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@DavidKron No
What are you trying to do?
Do you have a formal statement?
I am making an ai programmer that creates code that suffices testsuites
good luck with that
then instead of trying to guess the function, simply analyze the function's source code.
oh wait, you want to create a function that matches... arbitrary test cases?
@JABFreeware Thanks ^^
@DavidKron What are you what
Like this guy:
Except im not using brainfuck, and i am not pure bruteforcing low level commands
I am not trying to make the smartest ai in the world, just something practical to prove a point about testcases, more or less the one you where making vermillion
public static java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator times(int a)
    return b -> a * b;

public static java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator times(int);
   0: iload_0
   1: invokedynamic #18,  0             // InvokeDynamic #0:applyAsInt:(I)Ljava/util/function/IntUnaryOperator;
   6: areturn
this objective is not practically satisfiable at the current time.
@rightfold interesting
his paper succeeds only by making the requirements trivial
I just woke up with this terrible pain in the muscles of my left thigh.
even then the AI's performance is terrible at best
Yes, its really bad, and slow
@DavidKron I don't think this is possible without a deeper understanding
This is not a Marvin joke.
It hurts like hell.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds like a romantic evening.
Brute-forcing and then gating based on an output is not necessarily "intelligent"
Mine is much faster, since everything it writes is syntacticolly correct
It's just statistical matching
It's not a cramp either.
Why don't you focus on abstraction of logic instead?
I generate code that is correct at the start, instead of filtering afterwards or something like that
@DavidKron And how do you do this?
I also check the types and generate different code on types
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you okay?
@DavidKron No, but how do you generate the code?
@VermillionAzure Differently for different cases, the ones only concerning ints i solve by math
List + string etc is more bruteforce
@DavidKron No, how do you generate the code?
What do you use to determine the cases
What do you use to "teach" the program
I check the input and return types
@R.MartinhoFernandes thigh asleep or?
It's not even some kind of movement-related pain. It just constantly hurts.
@DavidKron Okay?...
Assume the input is int and the output is int.
Now what?
@Rapptz no, not numbness.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What did you do to it?
I slept
Where in general?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you sleep on it?
I just woke up with this terrible pain in the muscles of my left thigh.
The thigh muscle in the front all the way to the knee.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is it burning or dull?
@DavidKron It doesn't exactly occur to me what you're trying to do.
If you want to create programs that can actually program, I think you need to implement some sort of thing that can translate intent or objective into smaller components to finish.
Just making sure
No contractions right?
It's like that pain from too much effort. Something about lactic acid. Feels like that.
But I haven't been exercising at any unusual level.
@VermillionAzure Currently i just loop through the outputs and check if they fit a curve, whenever their derrivate changes i try to see if they fit to a new curve, then add an if x > new_curve etc
@DavidKron So is this a mathematical function fitting?
I walked for half an hour yesterday and that's it. Nothing compared to what I've done recently repeatedly.
Yes mixed with some additional code that allows it to only fit partly
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you fit or out of shape?
@DavidKron That sounds like it's already been done.
Sure :)
There's a lot of programs that can fit based on X, Y, or Z.
Thats whats makes the whole project so probable :)
@DavidKron Doesn't sound like a great project...
Perhaps you should think about PCA.
Well i got you interested atleast ^^
@DavidKron What is this thesis anyways?
And it goes along great with the big movement for more tdd based development
Yes ofc
Otherwise i would know how to speak english lel
@Vermillion I cycled over 300km in four days last month. I'm pretty sure my legs can handle a short walk :(
@DavidKron Your English is relatively okay.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then that's pretty freaky.
@Rapptz yeah DOMS is what I meant. I had that before and this is what it feels like.
Imagine how good testcases you would get if you had to write them in order to generate code!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh this.
@DavidKron Sorry; what?
I don't understand this.
Except there's no reason for my muscles to be sore :(
woops misread that -.-;
The cycling was a month ago.
I am making a codegenerator that generates code to suffice testcases, the idea is that when you want to code something, you first make a testcase for it (ala tdd), then instead of actually coding it you let a program generate the nescecary code for you!
It's not DOMS.
So if you are missing some implementation that means there is a scenario you are not testing for
I'll see if it passes. And I still don't have my health insurance card, ugh.
And you would never ever end up with untested code
Can you extend your leg?
Yeah, I can do anything and pain doesn't increase nor decrease appreciably.
