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@R.MartinhoFernandes is that a rubik's ball?
Detours like this made me stumble too long:
> Speaking about the tag, the following expression may seem odd-looking to some
@R.MartinhoFernandes So, is that your collection? (close the cupboard!) Is that a penny for scale?
@sehe Yes. The coin was an accident.
That's what she said
Wow. All the regulars out of the woodworks.
We're almost on Greenlight, expect lots of shameless plugs in upcoming months
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nice. (Neutral :))
@CatPlusPlus huh
@AlexM. Front left? It's a Spherical Megaminx.
And the reception so far seems to be very positive!
> must be pointer-like type, comparable to nullptr. Our Handle, defined as an alias to int, is no such thing
This trips me up already. I have feeling this is not at all a problem. But he states it so matter of fact that I start to doubt myself
> As you can see, neither of these solutions is as user-friendly as we want them to be, but the main problem is another.
it's totally fine
You can see "we" is me :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes so they're not all called rubik's .+
@sehe thanks for help
@AlexM. Only the 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, and 5x5x5 are. All others were created by other people.
@Rapptz I don’t disagree with that entirely tbh. It’s the NIH-ish run straight into the wall that immediately follows that I object to.
@sehe It isn't.
I would have called it a tragedy because it starts on good bases but goes sour, but that’s more of a drama right? Tragedy is the other way around, sort of.
I can't see any mention of a type requirement of T being a NullablePointer.
Wait does he allow &smart_raii_wrap just so you can do (void) SomeFactory(&smart_raii_wrap);?!?
That's why the nested typedef is provided.
@sehe Does it? But then why the call to Cleanup?
The weird thing is operator== and friends though
@LucDanton Well, the assumption would seem to be that SomeFactory is gonna replace the guts of the wrapped handle... o.O
@Rapptz Synopsis is as-if.
> It solves two purposes.
made me chuckle
> The type unique_ptr<T, D>::pointer shall satisfy the requirements of NullablePointer (
I'd say. It serves more problems :)
I made a unique<T, TDx> class that generalizes the concept of unique_ptr.
@LucDanton That's so far down.
Works pretty well with OpenGL handles and other things that aren't pointers and whose null doesn't have a value of integral 0.
So that’s where I don’t disagree with. Repurposing std::unique_ptr is fine for pointer things, but it doesn’t work for the rest.
Yeah. I agree too.
There was a proposal for general RAII wrappers
iirc they got rejected
I have a problem
@Rapptz It sucked.
Is one-size-fits-all possible? Genuinely curious.
There was a scene in some TV show in which a couple of girls are laughing lots at some silly joke and then they do a post-laugh sigh at the same time and then laugh at that. And I can't remember what it is. And it's annoying me.
@LucDanton I really don't mind a 'no' answer much.
@LucDanton I think if it's well designed it could be possible.
like unique_ptr is well designed imo
@ThePhD Maybe you should write an article about it.
@LightningRacisinObrit I feel for you right now
like e.g. invalid values could be specialised in the deleter just like the value_type/pointer typedef
I need to go to bed but I won't be able to sleep
@ThePhD Does it work for handles that have a multitude of possible "null" values?
Roslin's flashback to her sister's baby shower at the start of BSG's finale
fucking phew
Ugh, BSG's finale.
@LucDanton I've seen a number of attempts (including a few I wrote), but none struck me as particularly successful. That doesn't mean it can't be done of course, but if it can I'm pretty sure it'll be non-trivial.
Thanks peeps for the response. I love this room again.
I'm sorry to bail. But, in contrast to Obrittany I have trouble staying awake
Night all
@sehe G'night.
who the frak is Obrittany
heh okay
not bad
Obritney Spears :A
Ok, phone meeting at 10:30am is cancelled , now all I have to do is fasten my pace at this construction project, finishing the business proposal before wednesday next week and release the new android app that has been in the almost ready stage for the past 6 months :x
@LightningRacisinObrit bsg finale was pretty weird
@chmod711telkitty cost?
cost for what?
also I need to delete my linkedin account, but I am leaving the account open so I can show off the house that I have designed and built myself
once it's completed that is
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah I checked, it's just a stupid scope guard.
