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@MartinJames @πάνταῥεῖ ohhh i have to download a debugger , never used one.....
@MarcoA. I've got my java sunglasses on, fortunately ;-) ...
WPF seems interesting
@TheArtist if firefox crashes while downloading it you could always deb... oh nevermind
@TheArtist I would never have guessed...
@TheArtist It usually comes with your toolchain, you don't need to download one. Man sheeesh, learn the basic skills before asking on SO.
@TheArtist Protip - it is essentially not possible to develop software without debugging tools. If you cannot debug, you cannot program and should not try.
I got a top comment on PDL. My funnyness has been officially certified
actually it really is interesting :O
I can nest controls
I can make lists of arbitrary elements
why did I use windows forms until now
@rightfold The design flaw in humanity is that woman doesn't implement Listenable
@Columbo Run-time interface injection?
@MartinJames @πάνταῥεῖ @MarcoA. oh i see. ummm comes in the toolchain, you mean along with your OS? i use a mac, whats the software called?
@rightfold Doesn't look that much different from all these nested templates in C++
@TheArtist Try gdb
Yes, but C++ sucks too.
@nabijaczleweli oh i have to download...thanks :)
> blood in your poop may be a sign of cancer
@MarcoA. lol, does not mention curry-fallout at all:(
that's the best thing to show a hypochondriac
@AlexM. it's what google would tell you
@TheArtist "whats the software called?" Other words for toolchain are your compiler suite :-P ... That's really serious PEBCAK problems you're asking for :-) ...
"sneeze fever symptoms" -> cancer
Cancer doesn't exist.
It's a complot.
"Are you alive? It's possible that you may have cancer.
Or not. Don't want to scare you.

You never know though."
Java Man (Homo erectus erectus) is the popular name given to early human fossils discovered on the island of Java (Indonesia) in 1891 and 1892. Led by Eugène Dubois, the excavation team uncovered a tooth, a skullcap, and a thighbone at Trinil on the banks of the Solo River in East Java. Arguing that the fossils represented the "missing link" between apes and humans, Dubois gave the species the scientific name Anthropopithecus erectus, then later renamed it Pithecanthropus erectus. The fossil aroused much controversy. Less than ten years after 1891, almost eighty books or articles had been published...
almost forgot: ®
on how many devices did Java run back in that day?
Java rocked
dat pun
Is this real or is it satirehttps://medium.com/the-coffeelicious/it-s-time-to-embrace-the-true-heroes-‌​in-game-of-thrones-the-white-walkers-70c6e6869d6
@wilx 404
@wilx Please make that clickable with [description](link) syntax.
> with me program
@sehe You certainly know about the Lava Flow Anti Pattern. Well lava turn's to - rock - after it's chilled :-).
argh but WPF makes it more difficult to spawn controls at arbitrary locations
winforms would've made it easy
can't have it all I guess
@AlexM. WPF is a mess
@MarcoA. I like how you can nest controls because I need a listview of complex controls
and I thought of trying something fancy, the thing has to map things to multiple tags, and I wanted to do sth like, double click on the tag list, a text box is spawned near the mouse with focus on so you can enter text
[this, is it real or satire? ](medium.com/the-coffeelicious/…)
Damn phones.
link fail
@wilx remove the space before the ]
First time I implemented ROT13, lol: play.golang.org/p/bYoe1m8jjb
"Uryyb, cynltebhaq" looks like cyrillic.
@BartekBanachewicz How did you fill the tax form in codementor
Why are three top starred messages about robot fucking
@milleniumbug Why not?
I hadn't noticed that.
@fredoverflow does Kotlin have strictfp?
@Mr.kbok found a guide in Polish web
But you have a US tax ID?
@Mr.kbok is that you? Can I rent you for a paint drawing?
Sure you can.
ITT kbob is a rent-boy
Gonna steal my clients now :/
Walking through London during rush hour is quite an experience. Had to be careful to not block the flow.
Is a vector ---> array a homomorphism?
homomorphism preserves structure between mappings
is your mother a widely-known hooker
but thats a strawman analogy
there you go then
how is it not? it has the same operations and axioms that the vector has @puppy
well, it really doesn't.
I never noticed an array resizing itself
you're right
or having member functions or member types.
or not being terribly fucking shit.
because the vector has more functionality
why is the native array type in every single language always such arse?
