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A GC only eliminates one class of leaks, and that's the class of leaks that can be easily found with valgrind.
I'm so bored
Fix some leaks in Gitlab, they could use some help :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes So you are saying a GC is not an answer to everything??!?!?!?!?!
Don't tell rightfold!
@Griwes Actually, we picked this box because it is physically tiny :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@Rapptz Because you're making CRUDs all the time?
@MaiLongdong Dang it, should I delete my answer now?
@fredoverflow rip your rep
> This gem monkey-patches the Unicorn workers to do a memory self-check after every 16 requests. If the memory of the Unicorn worker exceeds a pre-set limit then the worker process exits.
Haha, the beauty of monkey-patching.
The ability to inject exit(0)s in random unsuspecting code.
Bonobo Driven Development
> We tried compiling Ruby with jemalloc; that made no detectable difference.
Yes because you see using a different allocator may or may not solve leaks
"Our process leaks, let's replace the third-party memory allocator, sure the leaks come from there and not from our code"
It will leak faster
@Griwes GC can only collect what it knows can be collected. You can 'leak' memory by constantly adding things to a container and never removing references to it.
jemalloc(ul) /cc @Luc Danton /cc @kbok
8 mins ago, by Griwes
@R.MartinhoFernandes So you are saying a GC is not an answer to everything??!?!?!?!?!
@Griwes yes, yes we are
@thecoshman I hope that not all of the sarcastic tone of that sentence was lost over the wire.
...or over wireless. Hmm.
@MaiLongdong Dammit you nick/avatar changer
@Griwes how very dare you :O
Wait, does ADC not set the carry flag itself
I like the spoon in the e of Fed and the arrow between the E and x of Ex.
@thecoshman what now
> A: This is our cron job that restarts sidekiq:
B: :thumbsup:
C: :thumbsup: :happyface:
B: it is best solution.
<3 cables
@Griwes wireless, I spit on your wireless
My testosterones are vanishing.
@CatPlusPlus didn't notice until now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes My girl.
if it wasn't so god damn frigging expected of me, I wouldn't have a phone
The best solution to GitLab problems is migrating to Phabricator
@MaiLongdong lol
I like PHP's execution model.
@thecoshman Wireless is not material, you can't spit on it.
I mean you can, but you won't hit.
Also you're trying to run Jenkins on 4GB RAM machine and anything else which is not likely to work very well with anything
Speaking of wireless, fucking timeouts
@CatPlusPlus Works just fine if I remove sidekiq.
Tons of free RAM.
Fuck Ruby.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...until it doesn't. :P
GL does a lot of things in background
What is GL?
You can't run it without sidekiq
There's a Jenkins there, so... good luck. You'll need it.
oh GitLab
please submit improvements
> Sidekiq MemoryKiller is enabled by default only for Omnibus packages.
Wait, you mean you don't run it from an Omnibus package?
@Griwes It's an old install.
Omnibus is garbage
oom nibutt
> Looking good
News media in nutshell:
user image
> Presently we are running an experiment where we replace ActiveRecord serialize statements with hand-rolled YAML serializers / deserializers.
> Gitlab.com has less than one Sidekiq restart per hour now:
> We are currently satisfied with the memory killer with dampening.
Status changed to closed
Are these the people who make the software on the A380
I don't fucking get it! I have adcq, which has to set the carry flag, as the addition is of two numbers with the MSBs set. And right after that, I have adcl $0 %0, which adds the carry flag to a variable initialized to zero. But the variable remains zero after that statement as well. How on fucks earth is that possible…
How to fix memory leaks in your own code, used for your own service: assume allocator is buggy, replace it. Didn't work? Find out the best algorithm for killing the leaky process regularly. Done.
@MaiLongdong I'd say they are more like the people who made batteries for 787.
@Columbo Step through, inspect special registers
@Griwes I meant as long as these people don't work on any critical software (or software I use) I'll be fine
@MaiLongdong Oh, wait. I just realized that the Clang on my machine has optimized away the adcl statement, as opposed to the Clang on gcc.godbolt.org, which doesn't. Same versions. Hmmm
Or maybe don't
PHP is nice.
oh no something about the US again
This just in: Earth covered in 75% USA, not oceans.
