without a non-type parameter".
You can have multiple parameter packs in a specialization.
@FredOverflow 00:13:14, there is no other definition, he's just talking about template packs in general
@FredOverflow missed the word "multiple"? And the use of two packs in expanding x?
@RMartinhoFernandes Are the Ts and Us interleaved, or do I get all the Ts first and then all the Us?
@MooingDuck exactly, stupid me
template <typename... T, typename... U>
struct foo<pack<T...>, pack<U...>> {};
@MooingDuck I didn't really read the code, I just saw ... :)
@FredOverflow They are expanded in lockstep.
@MooingDuck Link please, I just came back from dinner. :)
maybe bot can answer my question with some more explanation then the current answer
@RMartinhoFernandes I have never heard of the word "lockstep".
@FredOverflow It's a marching style in the army IIRC
@FredOverflow For two typelists, it's pair<T1,U1>, pair<T2,U2>, ..., pair<TN, UN>
@TonyTheLion What question?
@MooingDuck I don't see the template you mentioned at 13:14
I went for a walk, so I missed the past hour or so.
And an ATM ate my credit card.
Never leave the Lounge. Never leave the Lounge. Never leave the Lounge. Never leave the Lounge. Never leave the Lounge...
@FredOverflow Me neither.
@FredOverflow on the slide labeled "Expansion Rules", line 4/5
@FredOverflow Lever lounge the Neave
I need feature requests for my library!
@MooingDuck Again, the slides don't match what you posted. There is no x<Ts&... , Us...> there.
@MooingDuck x<Ts&, Us>... ?
@FredOverflow he's on that slide for a while, try 00::11:12?
@Maxpm I request you make it awesome.
@RMartinhoFernandes Closed as won't-fix.
@Xeo Exactly, that's what I see. Only one ... outside of the angle brackets.
@FredOverflow whoops, you're correct
@Maxpm Wait, you mean you won't even try it?
Then it sucks.
@FredOverflow I thought it looked funny when I typed it
For x<T&..., U...> you get both packs expanded one after the other.
'frist' ROFL
See the daily wtf much?
@MooingDuck Let me summarize: I completely misinterpreted the explanation beneath an example that you misquoted. Isn't programming awesome? :)
So, robot, no comment on my tuple-for expansion?
@FredOverflow yeah, that's what happened
@RMartinhoFernandes Fine, then. Submit a request in the issue tracker with Priority-Critical and I'll get around to it. xD
@RMartinhoFernandes so do you get sizeof...(T)+sizeof...(U) x's or do you get sizeof...(T)*sizeof...(U)?
@Xeo As I expected, it requires the user to manually take care of the returns.
@RMartinhoFernandes He should concentrate on making it cromulent first!
@MooingDuck Given T = t1, t2, t3 and U = t4, t5, it would instantiate x<t1&, t2&, t3&, t4, t5>.
@RMartinhoFernandes And I said there is no user for my code, it's basically what the language expands for(auto& e : a_tuple){ ... } to
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't intend to be rude but I must say I find the C newbies spraying ... not-so-very-well-informed question on this chat on a daily basis highly annoying.
@RMartinhoFernandes alright. THat's probably the more useful
Apparently, I'm alone in that sentiment; but 80% of those questions would have been answered by (a) a good book (b) a superficial SO search
What do you call a virus in a DosBOX? A terminal disease.
@FredOverflow I stand in awe trying to figure out how to teach this to my students.
@Xeo The language wouldn't expand that to no ifs nor result_locations.
@CaptainGiraffe With good examples and a fine manual.
90% of the remaining 20% should go on SO as a question. Te remaining bits could be legit chat material
@RMartinhoFernandes Okay, what for(auto& e : a_tuple){ ... } could expand to... sheesh
What about moves? Does that move the return?
Because currently, that's just ill-formed.
@FredOverflow Problem being the good examples has to come from my own synthesis of the stuff. Currently that score is very low.
@RMartinhoFernandes Alas, it's one guaranteed copy at the moment, but it could be made into a move if I want.
No wait, it does actually move into the return_storage already if needed.
template<typename...> struct size;
template<typename Head, typename... Tail> struct size<Head, Tail...> { enum { value = 1 + size<Tail...>::value }; };
template<> struct size<> { enum { value = 0 }; };
Dude, it took me forever to write this simple example from scratch. Variadic templates have re-virgined me as a programmer!
I initially forgot the <Head, Tail...> and <> parts and the compiler replied with not very helpful error messages about redefinitions.
@FredOverflow Which will become particularly apparent when you are trying to explain to her parents how she'd have become pregnant
Well on the bright side we can make a lot of -you should move from mom::basement, jokes.
@Xeo Even if it's a local variable?
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, then no.
