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(the pole vs Pole pun)
> German, Austrian, Czech and Slovak sparkling wines are called Sekt.
I don't remember seeing any ownership papers
Sparkling wine, then.
it's shared ownership
@R.MartinhoFernandes you have to steal things to be a burglar, browsing aint a crime... depending on where you are
top kek
Rightfold is quite the edgelord.
@rightfold lol
@EtiennedeMartel What is an edgelord?
> blood donated: -61 pints
he must have received blood then
I once said in a Facebook comment to a friend that he was a troll and then his grandma posted a comment asking what's a troll.
I'm not sure whether she was trolling.
probably not
Time to implement Authenticate.
either that or she is a master troll
@rightfold return true;
back to being Rightfold, huh
The more things change...
the more they change?
@Puppy In Radek's case, they don't.
undeniable fact.
@EtiennedeMartel His avatar did.
@StackedCrooked It returns a user, not a Boolean.
Yeah, but he didn't.
it's hard to accurately measure change in a person
I challenge you to prove that rightfold hasn't changed.
Oh, he probably changed quite a bit.
But his online persona hasn't.
seqart why you so slow
some memes are illegal in russia lol arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/04/…
poor vlad, he can't even post a meme with putin
@EtiennedeMartel s/persona/pantoona/
wow go
    many procedural
  such DI
 much HOF
@rightfold what do you think of Go's lack of generics?
Turns out not to be a huge problem in practice.
rightfold isn't pantoona anymore
@rightfold i see
Inout parameters and interfaces are often a viable substitute.
In other cases you have to use interface{} which can be annoying.
I think it's quite stupid.
More designer arrogance like in Java.
@rightfold does it need explicit downcasting?
Go has no subtyping, but yeah you need to cast.
that's a bummer
They clearly think generics are useful because they use them internally but they're too difficult for normal users.
@rightfold no subtyping? interesting
(interface{} is the empty interface which is implemented by all types.)
I find the lack of exceptions more annoying.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they use them internally?
how so?
@StackedCrooked some built-in stuff is generic, such as maps and arrays and append.
But data structures like list.List depend on dynamic typing: golang.org/pkg/container/list
The functions take and return interface{}.
So you have to do e.g. mylist.PushFront(42) and then mylist.Front().Value.(int).
@AlexM. Argh, that picture is 1023 pixels wide. I can't take it... Why did you cut off that one pixel???
@Puppy I'm glad rightfold is back.
@LightningRacisinObrit So this is what they do to people I have banished from the kingdom?!
@rightfold Go's type system seems fucking retarded.
@fredoverflow The two big problems in CSc: naming, cache invalidation and off by one errors. This is clearly a cache invalidation problem.
So my debit card's last four digits are 1337.
@fredoverflow :(
Nice rename.
/** Historical note: JavaParsers started life as a direct copy of Parsers
* but at a time when that Parsers had been replaced by a different one.
* Later it was dropped and the original Parsers reinstated, leaving us with
* massive duplication between Parsers and JavaParsers.
* This trait and the similar one for Scanners/JavaScanners represents
* the beginnings of a campaign against this latest incursion by Cutty
* McPastington and his army of very similar soldiers.
The nsc codebase has lots of funny comments, it appears :)
trait ParsersCommon extends ScannersCommon
Interesting, I had thought about inheriting Parser from Lexer myself these days.
@fredoverflow I just took it off facebook like that :(
Wait, Scala has an @inline modifier? TIL
I'd forgotten how easy Half-Life 2 is in comparison to Half-Life.
Italians always do it better: Expo 2015 is an upcoming huge italian exhibit on the new nutrition and agricolture technologies for a sustainable future with motto 'Expo 2015: feeding the planet'. Well, official sponsors have been announced today: McDonalds and Coca-Cola ..
that's not a great start IMHO
@MarcoA. eh
sponsors for the biggest gym chain in Romania are mcdonalds and coca cola
@AlexM. Well, what else are you gonna eat and drink after leaving the gym?
