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even if you ignore the greek shit
it's not being used in any of the subsequent phases of this black box or white box stuff
I can do all of these things using just the original pseudocode why must I turn my routine in greek
If you don't have custom keyboard layout with Greek characters bound to AltGr sequences then I don't know what to tell you
like this is supposed to be something that finds out how many times the max value in a vector shows up
> X=(n;Vi, i=1,n);
φ(X):(n є N), (Vi є N, i=1,n)
ψ(X, Z): (k є N), [(k=0), (n=0)] v [(1<=k<=n), (E 1, ..., E k), Ej є V , E j>=Vi, j=1,k; i=1,n]
and it's supposed to also include pre and post conditions
but why the huge mess just for it
can't wait to meet this prof tomorrow
and perform a shallow evaluation of her using this and her appearance
Arch Linux seems nice.
@scottw, Hey baby, you up for a couple of hours of tutoring on heap (data structure)?
you've exams too joff?
@AlexM. aren't you guys finished yet
quarter system?
@Nooble Misread that as "Ah, Linux seems nice."
Arch looks too inconvenient to set up
@Veritas It's probably good to learn though
Probably. But not sure what it can offer me for everyday usage.
@MarkGarcia must be rapptz
god damnit rapptz!
> Many types of whales have a build-up of earwax which increases with time; the size of the deposit is sometimes the only way to determine the age of whales that do not have teeth
Somehow I stumbled upon an actual recording of Hitler speaking normally.
Not sure about authenticity though. I have no idea how good recording technology was at the time.
what does he say
German stuff.
I don't understand any of it really :P
some of those comments are like wow
Do parameters like pointers, count towards space complexity of a recursive function?
@AlexM. interesting
@Jefffrey Are you talking about outer space?
Space complexity? Algorithms.
Like time complexity.
@Jefffrey Well they take space on the stack, so i would think so
but then again
what do i know? im but a simple drone
You know nothing. I know nothing.
Also i just saw stannis the mannis burn his own daughter
that was maybe one of the more disturbing things i've watched
@VermillionAzure I was more concerned about how the unsullied sucked major ass
> I was reading page 147 of Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed. (Google books).
> The value of parameter n is halved at each recursive call binarySum(). Thus, the depth of the recursion, that is, the maximum number of method instances that are active at the same time, is 1+log2n. Thus the algorithm binarySum() uses O(logn) additional space. This is big improvement over O(n) needed by the linearSum() algorithm.
Q: Space complexity analysis of binary recursive sum algorithm

Mahesha999I was reading page 147 of Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed. (Google books). It gives example of linear sum algorithm which uses linear recursion to calculate sum of all elements of the array: Algorithm linearSum (arr , n) if (n == 1) return arr[0]...