Can't detect that, can I?
return has special move powers, unless it's on MSVC.
Well, my library based solution is also unable to elide copies/moves
Quick q before I write a program to test: Do data members of local variables also automatically get moved when returned?
No idea. Sounds like something safe to be done.
@Xeo Good question, I'm thinking why not.
ideone.com/x11Md says no. :(
Ask it.
@RMartinhoFernandes +1
Clang also doesn't move.. damn
Btw @Tony, please tag with too.
> I don't know C or C++ so I don't know if I should take a "Beginner's" book or "Intermediate's" book... – shayfalador 33 secs ago
It's obvious, right?
Of course he should read Modern C++ Design!
I just noticed Andrei's check_printf is UB if given a string that ends in ".%" (where . is any character besides %.)
@MooingDuck I'm trying to watch that whole event, when is Bjarne at?
@CaptainGiraffe Beginning, middle, middle, end
@RMartinhoFernandes sizeof... takes two completely unrelated, 40 year old tokens and gives them a completely unrelated meaning. How long until we get static...? :)
In C++1y: static if, static for, static....
More power to static.
Maybe one day we can even have static static.
@RMartinhoFernandes How do you pronounce C++1y? See plus plus one-ee?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm still waiting for const mutable.
@FredOverflow "Next C++". I don't pronounce things as written.
@Xeo , how ethical is this to have c++11 standard free of charge on net? I mean, people worked really hard to make it, and now some people use advantages of the net to take it without charge. thepiratebay.se/torrent/6670023/… :( :cccc...:
@FredOverflow C++Next
@DzekTrek The committee isn't payed anyways.
@Xeo Did you pronounce C++98 C++ first?
C++11 standard with minor editorial fixes, for free from the WG21 website.
@DzekTrek we can already *practically get it for free anyway, why would you torrent it? (*practically=same with a few grammatical differences)
@DzekTrek github.com/cplusplus/draft <- perfectly legal (Stephanus is on the committee), up-to-date sources of the standard document.
Were the alternative designs to the variadic template we have now in C++11?
@RMartinhoFernandes slashdot effect?
@RMartinhoFernandes @MooingDuck @Xeo I see, this is very spread throughout the internet. Anyone can take it now for free, so why do they cost it anyway? Sad, but true.
@DzekTrek you pay for the "officialness". The free ones are "unofficial". It's a beurocratic thing I guess.
@DzekTrek torrent FTW
Is it possible to download videos from vimeo? DownloadHelper doesn't work.
@CaptainGiraffe you can get it *basically, free from the official website, why do you keep mentioning torrents?
Something went terribly wrong.
/dev/sda8       28758948  27178360    139036 100% /home
@RMartinhoFernandes I did that once! (It was bad) Windows does not function well with 0% unused disk space
@MooingDuck keep mentioning? Also, I was joking a little.
This was like, the last partition that I don't know for sure is borken and has had free space on it.
@MooingDuck I see, it's OK then to see unofficial paperwork to be free, but I disagree with official one. there is cost for a reason.
Btw robot, mind trying the snippet from earlier with GCC 4.7?
Sure, let me make space for it.
@DzekTrek yes, ISO is nice enough to give us the unofficial paperwork for free.
@MooingDuck Very nice from them.
@DzekTrek I agree that they can (and should) charge for the official. I just found the torrent vastly amusing. The only reason to get the official is to be official. So torrenters are subverting the only reason to get the official docs by torrenting it.
@Xeo Copies.
@FredOverflow Holy moses, I have the book where Lorentz discusses this.
damn, thanks
@FredOverflow Lorentzs teaching papers =)
@MooingDuck I completely agree.
@FredOverflow I can't see that video, is it me or no one else can open it?
@DzekTrek Did you push play?
@DzekTrek I did, CaptainGiraffe seemed to. You have to click it
I can't see video at all.
No flash?
@DzekTrek no error message or anything?
I have installed flash. @MooingDuck Yes, nothing is on the screen, just blank.
Try another browser?
Do other vimeo videos work?
@DzekTrek click in the window and CTRL+F5? What browser is it?
@DzekTrek screen is blank? No comments, no sidebar? No background?
Q: Will member subobjects of local variables be moved too if returned from a function?

XeoThe C++11 standard states that, if the conditions for copy elision are met (§12.8/31), the implementation shall treat a returned local lvalue variable and function parameters, as an rvalue first (move), and if overload resolution doesn't succeed as detailed, shall then treat it as an lvalue (copy...

@DzekTrek Synopsis: Old school music describing einstein.
Alas, I already found the answer in the standard... :(
It's Firefox, newest version. While we are at it, firefox is so buggy.
So far I have encountered several bugs in it.