@AlexM. "trouble shared is a trouble halved" doesn't quite work for me : /
wait nvm I was wrong mcdonald's isn't there but Burn is there
so at least there's that
burn/red bull + alcohol is a great way to fuck up your internals
@AlexM. Really not related at all.
@fredoverflow Scala has everything but sanity.
Aww... there's no ajax on the primary voting page.
@AlexM. Yeah, I'm no fan of the caffeine + alcohol combo either.
@StackedCrooked unfortunately that's what we kinda love: it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8_espresso#Caff.C3.A8_corretto
election days!
Anyone I should absolutely vote for?
I'll translate that paragraph, roughly: "Corrected coffee is a mixture of coffee and high grade alcohol"
@MarcoA. No worries. Keep doing what you love :)
(I feel like an alcoholic now lol)
get out you dirty alcoholic
I'm doing it for the ballmer peak xkcd.com/323
@AlexM. And trick yourself into thinking you're more sober than you are.
Neat, Google Compute Engine offers a free trial, and they let you spend $300 on it.
Q: Are there any people who identify as female running in the moderator election?

caseyr547The moderator election is currently going on. I voted for the 40/40 candidates and the remainder of my votes I would like to go to affirmative action. Are there any people who identify as female running in the moderator election?

ugh gender issues people
urgh tax laws
"Go to affirmative action" Lel.
That's pretty hilarious.
I at least hope they'll check if they're qualified before just dumping votes.
@Mysticial I'm actually kinda glad this is being downvoted.
@ThePhD again, I don't see what you find funny in that
Fuck, puppy's comment got insta-deleted.
@BartekBanachewicz It's funny when it's just blind misguided dumping.
@Mysticial Damn, I wanted a screenshot. :c
fuck, that was a great comment.
@Puppy What'd it say?!
> I'm a dog, bitch.
"you cunts; ain't nobody got time for this nonsense"
damn; close
Also, who should I vote for in this election?
No one.
what election?
I don't see any familiar names.
@ThePhD Martinj Pieters
round two
I'm a dog, and also a bitch. — Puppy 9 secs ago
banned for 30 days
I had my dissertation defence today and I passed.
@ThePhD the madara guy
@Rapptz good, told you to use crenelated walls and flaming arrows
@Puppy No :( I didn't get to see it.
what the fuck is this bullshit
@Rapptz Good job.
I swear they exist just so accountants can keep their job
Rapptz is a PhD before me. q_q why am I so slow.
you probably didn't play Sonic games when you were younger
a common mistake
@Rapptz Congrats!
Thanks everyone :)
I am actually thinking about doing a MSc in Maths or Physics
@Rapptz don't think this gives you any advantage in discussions, that would be appeal to authority :)
@Rapptz Academia or industry next?
@Rapptz I hope you won't suffer from a de-fence-post-error ;)
And congrats.
@Rapptz glad to hear that! Congratulations!
@Jeremy I already have a job in the medical industry.
I don't wanna go back to academia ever again.
@Rapptz uh I would love to work for a useful cause (health is definitely a useful one)
@Rapptz Oh - cool. I also work in healthcare.
@MarcoA. Come on in, the water's great
Rapptz does not write software.
yeah this isn't really a PhD in comp sci :v
It's a PhD in Biomedical Science
@Rapptz congrats :)
@Rapptz Oh, cool. What are you be doing in healthcare then?
R&D of some kind?
@Jeremy that would be great but.. where do you live? I guess US
@MarcoA. Yeah, U.S.. There are plenty of healthcare technology companies in Europe too, though.
@Rapptz A wise choice.
(I'm assuming that's where you are)
yep, I'll have to switch country another time by the way if I want to join one
stressful.. : /
@Jeremy I've been working as an oncologist sort of guy for a while now.
(in the meantime SO mods elections)
@MarcoA. I see no Lounge regulars there :-(
rigged election
I guess you're right, I can't see any either
holy fucking
maybe I should really hire an accountant
that being said I already managed to cut almost a half from what I estimated to be my tax for Q1
> I don't have much flagging count to my name but that's largely because I'm much more active on giving answers on SO. That's also the reason for why I'm not active on SO.
funny typo
@Rapptz Oh, cool.
