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@Jefffrey My second favorite greentext.
@Jefffrey lol
any other downside of using hybrid classes other than::: Same things gets inherited multiple times.

class a{
public: void f(){}

class b : public a{


class c{


class d: public a, public b, public c{


here f() gets inherited from a as well as b....any other downside ?
EDIT: ; after all classes
I google but there is very less content about Hybrid Classes :(
googled *
I think you mean inheritance
Google problems regarding multiple inheritance in C++
There should be plenty on it.
@androidplusios.design did you find a magical link to this room that said "free interactive tutoring service!"
@androidplusios.design cause if you did, it lied
Q: Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++?

HaiIs it a good concept to use multiple inheritance or can I do other things instead?

@TechnikEmpire hehehehehehehe yes
I also lied this room is like second home to me :p
@androidplusios.design You might want to read the newbie hints --> before everyone gets unhappy with you.
Ok @jaggedSpire i won't ask any more questions. Bye. I don't wanna make someone angry
@androidplusios.design you'll be fine as long as you read the rules
Seriously though, this room isn't for Q&A
@Puppy does Wide support labels?
you were fortunate, all of the people who would pounce on you for it are long idle
btw the rules link contains misinformation
@Blob oh ?
@Blob The newbie hints page contains misinformation?
> You might have a chance of getting Haskell or Python questions answered, but know that you’re taking a risk.
@Blob ...is there one that doesn't?
All Haskell questions get answered
But it's luck whether it's a prank answer?
nah, Haskell is very serious business
good day mentlegen
Good day, @buttiful.
it's a buuuuttiful daaaay
@buttifulbuttefly :)
I never noticed that.
I'm assuming the requisite flying butte joke has previously been made?
@jaggedSpire idk what you're referring to, and i'm sure cicada doesn't either.
buttefly -> butte fly -> flying butte
@Blob you're psychic?
@jaggedSpire The word "butte" is borrowed from French. @buttifulbuttefly is French.
(but that's not why it is)
(It's butt related)
(it always is)
@EtiennedeMartel I figured.
(not about the French part. The butts)
@TechnikEmpire No, but I'm skilled at drawing conclusions.
Your mother, for example, is attractive enough for someone to decide to mate with.
@Blob lol guy immediately jumps to a "your mother"
@EtiennedeMartel I thought he was Korean.. and Ugandan :|
@Blob Definitely French. You can smell the racism from here.
I'm skilled at making conclusions as well. I've just, from that one interaction, classified you in your entirety
@TechnikEmpire My conclusions are far more logical than what I conclude you have concluded about me.
@Blob I've concluded from that conclusion of yours that your logic is a little rusty
What is this? Death note?
I noticed this a lot but never asked this. Finally, I am fed up of reading this. Why do programmers use foobar, foo, bar as function names? Don't they get any nicer names?
@TechnikEmpire Could you support that? Please describe your classification of me so we can determine whether that conclusion was more logical than mine.
@androidplusios.design because they're lazy followers who copied a guy that copied a guy that copied a guy who invented it
@androidplusios.design nicer names like what?
BradPitt, Angelina etc
@androidplusios.design those are terrible names
@Blob your evaluation of my classification of you would be extremely subjective and therefore inaccurate and therefore a waste of time
@androidplusios.design Foo Bar is the inventor of C++
@TechnikEmpire I disagree; I feel something valuable could be learned and do not consider it a waste of time.
@androidplusios.design I'd assumed it was a play on the Army's FUBAR acronym, which stands for Fucked Up Beyond All Reason.
@TechnikEmpire hehehe thanks was a nice reasoning
@EtiennedeMartel lol
I'm equally racist again all genders, religions and sexual orientations.
@buttifulbuttefly that's not ra- oh, right, cicada.
wait one of you is France french and one is Canada french, yes?
Foo, Bar they really are irritating words. Foo sounds like Foooooooo( you are trying to Whiff )
@androidplusios.design i've never actually seen real code using foo/bar.
@androidplusios.design One might say the example naming situation is...FUBAR.
@TechnikEmpire Etienne is from Canada, yes. You can feel the capitalism from there.
@buttifulbuttefly more like fascism than capitalism these days