@Abyx Wow shittiest article in a while
@Mr.kbok wow such unexpected reaction! or maybe not.
Hey. You guys know if "bit-wisely" is correct to say?
Yes particularly at a wedding
@Abyx sorry for being predictable I guess
@Mr.kbok Branch predictors love you
can't wait till TCO is implemented
> Diversity for the sake of diversity is just silly.
@Griwes That's a good point. Pity almost every other sentence in the article is worthless.
You don't understand women are process oriented also I'm better than all those silicon valley kiddies
> and they probably still spend inordinate amounts of time playing video games.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...did I quote anything else from the article? :P
It's like he went batshit and completely gave up at the middle of the article
inb4 I agree with the article
@Abyx I thought people here were overreacting like usual but this is truly a bad article amigo.
If I was an editor, I'd just reject it for being crap; no need to wuss out with the controversy card.
I like the first rejection message
> Note: I had two sites refuse to publish this article, the reasons are very telling. It seems to me there is more behind this than I thought originally. We aren’t allowed to even discuss the topic apparently for fear of reprisal.
That's what he's referring to, yes.
Teach the controversy!
@Mr.kbok Yeah, it just turns into an incoherent rant.
Yeah that's why the article is shit.
It could have done a better job at presenting its point of view but the author isn't capable of it.
I totally forgot what I was doing
dealing with web crap?
@Rapptz that was the plan
@Xeo oh yeah.
You know it's gotten to the point where if I had to pick between doing nothing and doing web stuff that I'd rather do nothing
Tough choice.
@black Perhaps you meant "bitwise".
What's wrong with the article again?
systemctl restart gitlab did nothing :<
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ It's a POS?
3 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Mr.kbok Yeah, it just turns into an incoherent rant.
@Mr.kbok What article isn't?
3 mins ago, by Rapptz
It could have done a better job at presenting its point of view but the author isn't capable of it.
@Rapptz How so?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't see the rant to be honest
How do you not
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I read cool stuff from time to time. Did you read the thing about plane freeloaders?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ lol, really?
He even has an anecdote there in the bottom.
The only thing missing there is "Get off my lawn".
you sure?
it's there
> You know where the real bias in IT is? It is age.
> You know where the real bias in IT is? It is age. [...] greenies out of school that understand nothing of real world problems. I talk with one startup after another that have no age and wisdom in their dugout. These companies tend to have very poor vision planning, problem solving and follow through skills. They are just as ADD distracted as they were playing World of Warcraft or Halo a few years before, and they probably still spend inordinate amounts of time playing video games.
> I’ve been in IT for over 30 years.
Let's play spot the rant
It starts with showing the diversity that there is, it shows the goal that people are trying to achieve and asks if having 50% of everything really means anything.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ And then goes batshit.
author still have some valid points.
Plus gratuitous IT market rant
The part about age is an example of a statistic that for the author is more important than gender.
Gratuitous gender characterization
@Rapptz I meant literally saying it.
it's not like some rant-ish parts invalidate all other points.
@Abyx It makes the article crap.
@Abyx That's a common problem in debates.
@Abyx No-one said that; but it makes the article virtually valueless.
@Griwes why?
Didn't they tell you in composition class
It distracts from the points.
No, you can strip down the article to the actual useful content but then it's not about women in tech at all
that a weak conclusion ruins a paper?
or that a single weak portion ruins the whole thing?
It essentially happens because the author itself got distracted from the points.
@Abyx Because it also contains crap.
@Mr.kbok What is it about?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Race in tech.
> I’ve been in IT for over 30 years. In all that time I’ve only worked with a small handful of women that could be considered very good to excellent at programming.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope. it's not about tech
Not Anecdotal At All
> Women just aren’t interested in the discipline the same way that men are, and there are jobs that women are drawn to that men aren’t.