@chmod711telkitty the app
@Rapptz thanks Vlad (probably)
@R.MartinhoFernandes At the moment I don't think so, right now it just calls get_null() on the TNullGetter in unique<T, TDx, TNullGetter>
But what I should be doing is just passing it the T, and letting the function decide if its null or not.
.... Why didn't I do that before.
Duh. Time to go do that.
... Oh, wait.
No, that makes it very hard to hold the invariants...
See, when you default-construct a unique, it needs to be initialized where .get() will return a null value, so I NEED something that hands me a null value. Now I remember why I did it this way.
do yall remember fredosaurus.com
Maybe I should require get_null, as well as an bool operator()( T item )
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait, a second. What kind of handle has a multitude of null values?
In the wild I've only seen types with 1 null value.
@CatPlusPlus what
@JerryCoffin But when you do unique<bool>, what do you expect unique<bool> x{}; to be?
@LightningRacisinObrit I am building it myself, re-using the graphics from the iphone version. And it should be free to download on google play.
thus no incentive to get it out fast :p
What a futile concern
unique<T, TDeleter, TDefaultNull, TNullComparator>
Maybe I can just use SFINAE on the deleter type?
@ThePhD that looks like fun
@ThePhD That depends on what gender this particular unique bool identifies as. We need to respect its wishes and feelings.
@Prismatic Splitting it up that like allows you to just use decltype( function ) as the type for it, but... it's still kinda shit-messy.
I think I'll just flatten it to unique<T, TDx> and use SFINAE to find additional special function- SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT.
TNullCompare has bool operator()( T resource ) const, which overrides the deleter's declaration.
What is wrong with my life.
// a is an array, i is an integer:
a[i] == *(a + i) == *(i + a) == i[a]
how's 1989 grandpa
@Xeo Do you remember the order for MSVC's Empty Base Class Optimization to kick in?
@Rapptz lol
I'm not sure the order I should declare the empty structs of this base class in order to keep it from actually having a size...
@Rapptz get off my lawn
get better trivia pls
getaf my yerd
Name change spotted!
Nooblematic anyone?
I only changed it because 'Pris' is apparently a sex slave robot from Blade Runner
@Cicada Making a gaem!
vidya gaem
omegad with friends?
oh god
i love the bunny faces and the physics
and it has a Bartek in the team
every team neads a Bartek
Good morning.
Its kinda like SO lol
@MarkGarcia Good Morning!
that's a reference to Professor Layton.
@CatPlusPlus meh
is that what you work on?
14 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Let the plugs begin
@Rapptz I know but you get points on SO for answering questions too
And to get privileges and swag you need to keep answering questions
Also people asked us today about consoles
Looks like XBone is free which is extremely surprising
But Playstation is laff: "You must be physically located in US, Mexico, Central America, South America, or Canada"
Doesn't that list cover the whole developed world though?
Also laff at making a list of all these countries instead of saying "America".
"You must be located in [list of all European countries]."
@Rapptz Bring on the paint
@Rapptz 'Opposite sex' being opposite to what?
makes sense
@LucDanton Just opposite
Fight the system
what's the opposite sex to a transexual?
^ @LightningRacisinObrit
@chmod711telkitty sans trans-axial.
Woo RimWorld update
> New timetable system added. You can assign each colonist a daily timetable which describes when they should sleep, work, have joy, or decide on their own.
rip free will
> Beer can now be wielded as a weapon (like wood).
@CatPlusPlus I know Will. He's not free--pretty expensive, AAMOF.
I just learned this yesterday: the hardest thing in life to live with is knowing that someone close to you is a Mac Fag cultist.