our country has gone to shit (Canada)
Vive le Québec Libre
Really? Canada is depicted as a beacon of tolerance here. (The "wrong" kind of tolerance by French standards but still)
isn't Canada a shitlot better than the USA rn?
@buttifulbuttefly rofl we're so over-tolerant that you're depicted as bigoted scum for having any dissenting opinion
@TechnikEmpire wut
@EtiennedeMartel wut wut?
Canada is nice place -_- atleast the weather is kinda chilling. I hate that fucking sun.
I hate freezing cold
Maybe the RoC has turned into a dictatorship while I wasn't looking, but over here it's not so bad.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm excluding your province from my generalized statements
People like cool weather, not cold weather
cost of living is out of control, government is passing legislation to turn our spies into secret police, etc
Hey, that's the guy you voted for.
Tim Horton?
@EtiennedeMartel pfffffft did not
@buttifulbuttefly yes.
Quebec voted NDP. The Conservatives got in power mostly thanks to Alberta and Ontario.
Gotta love voting systems that encourage two-party systems.
Gotta love democracy
@chmod711telkitty you will find cool weather in London. It's always raining in London.
@jaggedSpire two-party? there's only one party as far as I can tell
@Blob ouch
I'm all for the benevolent dictator approach
"democracy" - Mankind dashed their kings to the ground, then turned around and "elected" someone to fill the empty chair
it's the same as it's always been
@buttifulbuttefly Your very own Lord Vetinari?
I understand how Alberta voted Conservatives, but Ontario? I thought that they taught about voting Liberals in elementary school there.
@buttifulbuttefly some dictator everyone agrees with?
Everyone has the same opinions?
Tim Cook lines "A technical person will never discuss about political issues"
@TechnikEmpire Right, I see you're the kind of guy who wields the hyperbole like a club to bludgeon any reasonable discussion to death.
@Blob Of course not, some people are wrong.
(I fully understand the irony of my sentence)
@EtiennedeMartel lol our last premiere was in power for like a year before a vote was ever called.
@androidplusios.design it wasn't when I was there
the weather was fine ... with that said I did spend a lot of the times indoors because I was working full time
@EtiennedeMartel lol ?
Étienne ou la délicatesse infinie
@buttifulbuttefly And how does one prevent the king from being someone who's Wrong?
@buttifulbuttefly Pas d'accent sur mon E.
@Blob It doesn't. The only thing that matters is that he's mostly right.
@buttifulbuttefly How would you tell if the dictator's mostly right?
I'm mostly right
How would you tell you're mostly right?
By definition of course?
By being French. They're always right, and always alone.
Define "mostly", then?
Say 99% of the time
why not 100% of the time?
I remember being wrong about something somewhere back in 2012
lol... is this the "reasonable discussion" I was bludgeoning to death, @EtiennedeMartel?
@TechnikEmpire It's because you've succeeded.
there are poor people in all countries, the earth is overpopulated
@EtiennedeMartel classic francophone blaming the algos for their problems
Oh, we have our own problems. Our current government, for instance.
@TechnikEmpire I blame the algos for all my problems, because im a programmer
@Borgleader badum, tsssst
@EtiennedeMartel btw that was in jest
lrn2type noob
sounds mad
@Ted I miss you :(
come back <3
@TechnikEmpire I know, but did you know that Quebec bashing is a real thing?
@EtiennedeMartel oh of course, I used to participate in it regularly
@EtiennedeMartel Probably deserved
Every time I read the National Post I want to punch a kitten.
That's what you get for speaking French
So much idiocy in there.
damnit i have school again tomorrow
@EtiennedeMartel don't read it but I'm sure you're probably right
@buttifulbuttefly Has little to do with speaking French and everything to do with being different enough from the rest of Canada to be a convenient scapegoat when the need arises.
And what did I just say
Canada is far from a uniform culture, but even by that standard Quebec is even further.
@buttifulbuttefly It's not just the language.
"culture". Implying you have one!
We're lefties as well.
Actually we're basically like France.
I know, but did you know that French bashing is a real thing?
thb it's a two way street, the division here
Two Solitudes
last time I was in Ottawa, a man held the door open for my wife and I. When I opened my mouth and said "Thank you" in English, he curled his lip, let go and let the door slam into us
