So, I've been developing a few programs for AutoCAD 2005, and I've been constantly running into problems--specifically, I've been working on a program that needs to draw lines based on absolute angles ("azimuths") and distances, converting from a special input format to degrees to radians and bac...
idk how Ninject does it, in Windsor you can do stuff like Classes.FromThisAssembly().InNamespace('whatever').WithServices.AllInterfaces().LifetimeTransient()
Though I'm not using it in the latest thing because Agent Mulder for R# sucks
Some of you might've noticed by now. My assets are not having years and years of programming experience and playing around enough to make something of value.
@buttifulbuttefly You're pretty close. IIRC, the guy admitted that he found me through the train question on Hacker News. Then he found my other shit after Googling around a bit.
@CatPlusPlus You'll be OK, you have done your best to avoid the oncoming disaster and I'm sure that none of the eventual blame will be attach...... nah, you're screwed.
> Copy and paste in Windows Explorer is already complexe for an average Windows user Moreover, I can open XML in my NotePad to monitor data in it. I liked it
> We notice you've got an ad-blocker switched on. Perhaps you'd like to support us another way?
They probably going to call me a bitch, too bad human like to bad mouth those who use higher intelligence to defeat them ... but they started on moral low ground, not me
Sidestepping can be on small distances too what it means is you press D to strafe right then immediately tap A to cancel momentum and regain accuracy. Fire a few rounds and repeat in the other dir
You are hard to hit for a lot of players and the accuracy of done right is great
That's sidestepping ivgues you can call it stutter too
Stutterstep is important becauses it hardwires you to always be aware of which dir you're moving in, what acc you currently have an d if you need to cancel momentum at any point in time
Even if you're not sidestepping, if an enemy catches you by surprise while moving your reflex will become cancelling your momentun
I was unable to sidestep on my old membrane keyboard
I could not tap the other dir quickly enough, I did it instantly on mx blues
But my old keyboard was really cheap and bad so...