I have teeth
I think I got it right
turned out to be less than expected
shit I hope I did it right
I'm due something in the region of £1800 back from the government this tax year.
@Puppy Ugh. I owe too much.
I should have taken a more spendy approach to my relocation assistance fund. :(
I want to d/l a web page, get all HTML inside given div.class and funnel that to Pandoc.
Yay, analyzing qsort!
Is there a tool that allows me to do XPath or something similar over HTML?
@Rapptz Gratz! (tho late!)
@ThePhD qsnort
@wilx first htmltidy -> xhtml; nothing really reliable, IMHO (perhaps jquery...)
@sehe OK, let me try.
@sehe qsnore, maybe.
@sehe Quicksnort the Cokernels
I'll prolly get 1/10th of that back
for 2014 that is
Somebody knows, which is due to undefined reference to?
SourceTree is weird.
@CosminIovan there is a reference and it lacks an accompanying definition
I have 2 different ssh keys in my pageant.
When I tell SourceTree to do a push, it only tries to validate with one of the ssh keys and fails to push to the repo.
Why doesn't it try all of them?
Or, better yet, let me pick which one?
@fredoverflow I'm pretty sure that's typical Java "inheritance"; Not actually sharing/extending behaviour, just "using namespace BaseClass;" (i.e. in this case to get the token ids/definitions in scope?)
@ThePhD I just use one key per machine
@ThePhD just use your own connection thing (I think you can configure plink?) and write the config file to select a key per host
it's too much hassle to fight with pageant
@BartekBanachewicz I got pretty lucky by starting to work half-way through the tax year.
@sehe the .gitconfig?
@Puppy Ah you have an absurdly high tax-free amount in the UK right?
in Poland it's ~3k PLN per... year
it's gone up by nearly 50% in the last five years.
which is lol, you can't sustain on that.
it's so low it could be 0 really
@sehe Huh, seems you're right!
@ThePhD no. Where ever plink stores it. Look, the big boys use ~/.ssh/config
@BartekBanachewicz Ours is 0
@fredoverflow I hadn't even looked
the real question is how much you pay on money earned after that.
I am paying 18% and 32% above 85k PLN / year
This is so common in Java (and also, I don't see a good way to make a parser extend a lexer by inheritance)
but I'm not earning above 85k so vOv
@sehe Well, there's one def in there, but the rest seems to be abstract.
I wonder what the exchange rate is
but I pay 20% over £10k/year
also I'm an individual company so it works in a different way
I thought you worked at another company
you were complaining about them complaining about you writing bugs?
"I have an IPC issue and i need to use boost::asio::io_service to do so" - This always sends my eyebrows in a twist. What on earth causes these unlikely constraints? — sehe 14 mins ago
@Puppy I do, it's just a way of doing taxes here
1 GBP = 5.56 PLN
so 85k PLN is ~GBP 15.3k
so 3K PLN is like £600 then
that's more or less the average pay here
well average pay last year was 3.8k but that's before taxes iirc
@Puppy basically I'm getting a per-hour invoice on business-to-business basis
that's more flexible, everybody (except the govt. ofc) saves money...
and I can subtract some cash I load into electronic gadgets from the sum I'm paying
there are 4 ways to do taxes here actually...
over here, the govt just deduces taxes right out of my salary, I never even see it
the one I have is the regular one, there's also linear one at 19%, and the simplified one at 8%
in the simplified one you pay straight against the income
so I would actually save some money had I been on that, but I'm planning to do some shopping soon so I hope I'll gain in the end
and at the end of the year I can switch to 8%
@Puppy were I working on a regular contract it would be the same
but I'd also be earning a lot less.
So, someone here found a "hacking" tool for our Jurassic World game. Thing is, the tool claims to work on Android, but the Android version of JW isn't out yet. Makes me wonder how he tested the stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel You develop Jurassic World?
