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@RMartinhoFernandes C# in depth one?
Ah, I am hoping for a third edition to come out, covering C# 5. I read the first edition before, but I don't own a copy.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm curious as to what he'd say. :)
@RMartinhoFernandes aah I am thinking to switch to his book, the book I have really sucks at good examples
Good examples are probably the most important part of a programming book.
@MrAnubis so John Skeet answers more questions than I can count, works for Google and writes books?
@Maxpm In any teaching, actually. (Of a programming language, anyway.) And they are the hardest part, IMO.
@sbi Mmh.
@awoodland yes I guess 0_o :)
@awoodland I did not know he worked at Google.
@awoodland He also speaks at conferences.
@Maxpm I don't disagree, but I strongly dislike books that substitute proper explanations by lots of examples.
@RMartinhoFernandes Anything can be overdone. That doesn't mean everything is bad, though.
How could that happen to me?
@sbi that man truly is a machine
@RMartinhoFernandes Examples and explanations supplement each other, ideally.
I tend to prefer stronger examples, but that's just me.
Does anyone happen to know if (theoretically) passing a POD struct by value to a function would be slower or faster than passing each of its member variables by value to the function as separate parameters (for instance, it would enable/prevent certain optimisations or something)
I think that depends on the calling convention.
Why would you pass by value? Pass by constant reference.
This is just for curiosity's sake
@RMartinhoFernandes so it may be faster in stdcall and slower in cdecl or something?
Somewhere around on here Jon Skeet posted his daily schedule
stdcall passes everything on the stack, so I suppose it would be exactly the same.
It was something like coffee, SO on train to work, work, lunch, SO, work, SO on train home, chores, more SO
I don't know much about the others.
Ah, so some time could be saved if you pass each of them separately and some can fit into registers
@robjb He takes the train, so he can SO while he travels.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah. Fixed :p
This site, Code Academy, is meant to teach Javascript, but some of the code they write is awful. Terrible terrible practises at points. And telling you to use things when others would be way more efficient
Sounds perfectly normal.
Well Javascript is a terrible language. No difference.
Steve Jobs (i|wa)s way overrated
Dennis Ritchie.
This is a silly thing about Dennis Ritchie vs Steve Jobs. It's just about time when Dennis Ritchie has shone. People tend to forget things. Including Steve Jobs, just wait.
Programming languages are too big to teach well. You can teach people "Hello, world!" but then you also have to teach what cout is and why << works like that, and then you're already into OOP.
@Maxpm Not only programming.
@RMartinhoFernandes The books I read (For Dummies series) always had "Good Practises" in them
Don't teach people good practices. Teach people why not to use the bad alternatives.
@Maxpm It did explain that as well
That's good.
@EtiennedeMartel I have not.
Wow, loading a pdf in one tab in Chrome blocks all the other loading tabs from loading until the pdf is finished
wasn't the whole initial point of chrome that tabs where standalone processes that couldn't kill eachother?
Yes, they're in separate processes
But separate processes are no match for loading a PDF
@SethCarnegie Never encountered that problem.
@SethCarnegie what platform?
@EtiennedeMartel I did just now when I loaded that pdf that you posted
@MichaelKrelinhacker Win7
ah. haven't even seen it.
@Xeo Badge-whore! Stop flooding the front-page with your edits. :P
@Mysticial I just want to get rid of all those C++11 questions without a C++ tag!
I always hate missing the interesting ones, just because they're not tagged
fair :)
Maybe I should make [c++][or][c++11] my default SO page...
@Xeo how do you do that?
@SethCarnegie Exactly like that, [or] is a "pseudo-tag" that shows questions for both tags
lol, wtf... Loop question is #4 on that list...
@Xeo no, I mean set a homepage on SO
I still think everyone is using too much C++11 considering the lack of compiler support.
Oh, that. I just bookmark it :P
@EthanSteinberg we need to give C++11 only solutions so everyone will upgrade their compiler
@EthanSteinberg Agreed, I'm still on MSVC2010...
@EthanSteinberg The best parts for your average developer, namely rvalue references, lambdas, and type inference are implemented by all major compilers (MSVC, GCC, Clang)
What bs are you talking about. Clang has no lambdas.
I think people are using too much correct html considering there is still MSIE6.
@EthanSteinberg Err.. Soon™!
It atleast syntactically recognizes lambdas already! :)
How much C++11 does the latest MSVC support?
VC11? Not more than VC10 really in terms of language features.
Not much, but they focused on the good features(like lambdas)
But they claim to support the whole C++11 library part atleast
Hey there.
I'm going to try bootstrapping Linux again. Tell my wife I love her.
@Xeo They have variadic templates too no?
There was a "bomb" found on railways today morning
@Xeo SCARY iterators??? WTF is a "SCARY" iterator?
In the release version
@SethCarnegie Nope
@Maxpm Start the reactor.
They're planned for "post-VC11", though
I thought they didn't have some stuff because they were working on them
@Mysticial An iterator that doesn't depend on the allocator/comparator/hasher of the "parent" template
They blocked all trains and investigated the box.
std::set<int>::iterator s1;
std::set<int, my_comp>::iterator s2;
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(s1), decltype(s2)>::value, "no SCARY iterators");
and of course my templates suck too much for me to understand that... :)
That static assert is not guaranteed to pass i think...
If iterator is a nested class of set, it automatically depends on set's Predicate and Allocator template parameters.
@JohannesSchaublitb Yeah, but it's allowed. I just wanted a quick demonstration
In fact i dont think it does on real implementations
VC11 claims to have SCARY iterators and as such the assert should pass
I'd test if my VC11 install wasn't borked
C++ is already a pretty damn complicated and SCARY language to begin with... Now they add "SCARY" iterators. That's one way to SCARE away any poor sobs who are trying to learn C++, lol.
So many caps.
The worst is, that SCARY iterators are actually good. :( They just don't sound like it.