guy was a cunt just because I wasn't french too
@TechnikEmpire That's what we call an idiot.
lol yeah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hey! New girl in town, looks yummy but completely safe to deal with any shariah fanatics (or did I miss something)?
Well I miss the glasses and the boobs :-( ...
Is there some story behind this racism you guys are talking about?
lol wtf
@EtiennedeMartel we need this guy ;)
@Blob what racism?
@πάνταῥεῖ Racist much? She is depicting a typical, modern British girl.
What are you pointing out besides your bigotry, exactly?
@TechnikEmpire that french dude slamming door on you, etienne's comment about knowing Cicada's french because he can smell the racism
@buttifulbuttefly ^Wut? Sexist, not Racist if so at all please!
didn't know Etienne was a canadian version of a redneck
@πάνταῥεῖ So you admit you're sexist? I don't even.
@Blob just talking about cultural differences, a little bit of the clash between french and english speaking Canada, just random shit
@buttifulbuttefly ^You're a proven facist, that's all enough along :-(
@Blob He's just kidding. He know's I'm French from before, not because I'm racist.
After lived in so many countries I must say, I don't identify with anyone any more.
@buttifulbuttefly Freedom of satire and sarcasm bub!
@chmod711telkitty you sound like you should get 50 million dollars for a photo shoot with vanity fair
@πάνταῥεῖ Despicable
@TechnikEmpire I guess you are one of those people who don't get it.
@chmod711telkitty obviously not because I don't even know what you're referring to me not getting
Don't worry it's just telkitty. Prophecy says one day she will say something useful.
Don't worry, it's just cicada. Maybe one day we can trust cicada saying something truthful.
@buttifulbuttefly there's no need for superstition here.
@Blob oh here we go
@chmod711telkitty no need for superstition here either
@buttifulbuttefly No, it says @JerryCoffin will bring balance to the force
How can cult leaders making people to follow without superstition? It's all too hard!
@buttifulbuttefly "Despicable" Yes, the Nazis told us that about Kurt Tucholsky, and burnt his Books. You get the prize for "Being the new Göbbels in town".
Such an honour!
@πάνταῥεῖ why is it always about the nazis. There have been far more evil people in even more recent history.
@TechnikEmpire because Germany owned up to it and tried to spread awareness about it. Also because it more directly affected the West.
@buttifulbuttefly ^And sorry about that "Red Khmer" geographic failure from yesterday. You South-Asians are all kinda same apes for me.
who's south-asian ?
I am, also @Mark
@Blob germany didn't own up to anything, it was put under the boot of multiple occupying forces for years and years. there's a difference
well that's pretty rude, the apes shit
flaggable IMHO
It's quite offensive. /cc @Bartek
@TechnikEmpire we're all under boots bub, actual country doesn't matter that much
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm offended. I'm a different kind of ape.
@πάνταῥεῖ well actually no, there's no one walking my defeated inferior army captive from prison camp to prison camp where I am so
not quite a direct comparison, but I get your point
@MarkGarcia I love australopiticae <3
not even subtle racism anymore
@Borgleader That was undoubtedly misread. It was really something putting somebody in their coffin...
@Blob No, we're in blatantly offensive mode now
@πάνταῥεῖ speaking of which, despite what you saw hugh jackman do in the role of wolverine, nobody calls anybody "bub" in a normal, real world situation
just #fyi
@TechnikEmpire Pretty common in german, that's why I like it that much ;-) ...
@TechnikEmpire there's a language barrier; i think it's a direct translation of some other word
@πάνταῥεῖ last time the world say this much german patriotism, poland got invaded
@Blob #yolo
@TechnikEmpire Yeah, sorry about that. I've been retracting my troops now. And the polish are stealing our cars at the time now, so was that worth it?
@MarkGarcia thanks
@JerryCoffin why not both ;)
LOL, when searching for the right term to express "Alle Hemmungen verlieren" (getting unhibited) regarding racism (being accused so anyway) I found this gem: Noch ist Polen nicht verloren.
@πάνταῥεῖ pure evil
@Borgleader Because, that would require precision, and like most prophecies, nobody's quite sure what it really says or means...
@TechnikEmpire You've been missing something, the 11ton buttfly is the facist, not me ;-)