@Puppy I haven't found Python arrays to be arse
inb4 heterogenous
Python in general is pretty arse when it comes to data structures
also it loses by default for being dynamically typed
Reading from a closed channel results in the zero value for the type in question, so if I make the EOF token the zero value for the token type, I can close the token channel to get an infinite amount of EOFs.
my god, that's shit
I don't even understand it. I don't want to understand it.
May 21 at 13:15, by Tony The Lion
lol rightfold's opinions
There we go. Balance restored.
@rightfold What if the channel just happens to contain a zero..?
It kontains tokens, and the zero token is EOF.
integration is a pain
enum Token {
    EOF = 0,
I see
so no Channel<T>, then
Receiving from a closed channel will result in EOF because that's zero.
the Channel is completely coupled to the token type.
guys guys guys
I had this wonderful idea.
@rightfold Oh?
inb4 new language
A new programming language.
@rightfold yes
@fredoverflow u wot?
you've reinvented PHP but better, but that's no excuse
> In addition to the long-available volatile. We now support transient, synchronized and strictfp as annotations. The semantics are exactly like in Java
@fredoverflow I mean the article was titled "M8 is out!". It was a play on "u wot m8".
> The virtual specifier shall be used only in the initial declaration of a non-static class member function
9 hours ago, by Alex M.
lols there's a huge chance I fail today's exam <3
I passed
@rightfold kont eens
swag, swag, swag
the amount of swag is just unbearable
@AlexM. you get to know already?
well done
@AlexM. improbable
@Ell yea since this is a retake scenario
@sehe Inconceivable!
I have to wait until august for my results
I'll still fail tomorrow's but that's ok
@AlexM. umpossibru
Sequential search average case performance: (n+1)/2, NOT n/2
Why is git submodule status so fucking slow?
@Ell it was necessary to be graded this fast for a few reason
this is the retake session and on monday final year students need to be able to apply for a special session to finish up whatever exams they failed before so they can end the whole thing
So, you're done now?
I'm in a lot of shit so I'll most likely have to come back next year
here's my current situation
tomorrow I have the maths exam which I'll most likely fail
I would normally place the statistics & compiler development exams in the special session I mentioned earlier
but I also have to retake AI, and I can't do all 3 in less than 5 days
considering the rules, the maths thing I mentioned wouldn't even fit in there (max 20 credits for the whole special session)
what I think will happen is I'll fail maths, retake AI in july with the 2nd year students
and next year come back to pass statistics + compilers & this year's maths
@AlexM. Do you want fries with that?
@AlexM. You should practice saying it:)
c'mon I'm not that bad :<
> Unofficial Gwent mod comes to Tabletop Simulator pcgamer.com/unofficial-gwent-mod-comes-to-tabletop-simulator
lol /cc @Borgleader
@rightfold s/buckets/tanks
@rightfold I Read That Ass titler
> If you modify hiter
if you modify hitler
Iterating a map starts at a random (k, v)-pair to make it less likely you start depending on the unspecified order of iteration.
@AlexM. What math?
probably calc
@nick In my school we have 4 semesters
and two more because discrete math and linear algebra
uh wtf windows
suddenly stopped cooperating with my modeler
I've retaken 2nd semester calc twice already
audio in windows is such a pita
@nick The one with divergence and Taylor series and partial fractions and trig substitution?
Fuck Calc 2 that class was a bitch.
And even better it's actually important for my major. I didn't know it's actually really important
Something something signals discrete series etc etc etc
@BartekBanachewicz while text encoding is such a katniss
ah youre electrical engineering?
Oh, we're talking about mathematics.
yep lot of math there :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes there's still hope one day you might be able to handle a knife
> Uh Oh -- Robots Are Getting Good with Samurai Swords BS
i'm doing CS so math isn't as important
depending on what you end up doing i guess
I'm completely, completely new to programming - I recently downloaded Visual Studio and it gives me this particular error everytime I create a project. prntscr.com/7g7rxr
What do I need to set up C++ on this? Do I need to manually download and install a compiler?
@ParthKohli Impressive
also my guitar homework is way too hard :/
@nick depends
i think my tutor assumes I can play the guitar
which is clearly false
@ParthKohli looks like the stuff is corrupt
if you're going to end up in data analysis statistics is big
@sehe The link is definitely working for me.
@BartekBanachewicz or he knows that the one way to teach new things is by posing a challenge and getting you out of the comfort zone
Anyway, I'll rehost it.