SCARY iterators is hilarious
I'm hungry.
Talk about worst acronym ever
What the hell does "SCARY" means?
is each acronym recursive
The worst acronym is 'SCSI' because it's pronounced 'scuzzy' instead of 'sexy'.
Because each one starts with itself
@EtiennedeMartel Read the linked paper from my linked page
Aka this
> N2911 explains that the acronym SCARY “describes assignments and initializations that are Seemingly erroneous (Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implementation (unconstrained bY the conflict due to minimized dependencies).”
Can you "acronymize" a fucking sentence?
They obviously did
This shit is bananas.
mmm bananas
I think they should've named them SCARED iterators, though. They're too scared to depend on the "parent" class' template parameters
> Seemingly erroneous (Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implEmentation (unconstrained by the conflict due to minimized Dependencies).”
Looks better :>
No they are naked iterators
Okay, I'm back. Entertain me while the kernel builds.
@Maxpm Your kernel code got an error.
@Xeo Of course it did.
Litb cant fix it
What an ordeal this is.
What is an ordeal
Is it something nasty
An ordeal is anything that begins with you saying, "I know what I should install this weekend!"
"A painful experience," says Google
But I like Max's definition more
GoboLinux's filesystem hierarchy is starting to pay off for me.
I can just ls /Programs/Foo to see what version of Foo is installed currently, and then make sure the new version installed correctly afterwards.
I wonder if you could "overlay" GoboLinux' filesystem view on other distributions
There is explicit support for rootless installations.
You could have a GoboLinux distro inside your home directory.
Besides that, it's really just a bunch of symlinks.
I have no idea what kind of voodoo happens inside /System, though. The kernel and bootloader might have to be reconfigured.
Happy 3:14 PM.
9:15 PM :P
2:15 PM
Oh, I'd managed to erase this from my mind for a while: Part of my company's java code works like a psudo-state machine. And they switch states by throwing exceptions.
The fuck... ?
@Xeo they determine what new state to enter by which error was thrown.
I understood that, but still.. the fuck... ?
@Xeo I hate this java code so much
@MooingDuck There was definitely a Daily WTF like that.
This may be what I am thinking of.
Exceptions can be used like object oriented gotos.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, though.
@EtiennedeMartel Let's formalize that and make it a design pattern. I'm sure it'll be a hit!
No. I will not be part of the problem.
@EtiennedeMartel one way goto.
Everyone who's anyone uses design patterns.
Come on, take a hit of this singleton.
@Xaade Aren't all gotos one way?
All the cool kids are doing it.
@Maxpm I like how the commenter thinks that GoTo is a good thing, disregarding why it "was suddenly evil." Being that, all speculation on program flow and execution is shot when you hit a goto.
@EtiennedeMartel INTERCAL had a come-from statement.
@Maxpm what the
@Maxpm we want none of that here
In computer programming, COMEFROM (or COME FROM) is an obscure control flow structure used in some programming languages, originally as a joke. COMEFROM is roughly the opposite of GOTO in that it can take the execution state from any arbitrary point in code to a COMEFROM statement. The point in code where the state transfer happens is usually given as a parameter to COMEFROM. Whether the transfer happens before or after the instruction at the specified transfer point depends on the language used. Depending on the language used, multiple COMEFROMs referencing the same departure point may be...
> originally as a joke
I'm ready to bet that somebody, somewhere, thought it was a very good idea.
@EtiennedeMartel I noticed that too. Doesn't that imply it was, at some point, used seriously...?
@EtiennedeMartel No, I mean yeah you can use exceptions to do a GoTo. But all exceptions inside a try, will go to the same place..... it's more of an multi-from-single-to.
"On 1 April 2004, Richie Hindle published an implementation of both GOTO and COMEFROM for the Python programming language.[2] Despite being released on April Fools' Day and not being intended for serious use, the syntax is valid and the implementation fully works."
I just realized I missed out on a hash-map drug pun. Darn.
With great power comes great responsability.
@MooingDuck I think C++ should be able to overload the " "[WHITE SPACE] operator.
> The manual also contains a "tonsil", as explained in this footnote: "4) Since all other reference manuals have Appendices, it was decided that the INTERCAL manual should contain some other type of removable organ."
@Maxpm Everything is removable. Nothing preventing that.
The kernel is still building. It looks like it's compiling networking drivers.
"A Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark, computing all prime numbers less than 65536, was tested on a Sun SPARCStation-1. In C, it took less than half a second; the same program in INTERCAL took over seventeen hours.[6]"
That's a relatively small difference
@MooingDuck sounds like someone can't code in INTERCAL
Well, it's the same program. That implies it was directly translated, which is obviously a Bad Thing™.
The point is that INTERCAL is the best language.
template<Noun N, Adjective A, Noun N2>
Sentence S() {
    N is a relatively A N2
For any input the return value is true
Eww. Why is + overloaded for concatenation?
Yeah I fixed it
Actually there are a lot of problems with that implementation but the concept is sound
I blame C++
as we all d
The kernel is only up to the letter S. :(
@Maxpm I feel like part of the conversation was skipped. I can't connect anything you've said with anything anyone else said
@MooingDuck Seth's S() function template originally used + to concatenate strings.
@Maxpm oh
Oh God. I'm in that weird part of YouTube again.
You're in that wierd part of YouTube again? You mean the comments section?
No. The behavioral parasites section.
My headset's microphone doesn't seem to work anymore. Now it just picks up lots of loud static instead. Which it insists on playing. Time for a new headset.
Oh God this is terrifying.
Why did I decide to build the kernel in the middle of the day?
> Why did I decide to build the kernel
good question
Holy ****.
That's nothing. I'm taken over by a parasite called Java.
What's wrong with me??! I have no brain!
Q: How to express a string literal within a template parameterized by the type of the characters used to represent the literal?