I have no problem with someone using Apple products, but defending those that he doesn't use just for being Apple's... :(
Huh, my ISP doesn't seem to like me using Google DNS. Good thing their DHCP isn't bad.
@Rapptz whats that from
Q: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

user456584How come certain random strings produce various colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example: <body bgcolor="chucknorris"> test </body> ...produces a document with a red background across all browsers and platforms. Interestingly, while chucknorri produces a red back...

I have never realised how elite my mum is ... being in the internet age, she's the only few who neither google nor nsa could collect any information because she's not good with computers ...
I suspect that even the pet chooks know more about her than google & nsa combined!
@chmod711telkitty does she have a phone?
so I see "we're dicks" got like 3 stars here. That totally makes no sense. There's not a single person here named Richard.
the new KDE is really pretty... is anyone using it?
wtf, a node module that requires python as dependency. this whole ecosystem is retarded.
Kool Desktop Esn'tit?
well, fuck your shitty module
@AaronHall * Kool Desktop Eh?
how do you downvote a package
and i hate his haircut
@Cicada Don't use node.
@Prismatic I didn't realize you were Canadian. That's an interesting religion.
@MarkGarcia I don't know what else to use
So there's a PyCon, is there a C++ Con?
and multiple others
@AaronHall Many in the Lounge are prisoners of C++.
@MarkGarcia I can quit any time I want!
You just don't want to!
It's the long con, isn't it.
I love you guys.
@AaronHall Who's "I", who's "you"? They could be anything.
Are you questioning my sincerity?
@MarkGarcia Found on reddit?
@AaronHall Yes. There's also C++ Now.
@Blob yep don't imply anything shhhhh
I assume you've seen the Jewish toenail cutting one too
or will in a bit
nodejs gave me herpes
@R.MartinhoFernandes It took some finagling, but I can now handle multiple kinds of null returns.
@Rapptz You're liking the sub? :P
@MarkGarcia ?
You have to pass a null_t that has a is_null function, but it basically takes the pointer type and then returns a bool on whether its null or not. So, you can do all the single-checking or multi-checking you like in there.
I got this from /r/tumblrinaction
I saw it was xposted to your favourite subreddit
good laughs
> At Path we have one mission: through technology and design we aim to be a source of happiness, meaning, and connection.
cc @Cicada I know you like buzzwords
Why am I still awake.
it's only 12 AM you casual
@Rapptz yep
PSA: Please don't get weird out by my very late/duplicated messages/responses. Thanks.
Bad question and bad title of the day:
Q: For Loop in C++

MarkWhat is the difference between the two codes? 1) void main() { int x=10; for(int i=1;i<10;i++); cout<<"Hello World!"; } 2) void main() ...

@Mysticial Never seen that style of code formatting in questions. Tempted to +1. :D
@Mysticial Close it.
I did. I'm the only CV so far.
I almost left a snarky CV comment, but managed to hold myself back.
then I must be #2
I'm voting to close this question as unclear because I can't tell if the question is real or just a troll. — Mysticial 18 secs ago
^^ There, left my snarky comment.
I feel like a pleb.
Only top 3%
lol someone spam-flagged the question.
The new profile makes the favicon thing look nicer
under github/bitbucket
TIL of the new profile.
@MarkGarcia You and pretty much everybody else, I think.
Well, there have been some posts on meta about what to expect, but none of them entirely concrete or finalized, AFAIK.
I saw it originally on meta
I like this finalised version more
it's gotten pretty well polished
@JerryCoffin Oh. I only visit chat, and only now and then, so I'm inclined to treat myself as always-late-to-the-party.
@MarkGarcia You may be a little late to the party, but in this case only because of your time-zone. Relative to when I'd expect you get up in the morning, you seem to have noticed a quicker than I did.
@JerryCoffin That banner was the first thing I saw in the morning.
