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@rightfold I had that plant. I bought it thinking "this will eat all the mosquitoes away" but turns out I was wrong: I had to feed her by catching flies by myself being careful just to clip their wings so that they could still move and activate the trap.
Why would UML only be used in Germany? lol
Yeah, UML sucks everywhere
it's a worldwide issue
@fredoverflow UMLaut
public enum Foo : UInt32 {} // Invalid
public enum Bar : uint   {} // Valid
lol C#
"need to be able to tell at any point is there a hole in the discrete space that was already handled." - that' s not clear to me. Can you show what you want to do? Boost ICL can be used for bitmaps quite effectively (see Large Bitset sample), but I get the impression you're really after something of a "sliding window". Unless you provide enough information to determine how we could exploit that, I don't think we can help. At this moment your question is basically "The performance requirement is high" (the stock response is: void foo() { } is pretty fast :)) — sehe 9 secs ago
I don't read quotes if there isn't at least an image in them
@sehe sup bby u wanna c my large bitset
yeah why not. I'm hot already
@MarcoA. there's an image of a polar bear that could be mistaken for a white gorilla
alias Logger = (Record) => ()
I'm not sure about this syntax.
Maybe typedef instead of alias.
I see that gays have been put back in their box; they come out and be proud next year.
I think alias is fine.
Maybe typealias.
or lettype
@fredoverflow I think the best point in that article is about complexity. It's not something to be proud of, it's shamefull
Then why are we still using C++? ;)
Use Go.
It's incredibly simple.
Use 6502 assembly if you want simple
hey there
This programming takes 2 minutes to load a 23 MB csv file in debug mode and 1.2 seconds in release
It is very frustrating
@thecoshman On the other hand, being too simple is also a sin...
@Mr.kbok Is Brainfuck simple?
@buttifulbuttefly Use Java
So it takes 2 minutes in both modes?
Java doesn't even have those two modes, does it?
@Griwes if it's that simple, it's done :D
@fredoverflow sort of...
@fredoverflow I don't know I don't do Java
@thecoshman Brainfuck is simple, but you can't really claim it's good.
@buttifulbuttefly Yes. Predictable performance. Then you can focus on a scalable solution from day 1
@Griwes but to write programs in it is complex. Also, my point and that article were both about architecture. You seem to have an obsession with dick examples.
@fredoverflow I suppose it is.
@thecoshman :D
That might be the case, yes.
@buttifulbuttefly 1 second is still pretty long for 20 megs. Do you have a shitty disk?
nice csv parser
> leaks memory
That's how hardon for ~~metaprogramming~~ ends
inb4 C#
@buttifulbuttefly Maybe you can disable debug iterators and stuff. You know, if you need to actually debug the thing
More like Lisp
C# has no metaprogramming facilities
@Rapptz Well it's not particularly optimized, a combination of getline and boost::split :w
@buttifulbuttefly Good luck handling quotes with that.
since it seems you don't care about quotes and stuff
you can just pass the delimiter to std::getline.
maybe it's a delicate meter?
@Griwes I don't care about quotes :w
delimeter is the metric for deliciousness. 1 cheesecake = 500 delimeters
"metaprogramming facilities"... sounds like a strong word tbh for lisp. It's just that you can program at read time, compile time and runtime...
yes, I know, it is metaprogramming
std::getline(in, str, delim);
it defaults to delim = '\n'.
Well I still need to split by line, do I not
it's probably better to get the segments right away rather than getting a line at a time and then going through the line again and then getting the segments
also std::quoted.
@buttifulbuttefly Change delimiter once you read all fields
@CatPlusPlus uh? Activator and stuff like that?
Well for the last one
@Ven What about it?
I guess it depends on how you define metaprogramming
Fossil > Git
@rightfold I was going to comment on patches order, then I remembered it was darcs, not fossil.
fuck I'm bored
@CatPlusPlus that's part of "metaprogramming facilities"
Expression trees so metaprogramming.
@buttifulbuttefly See some of my answers. Link?
and Reflect.Emit too!!!!1111
I thought I might start to learn rust the other day
but it finally turned out I cba
@Mr.kbok my feelings exactly
it seems "nice" et al... but ugh
@Mr.kbok lol
I CBA too
@Ell let me try
yeah. There's absolutely nothing new whatsoever. it's not superior to C++ in terms of anything practical
I really feel like it's just hyped
isn't the type system vastly superior to C++'s?
there's an inference system it seems, but that doesn't make it necessarily a better language
Also it has less broken tooling, and less crappy grammar
Rust is Cat++ approved.
Must be a gr8 language.
I don't care much about it but I'd pick it over C++ any day :v
@Mr.kbok no... afaik, the type system is pretty close to haskell's. i.e. if it compiles, chances are it's correct.
Alright that's just dumb
^ dat
@Rapptz ... sometimes you can come across so bitter
@Mr.kbok That's what you took as its big feature?
only noobs have bugs related to the type system come on
Even Java's dumbass type system is enough for most purposes
anyway. not looking for a flame
Try using an actual helpful type system sometime
@Mr.kbok wat
@R.MartinhoFernandes I honestly don't know what Rust's big features are.