Hey is there an SE for web-related stuff, or is so.com correct? like setting up apache or installing mod_python?
I think there's Webmaster.SE
ahh1 ideed, I found it just as you said it.
@ColinK what do you need about installing apache and mod_python?
Yes, there is.
@ColinK For one-liners I can maybe help. Theres web-developers and web sites. Look at the bottom of your fav SE site.
@DzekTrek really? Impressive. You should report them.
@MooingDuck , I am thinking of it. :)
So, who wants rep for posting the answer? I'll give the relevant paragraph number
3 mins ago, by Xeo
Alas, I already found the answer in the standard... :(
Capped already. I won't cheat and leak rep.
@Xeo Crap If you have the para number you will get voted up, and we wont blame you at all.
@MooingDuck , thanks Moo, will do it now.
> in a return statement in a function with a class return type, when the expression is the name of a non-volatile automatic object
@DzekTrek: I don't have a specific question yet. Officially my position at work is a sort of statistical analyst or data reduction expert, but really I'm here because I pick stuff up quickly. I need to learn how to set up a simple web server, make it execute cgi scripts written in php/python/whatever, and interact with some java code that queries an OWL ontology. I know I will have problems at some point :)
Alas, x.t is not the name of the automatic object..
Wait, interpreting the standard that way.. are member subobjects of automatic objects also automatic objects?
@Xeo yes, members have the same storage durations as the objects that contain them
@ColinK basically it's very easy to set up apache and install mod_python ( there are many fine tutorials about how to do it on the net ) . If you stuck up somewhere, just post here what you need to be solved. ;)
@RMartinhoFernandes Then, does x.t count as its name?
Not sure. That's litb's area of expertise.
@MooingDuck It's not neat. They're pricks.
@DzekTrek: Ok first question, does there exist a mod_jython ?
@Xeo It should. Yes we are missing litb
@DeadMG neat in theory? I'm just starting to look at questions. They actually use the correct notations for a lot, which I've partially forgotten
@CaptainGiraffe, that answer wasn't a very good idea, y'know?
@MooingDuck Who cares about theory? The answerers on that site are a bunch of pricks, and I'd never ask a question there again, no matter how theoretical.
@Xeo I managed to delete it before the damage was done =)
@DzekTrek An Apache module to run Jython?
yeah. I need ultimately to call java functions. The web scripting language I am most comfortable with is python, so if I could write jython and run it in apache I expect it would make my whole thing a lot cleaner
To be honest, I didn't work with Django at all, but I assume there might be
@Xeo Among the school of bad answers, at least it was honest.
There is django in the combination with mod_wsgi
::googles django::
g'night fellas
ok, will I want to use django if I use python for web scripting, or should I wait untill I see a need for it?
@CaptainGiraffe night :)
@ColinK it's better to wait and see what suits your need best
cool. I'd rather not start using a library just because it seems common
rather than picking something at the start, and later on it shows as a waste-time decision
yeah my feeling exactly
@ColinK yes :)
@Xeo glad you didn't post your answer.
It would be wrong.
I suppose I was mainly asking because sometimes that sort of thing is almost a must-have. for example, when was the last time you saw C++ written without boost? If I was learning C++, I really should learn boost.
Yeah, and I thought about the construction thingy too
Still, pure standardese speaking, it should be done it seems
@Xeo No. The criteria for copy elision are not met.
But if its reasonable to do web scripting in python without django, I'd prefer to start that way
@ColinK true, you can live without boost, but it would make your life more complicated.
> When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met or would be met
yeah exactly
The start of the quote in your question.
@RMartinhoFernandes They are, if x.t can be seen as the name of the automatic object
Atleast I don't see anything that says otherwise in the paragraph
@Xeo I'm pretty sure they're not.
From a technical viewpoint, it's completely clear why it won't work.
You can't construct x.t in the return value.
You have to construct it in x.
> the copy/move operation can be omitted by constructing the automatic object directly into the function’s return value
Screw it.
ok, eagles! I need to go to do some homework, see you later. @ColinK It would be better as someone proposed to ask it on web programmers page, to get the answer from the experts rather than us here, amateurs.
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, came back saturday. Was away for a week only
@Xeo Because it will leave the "containing object" in an invalid state?
I already miss Canada's nice, warm weather :D
@jalf Well, welcome back.
things I never thought I'd say, #473
@DzekTrek: Sure. Thanks for your help anyway :)
random question, are the default generated avatars unique?
@ColinK no problem, any time. :)
see ya! :)
@bamboon They're generated from the hash of your email address.
So they're MD5-unique (there are 2^128 different default avatars).