It was so large that I decided not to keep it there like I do with notifications.
so many hearts
@Rapptz Thank you for sharing
no prob
I find a distinguished lack of world-class and life-changing experiences in that sentence though
7/10 almost plausible
> Java 8 times faster with arrays than std::vector in C++. What did I do wrong?
That awkward moment you realize you're doing something wrong because it's faster than C++.
Get's rekt by Jerry.
> My reslut differs slightly from Jerry Coffins
Wtf, I am so ignorant ... You can buy a kit helicopter for US$32000
@Jeremy Nice. I laughed.
Good morning.
I am totally going to buy one of those one day.
> Glad to see Webscale catching up with technology of yesterday
must not laugh at work
But can't afford one with my current cash flow ~_~
> Webscaling now follows UNIX principles
How did I not know of this subreddit before?!
@Jeremy lol
@Cicada I am enjoying it for a while. Sorry.
It got old quick imo
I like other circlejerk subreddits
At least I'm glad to see there's an amount of people with similar thoughts on the contents of HN and /r/programming and the web in general
double edge sword
the fundamental issue with circlejerk subreddits is when they do their unjerk thing
and man
keep that shit elsewhere
What does that mean?
usually when you're on a circlejerk sub everything said is a joke
so in order to make something sound serious you "unjerk"
@Rapptz Yeah. The depression goes back.
> Reminder: this is a New School jerking sub. The best satire is original sources. Links are better than imitations.
So it's like any other programming reddit, but with snarky titles and comments?
different view, same vm
@Jeremy Subreddit on programming, but with reddit.
@Rapptz Oh I see
so basically what it amounts to over time (and you can even see it in the example) is that they "unjerk" to spout their dumb opinion
annoys me
> Doesn't Rust fix this problem? It guarantees that a data race will never happen:
oh hi. long time no see.
@Cicada "process" I'm thinking that this guy has no idea.
Are processes even webscale????
> 2015
> using processes
> Rapydscript: Python like pre-compiler for JavaScript
> I installed nodejs on arch only to have to download a newer version less than half an hour later when I updated (self.fossworldproblems)
now this sub is funny
> Emacs 24.5 has been out for 14 hours and there still isn't a new package in the Arch repos
Yep. Also checked that.
> fossworldproblems
> LaTeX outputs look so clean that they hurt my eyes
> My girlfriend wants to know why "std out" is in my browser's search history and whether she should see a doctor
I like it
> I finally got my ArchLinux box configured just the way I want it, but not a single person has commented on how elegant and minimalistic it is.
9/10 would sub
I use arch linux. I don't get what the big deal with it is
it has a big penis
A minimalistic big penis
I haven't done an upgrade in like over a year lol
can't break it if you don't update :D
Do any of you use Linux as your main OS? If so which distro
I use GNU/Linux
whatever stallman you know what I mean
No I don't
Linux is a kernel
Do you use an operating system where Linux is the kernel as your main PC OS and if so what is it
Happy? Pedantic insect
What is a "PC OS" even
@Prismatic Ubuntu
Because it was the first one I got
and I use it for class
I would try Mint if I could but I can't
Or I don't want to sacrifice space for that
One day I'll get a computer just to play around with operating systems
I stopped using Ubuntu when they added the Unity stuff. I should try it out to see if its any better
hint: its not
@Prismatic Idk I find it interesting
I think that Ubuntu has a relatively polished front
What do you guys use though
Arch? Debian? Fedora? Mint?
@Puppy ?
inb4 Ha ha very funny Cinch-binch
I used Debian for a little while. It was a pain the ass to install though and outdated as hell so I didn't bother with it again
I'm wondering whether I should try Mint
Idk though
Ubuntu is dominating
(according to the SO survey)
not among anybody that matters
I think Arch is winning the race, although I still prefer Gentoo
I don't know much about Arch except that it's really basic
And it has lots of freedom
is it even graphical?
> femail

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