markConsider the following simple map: class MyCoolMap : public unordered_map<const char *, const char *> { public: ProtoTypeMap() { insert(value_type("in1", "out1")); insert(value_type("in2", "out2")); ... insert(value_type("inN", "outN")); } }; Now, suppose I need to ...

a question for the template experts in the room :)
it's well-known to be impossible
well, I'll leave up to you to tell the OP that
I am watching videos of praying-mantis sex.
@Maxpm whatever floats your boat...
@awoodland I don't want to hear about how he "floats" his "boat."
Is that what the kids call it these days?
oh gosh
praying mantis sex... euh...
sorry, my SO C++ Lounge sex detection algorithm was on.
I'm working on a fixed point precision class. By default should I print only digits that are 100% accurate, or should I print as many digits as possible?
@MooingDuck Print them all. Keeping track of how digits are accurate is non-trivial...
@MooingDuck at least do the recurring decimals right :)
For example: if someone computed log(1.0000000001)...
@Mysticial by "accurate" I meant to the internal representation. Obviously rounding errors would be a nightmare
@awoodland how would you expect that to be displayed?
In my bignum library, my print function requires that you specify how many digits. So it's a non-issue.
In arithmetic, repeating decimal is a way of representing a rational number. Thus, a decimal representation of a number is called a repeating decimal (or recurring decimal) if at some point it becomes periodic, that is, if there is some finite sequence of digits that is repeated indefinitely. For example, the decimal representation of or 0.3 (spoken as "0.3 repeating", or "0.3 recurring") becomes periodic just after the decimal point, repeating the single-digit sequence "3" infinitely. A somewhat more complicated example is where the decimal representation becomes periodic at the second ...
dots notation with unicode
? ;)
actually brackets looks most sensible to print
@awoodland I think I'll stick with the principle of least surprise. The goal here is to be a (more or less) drop in replacement for float
#define float ducks_fixpoint
@Mysticial what about operator <<(ostream, mynum)
@MooingDuck picking a standard notation for your ostream operator would be less surprising than losing precision when going to a string and back
I don't overload <<. Actually, it's written in C... so
@Mysticial get out of my chatroom :P
@MooingDuck :)
@awoodland so it's more important to preserve as much precision as possible? That's the way I was beginning to lean too.
Time to check on the popcorn.
@MooingDuck My print function is this: int ycb_BFc_print_dec (ycb_ma *mp, const yc_BFc *T, yc_pL digits);
Yaaay! Kernel's done!
actually, I'll just look at what float does. Duh.
1st operand is the memory allocator. 2nd is the number. 3rd is the # of digits.
and the other variant is: int ycp_BFc_to_astr10 (ycb_ma *mp, const yc_BFc *T, char *x, yc_pL digits, yc_pL threads);
the 4th parameter specifies how many threads to use
@Mysticial Jeez, that API is as bad as UNIX commands.
@Maxpm Yeah, it's all in C and very low level...
@MooingDuck I'd do nothing that loses precision without people deliberately asking for it
btw, that's my not-yet-public bignum library... It's a wrapper on top of what was used in my Pi program.
@awoodland they can use iomanip if they care
@Mysticial - I have no idea how I mis-typed your name earlier since I swear I used the auto complete on it
@Maxpm Mystical is using C, not C++. Little of that applies.
@Maxpm It's meant to be low-level. It have a partially complete C++ wrapper though.
@MooingDuck The presentation actually uses Java in the examples. ;)
> Public classes should have no public fields
Bad presentation.
though the C++ wrapper loses most of the functionality as the C version.
@Maxpm C doesn't have objects, or private, or encapsulation
then it's your own dumb fault for writing in C
For example, you can't specify the # of threads and the memory heap to use on a per-call basis if you were using operator overloading.
@MooingDuck I was referring specifically to the slide at 22:20.
@awoodland float seems to only print the precise digits by default. But IOmanip can change that
@Maxpm I'm not watching your show for 22+ minutes :P
@MooingDuck I linked to that time. I don't expect anyone to sit through all that just for one point.
@Maxpm I just looked at the picture
Q: Atomic swap function using gcc atomic builtins