@BartekBanachewicz which kind
@ParthKohli It looks like your installation is corrupt.
I had seen it (I can do stuff). Now you've removed it. :S
> no adblock
I've installed it twice.
So do I not need to manually install a compiler? Does VS come with one of its own?
@ParthKohli yeah
I in IDE stands for Integrated
@BartekBanachewicz alternate coderwanker definition: Idiots Don't Even
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, of course, haha. I was just wondering where stuff is missing.
@ParthKohli why VS?
@VermillionAzure Why not VS?
@ParthKohli because lack of cross-platform and lock-in to Microsoft
@VermillionAzure VS is fine, really.
@VermillionAzure I'd say it's fine for what I need.
Everything's fine for beginners except Dev-C++ and Turbo C++
@VermillionAzure Strange, I didn't know that using VS meant that I could not compile with GCC.
all those times when I did so must have been merely dreams
and the version of Wide running on coliru right now must have been placed there by some sort of angel
@milleniumbug I actually use Turbo C++ at school, haha.
We can conclude that your school is terrible.
Protip: take everything they say about C++ with a grain of salt.
Get a book instead: tinyurl.com/so-cxxbooks.
@milleniumbug That's true but I still don't like anything locked into one platform.
i think I am mistakenly playing 9+ interval instead of 9
I do, I do. Which is why I'm not using Turbo C++ at home.
Install clang.
in the C/7/9
@rightfold btw is there a reason why I should favor LLVM > GCC
and I should raze GCC usage to the ground
I wish facebook had a metalike button
@Ell would be too meta for grandma
Oh, I think I figured it out.
@BartekBanachewicz oh wow that's sort of cool
How many fingers is that?
and that's not a usual chord right?
this sounds like crap, but at least now it's in key
@BartekBanachewicz are you playing on an acoustic or classical
@ParthKohli good
@VermillionAzure Bartek has guitars without wires?
@VermillionAzure Nah, didn't.
@MartinJames What do you mean
@VermillionAzure 4 obv
@VermillionAzure he means that I play an electric
@BartekBanachewicz so are you?
i am playing on my main
int main()?
but I do own a wooden box too @Martin
@fredoverflow don't forget the strings you might not be able to get anything
no cables in the other one
R9 390X unboxing
@BartekBanachewicz nice verbal tango
Is there any way one would declare a nonstatic member variable of type auto with explicit initializer? Like in:
static vector<C> ovec;
struct {
    auto citr = ovec.cbegin();
decltype should work
So that's a "no". Thanks!
@Ell infidel
@rightfold how come there's no book from Herbert?
he's the leading authority in programming
and teaches C++ in 24 hours or less
Because we don't like bullschildt.
depending if you're in a hurry
@nabijaczleweli well
@nabijaczleweli and so
@BartekBanachewicz I was thinking of explicit auto, was using decltype(...) before and wanted to try for an AAA-compliant solution
was it lightness that's against AAA?
@rightfold I read The Annotated C Standard regularly. Sometimes, when I hit the bottom of the left page, I continue reading on the top of the right page instead of turning the page :-(
@Ell Are we talking x86 aaa instruction?
Almost Always Auto :)
I am also not fond of AAA really
FWIW I use inference heavily in haskell
@rightfold I didn't know it was mandatory
@rightfold lol
time for best foodz
I'm gonna be on volvo's side for a while because they released a nice update for cs go
which took a bulk of community suggestions and put them into the game
I can't wait for the after exam party
> volvo
Apparently, changing characters returned by std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>::operator[] is nasal daemons.
only if the index is equal to the size
equal to or greater
no. greater would make invocation itself UB, equal means changing the character is UB :P
Oh, I misread that first three times around, huh.
Requires: pos <= size().
Returns: *(begin() + pos) if pos < size(). Otherwise, returns a reference to an object of type
charT with value charT(), where modifying the object leads to undefined behavior.
@Rapptz If you pass greater, you break the contract, which is UB
@nabijaczleweli or equal to???
thanks man I didn't know
I sure am retarded when it comes to C++
@VermillionAzure "Requires: pos <= size()."
@nabijaczleweli that's strange. what happens if we provide pos = size() then
You don't break the contract, when you do string s{"wah"}; s[s.size()];
"Otherwise, returns a reference to an object of type
charT with value charT(), where modifying the object leads to undefined behavior."
i am saturating an input in reaper
but my rec gain dial does nothing from the device
@nabijaczleweli link plz

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