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Red Hat Enterprise Linux
red hat enterprise linux
red hat enterprise linux
@rightfold look at how every lisp is doing it
hi @Rapptz
@Ven Clojure does it like (. a b).
Which is terrible.
@khajvah even debian does
well, jessie at least, not sure about wheezy
fuck it, gonna use ubuntu server
just to clarify
@rightfold what kind of interop do you want
@khajvah you can just build python3...
Java and JavaScript but it shouldn't influence the design of the programming language (since they're terrible).
void f(const char*);

f(std::string("test").c_str()); // fine

const char* cstr = std::string("test").c_str();
f(cstr); // UB
is the above correct?
@orlp yeah, but updates and stuff?
@rightfold what I mean is – cl-style modules with (foo/x) is good
How about object properties?
@BartekBanachewicz no
Hmm wait.
oh wait
and also, I need many python3 dependent packages, will be pain in the ass to set up all manually
(.write io).
it's a temporary
yes, it's UB
Nah io.write is better.
@orlp uh? why?
io/write is better (:
weren't you using io/write or something silly like taht before?
I want module to be just like other values (like in Python).
@FlorianMargaine because the result of c_str is only valid as long as the string object is alive
@FlorianMargaine because the lifetime of "test" string is limited to the expression its used in
@FlorianMargaine but the temporary dies right after the semicolon
Also . vs / doesn't matter.
need the coding link
we've got a new troll boys!
@Ven how does LiveScript distinguish between x.y and x . y?
@rightfold if prev.spaced
In the lexer or in the parser?
the parser is just a declarative grammar.
it has to be in the lexer
@NomanJaved coding.io
in JavaScript, 8 hours ago, by Retsam
Heh, the wikipedia article on Yoda conditions uses 8 == D as its example... that can't be accidental.
@sehe Needs more .io
@Ven and x y: a b means (x y (a b)).
Like in Nok!
@FlorianMargaine lol
@FlorianMargaine dat $D
What type of circumcision is that?
@JerryCoffin I feel hacker already
@FlorianMargaine lol Wordpress has a coding standard.
> // This is technically correct, but it is also a syntax error and will not compile
So... it is not technically correct -.-
typedef unsigned int uint;

@Griwes Because code and Wikipedia.
@FlorianMargaine vandalism.
@BartekBanachewicz lol?
it's the most recent edit
@Griwes someone took the "post the whole code" too far
@Rapptz still funny
Alright, technically correct is also a part of that piece of vandalism.
although one part is kind of wrong just to make a joke
"If the value of the D is equal to 8"
fun time is over
@BartekBanachewicz thank you sir! I was looking forever for a code that does that. You saved me so much work! I'll be grateful forever
oh I'm not logged in
> A clarification that uses well understood values for some code snippets.
also it's using an IPv6 address
no fun
edits from users with no page should be forbidden anywa
awesome, ubuntu repos include all the packages needed
guys are you terrorists who are against the FREEDOM act?
hi guys!
@BartekBanachewicz nah
Question: is "junior it consultant" in a "banking software" firm a fun/good job?
doesn't sound great
how would we know
@orlp I'm not American. Does that count?
at least at my ear
though my user page has just Babel info
@FlorianMargaine then you're a terrorist
I guess I got sucked way more into SO than into Wikipedia
@orlp I knew it!
I know what the next act will be called
@Rapptz ~expuuuurrrrrience~?
@FlorianMargaine only brits spell it like that
@BartekBanachewicz what about agar.io?
@orlp They do it correctly.
I played just a bit actually
@orlp did you mean s/brits/terrorists/?
@JerryCoffin They need to compile an anthology of text entered by bored/frustrated/slightly amused programmer folks on that page
@MarkGarcia you sure seem to know a lot about how to spell pidufaisle
@BartekBanachewicz suckered*
It's them internet points
or, with the reputation points:
I guess I got sucked way by SO than Wikipedia
@sehe true true
too bad my job doesn't have points
It does
@BartekBanachewicz it has
also two job interviews today
Single exit point Good style
one for the QNX and one for Bartek, PhD
you can trade it for wares
Seeing the dean
mmm, the course... "leader"?
@BartekBanachewicz QNX? @rlemon would love you
It's not my uni obviously, it's some private school
@rubenvb probably not?
@Mr.kbok that's what I'm afraid of.
this is big
Q: 3 year-old boy wants constant attention, hits and deliberately poops in underpants when he doesn't get it

iLikeDirtI have a nearly 3-year-old boy whose energy has become near-limitless, coupled with new neediness, aggression, and defiance. He wants to run around and be played with for the entire day. He is unable to sit still for more than about 10 seconds most of the time. We play with him and read him books...