StackedCrookedIs this a correct implementation for a generic atomic swap function? I'm looking for a C++03-compatible solution on GCC. template<typename T> void atomic_swap(T & a, T & b) { static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*), "Maximum size type exceeded."); T * ptr = &a; ...

Should I post a bounty?
God, KDE's dependency tree...
@Maxpm They are two different things?
Or are they opposites?
@StackedCrooked I would.
@StackedCrooked I started one
Why the hell does KDE depend on PHP?!
The Gobo recipe for it does.
Why static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*), "Maximum size type exceeded."); ?
Guess that's what you get for using weird distros.
What will sizeof(void*) return?
Usually 4 or 8.
The size of a pointer.
@RMartinhoFernandes I guess so.
@awoodland Cool!
@StackedCrooked that was the shortest lived answer in history
So if you want to, lets say swap two long long variables it fails. Why should it? @StackedCrooked
37 seconds total
@Nils It won't be atomic. The code only prevents reordering, not atomicity. (I think...)
in my include list do I alphabatize <climits> before or after <limits>?
@StackedCrooked humm
@Nils He's assuming anything bigger than a pointer can't be read/written in a single instruction.
@awoodland Indeed that was very fast.
@MooingDuck I usually ignore the cs from the C library stuffs when sorting.
In this case, I'd place it after, because C is clearly inferior.
@RMartinhoFernandes yes, but that's what locks are for..
oh geez who designed iomanip?
@RMartinhoFernandes Nice addition!
@MooingDuck Hah, you're in that weird part of YouTube the standard library!
On the default floating-point notation, the precision field specifies the maximum number of meaningful digits to display in total counting both those before and those after the decimal point... In ...fixed[point] ... notations, the precision field specifies exactly how many digits to display after the decimal point, even if this includes trailing decimal zeros. The number of digits before the decimal point does not matter in this case.
The whole streams area of the library makes me thing "Forget that. Throw it out, and start over."
Q: How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?