Quadriceps strain maybe?
Nothing some ice can't fix
Love this girls: youtube.com/…
The hard part is actually not the maths, its the testcase integration, accepting user created types, calling user created functions etc
Hmm. There's an ice machine here. I'll try.
It's a damn huge muscle, though.
Recommend me tv series to watch on netflix, tia
Yeah, quadriceps, that's the one.
@DavidKron Yeah, I don't think you're going to be able to do this.
@VermillionAzure I am tough ^^
I know my anatomy!
@Borgleader Rick and Morty
I mean at least to some extent
Specification and implementation are very different, no matter what you say.
@Rapptz but why would only the left one be strained?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perhaps its the way you sleep?
I'm not sure.
@VermillionAzure yes but thats another point, i can still try get it working
@DavidKron Dude, c'mon, even humans cannot code a perfect implementation given a spec.
@rightfold Java 8 bytecode is indeed quite sexy. Shall I convert from Kotlin to Java 8? ;)
@VermillionAzure Great then i have even less requirements ;)
@DavidKron Well, I hope things go well...
@VermillionAzure Btw, i actally have something i call "intentions" in the code ^^
@DavidKron Yes, but how does the program establish this?
This is the hard part.
Well its all based on types for now, but it will become more complex for sure
Charley horse is a popular colloquial term in Canada and the United States for painful spasms or cramps in the leg muscles, typically lasting anywhere from a few seconds to about a day. It can also refer to a bruise on an arm or leg and a bruising of the quadriceps muscle of the anterior or lateral thigh, or contusion of the femur, that commonly results in a haematoma and sometimes several weeks of pain and disability. In this latter sense, such an injury is known as dead leg. In Australia it is also known as a corked thigh or corky. It often occurs in contact sports, such as football when an athlete...
@DavidKron I disagree.
those two are only guesses
Intentions must come first before coding.
No cramps whatsoever.
What do you mean?
@DavidKron Think about how humans work.
We are not born with many "intentions"
We learn many causes and effects, and then manipulate the world by causing things to have a better effect for us.
With cramps movement would make a difference, I think.
By learning tools of manipulation, we use action to create outcomes based on a set of core values.
How is that not an intention?
That's why I asked if you can extend your leg
@DavidKron The point is that you need to have some way of correlating cause, effect, and goal
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have you tried stretching it out?
@VermillionAzure Well, the programs point is not to come up with its own intentions, its to find out the users
@DavidKron A program cannot infer intentions without first modeling signs of intent.
And usually you can infer signs of intent only by modeling many different cause-effect-goal models.
What cause and effect would there be more than the input-output of the function?
e.g. nobody knows someone is coming onto them until they figure out the signs from some external source or uses their own knowledge to figure it out
You mean as the goal of writing the actual function?
@DavidKron Yes.
But the function itself is composed of a methodology
Unfortunately, in math, the formula is the goal and output modeled together.
The output without the formula is meaningless.
Think about it; if I say 2 as an input and 4 as an output, you can't really infer anything. It could be a geometric or arithmetic series. It could be squaring, multiplication, addition, or some other weird function, like 2*sin(4*pi/x) + 2.
But your talking outside the scope of just sufficing the testcases now right?
@VermillionAzure Well thats why you have more than 1 input output pair..
@DavidKron Yes, but you still cannot eliminate with more data...
Because there are an unlimited amount of functions that satisfy this.
Anyway i dont see complex mathematical functions as the usecase for this
It's usually only by a guess-and-check you can find one... or you specify the fitting from the beginning.
Its not what the average programmer spends the most time writing
@DavidKron Because the Fourier transform has, like, 0 applications right?
@DavidKron Then what's the input and output cases
It could be anything, it could be a class, the output could be to call some member, check and that another member call returns a certain value afterwards etc
@DavidKron It's most likely not gonna happen without more metadata.
Code has no meaning unless explicitly given names.
How might this program disassemble and understand Pong vs. a calculator vs. a rigid-body physics simulator?
That doesnt matter, it only cares about the code, and that the testcases dont fail
Why are you trying to enlargen my scope so much :p
@DavidKron A class is already a large scope.
You're expecting the code to create a class in a general way?
No not generating a class, i said the class could be input, and the output could be to call a member
@DavidKron So how is that special?
It isnt its pretty basic :å
Ah; so you're looking for function composition to create a desired output, then?
if I use Lisp:

`(call (memberfunc class X))` where X varies until we find the right output, then?
