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@Mysticial ugh god no
Oh, Joel.
Stack Overflow isn't a platform for this.
> We wouldn't be doing it to promote social causes, nor would we be doing it to hitch our brand-wagon onto a popular cause. We're just doing it to celebrate how fast the world is moving towards acceptance of gay people.
Go do something useful instead, such as fixing chat or banning trolls.
strong everything
not to promote social causes == acceptance of a certain type of PEOPLE
@DonLarynx inb4 Bartek doesn't understand the need to celebrate :P
the rainbow logo looks better anyway
@StackedCrooked only cause it's on a dark themed background
it would have been great though :)
oh well..
We need to keep social issues out of this entirely.
How to become a novice C++ programmer in one night: 1. move to either pole 2. study hard for several months.
let us console ourselves on jqueery.com
So we should visit @Cat or @BartekBanachewicz?
everyone is going full retard on that link
it's like troll-fest 2015
yea, fuck you
LoveOverflow omg bring it to me babie
@Prismatic Oh it's not so bad. E.T. was made in five and a half weeks.
Ok so I did not know that gay marriage was now legal nation-wide.
Why didn't OP originally post this?
@DonLarynx it was all over the news today
I have this little game where when a flag pops up I guess what room it's in. 90% of the time it's here lol
whoever is flagging should stop
its really annoying
A bunch of people are upset about the supreme court decision and say they want to move to Canada...
@TonyTheLion Thanks for generalizing about everyone watching TV, yea fuck you
I guess they forgot to check their facts: gay marriage has been legal for a decade now here.
@DonLarynx lol, news isn't only on TV
@DonLarynx flagged
errr....ok cause im googling "news" every 5 seconds. makes sense.
@DonLarynx jeez, calm down
@Xeo wut
Hi BoltClop
@Xeo D:
@Xeo how does that even??
Mysticial, did you do this?
April fools passed like...3 months ago
@DonLarynx I heard about it because I follow LGBT stuff on Twitter and Facebook and I have friends who do as well.
I'm surprised don larynx is even here anymore
I guess if LGBT rights are not part of your filter bubble, they you won't hear about them.
@AlexM. why?
twas kinda hard not to notice it on twitter, even if you don't directly follow LGBT people
because everyone and their mother retweeted the stuff
twas not really hard to notice at all, if you don't live under a rock
@TonyTheLion wasn't without reason:
oh le plonk
What if you don't have a twitter, instagram, facebook, (enter social media outlet here), etc.?
what about reddit?
Not even, I spent too much time on there so I can't go there anymore
Everyone seems to have a Google+, even if they do not want it.
well I thought I lived under a rock
@DonLarynx Also, all issues are political issues. Saying "Stack Overflow should be apolitical" is in itself a political statement.
Someone's getting a bit of whipping. lol
A: Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

VesperBeing a Christian, I must oppose. The primary point is that Stack Overflow does not care whether there are gays in the outer world, they care for programming, helping, general goodness. Someone being gay is plainly irrelevant to the community reaction to his actions, questions, answers or comment...

@BoltClock Oh, no!
@EtiennedeMartel The solution would be to disregard politics altogether, never speaking a word about it. I digress.
Oh hey they went and updated the logo
@TonyTheLion fucking 100 bands
@BoltClock Nailed it.
what happend to stackoverflow logo?like a rainbow
What's the most trustworthy reference to C++? Python has a very nice documentation website, javascript has MDN..
lol I started seeing stuff on facebook too scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/…
> I'm the CEO, co-founder, and inventor of Stack Overflow. I'm gay, American, and married, and have taken a lot of crap over the years for all three of those things, so this is a big day for me. – Joel Spolsky
@afonsomatos The standard. It's kinda hard to read, though. Bad prose, bumpy verse meter.
@Mysticial yikes -26
@Borgleader -30 now
@BoltClock :(
"hi i'm a christian and i have my opinions...now phuck off"
Yep, bitch-slapping of the day.
I'm Christian. 21 Century dude. — Tim 16 mins ago
I for one am against c++ developers having relationships with java programmers :) — Matt 47 secs ago
@Xeo Damn he's ancient
@Xeo +1 for part before "tl;dr", -1 for part after "tl;dr", net score: 0
@Xeo This is even better:
"Marry whomever you love. Even if they're not a developer".Tim 9 mins ago
ahaha, I got my first nigerian prince style email
@AlexM. how old are you?
@sehe Younger than that.
@AlexM. so ur 12?
hhahaahahaha younger than Nooblet
(he's not)
(then why did you ask)
@AlexM. they waited until LGBTWTFBBQ was allowed!
Hey Alex, ASL?
When I was younger I legitimately thought people wanted to be friends when they said ASL
no this one is about me inheriting some 10 bil dollars
Most of them were (probably pretending to be) female. Strong everything.
@AlexM. Plot twist: legit, Zimbabwean dollars
they're a non-currency now
"I'm the CEO, co-founder, and inventor of Stack Overflow, I'm gay, American, and married, and have taken a lot of crap over the years for all three of those things..." - which three have you taken crap for? :P — daveaglick 57 mins ago
@Puppy They are somewhere around ~10bil/tomato
@buttifulbuttefly You know, I wonder if someone who picked a handle that can legally be abbreviated to @butti should even be making any statements whatsoever about other people's nether regions.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You asked what when? And why is it which way?
I'm also an American.
We're all living in America.
@Puppy former Rhodesian dollars ?
wait what
For a sec, I thought someone DDOS'ed meta.SO.
A: Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

K3NI am no longer active on this site I thought where a Q&A site about programming. IMO this site/company has made an abusive move flagging (literally) its sociopolitical agenda. I am absolutely not accepting being used as part of or associated with any political or social agenda without consent. ...