hmm.. where is the bug-tracker for Visual Cpp?
@MarcoA. sounds like the typical haskell programmer.
if my grandfather were his father..
while(true) spank();
@FilipRoséen-refp master troll
@sehe *shyssh*
@BartekBanachewicz that's the way of the wise guys
told you before
in either case; if anyone know where to access the bug-tracker for vc++, please let me know - for some reason I can't find it anywhere :(
@BartekBanachewicz metal heads don't listen, they just bangin'
@MarcoA. I don't like Dying Fetus
@FilipRoséen-refp connect, right?
@FilipRoséen-refp IIRC you can link to a specific bug if you have the link, but cannot browse for other bugs in a bugzilla fashion
not sure if that changed
I like mostly melodic metal, power metal, classical heavy metal and progressive metal.
@BartekBanachewicz many people share this sentiment
@sehe in other words; there is no way to address or view bugs for us who don't have access to Visual Studio?
@BartekBanachewicz also what is "listener loyalty"? link?
@MarcoA. aw damn it, I was afraid of just that. there's no way to search for already submitted bugs, even through Visual Studio?
@FilipRoséen-refp ? connect.microsoft.com I wager a bet
I want to implement a tracing compacting GC again.
@rightfold ze fuck
@BartekBanachewicz factor those: you like {melodic,power,classical heavy,progressive} metal
@sehe oh, I thought it was some microsoft client - because I stumbled upon such a few minutes ago
@sehe thanks!
heh, well
Tags compose alright
> From Portugal to the United States to (of course) Norway, metal holds down a spot in the top ten—and usually top five—most listened to genres in every country included in the study.
The constexpr meta-container is heavier than the other 2, huh.
@FilipRoséen-refp you can nicely send them a smile :)
seems like @MarcoA. is was correct though, there doesn't seem to be any way of searching for already submitted bugs /cc @sehe
> While fans of most other genres are drawn to shiny new artists, metal fandom is generational; new recruits are encouraged to appreciate the bands that came before and build up chronological knowledge while still keeping abreast of current developments.
@MarcoA. that's the dumbest thing I've hear
this is very important imho
sending a smile?
@orlp or a frown.
@Ven everything that needs to be known in order to understand the implementation is in there (together with the previous two posts), at least that was my intention
@FilipRoséen-refp I think that's right
@orlp you're probably not aware of achievements
"Like a feature? Send a blowjob by pressing this button!"
they encourage great programming practices like "you wrote a 20-level-deep inheritance hierarchy"
@Ven use it outside a dominant gravity field
@Ven I guess it might look a little bit more heavy, only two new concepts are addressed; alias-templates and functions with a deduced return-type
@sehe that sucks..
"Hate a feature? Waterboarding a dev is only a click away!"
@orlp That's actually true.
Whoah. Did Connect change? It loaded so quickly for me just now!
@MarcoA. achievements? holy fuck
@Xeo That's because you didn't view a ticket/intent to post one
@MarcoA. without a client I can't send them anything, it seems
@Xeo everyone else gave up
@sehe Nope, even that was fast just now
what's next?
(viewing, that is)
@orlp where is that button? I need that (but the opposite; "dislike a feature? Press here to receive a free blowjob")
> You're currently a 154th user in the queue waiting to view this webpage
"Oops, looks like you've ran out of linecoins! Order 100 new linecoins for a mere $1 to write 100 new lines of code!"
that could turn bad real fast though, I reckon
keep your dialup going
@Xeo they server Markov generated content now, that must be it
@orlp sounds like an apple thing
also fuck my neck started to hurt again
so sudden
@BartekBanachewicz have it removed
last time that happened I spent the whole day twitching in pain
also, if your neck hurts, I have a solution
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, that totally explainz how classical music is at the opposite end. Not
install 3 monitors
every 10 minutes the monitors randomly permute
great to keep you on your toes while gaming, too
"Impress your friends!"
there's also a leaderboard. I wouldn't hire those guys..
@sehe nopes.
How can you tell? Did you see a bug not marked "WONTFIX"?
hmm.. I'm considering scraping the entire relevant section of msdn to compile a list of all the bugs in visual cpp
oh god
imagine they implemented this
> Don't Try This At Home
These are worth zero points for a reason!
@sehe yes.
"Is your code not working? Post it on stackoverflow with the click of a button!"
My own submitted bugs :P
It was "Fixed".
@Xeo Random generation confirmed
I mean, all (public) bugs are accessible through https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/<id>/, where <id> is simply an increment of the previous bug-report (it seems)
@sehe I don't have one around
@Xeo oh. eh. It might be faster then. Wow
@FilipRoséen-refp mmh, maybe. I'll start over
@Ven That's good. So the weight is irrelevant.
@Ven (You can always ask your mom to generate a gravity field if you happen to need one some day)
mom jokes from sehe? Today is a weird day.