@bamboon: based on their appearance similar to a Sierpinski Triangle, I assume there is some mathematical generating mrocedure
oh, I was beaten to the punch
and I mistyped anyway. getting used to a new keyboard sucks
@RMartinhoFernandes ok, cool
I wonder why the standard doesn't simply say "returned object is local lvalue or value func param? move : copy;"
@Xeo temporaries?
Because this is C++.
@MooingDuck Those are moved anyways.
> +1 - But you should be paying attention to the meeting! – Richard Corden 1 min ago
Dietmar attends committee meetings.
heh, the stallman quote in the Clang talk is amazing
@jalf ermm... what was it
I don't recall it, other than "We at GNU, we're all pricks."
@sehe that a primary goal of GCC was to prevent any part of it from being used in commercial software
and that's why it's not designed as a library with a small command-line frontend, like clang is
because yes, it would be damn useful, but it would allow the bad guys to benefit as well
oh noes!
paraphrasing here though :)
@RMartinhoFernandes I know, but it's funny
> We provide fair and balanced coverage of both open-source heroes and closed-source criminals. - FOSS News Channel tagline on Twitter
(Hint: it's a joke. FOSS News Channel sounds a lot like a famous US news channel)
ah, found it
Found what?
> "One of our main goals for GCC is to prevent any parts of it form being used together with non-free software. Thus we have deliberately avoided many things that might possibly have the effect of facilitating such usage..." - RMS
at 02:24:20 in the full goingnative day 2 stream
> You may only fetch vote counts once every second
Ran into that one before. The silliness is baffling.
Krishna loves @DeadMG
LLMV+Clang takes up 220.38 MiB on my hard drive. Ouch.
@Xaade The fuck is Krishna?
Some Indian dude god.
they can go love a lamp-post for all I care
@DeadMG elicited response? Check!
and send me pictures so I can post them on the Internet
and photoshop them for my own amusement and Krishna's detriment
Ok, now you're creeping me out.
and give out Krishna's personal information so that Anonymous can bully them into committing suicide
that sounds good
Aggressive atheists are much fun!
what does this have to do with athiesm?
Hint: you're being trolled.
unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall BaseException::logException(void)const " (?logException@BaseException@@QBEXXZ) Now what does part in brackets signify (?logException@BaseException@@QBEXXZ)
by my university and education system
and the previous generation of people in my country who borrowed recklessly
Name mangling ?
@Mahesh Yes, that's a mangled name.
so my generation will have no jobs and massive debts from the moment we're born
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks.
@Xeo: hey, what errors did you get when you built last libc++?
@RMartinhoFernandes bad nan in <ratio>, specifically ratio_divide
Ah. Solution?
Change 1LL to 1ULL
Nothing else
Damn, this is all over the place.
Only that one place
Inside ratio_divide
Nowhere else
Well, I get it inside __ll_mul
Arrgh, issues in locale again.
I've always wondered, if someone designed a processor who's only op was equivalent to *c=*a-*b (where a,b, and c are int*), could all other "normal" computer operations be built on that (possibly except floating point)?
/home/rmf/abs/libcxx-svn/src/libcxx/src/locale.cpp:1415:22: error: case value evaluates to -2, which cannot be narrowed to type 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned int')
                case -2:
@Xeo didn't get these?
Weird. I got those last time. And now again.
Is your system 64-bit, perhaps?
Or atleast I can't remember
No, that wouldn't make sense.
Gimme a sec
@MooingDuck No way to do bitwise.
@MooingDuck That would be OISC.
@RMartinhoFernandes what's that?
One Instruction Set Computer.
@DeadMG I considered that, but then I think it can be done via lookup table
But that doesn't have branching, for example.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh. yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes it does if you can read/write to the instruction pointer
Now you're making up registers!
You never said anything about registers.
You mentioned pointers.
Robot, libcxx revision?
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't (previously) see the problem with that. In my head there was a "special" memory addresses (probably 0x0) for the instruction pointer. Now I realize that is required to be part of the problem description, since the instruction should automatically increment that.
@Xeo Wait, what? Lemme double check this script.
So the op is "++ip; *c = *a-*b;" :/
@RMartinhoFernandes Btw, I have the exact same line in <locale.cpp>
with case -2
and size_t n
> Checked out revision 150002.
Damn script is cheating me.
Argh, what's the svn command to see the current revision?
@MooingDuck What's the point of even having the instruction pointer? You only have one instruction.
> At revision 150002.
@DeadMG operands A, B, and C
where would you get them from?
Ok, it's just the script reporting badly.
you have no way to load or store memory
so there's nowhere to get operands A, B, and C
@DeadMG The existing operation is a store.
@RMartinhoFernandes Not a generic store. Only a store of int, not of int*.
@DeadMG right, so the whole description requires more detail than I thought it did
In any case, no idea what's wrong with your libcxx files. :)
Robot, what's your Clang rev?

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