I know this because
Race in tech is one of those examples he brings up as "yet another thing we are diverse in but nobody gives as much crap as with gender" thing.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Ethnicity in tech. The point is that the fair share should be the representation of the local population.
@Abyx Good it says so in the title, then.
@CatPlusPlus rapist confirmed
@CatPlusPlus He is not trying to prove anything.
@Abyx You're making the article look much better now.
He didn't post this in a scientific journal.
then what is he doing
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ yet he makes nonsensical assumptions
ranting? :^)
He justs tries to give another point of view on the "issue".
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Yes, he's just rambling about... something
That maybe there's no issue at all.
@CatPlusPlus You get one <p> mansplaining, one <p> get off my lawn and one <p> bullshit meritocracy
It's not another point of view, it's just yet another rehash of "oh boy aren't we all different"
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Read the second half of the article.
And therefore
@Griwes I've read the whole article.
Always close your tags, kids.
Because the thing you've said is only present before the bullshit starts popping up.
@MaiLongdong Closing p is optional
@Mr.kbok in what universe
Mr. kbroken HTML
@Abyx It also gives a lot of prominence to a chart listing tech companies employee pools.
Q: HTML: Include, or exclude, optional closing tags?

Ian BoydSome HTML1 closing tags are optional, i.e.: </HTML> </HEAD> </BODY> </P> </DT> </DD> </LI> </OPTION> </THEAD> </TH> </TBODY> </TR> </TD> </TFOOT> </COLGROUP> Note: Not to be confused with closing tags that are forbidden to be included, i.e.: </IMG> </INPUT> </BR> </HR> </FRAME> </AREA> </BASE> <

@Griwes It's not bullshit. The last part is "you know what is more important than gender? age!".
ITT reading comprehension 101.
I like that you can write <a href="http://google.com/" />Go to Google!</a> and it works.
anyways, why people care about diversity in tech and don't care about diversity in other fields?
Okay maybe they used to be
And that includes the point/conclusion to the article: gender is not important.
> HTML 4.01
/> and > are equivalent in HTML 5.
It just makes dumb assumptions, repeats anecdotes and takes a stance of "I just ~~~know~~~ better"
@Abyx Because people care about diversity in jobs that look rewarding. Not in the ones nobody wants to do.
It's total garbage
@Mr.kbok terrible
@CatPlusPlus Not every article has to be a scientific article trying to proof a theory.
God how the heck did they manage to make a "markup" language worse than XML?
@elyse analdota 2
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ And it's conveyed terribly through stereotyping and essentially being ageist itself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why bother with reading comprehension when I can cherrypick one word out of the entire thing and proclaim It's Good Point
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ And there's the rant!
@CatPlusPlus That's what you guys are doing.
Those WoW kids.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Yes, that article is entirely worthless
You are taking the last two paraphraps where he talks abut age and claiming that's what the article is all about.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ lel
I disagree 99% of the article is shit it's not cherry picking
@CatPlusPlus Why?
Because at best it repeats shit that's been repeated to death
And at worst you've got the other 95% of it
No the article is mostly about the article getting rejected
@Rapptz That.
let's make fun of something else
g a r b a g e
@CatPlusPlus And that has to do with the quality of the article because....
@Rapptz javascript
Seriously, you guys can get behind better content...
Yeah ok, let's start with the "lol" messages.
Your turn.
You're not very good at this playing devil's advocate thing or you honestly believe it's a good article idk which is worse
Use the reader monad with monad comprehension and voila you have reading comprehension.
Look at me I'm writing with no punctuation I'm so cool
inb4 this is ad hominem
> Can you stop being a devil's advocate to people? I know you find it hilarious and all, but it's getting tiresome.
this is p. good copy pasta jeff
needs to be room topic
damn pygments
I spent 1 hour modifying its lexer
but now it's working as expected
@ScottW hey
@elyse :ccc
Jesus Christ, you changed the name again?
I was getting used to "rightfold"
wrongfold jokes were too easy

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