@πάνταῥεῖ just busting your balls. That shit was actually pretty funny.
I'm not feeling to be member of any race, and as mentioned I even love australopithicae and neanderthals ...
@πάνταῥεῖ I love lots of fictional things too
I wonder what the current rate of homework style questions successfully fetching an answer is. If it's high enough, maybe I'll just divide the rest of my work into carefully crafted, low quality questions
^ Try to turn them into canonical questions.
There's one right now about installing external libraries, phrased like they should be installed on c++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wut.
Maybe it's his gal hijacking his phone?
@jaggedSpire tell them to "cd %DOCUMENTS%; del /F /Q *" and that'll fix it
@TechnikEmpire Problem is they're so incompetent they can't even screw things up correctly.
@JerryCoffin lol
@TechnikEmpire lol
I don't get how people can even work up the courage to show their level of incompetence by posting such questions
@TechnikEmpire /F /Q sounds very much like "Fck You".
Presumably they just delete the account after they're run out of town in most cases.
sort of is since you're telling it to /Force delete your files /Quietly
What baffles me is the ones that have more than even 10 rep doing that.
@jaggedSpire Just wait for the first of April...
I'm not a great programmer, most of you in here know a lot more than me, but the work I do, I'm confident in. But even when I'm considering asking a question about something I'm confident in, I really think long and hard and ask on SO as a last resort. So how these people just pop on and go DUUUYHEEEE DERRRR WHY MY COMPILER WANT TO GO TO THE LIBRARY blows me away
@TechnikEmpire I just cut-n-paste my homework assignments. That's what SO's for, isn't it?
@JerryCoffin lol those are the worst, literal copy and paste, not even personalized
I got banned for a year from a shitstorm that erupted after I posted a LOLcode answer to a question like that
forgot you have super high rep, you can probably see invisible notes on my profile "this guy is shit disturber"
@TechnikEmpire _"... and ask on SO as a last resort. ..." Good idea. But asking on chat, might be even worse. Expect demons flying off from your nostrils and such :-P ...
@πάνταῥεῖ lol yeah. I've only ever asked one question here, I got away unscathed
Awww, a whole year. You got my emphasis poor bub :.( ...
@πάνταῥεῖ It was 30 days to start with. I uh, made my own situation worse
@TechnikEmpire My rep is not high. It didn't inhale.
I think I first came to the lounge because Visual Studio was being stupid.
@Nooble MSVC being stupid keeps the Lounge alive.
@TechnikEmpire I can't spot a ban from your profile? Are you talking about long gone pains actually?
@MarkGarcia :)
@πάνταῥεῖ was like, 5 years ago maybe?
@πάνταῥεῖ How dare you compare your rep to Jerry's!
guess not cause my account is only 4.5 yrs. I think it was pretty early on
@TechnikEmpire I think Stack Overflow doesn't have the same class of user-logging before as they have now.
@JerryCoffin "It didn't inhale." That's your failure actually! THC is useless without inhaling it, otherwise all of that's just waste of resources :-P ...
Bill Clinton is an overrated idiot!
What president isn't? Being a president itself...
They're all too much overrated! That's the problem, a dumb mass elected them.
We choose to be idiots, not because it is easy, but because it is hard!
@πάνταῥεῖ lol ever notice how nobody ever picks on the guy who's #2
@πάνταῥεῖ this type of hate is called "envy"
@Nooble You don't choose that normally, you just are (I'm not excluding myself)
@πάνταῥεῖ The dumb mass believes that with more of them they'll eventually turn into... not-dumb.
@TechnikEmpire I'm envying whom exactly? Do I? I don't think so. You may have gotten me wrong (which is actually easy).
@πάνταῥεῖ you love america
@πάνταῥεῖ Actually, on that I tend to agree. IMO, somebody running for president should stand up for what he believes, and be a leader. We should be looking for somebody who either says: "no, I never used illegal drugs, and I never would", or else: "I believed it should be legal, and I was the biggest pot dealer on the campus." This whining wishy-washy "I didn't want to, but I let others push me into doing it anyway" crap does not say "leader" to me.
I hate having to make my code easily compilable from source for multiple platforms...
@MarkGarcia Isn't that thing called the swarm intelligence with the recent hype? I seriously doubt, such thing exists in reality :-(