elite warriors, right
@Veritas i mean blood and gore
@Jefffrey so yes
but burning your own daughter takes a certain kind of person
btw have you tried googling for these things
Especially when you kill her by burning her
you asked a question yesterday too, to which I found an answer with google in 5 secs
can't remember what it was about tho
@StackedCrooked do you even
@VermillionAzure I don't think he evens.
@VermillionAzure He beats the odds, but he does not even.
@AlexM. Thanks
@Mr.kbok That's right! PM me your bitshifts
does firefox leak memory all the time or sth
it regularly goes up to 1GB from very little all the time
closing tabs doesn't seem to change anything
@AlexM. It's been really bad lately.
They pushed something out that leaked liked crazy. And they still haven't fixed it yet.
It's been a couple months already.
Hmm should I install Gentoo on my machine...
It usually takes me about a day to run it up to 2GB. Then it progressively gets slower and slower as it spends more and more time in the GC.
@Mysticial :(
@Mysticial such leaking eval grinds my teeth
Eventually it gives up and crashes.
I feel slow downs at around 1GB
@Nooble glwt
@Nooble step 1. get gentoo installer; step 2. install windows instead
@Veritas Yeah I know :(
@Nooble if you are a masochist go for it
why do you want to install gentoo tho
isn't that the 4chan OS
@Veritas Oh but.
Gentoo gives you faint facial features?
hey santa uses debian
@buttifulbuttefly mon visage quand
yeah gentoo has become an meme on /g/
@LucDanton pique frelatée
I tried to install Gentoo once. ONCE.
Argh the nightmar.. eh I mean the compilation times.
@Nooble Gentoona
I want this shit to end and go back to my work
fucking hell college
@AlexM. This reminds me, I need to study for an AP Global History final tomorrow.
I hope I pass this shit tomorrow
it's not one of the things that "meh I'll pass it next year"
it's one of the things that "this is so ugly I hope to never see this again"
@Nooble this reminds me
I need to watch the next episode of WW1
I can't be notice that as soon as I was suspended because sexism on this chat, this chat goes inactive
if you keep on kicking interesting people out, it's your own fault for getting bored
> telkitty
> interesting people
no risk there
@chmod711telkitty You weren't suspended because of sexism. You were suspended because you posted an offensive image.
what did telshitty post?
@Mysticial Can we stop feeding the troll and just collectively plonk it already.
Yes it is ... if it was another regular (a guy) posted it, he would not get banned. The picture would get removed, but the user would not get suspended
@Borgleader Or I can just kick the troll? :)
@Mysticial You could, but plonking is/can be permanent, kicking isn't.
I've never plonked anyone.
@chmod711telkitty Really? I got banned twice yesterday for very minor stuff
@buttifulbuttefly yeah butt you like it
@buttifulbuttefly evidence or it did not happen
I'd rather have my posts get flagged than starred. It's a much more valuable currency.
yesterday, by Cat Plus Plus
Who banned Cicada again
@Borgleader I had a discussion with some of the SE mods about how to deal with these types of persistent chat trolls. And they basically implied that I should stop holding back. Kick as often as needed. Everything is recorded like on the main sites. So when enough red flags accumulate, the usual happens.
Well I've gotten suspended on a regular basis for the past 4 years or so, and I'm still alive and offending.
OTOH I do get banned less frequently now.
@buttifulbuttefly But you're not offensive.
Don't you dare insult me!
I was going to write a post on meta, but I don't think I have enough time to compose a decent one ... maybe tonight when I get back
@chmod711telkitty By all means please do
@chmod711telkitty I look forward to it.
It's actually about upper the suspension time though - like just now, I posted a picture, nothing happened for a good half an hour. Then I was away for a while, by the time I got back to the PC, I was banned for a few minutes. Then I made myself some snacks, alas! The suspension was long long gone!
So literally I lost no fun by being suspended for 29:59, nothing at all!
@BartekBanachewicz Sorry, I just saw the message. I had a lesson until now, so today was a no go.
@chmod711telkitty Good thing you're not frustrated about it enough to complain, then!
Night everyone.
night jeffy
@Mysticial Hmm, ok then.
@buttifulbuttefly I want to make the chat system better, hahaha!
Now, the chat is alive & I need to be afk for a while
It's OK I'll take it from there on
Where are the pinoys though
@Jefffrey Good night.
@Jefffrey night
@Jefffrey Good night.
@Jefffrey night
/cc @Ell
Some guy got a hold of it.
Hey guys, I'm wondering about standard code procedures again...
Retail price stated $449.99
Wondering if I should take an "output iterator" for a function, or should I prefer functions to return new lists?
Up to you, both solutions have pros and cons
Those are annoying :P - I don't know what I'd like in a year or two
Maybe I should add both functions to the library
so I could choose later
Hmm and a third too: where instead of output iterators I pass in a (template) argument containing the list
That's not better than passing an output iterator
@buttifulbuttefly I could make it faster for specific cases (such as using vector's continuous memory). Not doing that now but I might prefer that in the future too.
Future proofing is hard- I spend most of my time doing that when programming lol.
@paul23 I think it depends if you want to be generic.
Why would it be faster to pass the vector instead of an output iterator?
@buttifulbuttefly Maybe I could fill (copy) large blocks of memory directly without going through all abstractions and iterating over the elements. Not sure yet but might think about that.
requirements => solutions => assessment => choice
wait how does that spell YAGNI
It doesn't, it's the solution choice process
@jaggedSpire indeed lol
@buttifulbuttefly Oh okay.
"What requirements do I have? => What solutions solve these requirements? => Evaluate pros and cons => Pick one."
Emphasis on requirements
@buttifulbuttefly Problem is: this needs to be a generic numeric library that solves numerical calculations as fast as possible - and more importantly easily be adapted to make use of other faster techniques.
Stupid question, say I have struct A { unordered_map<B,C> x; std::size_t y; };
why am I getting a compile error when I try to create a new one with: v.push_back({ {}, 0 }); ?
@Borgleader Coliru please?
Wow, no wonder some people feel like they'll never understand math, with stupid puzzles like this around. puzzlersworld.com/number-puzzles/1-1-1-1-1-90-fail
Yeah... I can't repro on coliru for some reason T_T
The error message is enormous too :(
What is B and C?
Maybe B or C's default constructability?
Also is the missing std:: intentional?
oh bloody fucking hell, it compiles on coliru
> error: converting to ‘std::unordered_map<std::basic_string<char>, boost::variant<bolt::SymbolTable::Function, bolt::SymbolTable::Variable> >’ from initializer list would use explicit constructor ‘std::unordered_map<_Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc>::unordered_map(std::unordered_map<_Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc>::size_type, const hasher&, const key_equal&, const allocator_type&) [with _Key = std::basic_string<char>; _Tp = boost::variant<bolt::SymbolTable::Function, bolt::SymbolTable::Variable>; _Hash = std::hash<std::basic_string<char> >; _Pred = std::equal_to<std::basic_string<char> >;
^ the error I'm getting
this is bullshit =/
sanity check: is the use of an initializer list constructor intentional?
Okay. Because I've accidentalied that before.
Compiler and boost versions?
You have an explicit constructor somewhere from what I understand
g++ 4.9.2
#define BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_54"
according to /usr/include/boot/version.hpp
anyway, ima sort that out tomorrow, gotta be up at 5:30 and its already 10:45
@Borgleader Good night.
@Borgleader Good night.
He's a strong man. Being able to sleep when there's an issue with the program.
I can't do that.
@Borgleader I can repro
Seems like a bug in g++ 4.9 (it works in < 4.9 and > 4.9) (repro case)
blocked at work
it's a Splatoon webm anyway
@Rapptz IMO the only quirk about jsonpp that kind of annoys me is the abort on type mismatch. I'd very much prefer an exception D:
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that partially inspired by your trip to the Netherlands?
@buttifulbuttefly huh
you can disable it and get UB
just define NDEBUG
why aren't you checking?
or providing a default value
Time for bed, I have the last of my finals tomorrow. Good night.
@buttifulbuttefly I could hide it under a macro that defaults to assert.
so if you define JSONPP_ASSERT it'll use that instead of assert.
but the assert shouldn't be triggering if properly used :v
btw speaking of jsonpp anyone have comments on this?
@Rapptz Disable extensions by default.
Maybe I'm a bit biased because I have to migrate some old json configs right now that were previously parsed by someone's "loose" json parser.
And now they won't parse with many other libraries.
the only non-standard behaviour is allowing inf/nan atm
that PR introduces comments
which also aren't part of JSON spec
@Rapptz I am but sometimes I forget ofc
Also it's easier to just wrap a slew of .as<> in a single try catch block
Q: Want a meaning to the program code

