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@khajvah rats
@Cinch Why?
this situation
@LightningRacisinObrit You literally put cardboard on your profile
At least Cloud was in a decent game
@LightningRacisinObrit what does that even mean?
@rightfold I will
Allowing people to allocate bounties to themselves would encourage gaming the system. People would use bounties to attract attention then not reward anyone. They'd just get their rep back.
Noun: rats
  1. plural form of rat
  2. rats n
  3. rats m
  4. rats m (1st declension)
  5. (only plural) cart, carriage (small wheeled vehicle drawn by animals)
  6. rats
Interjection: rats
  1. Expression of annoyance; damn, darn.
Verb: rats
  1. third-person singular simple present indicative form of rat
@LightningRacisinObrit Some don't look legal
@Jefffrey Some rats?
oh, that
Which I'll promptly remove within 1 minute
I haven't spotted any of that on this page, though one that it linked to was a little, shall we say, funky. I remember saying that when I originally linked the "good" site the other day
eh she's like 21 at least
Yeah no
Yeah yeah
(defn eat [state snack]
  (let [new-piece (->SnakePiece (:x snack) (:y snack))]
    (-> state
        (update-in [:snake :pieces] #(cons new-piece %))
        (update-in [:snacks] #(disj % snack)))))
:3 :3 :3
@LightningRacisinObrit I don't think so actually. The OP has to have a good answer to be able to accept it without getting flamed.
@khajvah What does flaming have to do with it?
@rightfold Ok stahp now. I have to do it myself. It's like an assignment.
wrong word, whatever, you understood what I meant(I hope?) :D
But Clojure has no assignments!
@LightningRacisinObrit Grahhhhhhh youtube.com/watch?v=o6pSFGPyKYQ
> I am not sure what was really the case
that answer hardly deserves a bounty
Make snacks set not a vector please.
Much easier to work with.
@LightningRacisinObrit THere is no other answer. What do you suggest?
@rightfold #{ ok }
@khajvah Do nothing. Why do you need a suggestion?
I am speaking in general, if OP answers his own question properly, he should be able to accept it
I mean with bounty
You did not answer it properly.
And I just explained why your logic is flawed.
You got the normal answer accept, which is fine.
Bounties are something different. You can't apply normal-accept logic to bounties. Otherwise why would they be different things?
Not my situation, forget my sitation
Yes, your situation.
Look why ask how it works if you're not going to listen
ok, whatever
such a joy helping people here!
Thank you for your time though ;)
I see the case against awarding rep for self-accepts because ??? PROFIT!
I think for bounties the bounty rep can be taken as a service fee
(defn move [state]
  (let [{:x x, :y y} (-> state :snake :pieces first)
        direction (-> state :snake :direction)
        new-piece (direction {:n (->SnakePiece x (dec y))
                              :s (->SnakePiece x (inc y))
                              :w (->SnakePiece (dec x) y)
                              :e (->SnakePiece (inc x) y)})]
    (-> state
        (update-in [:snake :pieces] butlast)
        (update-in [:snake :pieces] #(cons new-piece %)))))
:D :D :D :D :D @Jefffrey
@BoltClock mmm yes
like a "thank you for... your time" kek
Wee reduced 29 machines to 1 host and 29 containers, I can run everything and not run out of RAM
29 threads, yeah?
size_t seed = 42; declares a variable of type size_t named seed and initializes it to some value (42 seems as good as any). 0ul is the integer literal of type unsigned long. — sehe 31 secs ago
ITT sehe-so-spellingout
@sehe hello master
partial in Clojure is really stupid.
@LightningRacisinObrit somehow that eluded me. I looked for it for a good few moments :)
(partial f x) is longer than #(f x %).
Could be useful if you want variadics.
@rightfold Are records saner than Haskell?
Keywords are function in Clojure.
@sehe daw you still love me
So you can say (:x {:x 1, :y 2}).
Works with records as well.
user=> (defrecord SnakePiece [x y])
user=> (:x (->SnakePiece 1 2))
Records behave like maps in many ways.
user=> (map identity (->SnakePiece 1 2))
([:x 1] [:y 2])
Updating can be done with update-in, assoc or assoc-in, and in Clojure 1.7 also with update-in.