No the memberfunction should be specified by the testcase!
Thats the whole point!
There is an assertion in the testcase that says:
fake these conditions
assert that this function has been called with these paramets
@DavidKron So is the point that the function is being called with the correct parameters or that it's being called, period?
Could be either, depends on the testcase :)
@DavidKron I still don't get it.
Forgive my bitching too, sorry.
Have you used mocking frameworks?
naa its good that you care to ask
I should be able to freakin explain it if im making a thesis of it lol
@DavidKron No.
I'm also not in any position to talk since I'm not even that smart but here I am.
So if you can explain it to the dummy you're good.
@VermillionAzure yea okay that explains it lol
Lemme show you
Do you know what a testcase is?
@DavidKron Yes.
I know what test cases are.
I know what asserts are.
Okay so, mockito for example is a framework that allows you to write more advance testcases
Its a mocking framework
With it you can instantiate "fake classes" that you send to whatever class you are testing and you can then use the framework to assert that certain members are called, fake data etc
Whats your language of choice? Mockito is for java
@DavidKron Hm... I wonder what my language of choice is?...
@VermillionAzure Well you said you where a dummy so :p
@DavidKron cough Lounge<C++> cough
(sorry i had to)
Couldnt find a good example
Here is something we wrote in school some year ago
I looked for c++ but the syntax is much harder to understand
@DavidKron meh.
If you check the testcase "testAddMessage"
There is a :
verify(fakeMessages).add(content, senderID, receiverID); // Make sure add is called
I'm looking for a name for "an object that has a velocity". Not necessarily an object in motion, but an object that can move.
I like that.
@EtiennedeMartel rigidBody
:D thats what i used for a game long time ago ^^
You should consider accelerations as well
I'm not making a true physics system.
@EtiennedeMartel Acceleration can be good for complex behaviors later
I'm working on a platformer.
@EtiennedeMartel That's why acceleration can be a good thing lol
Pretty movement patterns!
@VermillionAzure The only platformer I know that had acceleration was Sonic and Sonic controls like ass.
In good platformers, your character goes from zero to full speed in one simulation step.
Mario bros 1 did aswell tough :p
@EtiennedeMartel kinect hue hue hue hue
And comes to a full stop just as well.
Mario bros 1 has friction atleast
@EtiennedeMartel Super Mario World?
what if you apply an impulse
@EtiennedeMartel That's not what I mean
does that still result in an acceleration or is it just straight velocity?
@Rapptz Not really.
It can be used for projectiles and nice movement.
I don't see how not.
For example, say I want an ice stage
I'm not using the right terms.
What I meant is that in a good platformer, your character has little to no inertia.
acceleration is the rate of change of velocity
@EtiennedeMartel It really depends.
Fuck ice levels.
But usually when you jump, your character doesn't stop moving in a direction because you press the opposite direction
Super meatboy even has two variables for accelerations appearantly:
@VermillionAzure Ohhh i hate that
why do people still play minecraft :(
Even when jumping, you have a constant acceleration downward.
The awesomeness of lego worlds hasnt hit them yet?
@DavidKron i wonder if the author realizes he used size 1000 font
@DavidKron Super Meat Boy has very floaty physics, and I don't want that. I'd prefer something more "grounded". But still, interesting read, thanks for the link.
@nick Who knows, maybe he coded in that
@EtiennedeMartel Oh wait, i got a super tip for u if ur making your own engine!...
@fredoverflow i skipped ahead to "you dont need semicolons" and i stopped watching
when "not needing semicolons" is a feature
i lose all interest
@fredoverflow MONTREAAAALL
@fredoverflow Ha. They got the Android mascot with a Canadiens jersey.
@Borgleader Bad hair day?
@DavidKron Looks cool, but really... what the fuck is that font?
i use comic sans for my code
@fredoverflow no, it reminds me of javascript
Kotlin is nothing like JavaScript.
@EtiennedeMartel Ah yea, hes one of jonathan blows younglings, appearently everyone that spends time around him wants to be him and uses emacs on windows with minimal syntax highlightning and alt tab to visual studio to debug
Jonathan is like a mini version of steve jobs, he's not shy with his opinions
@fredoverflow "not needing semicolons" i believe javascript has that too?
So what, lots of languages have it.
you need semicolons in javascript
idk, it reminds me of it
is all i can tell you
@Borgleader Maybe you should ask yourself the other question, what do you need semicolons for?