Micheal Obioraplease i want some one to help me explain what this code does, the output answer is -19, i want to know why am getting that answer. Its a question from my lecturer. thanks #include <iostream> using namespace std; void yct (int b, int a){ if (a == b) cout << " Yabatech "; cout << a - b << endl; ...

Hi Guys Good Morning
I am some what new to c++
may i know use of "using namespace std"
Wow, Monaco for $1.50 on Steam right now
@Nooble Is this a joke about hipsters?
@SravanKumarReddy start with a book or tutorial
@SravanKumarReddy The main use is not to use it.
@EtiennedeMartel A fairly Canadian gif, IMO. If the driver got out and apologized to the moose for startling it, then it would qualify as very Canadian. :-)
I haff queston. You guys think that if you use std::move on nested vectors (std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<etc>>>) that std::move would be called on all the nested vectors too
kinda cool to think about
also man this place seems kinda slow recently
maybe I just keep showing up at odd times
@Prismatic Yes, that is the case
@Prismatic is this "std::move on nested vectors (std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<etc>>>) " a single statement
@SravanKumarReddy yep.
if not can you please define one by one
I wonder if swap would be more efficient
> Exchanges the contents of the container with those of other. Does not invoke any move, copy, or swap operations on individual elements.
Wouldn't it try moving its elements though?
std::vector<Thing> a,b;
/* fill a with Things */
b = std::move(a); // calls std::move(Thing) on each element no?
4 mins ago, by buttiful buttefly
@Prismatic Yes, that is the case
brain fart
@Predelnik thanks dear. I Got your point
thanks a lot.
Man allergies hit me like a ton of bricks this year. I usually get allergies earlier on in the season so I was like hoping I magically outgrew my allergies and they'd never show up
Stupid nature
It begins
I wonder what the code license terms are for SO answers
not even an upvote function? wow
@AndyProwl that hitler vid was incredible
@Prismatic :D thanks
@Prismatic looks good. but functionality might be flimsy (not even prefilling the language tag? come on)
Who the hell is Predelnik
@Prismatic I've been sneezing like crazy for the last three weeks, it's horrible
can somebody help me understand this comment ?
I don't get which temporaries are destroyed
The allergy medecine I take is pretty good, but it has an effect on me. I wouldn't say it gets me 'high' but I don't feel like talking and I feel more content when I don't move around. Really strange stuff. It also suppresses my appetite and doesn't let me sleep... so that's kinda bad :p
range(a) gets destroyed, I think
because it's not const?
A: Does a const reference prolong the life of a temporary?