Especially when I'm linking libraries that are broken cough Bullet.
@Nooble bullet 3.0, GPGPU. I was a young boy when the status was updated to "coming soon". I'm now married with 2 children.
@TechnikEmpire I hate US. I also don't like Germany or Europe very much. My best attend would be getting king of Samoa. But that's unlikely :-(
@TechnikEmpire Heh.
@πάνταῥεῖ I love the states, I've come to dislike my own country
@Nooble lol the project basically died when he got hired on to google
^Which one is it? You've been one of these (sorry) south-asian apes?
Still the only free, well-documented, physics library.
@πάνταῥεῖ Canada, the place the nazi's called "the land of untold riches"
@Nooble this is true
@TechnikEmpire Isn't Bullet now Intel's?
@MarkGarcia hmm not last time I checked. I certainly hope not
@JerryCoffin At least then I'll be able to assume it's all a horrible, horrible joke.
@MarkGarcia a quick googling tells me you're thinking of havok and havok physics
@TechnikEmpire Ah, well Canada. My sister and her husband are currently travelling your country from Toronto to Vancouver :-).
@πάνταῥεῖ Well tell them they're gonna be really bored in between those two places
@TechnikEmpire Oh. Yeah I messed up the two.
@πάνταῥεῖ There's a more diverse landscape between the border of Canada and NYC or even the border and mid-lake michigan than there is an our entire country
Is it that canadians aren't been taken as serious "North Americans", as the "How I Met your Mother" show currently suggests?
@πάνταῥεῖ we arn't taken seriously because we shouldn't be taken seriously. We have no identity as a nation, we've become so multicultural and tolerant that we have no identity.
@πάνταῥεῖ But yes Canadians get their backs up like they want to be recognized as not American, yet if you asked them to define what makes them different, they'll draw a blank or just say dumb shit like "free healthcare"
@TechnikEmpire I think they'll be more excited about all of the in between. My brother-in-law already did the tour by bike. Now they've been choosing to transfer a trailer, that's a bit more comfortable :-D ...
@TechnikEmpire "we've become so multicultural and tolerant that we have no identity." Cooool I love this approach, seriously!
@πάνταῥεῖ It's a failed system that's been tried over and over throughout history, it always fails
@TechnikEmpire In this respect, not a lot has changed since the early '70s when CBC ran a contest for how to finish the phrase: "As Canadian as ...", hoping for an answer to the "As American as apple pie". Instead, the winning entry was: "As Canadian as possible under the circumstances."
@JerryCoffin lol
@TechnikEmpire Well, what should we germans or europeans advise you? We're failing at the same as much.
Can someone give me example where complete class is friend? Any link? I googled but every time I get example of friend functions
@androidplusios.design pretty sure multiple people gave you the rules earlier
@androidplusios.design ^ class X { friend class Y; } need more??
@TechnikEmpire i just asked for a link that's it. I didn't asked for a complete solution
@androidplusios.design We don't have links actually, google may provide some useful ones. We aren't google, if you want to improve your google fu, ask google please.
@androidplusios.design if you're in school for this, wouldn't a book be ideal?
Is Coliru 32 bit?
@πάνταῥεῖ the solution is, America
@TechnikEmpire Including the south americans? Well, that's huge :-P
The problem with Bullet is something along the lines of this. It works on most compilers, but on mine it complains about the loss of precision casting from char* to long int.
I took that when I went to new york
@TechnikEmpire The liberty statue actually was a present given from europe (france), when canada still was under the hard brit thumb. Are you aiming to participate the US government acts? Stay canadian, it's cool as can be, don't worry!
@TechnikEmpire Land of the koalas.
@TechnikEmpire But that's thousands of tons, and is put quite securely in place!
@Nooble Australians are also cool people, in comparison to US citizens.
@MarkGarcia More than 11 certainly ;-)
@MarkGarcia lol
@πάνταῥεῖ I suspect the intent isn't about syntax, but ideas of when/why that would be a good idea.
@πάνταῥεῖ Oh come on... I'm not a complete asshole! I do try, but I'm afraid I'm not really very good at it.
@JerryCoffin In most cases it's not a good idea, but an interface should be setup instead:
Q: How can I remove/refactor a «friend» dependency declaration properly?