Fucked up social networking sites
they were hiding "close account" in terms and conditions page
@sehe s/the/an/
Seems alleft to me.
fucking delivery driver turned up early and then left.
when the delivery slot is 8 till 9, you can't leave at 7:50.
Gaben says
> Actually money is how the community steers work.
reddit downvotes him to -4183
full thread by gaben on paid mods here reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/33uplp/mods_and_steam
good guy reddit
Since you're usually the one who hates stuff, would it bother you if I posted a potential pre-screen question we might ask people here to get feedback (not selling anything) @Puppy
@AlexM. money is how a business steers work :D
So now that GabeN is unworthy.
Whom do we worship?
but will it blend?
The idea behind free information is so attractive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes.
ok, not gonna ask
@khajvah Sure, fuck the poor guy trying to feed his family after he gave his whole life making you games.
@rightfold old
what, are you afraid of a Random Anonymous Internet Dude?
@LightningRacisinObrit which is why I say the idea. In our reality, it is not achievable
@khajvah That makes the idea rather stupid, does it not?
Hi guys, I have a super annoying issue that I cannot figure out under no circumstances. I'm using OSX, g++ under macports, everything works fine. However, cmake detects the compiler as `clang++`. I then just `export CXX=/opt/local/bin/g++`, now cmake detects it as GNU gcc 5.1. However, all my SYSTEM headers `(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(SYSTEM "/path/to/system/headers")`
are included as normal headers, and I get a ton of useless warnings from libraries such as Boost or Eigen. Anyone bumped into this before? It is extremely annoying and I tried all day figuring out what's going on.
literally nobody, ever, has had their system headers compiled as normal.
Oh course KH3 is going to have Frozen
@LightningRacisinObrit In our reality, maybe. But if our life didn't depend on money, it would be great.
except you.
I'm just adding Eigen as a library, and I don't want additional warnings spit out with -Wall
Oh and Star Wars
why would I want them?
I don't care about the warnings in a source library, like "you should use mem init list" and all that crap. I just want to ignore them. That's why the SYSTEM directive.
oh hey I booked a holiday today
and by that I mean I booked time off work
@khajvah What a vacuous and nonsensical statement!
Also if you look at history, you'll see that every attempt to remove the need for trade from society (instead focusing on either giving or self-sufficiency) has failed miserably.
stop it lrio
Good day for power failures
I realise that it's "cool" and "hip" to dislike the fact that money exists, but merely stating so does not really make any sense.
@Jefffrey What's wrong now?
leave him alone
I should finally get an UPS
power failures mean no programming :D
power failures are the best
@Jefffrey How about, leave me alone? Nobody was talking to you.
@Prismatic Really?
My laptop has a 7 hour 4 hour battery, which is longer than any power cut I've ever been in
@LightningRacisinObrit Yeah my 7yo laptop's battery is dead and I'm too poor to afford a new one... (yay!)
money is shit yo
why can't we have a coherent beginner's community?
Because there are too few coherent beginners.
@LightningRacisinObrit It's not about trade. It's about giving people what they actually deserve. Free and open information is the best way to actually have development.
@LightningRacisinObrit That's not our fault, though. Of course beginners are going to be incoherent?
if they knew what they needed, they wouldn't be beginners.
They need guidance.
booooored. guess I'll play a round of Isaac or something
@khajvah Paying money for something is engaging in trade.
@Cinch No, not necessarily. Even a beginner with half a brain has the ability to speak properly and articulate themselves clearly.
They're a beginner at C++, not at life.
@LightningRacisinObrit I disagree. I've taught many people before and absolute beginners absolutely need guidance
Being a beginner at C++ or programming in general is honestly no excuse for being a vague and confusing little shit
Not at programming, but at other things
@Cinch They probably needed more guidance after you taught them. Aren't you, like, 17 or something?
@LightningRacisinObrit I've been in leadership positions myself
@Cinch I guarantee I've been in more of them.