@DavidKron i find it stupid when theyre optional
@Borgleader Ah okay, missed that part, ah yea thats dumb
like gamemaker
You only really need them on declarations, if u dont use them on declarations its like 5 % chance of undefined behavior
@fredoverflow calls now work :)
it even does overload resolution based on the dynamic types of the arguments :)
@AlexM. Have you ever played BF?
Barf Fortress?
Happens from time to time.
woohoo, i just saved myself a 20GB dl, i had moved a game to an ext HDD
now i can copy it back instead of dling it again :)
+ its probably quicker
I ended up rediscovering the FAT format, while writing the code for a package format in C.
That's time of the month ... but I am using my free day afternoon trekking again
target distance: 20km
realistic distance: 12km??
I am doing it solo again, let's see whether I will get disoriented and die from blood lost ...
anyone here need code contributions?
Man, why do I find this flat searching so annoying :(
I look at ads for two minutes and it's already too much.
it is boring
@R.MartinhoFernandes its part of the reason I dont have one yet
I hate it
more than I hate 2x 2h commute every day
google translate says no
Google translate also says:
>someone hit in the face with a dick or Dickinson -like object
wat? if i put it swaffelen and dutch, it doesn't translate it for me, I just get swaffelen back
@Borgleader I put "To hit someone in the face with a dick or a dick-like object", translated into Dutch, then back into English.
What amuses me is the apparent conversion into the surname Dickinson.
@jaggedSpire ohhhh
yeah it does weird shit sometimes
also... wtf
@Borgleader wat
Oh hey I never noticed that the display order of answers with equal scores is randomized.
yup, its to give equal chance to all answers of the same score
otherwise people could just post a nearly empty answer and edit it giving them an edge (or maybe other shenanigans i cant think of)
@jaggedSpire seems like an insurance fraud attempt
but... a really pathetic one
@Borgleader It really is half-assed. Come on! Put some spirit into it! Sprint at your victim's car and toss yourself under the wheels!
Hide behind other cars and run out at the last second.
It's not proper if you're not in the hospital.
@jaggedSpire paying hospital fees kind of ruins the point of extorting money out of the driver :P
@Borgleader Lies
I should buy a lamp.
@Borgleader It's a dickslap, yes.
@VermillionAzure so what?
@jaggedSpire ...
Ugh never mind
@VermillionAzure Awh.
I feel like I'm stuck on coder's block
Problem choosing an implementation detail, or what?
@jaggedSpire problem choosing what to code
and then i lose motivation
like, "Let's learn SDL!"
Gives up in like an hour
Try openGL.
@jaggedSpire I think I should
but I'm stil unsure what I need
like GLEW or something
It doesn't constrain you to rectangles and lines
@jaggedSpire meh i don't know
@VermillionAzure If you're not planning to write graph display code and the like, go for openGL
@jaggedSpire ...
I don't even know where to start, really
@VermillionAzure dooooo iiiiiit
Doh, finally reached track @ 3:45pm ... Headlamp ready for ... Getting lost in the dark :x
There are existing libraries which wrap OpenGL, such as Qt.
@VermillionAzure what do you intend to create?
@edition I want to create a game, lol
Ideally, it would be a really simple RPG
And I didn't want to use something else so I could build my programming skills
@VermillionAzure have you created planning documentation for your project?
Hello, mate.
@edition a little bit
but i have several ideas
@VermillionAzure programming and chess have similarities, where planning is concerned.
@edition never been a really good chess player
never had good empathy or foresight skills either lol
@VermillionAzure anyway. Planning is just a good idea.
@edition yeah... sigh
WEll now I'm just stumped
maybe it's his brother
private static boolean isSpace(char c) {
    return c != ' ' && c != '\n';
wtf why did I write it like this
@Borgleader you use this map to train your reaction time and aim:steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=213240871
It even worked since I did if (isSpace(c)) break; instead of if (!isSpace(c)) break;.
Much better:
private static boolean isSpace(char c) {
    return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == ',';
@MartinJames teehee
@Borgleader :)
Woot woot Archlinux in Hyper-V
@rightfold "rights [] shouldBe []" feels like a hack, but I implemented your comment
@Ven ParseError isn't Eq on my machine for some reason.
Ok nice.
oh, uh. weird.
YAY, hello world works! :D

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