it's an ontopic video because it says how much people are left with after nintendo takes their cut
@Jefffrey per initial ads
> Have you ever tried to watch a video on Youtube but before it plays you need to watch a commercial? That’s called a pre-roll. Every 1000 times a pre-roll advertisement is shown, Youtube gets paid some amount of money.
But it's the usual shit. People hate on him, people defend him. In both cases more people talk about him, so more people have to have an opinion on him and so on.
That's how you get famous nowadays.
See Justin Bieber
Or that chick from some disney TV show or whatever that acted like a slut.
Like if you want to look good at cooking just peal some onions, cut them down very small then put them into a pot and fry it with oil until it gets white/transparent and then pour whatever you are cooking with a little bit of water.
It works everywhere.
Be it meat, risotto, potatoes
It's called "soffritto" here, not sure what's the translation. Let's see
What is a good way of getting a set of combination for strings by moving a period around? for example. "abc" i want all combinations like "a.bc" "a.b.c" "ab.c"?