hal3I have a class interface written in C++. I have a few classes that implement this interface also written in C++. These are called in the context of a larger C++ program, which essentially implements "main". I want to be able to write implementations of this interface in Python, and allow them ...

is this even possible?
to call a python object from C++???
@TonyTheLion dubious
I had that notion too
Depends on the omitted magic code.
@MooingDuck It might be worth taking a look at what java.math.BigDecimal does for its printing.
is this allowed in C++:
struct std::less<MY_orderID_t>
{ .....
std::less is already a type???
@TonyTheLion yes it's a type, it's the default comparitor for maps and such. Though you probably shouldn't specialize it
@TonyTheLion what'd they change the operator() to?
A: stl less operator and "invalid operator<" error

Tony The LionBesides any other possible errors, which I don't see at the moment, this construct is not allowed: struct std::less<MY_orderID_t> { /**/ } std::less is already a type, so you cannot redefine it as another type.

@TonyTheLion I think it's an incorrectly coded specialization
I... just... couldn't stop playing around with my directory structure code...
@MooingDuck well maybe, but I cannot really make anything out of it
So, anybody care to comment on the current style? :3
@TonyTheLion he's also missing a } which is confusing me, I don't like it when people typedef struct {, I find it confusing.
yea, typedef struct is a C thing
AH, I just typed the first two sentances of the issue when templatetypedef put up the full answer
I hate it when my fucking virus scanner interferes with my sound
it's some bug in McAfee's virus scanner or whatever
virus scanners are worse than viruses
sometimes... grrr
is there a way to figure out how many bytes have been put in a stringstream?
> Pro-Tip: Assume you are running on the Death Station 9000, a machine whose primary operating system allocates memory from the brains of kittens, and only puts it back if told to do so explicitly. Also, any instance of undefined behaviour will result in the destruction of the Earth. – Kaz Dragon ↵ 6 hours ago
Oh, hi @sbi, care to comment on my new episode of "The Daily Abuse Of Operator Overloads"? :)
@Xeo What?
Maybe you like that one more... I hope. :(
8 mins ago, by Xeo
I... just... couldn't stop playing around with my directory structure code...
@Xeo whoa
@Xeo why -- instead of -? Oh, obvious. Nevermind
@MooingDuck giggles
I even had a version with ~
It doesn't really matter, but the wider spacing stemming from the double-character token is nice
@Xeo if you have - you need -- also anyway due to parsing rules
Oh, yeah, and that
@Xeo Haha, it's cute! :)
Seriously, though: Every programmer (at least those who dare to look at C++ code) will have seen a directory structure laid out like this. So, I'd say that this fits right with rule #1, and is at worst a slight violation of #2.
@Xeo you did the shoot me one this morning too didn't you?
@MooingDuck Why don't you use a single space for indentation in your code? See, therefore.
Yay, approval from the ape
fucking McAfee won't even allow you to kill their OnAccess Scanner
> McAfee
You're doomed.
btw @MooingDuck, here's a version with ~ for indention
So, now I want working user-defined literals, so all those ugly calls to dir go away in exchange for a nice _d suffix
Q: Error when trying to use the Boost Serialization library

StackedCrookedI have a made a simple program that reproduces the problem: #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp> #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp> #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> #include <sstream> #include <iostre...

^ 2 people replied that they can't reproduce my error.
hmm, I found an error in my fixedpoint class benchmarks, float was cheating. Now I'm showing that floating point division is ~21 times slower than multiplication instead of the same speed. That doesn't sound right either.
(my fixed point is the same for multiplication and division, 3x slower than float multiplication, 7x faster than float division)
@StackedCrooked Let me try checking out.
One sec.
I can't believe we did this, but here goes: Shit Programmers Say http://youtu.be/8WZr6fvtEgk
@Maxpm I checked it myself on Linux and it does indeed work there. I suspect there's something wrong with my GCC build..
@StackedCrooked I'm on OS X.
@Maxpm Ah cool!
I'm on OS X too and I have a GCC 4.6.2 build from MacPorts. However, this isn't the Apple release. Perhaps it loads the wrong headers or libraries, or something.

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