@LightningRacisinObrit I probably didn't express exactly what I meant but what we have now, is far from being fair and perfect.
I've taught people formal military drill and some informal classes
That doesn't change a thing that's wrong about what you just said.
you mean, the exact opposite of programming?
@LightningRacisinObrit I've also been an assistant instructor for martial arts for a couple of years
The concepts between them have proved to be the same for me
he says not knowing any programming
I've also done tutoring on the side for math and a bit of programming
@Cinch "proved"
It's still just your opinion and I still think it's ludicrous
What the fuck is with this power
@Cat I found out something interesting today. gc.cpp was originally written in Lisp. The code was then transformed into c++ by a tool.
Dipped again
You're always pretending you're an expert lol
@LightningRacisinObrit So? It's still my opinion
35k lines of code
@LightningRacisinObrit I'm not pretending, I'm just asserting what I know
@Cinch Yes, and I'm disputing it. Reaming off some "military drill" roles doesn't prove anything.
It's from my own personal experience
@Cinch You don't "know" it. You think it.
Your personal experience is wrong, if it's told you to "know" that beginners at programming must always equal vagueness and confusion in their communication.
@LightningRacisinObrit Of course not.
But I still believe people need structure if they cannot structure their own learning.
hey guys, is a non-spammy recruiting post welcome here?
there is no such thing.
and definitely no.
> recruiting
@Cinch That's an entirely different discussion.
@LightningRacisinObrit That's what I mean, sorry.
@Pheonixblade9 Depends what you're recruiting for.
@Cinch you can get a good book for that
Just ignore @Puppy's "definitely no" bullshit. He likes to pretend he's in charge.
@vsoftco For what?
@LightningRacisinObrit a software engineering consultant position in Seattle.
for guidance
@Pheonixblade9 Have you advertised on Careers.SE?
Or hired a recruitment agency?
stop advertising please
@LightningRacisinObrit I'm going to advise the manager to give that a try
@vsoftco I don't advocate books, honestly, if it's not a great purely academic subject
Also which Seattle? Which country? Please do not assume an American audience. Why would you assume an American audience?
Or more "booky"
I'm not a manager, just an employee :)
Seattle, WA, USA
i.e. I consider math a more "booky" subject because you tend to practice it with paper and pencil
well you're wrong. Some books are really great. Not all of us learn only by "doing"
@Cinch More evidence that you should not be teaching and/or pretending to be a teacher
@vsoftco That's true. I won't deny that. But there is a sizeable amount of people that need the extra guidance and they lack the ability to extract information from books.
Sometime you need to build a foundation. A good book will do that for you (if you properly read it)
@Cinch What, they lack the ability to read and think for themselves? Then they are never going to be good at this and they should quit early.
@vsoftco Some people can't properly read books! Otherwise, most people would be able to do a class with just a book
if you can't read books hwo the shit do you expect to become a programmer
fuck me
This is an extreme. Most people DON'T read anything, period.
@Pheonixblade9 what kind of interview process do you have
@vsoftco Right? I want to cater to the crowd that doesn't want to so that they're given the tools to understand further material
@LightningRacisinObrit Do you know of another Seattle with which there might be confusion?
I read like a ton of C++ articles while doing my PhD, just to learn more from experts. And it pays of. Yes, I'm not a professional programmer, but I can find my way.
I mean, people can say, "look it up on Wikipedia," but if I need to go 7 levels down in order to start learning, I may just end up lost
oh he left... rip
@Cinch You will fail.
who left?
"I'm totally not spamming but let me spam you"?
yeah the spam guy
@Puppy lol you're right
There are good books for any level. Don;t start with A. Alexandrescu, start with something easy, even some "C++ for dummies" is good enough for a beginner.
He did not spam.
Quit being dicks
@vsoftco I did that too. Except the book I bought was outdated and a bit too basic
advertising a job is spamming
A half hour conversation on penises you're fine with but one guy writes one line asking politely whether he can ask about a programming job and you go apeshit on him
@Prismatic for me, it was a phone interview with HR (make sure you're not insane), tech interview with a tech lead (make sure you're not stupid), and an in-person interview with several managers/directors (make sure you know how to talk to clients)
I will never understand you people
@LightningRacisinObrit SO has a slightly elitist community. That's that.