I think its the borrowing
And modules
Lifetimes/borrow checking is a big one
And zero overhead abstraction
no tracing GC no dice
lol modules are a big feature only to C++ developers
@buttifulbuttefly SO answers I meant. And "link?" is obv. to your impl
The rest of the world takes that as granted yknow
I thought rusts target audience was c++ devs
@Ell No, it's C devs really.
modules are unique in C++ in their absence
(At least that's what follows from the style their docs are written in.)
@buttifulbuttefly type systems are overrated.
No they're not
@Mr.kbok type systems are underrated
esp. nowadays with the explosion of "dynamically" typed languages
I like Go's type system.
@Mr.kbok I don't know I tend to let the type system guide me tbh
@Mr.kbok Sounds like you had a good look at it.
> npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":">=0.10"} (current: {"node":"0.12.3-pre","npm":"2.8.4"})
NPM is a Very Good Package Manager.
I wanted to write something in Rust or Go but I immediately miss R#
@R.MartinhoFernandes Never said I did? Quite the contrary actually
I want FossilHub.
Someone keep hipster things away from rightfold
just got out of the interview
@Mr.kbok Oh. I guess you didn't. You just said made all sorts of statements about it. You're right.
What do people call that? FUD?
@sehe Not an MCVE but do tell me if you see glaring issues. I can make an MCVE if you so wish.
the company seems nice
they do stuff
they asked me C++ questions on the interview
Health question!
"how would you sum an array of numbers" - "a C array"?
everyone do stuff, even terrorists
@BartekBanachewicz std::sum
"i could do it like this (writes a for loop) but that's meh, so I'd use std::accumulate"
accumulate is C++'s reduce?
vOv c++ names are...
"unsigned what?" - "just unsigned. That's an int. " - "oh ok proceed"
@FlorianMargaine ye
Also @BenjaminGruenbaum I was asked about inheritance in javascript
and setInterval
I think I managed to explain how prototypes work :3
What were you interviewing for?
@BartekBanachewicz Did you answer by "they don't"?
Very few people actually understand how inheritance really works in JavaScript, most people just believe some bullshit about it being "more powerful" than classical inheritance or "better"
Inheritance is bad.
inheritance in js 2 stronk
Also, setInterval is hard to explain well, the DOM timers API is a mess with lots of edge cases.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I explained how prototypes being values differ from classes being types
@BartekBanachewicz cool.
@BartekBanachewicz Badly
@BenjaminGruenbaum when I said "single threaded" he said "let's move on"
@BartekBanachewicz but it's not single threaded :D But sure I guess they just wanted to understand you understand that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I was probably FUDing. Guess I'll have to take a closer look.
> Leverage the world’s only digital performance platform.
they measure performance of stuff
Prototypes in JS are actually pretty ok. It's just people who abuse them or overuse them who are funny.
where stuff is p much anything anyone uses and wants to measure
I mean, that sentence sounds like a buzzword overload.
@BartekBanachewicz time
With the bind operator and value types things will get a lot simpler in JS.
just wait for mill
no more jS!
@FlorianMargaine nah, stuff like, you make a web request, and they (we? :)) measure time from click, http server time, database time etc and put that all in the report
@BartekBanachewicz let s = std::move(on)
@buttifulbuttefly all the copying :/ boost split is not very nice here. Most obvious flaw is that you split all 69 fields whilst you need only the first ~10? Please make it a SSCCE - My fingers itch :)
I think decorators + bind + value objects make life a lot easier and pretty acceptable, throw something like flowtype in for interfaces and you get a pretty decent language.
He actually asked me if I would like to work on a node.js component
Yes I do realize boost::split is copying more stuff than a factory of Chinese workers
An array of string_views would be nice
@BartekBanachewicz what'd you say?
@buttifulbuttefly do you have boost? (string_ref). And, still don't need the array of them
No I magically import boost::split from the skies
BTW my last week was partially consumed by talks about observables and reactive programming. At least it was interesting.
Gimme 2 hours I'll make an SSEHE
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@BartekBanachewicz WHO WOULDNT
@buttifulbuttefly silly me. I was confused because you "dreamed" about stirng_view
@buttifulbuttefly woot
@BenjaminGruenbaum I said surewhynot
like, whatever
if it's not Cplusplusse
@BartekBanachewicz I find justice in that you'll have to write JavaScript for a living.
jabba monitoring solutions
sooner or later a haskell monitoring need will appear
soon :z
probably later though
@BartekBanachewicz Confident?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I feel it went OK, yes.
Surely, in a decade we'll all be using FP languages :D
I liked the company, expressed my interest, mentioned I want to stay longer, managed to impress on technical test
in a few years everyone will be using Oz
it is so scalable
Sure, just keep in mind that concurrency in JavaScript (unless you get to use new node) is pretty hard to get right. Performance is hard to get right too but not as hard as in Haskell.