PotatoswatterOnly local const references prolong the lifespan. The standard specifies such behavior in §8.5.3/5, [dcl.init.ref], the section on initializers of reference declarations. The reference in your example is bound to the constructor's argument n, and becomes invalid when the object n is bound to goe...

I think temporary lifetime extension rules don't apply there because the object was bound to a reference already, let me check
@MarcoA. The comment is wrong lol
I don't see any temporaries being destroyed either
dw about it
The temporary's lifetime is extended until the end of the loop.
> Since 2002, I am the maintainer of the Boost.Operators library.
@buttifulbuttefly that might mean his word has some weight :)
(unless he lied, ofc)
I wish I could downvote comments.
When in doubt, flag as offensive
Actually hold on
> The lifetime of a temporary bound to the returned value in a function return statement (6.6.3) is not extended; the temporary is destroyed at the end of the full-expression in the return statement.
@buttifulbuttefly lol
I'm not sure if this applies but I'd be inclined to think Daniel is correct
not sure though
Nah I just noticed
You're returning an l-value reference
you're dangling because of that
if it returned by value it'd be fine
@buttifulbuttefly the return type of till()
This looks like an informative site. But I'm not getting these stats: mappingpoliceviolence.org
I'm not sure either, but I might cut the issue with coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/c15011c58df74767
Anyway gotta go, Unconference today. Cheers!
@MarcoA. To make it a bit more clear this is the same issue as doing std::string("hello").c_str()
bye Andy!
@sehe This only implies that blacks are less resistant to bullets than whites, not that they are more shot at
Flawed arguments to promote pseudo racism as usual!
@sehe It would be nice if they expanded on what "likely to be killed" actually means
Actually wait
They have a chart that says "chances of being killed by police" and the value is people of that ethnicity killed per million
If 26% are black and 26% is 3x whites, what is the (100 - 26 - 26/3) = 65% remaining?
Should I disable features on my parser at compile time or runtime?
life's hard
You should throw exceptions on parser failure!
I already do
I mean the abort thingy
> Yet another stupid video made by someone without experience in C++ to denigrate it...
run time
@AndyProwl lel
@Prismatic alright compile time it is
@sehe Thanks!
@MarcoA. cheers!
What if a user wants to parse with multiple sets of options in the same application? Is that unreasonable?
@buttifulbuttefly you tell me. I think blacks just live 5x as long? So that they eventually have the highest chance of being killed by police. Or sumtin' o.O
@Prismatic Just pass the flags at compile time
@Prismatic Your mom is unreasonable
I'm talking template parameter btw
You mean the parameter to throw instead of abort
Should I make a feature request
I'm confused
Are you talking about the assert?
Cause that's not even in the parser
@AndyProwl what :_) where
@Rapptz Yes, it's not the parser
Look it's friday here!
Its cool that bjarne responded to your video
I wonder if bjarne would ever show up here
@AndyProwl carnt find it
And see the sparkly bjarne gif
And then he'd sue SE
@sehe Ah wait, I thought the link led to the comment. Not sure how to link to a comment then. Anyway it's an answer to the comment with 50 upvotes (I had to "View all 13 replies..." to see it)
@buttifulbuttefly Maybe the numbers are relative to ethnicity demographics.
All right time to leave for real now. Bye everyone
Have fun Andy! Don't forget to heavily insist on thecoshman's bizarre accent!
@AndyProwl found it (and then YT helpfully autoplayed the next f-ing vid)
I thought those were forbidden on YT?
@buttifulbuttefly biz-harhar

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