And that's fine.
@LightningRacisinObrit Real talk, you went more apeshit on him because he didn't specify Seattle, WA
@Cinch Not really, no.
that american hate creeping in again
@LightningRacisinObrit We don't tolerate "low-quality"
@Prismatic I did not go "apeshit" on him for that at all. Go ahead and quote me going "apeshit".
yeah... just trying to offer people a job, not like I'm spamming every 5 minutes :)
@Cinch That is not "elitist".
@LightningRacisinObrit It is to a lot of people
this is an especially ineffective means of advertising a job.
@Pheonixblade9 you uhh, probably don't want anyone in here working for your company.
You assume everyone has the same view of elitism. That's incorrect.
I don't think @LightningRacisinObrit went apeshit - it was a reasonable point to clarify. I just didn't realize there were any other major cities in the world named Seattle. Lol
@Cinch Those people are stupid and/or misinformed.
@LightningRacisinObrit Hence elitist
@SamDeHaan yeah, I kinda got that :P
unless you want C++ experts and are willing to pay them very large sums of money to relocate from Europe.
Offering people programming jobs is very mean don't ruin people's lives
@Cinch ............ what?!?!
@vsoftco I know vlad
Cinch I've always defended you in the past but your lack of logic is beginning to piss me off
> Those people are stupid and misinformed

That's not a way to speak about people... especially those we supposedly "cater to"
@Puppy this is for a front end job, primarily, and yes, it is for very large sums of money :)
who's "catering" to anyone???
how much is the relocation package?
@LightningRacisinObrit What sort of community does SO cater to, really?
And identifying that somebody is stupid and/or misinformed is not "elitist".
@Cinch None. SO is not a catering company.
It's clearly not the "low-quality" crowd
Fucking hell
And if someone needs guidance at every step, then imo it's not yet mature enough. Sometime you just need to step on, and do it by yourself. In this life no one is going to help you at every moment.
Another power dip
@vsoftco I'd argue that (sorry) some people aren't independent by nature and even independence is learned.
5 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
@Cinch What, they lack the ability to read and think for themselves? Then they are never going to be good at this and they should quit early.
Try to keep up.
@Puppy not sure. I am just poking my head in on a couple of the more active rooms. I'm a very active user in the C# room and there's some smart folks on there, so I thought it'd be worth checking in here
@Pheonixblade9 That's pretty vague. What kind of technical interview? What kind of senority, experience etc. Also what the hell is front-end c++
lol it triggered an alarm in nearby shop
@Prismatic I didn't say it was C++. I assume most people in here do something other than C++ occasionally
@LightningRacisinObrit Not everyone thinks for their self, or have the ability developed to the point where we would like.
it's fine if nobody is interested, just thought I'd make the offer to chat about it
@Pheonixblade9 Well, it takes a lot more smarts to C++, but since all the smarts are in Europe (har har jerry) the question is how much you pay to relocate
@SteffenRoller Doch, mit deinem Mädel. — Columbo 8 secs ago
that magikarp guy already left
In fact, I think programming is perhaps one of the best tools to teach logic and understanding.
6 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
if you can't read books hwo the shit do you expect to become a programmer
Street lamps dead
It is not learnt. It is a basic measure of intelligence.
What a great day
@LightningRacisinObrit How do you think I've learned?
@Puppy I'm not sure, to be honest. I'm happy to connect anyone who might be interested with the hiring manager to discuss that
@Cinch You can't learn anything worthy without reading books
@Cinch You haven't.
I bought about two books that I didn't even really do.
@Cinch You did?
@CatPlusPlus Man are you seriously complaining? I'd be happy. "Can't work! Power keeps going out! Internet keeps d/c, sorry!"
I'm not the hiring manager - just a guy trying to help out his boss by finding smart folks to talk to
@Jefffrey Compare my questions and answers to my most recent ones.
rip cat

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