Gravity fields excuse a lot
Oh, google is allowed to index the bugs in the tracker - inurl: and site: shows a decently long list, so I will start there /cc @sehe @MarcoA. - thanks for the help!
> Um, I heard it was a best practice that you weren't supposed to do that anymore.
indecision at it's best
@FilipRoséen-refp uh no problem. Good that Google is allowed to dig through that ball of .. reports.
WTS linecoins
@orlp are they more valuable than unicoins?
@MarcoA. depends if someone is willing to pay for linecoins
if so, yes
reading through the bugs submitted to visual cpp sure is funny, the "testcases" that are meant to show why the compiler is doing something wrong mostly contains things that are ill-formed on so many other levels
> Send me a F#ckFriends request so we can hook up My usename is CumOnMyTits My profile is here. IM ONLINE
@FilipRoséen-refp Is that so? Can you give an example?
But yeah, I don't expect VC++ users to be well-versed in C++
@FilipRoséen-refp well of course, the common cases should be covered.
@Columbo aww man I want f#ckfriends
CumOnMyTits sounds like a classy guy to hang with
@orlp Just write your email out fully in a public chatroom, and the bitches are yours
@FlorianMargaine you are misunderstanding what I'm saying; when reporting one bug, many testcases are broken on levels other than to that specific bug
@FilipRoséen-refp Wait, how do you even see the bugs?
I can't find a publicly available list.
@FilipRoséen-refp ah.
@orlp hotmale lol
@Columbo see the backlog.
6 mins ago, by Filip Roséen - refp
Oh, google is allowed to index the bugs in the tracker - inurl: and site: shows a decently long list, so I will start there /cc @sehe @MarcoA. - thanks for the help!
inb4 you work at microsoft
@Columbo don't go there
I google'd it
@Columbo Not hot male then.
unless you enjoy males enjoying eachother - then go ahead
@orlp I do like lori and Bartek going at it
@Columbo nice slip
@orlp ? His name is public anyway, fwiw
@Columbo watch out, he'll sue you for reproduction rights
@orlp lori is copyrighted!?!
this came back online, if someone didn't see it from the transcript (went offline, probably traffic overload)
@FilipRoséen-refp So you got your job at Google?
@Columbo No, but he has the rights to reproduce with Bartek
@Columbo He meant the flourishing type of meaning.
@MarcoA. it was starred to death, practically; everyone seen it
@Columbo lori doesn't like it when you post publicly available information about him here
@sehe yep, but it went offline after a few time
> everyone seen it
@orlp Spoiler: lori is male
> intentional
@Columbo you don't know that
Hermaphrodite is a thing too
> Intentional orthographic mistakes make you lock like an overly sarcastick pillok
@Columbo no, and we already talked about that (and I've talked about it in here too, but the conversation I'm referring to took place on freenode). I sometimes think you are being forgetful on purpose, or N different people sharing the same account.
@sehe I blew him
Hehe. I anticipated that
@Columbo that sentence was a mistake my friend
I can already see stars falling
He baited us.
@MarkGarcia The classic bait 'n blow.
@FilipRoséen-refp Nope, I'm just retarded and misread the quote. Thought that Google was a synecdoche for Google employers.
lori is blatter
I missed to put "masterfully" in that sentence.
@FilipRoséen-refp I have a good memory for some things, and a bad one for others. Sorry if I made the impression that I'm taking the piss. I'm really not. But you never told me the result of your application, just that you anticipated it to be bad.
@Columbo "ok"
anyhow, back to looking at bug reports
@FilipRoséen-refp ? So did you get the result, or... ?
what does it mean "to take the piss"
@khajvah lmgtfy.com
Too lazy to fill it out, do it yourself
@Columbo ask your memory, but no; I did not get the job.
@Columbo it is not working
Taking the piss is a Commonwealth term meaning to take liberties at the expense of others, or to be unreasonable. It is often used to mean (or confused with) taking the piss out of, which is an expression meaning to mock, tease, ridicule, or scoff. It is also not to be confused with "taking a piss", which refers to the act of urinating. Taking the Mickey (Mickey Bliss, Cockney rhyming slang) or taking the Michael is another term for making fun of someone. These terms are most widely used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. == Usage == The term sometimes refers...
@FilipRoséen-refp okay, it took me some time to understand you could define a function returning X and then ask the return type to understand how it worked. Seems okay now.
@FilipRoséen-refp I'm pretty sure you haven't explicitly told me. That sucks. I hope you're gonna be successful next year (you're repeating the application, right? You said they strongly wanted you to reapply IIRC?)
I'm in the clan of people that love that it's possible to do that, but that will shoot you in the face if you write something like that in a real codebase :P
@Columbo I have no idea to be honest, maybe I will reapply - maybe not. in either case that is far into the future so there's no need to think about it right now

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