Discuss :D
There is no shortage of drama today. :)
If I like ponies and create a website for professional surgeons, should I change the logo to a pony at any time? — rr- 6 mins ago
Maybe if a pony is being operated on..
I'm going to Chipotle
@Mysticial There ever was?
If you tweet using #LoveWins, #Twitter will add a rainbow heart. http://bit.ly/1SQmCgN
Doesn't show here, but does on Twitter.
hahahahaha dat flag
52 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
A bunch of people are upset about the supreme court decision and say they want to move to Canada...
oh, i missed that
I wonder if that guy quit using google, too.
why tf is twitter re-notifying me for shit that happened like a week ago?
Yeah, let's run to Canada to get away from Socialist Obama and that marriage equality, right?
@Borgleader "While you were away" or someshit like that?
lol, one of the guys deleted his -30 answer and reposted it to reset the votes.
@Xeo No, on the "Notifications" button/tab there was a (1), thing is when i clicked on it the latest one was from June 18th and I know I checked that one.
@DonLarynx Only right-wingers use the word "agenda" so liberally.
look at the logo
and also under the hood
lol "if they're not a dev"
I just grepped that entire meta question for the words, "nazi" and "hitler". And I don't find any - even after expanding the comments. I'm disappointed.
> Steven: How does he drop those balls?
Binarry: the magic of puberty
oh youtube comments
@Xeo hey got any cat pic for me?
try the cat tag on tumblr
don't speak so loud
Such acts are un-Islamic, as during Ramadan, Islam allows the killing of infidels only after sunset. #TweetLikeAnApologist @RichardDawkins
It had nothing to do with islam.
@mboudry @RichardDawkins So again an example of Isn'tlam?
It was clearly a complot for making people think islamists would do this kind of thing.
time for refucktoring
@Xeo BRACE YOURSELF for I acquired additional ammunition during my recent trip home
life's hard
boy I clearly need to clean my camera lens
@Mysticial Or maybe he just really hates rep
is that your dad?
it looks like you are all reading newspapers
@Puppy Awww...
there is a lot of newspaper reading
> Whether someone is a sandwich, gay, or has three penises, it shouldn't matter; the entire thing is a red herring.
so how old is Daisy now?
@TonyTheLion About ffour and a half years, or perhaps five.
not allowed on Stack Exchange
she still requires the anti-bark device?
I fucking hate this new Google Maps shit
why does Google continuously and actively ruin everything good they create
let me see if I have any other missilez worth firing
@Puppy and just like that I am slightly less angry
only slightly tho
how many pictures do you take of your dog?
probably a lot
I don't normally take so many but I needed to reload after firing all my previous missiles at Xeo
and I won't get another chance for months to acquire fresh weaponry
your cheese.
I think it moved
You can stop. Also, lense is foggy
@sehe ?
@sehe Yeah, it is.
Oh it's that gay, lesbian day today, right?
and you're right, I have a few more missiles but I ought to reserve them in case Xeo opens fire again
That's why we have the rainbow stack
@Jefffrey Nope; US joined the ranks of the sane and legalized gay marriage everywhere
@Jefffrey gay marriage was legalized across the us
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational tale by Spencer Johnson written in the style of a parable or business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two "little people," during their hunt for cheese. A New York Times business bestseller upon release, Who Moved My Cheese? remained on the list for almost five years and spent over 200 weeks on Publishers Weekly's hardcover nonfiction list. It has sold more than 26 million copies...
@Puppy U.S. is sane? Someone should tell @LightningRacesInOrbit
wow flights to tunisia turned around and stuff
@Puppy Wat
what a crazy day
Like, out of the blue?
only in this specific respect and only in the case of the five judges who voted to legalize it.
everybody else is still batshit crazy.
@Jefffrey If by "out of the blue" you mean "After years of court cases"
then yes
@rightfold yea he holds the key to his public cryptic talkings and forgets to give us it
@Puppy Well, it's not like people were expecting a date or something, right?
I would have expected online countdowns and shit to appear
@Jefffrey Well, they knew that the judges would render their verdict soon.
@Jeremy how on earth does that follow
@TonyTheLion come on, where was I cryptic?
Prissy was acting prissy because google moved his cheese
7 mins ago, by sehe
your cheese.
I think it moved
@rightfold That's not cryptic. It's a reference. And since it apparently whooshed I immediately gave away the reference. End of confusion?
@Prismatic mmm
So much indirection.
Are you a Java programmer by any chance?
holy onebox batman
We got it thanks
a reference we don't get is cryptic to us, because what the hell does it mean? (yes I know you posted the link after)
@TonyTheLion so. And I can't help the reference - that's pretty ubiquitous, seeing that it's even on wikipedia (?!) is unknown.
cryptography through obscurity
attacks on hotels are so terrifying

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