Often I wonder whether FP advocates carry crystal balls with them.
who would say that they don't want to stay long :O
making such predictions is foolish
"yea I just wanna hang around for a year or two"
you can't tell what will happen
plot twist: FP meant floating point for this entire discussion
@AlexM. for companies doing off-one jobs might not be that important
I wouldn't want to join something like that :<
I'd be freelancing in their office
maybe tomorrow there'll be a breakthrough and something more effective will be invented
you still work in a team you know
just projects are short and more separate
@BartekBanachewicz teamlancing
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno if I will write js in the end (let alone get hired!)
@BartekBanachewicz I think the important point here is the unlimited full time contract tbh
which ensures a monthly pay until broken
not whether or not you work in a team
or laid off
until broken
get laid (off)
includes being laid off
why are you so on the offensive today
I'll stay silent
@MarcoA. Hi did you ask your colleagues how your hardware does indirect jumps
@BartekBanachewicz JS is pretty nice to write, mostly because of the ecosystem.
@buttifulbuttefly yes, they told me it's done via TCP/IP
Never buying NVIDIA again.
they never replied :/
either too busy or they don't know
Maybe they indirectly jumped through a window
Thanks for asking anyway :)
uh np, but I wasn't in the architecture team and I only know one guy who worked there
and then got promoted or something.. and moved 15k miles away from his place
also Honda crossrunner looks pretty cool
He's Chinese, of course he's smart.
ah right..
is it a joke I'm not getting there :D
he's obviously japanese
but I don't think I like such high suspension
@AlexM. yes.
gosh the more motorbikes there are the harder is to pick the one I like the most :D
@AlexM. even smarter
@AlexM. It's an article about racism.
yep, he was attacked by someone in Berlin
crystal meth baby?
> Ich hab euch Ausländer so satt, ihr Scheiß-Japaner, Arschlöcher
Kurfürstendamm metro
Ich mag Pizza.
@sehe Definitely not minimal, but working.
pretty rich area, also usually well-surveilled, but still..
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wish I had thought of that before
@MarcoA. Why? You wanted to make an enemy out of everyone?
@R.MartinhoFernandes joking, but I've been chairswapped in primary school
@MarcoA. Racism in Germany against Asians? What is wrong with the world.
@buttifulbuttefly wow. the hours fly by fast with you
in Room for sehe and Roby, 31 mins ago, by sehe
@roby Many sites specialize in this. i don't particularly care (although it must be dark and have contrast). Are you getting sidetracked a little?
What is it with devs and tools (mea culpa)
@MarcoA. And suing the guy would make the whole class an enemy.
> i received the segmentation fault
by postal mail?
Also FFS diphtheria in Spain?
Fuck antivaxer scum.
@R.MartinhoFernandes top kek
oracle is proud
> The family is devastated and admit that they feel tricked, because they were not properly informed
@CatPlusPlus :/
They're getting their daughter vaccinated now.
The chances of getting secondary effects from a vaccine are extremely low, I don't understand why people are so afraid of them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 she gets secondary effects and dies
I'll surprise you but it's because people are fucking idiots
Could it be!
@buttifulbuttefly The media going ballistic over research that would eventually be found fraudulent.
Stupid people can't do research, make shit up, then other stupid people who can't do research parrot it
@buttifulbuttefly because this mentality
that perfect acting
Related news but you guys know the guy who published the anti-vaccine research killed himself a couple days ago?
For unrelated reasons though.
Yeah he was trying to prove that the vaccine against death doesn't work.
He was raided :v
@Rapptz linksies?
@Rapptz lolwut?
That's not the Andrew Wakefield.
You mean there's more than one????
Andrew Wakefield was the one that did real damage.
His paper was published in The Lancet.
Oh yeah I know.
Wakefield had his medical license revoked iirc.
Eons ago though.
Five years ago.
general practitioners/doctors here are funny, they tell most of their patients to lose weight
probably because more than half of people are overweight or obese
Do you guys have long wait times in the ER?
My Canadian friend just waited 5 hours to get his dad to see a doctor.
He says he lives in a place with very bad wait times though.
I don't know how it is in other countries though. Just Canada.
depends on the area & depends on the injury
If I ever been to ER it was so long ago I don't remember
I waited for about 4 hours after I had my mountain biking accident
@Rapptz In Portugal there's a triage and priority system.
then I forked out $300+ on a 1 hour surgery
@R.MartinhoFernandes Some things have priority here.
life threatening things
like heart attacks and stuff
those usually get to cut in line asap
but we don't really have a super fledged out priority system
I also spent 2-3 hours on the road driving myself into a hospital that offered emergency dental services
@Rapptz Developed countries...
When I was there I saw 6-8 old folks on stretchers, some came after me but went into operation rooms before me
@R.MartinhoFernandes US
@R.MartinhoFernandes ergo it's more like de facto rather than de jure
:\ windows development... at least I don't think I'll have to deal with too much shite
Could be worse, e.g. rubby
@thecoshman The new APIs are quite fine IMO
@thecoshman dat naïveté
In other news I'm getting fiber today
naïveté best English word.
WinAPI's fine
At least it has vowels

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