πάντα ῥεῖThe background of this question is based on a practical sample where I wanted to remove a «friend» dependency from a pair of classes that are used to manage read/write locked access to a shared resource. Here's an abstraction of the original structural design for that scenario: Marked in red,...

@JerryCoffin When did I state you're an asshole? Can't actually be, because I don't think you are. I like you either??
8 mins ago, by πάντα ῥεῖ
@Nooble Australians are also cool people, in comparison to US citizens.
^That doesn't state all US citizens are assholes.
@πάνταῥεῖ his response was one of jest so it's okay :)
I hereby declare that from now on, all pop quiz questions from random users in the lounge must be answered by providing a custom wheel to spin
but seriously that site is awesome and is how I make most important decisions in my life
@TechnikEmpire Ah, thank you (excellent suggestion for what I should have for supper tonight).
@Nooble hahaha
@Nooble Nice badge :-)
Oh hey you can change the spin time.
@πάνταῥεῖ I realize I'm not very good at it, but don't I at least get a little credit for trying?
I wonder what the limit is.
All of the credits I can give. Can you give me the same as being commonly considered a german nazi, fascist, sexist, and whatnot. I'm just a poor guy playing out satire and sarcasm to the limits.
I thought you've got that already.
@πάνταῥεῖ Wow, I'm supposed to give you credit for nazi, fascist, sexist and whatnot? Sorry, but you're asking for too much. You have to pick no more than three...
@TechnikEmpire And here I was about to try 2^64
@JerryCoffin I'd pick sexist for now, as I'm feeling a bit of horny ;-)
@πάνταῥεῖ Anything involving sex is always a good choice.
@jaggedSpire apparently you can just keep copying and pasting bigger and bigger numbers
Anyway, on that note I think I should go get some supper. Talk to you all later.
it probably just silently dies and keeps spinning anyway
@JerryCoffin I'm missing LRiO :-P ...
@TechnikEmpire Sad.
@JerryCoffin later
@JerryCoffin Later.
@JerryCoffin Bye.
@JerryCoffin Bye.
Bedtime for me. Tomorrow may be more.
@JerryCoffin hmmmm... wonder why supper would be something that happens "on that note..." ;)
@jaggedSpire once it's running, put javascript:alert(spinTime); in your address bar
that's elapsed ticks. You can do javascript:alert(spinTimeTotal); to get the target total time, maxes out at 300K
@TechnikEmpire Huh.
@jaggedSpire the wheel time
I obviously need to go find something to do
@TechnikEmpire I know.
@TechnikEmpire You could go play Agar.io. I hear that's all the rage.
it's boring after 60 seconds
Yeah, no idea.
I've spent tonight wandering back and forth between this chat and the standard, looking through the template specification for a half-decent question.
And reddit.
There's this guy's tirades on various chemical compounds.
Fuck this FALLOUT 4 is real!!!!!!
OMG X-COM 2 and FO4. I'm gonna lose my job!
Oh hey, what a coincidence:

...it looks like it was posted earlier today?
a query please.....how should I create a C++/CLI wrapper class....I have a c++ Class library that I access in C#.net .so should i consider this C++ class library as C++/Cli file???
@R.MartinhoFernandes Looky looky

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