@fredoverflow Well, not me personally. I only worked on the intro cutscene.
@Puppy Here they not only take it out so you never see it, but they require that approximately half your income tax be paid "by the employer", so it's just a reduction in your base salary, and doesn't (for example) show as as a deduction on your pay stubs.
I thought that everybody in 'Murica had to manually do their own taxes
@Puppy At the end of the year, you have to send in a tax return to show how much you owed, compare that to how much you already paid, then either get a refund or pay the difference. Most don't do it manually themselves though--they either buy a tax program or get an accountant to do the job.
Had to write this horrible function because PostgreSQL lacks it: gist.github.com/rightfold/bbad5b37fe3b7aa64f47
Oh NY god
He called it STL
why does it say secret but is still visible?
@JohanLarsson The answer is when you hover the mouse over the secret.
ah ty
They're going over inheritance
@Cinch Who are you talking about?
robot you work way too late
@sehe In the end I think I am going to use node.js for the parsing with cheerio module.
@Puppy I left work at ~19, then cycled 10km to deliver some lost keys I found last Saturday, then stopped for food, and then cycled back.
Q: is there some way to use if loop in python more than 4 times ?

Prakrut Chaubali am trying to expand my wavefunction is QHO basis and need to define the the following function in python: def basis(i,x): if i == 0: b=math.exp(-x**2/(2*hbar))/(hbar**(1/4)*math.pi**(1/4)) if i == 1: b=math.sqrt(2)*x*math.exp(-x**2/(2*hbar))/(hbar**(3/4)*math.pi**(1/4))...

I would pour myself some gin if I had someone to drink with me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just say you're drinking with us.
@R.MartinhoFernandes present
@R.MartinhoFernandes Alcohol is not the answer. Alcohol is the question...and "yes" is the answer.
I still don't have a proper glass, though.
@fredoverflo. My C++ professor
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's all right--gin isn't a proper drink anyway.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you're a robot, can't you multi-thread or multi-process that and drink with yourself?
@Jerry incidentally I happen to have some sparkling wine but I can't stand the stuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about this: I'll go get some water (which looks almost like gin) and drink that, and at least in spirit we'll drink together.
@R.MartinhoFernandes When I come to visit, I'll expect it to be waiting for me.
This gin I'm drinking doesn't look like water.
I wouldn't drink water that looked like this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That sounds a little scary. No, actually that's not true. It sounds a lot scary.
This is the second meta post about gender. What about age, race, religion, sexual orientation, and marital status? Those get no love? — Mysticial 2 mins ago
My code works very well.
Locally distilled by a buddy of mine.
I'll pour myself a glass of Port wine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the saffron sounds promising anyway...
@Mysticial OMG, SJWs are everywhere!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cheers. [hmm...fine tasting water!]
@rightfold Scala Programming Journeymen Journeypersons?
@Mysticial Girls are just smart enough not to want horrible jobs. :P
I still regret not nominating myself with just the text "Why not Zoidberg?" back when I was still Zoidberg.
I'm wondering if Flexiglass would fail over networks
It doesn't seem that you can send generic objects over a network without sending size, data, etc
@rightfold Only 30 days, and you can be Zoidberg again.
Can you send any objects over a netowkr like Boost.any?
@Cinch Of course you can't.
the other side has no idea what the appropriate type is.
I see you didn't get kidnapped.
Anyone have any experience using plink ?
@ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD
I set myself up for that one...
@ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD @ThePhD
the magic of copy and paste.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No he means "passed" as in "didn't go."
@Cinch That depends. If the receiver knows what you're sending, and knows how to handle it, then it's easy. If the receiver needs information to know what you're sending, how it's formatted, etc., then you'd better send that...
@Rapptz They gave me a bottle of sparkling wine instead.
@ThePhD The PuTTY derived tool? Some.
Missed opportunity of spitting the wine in their faces and dancing.
Also, holly crap. I should be in bed sleeping already.
Hey don't say bad things about Holly.
That sort of defeats the purpose though
@wilx Yeah, the PuTTY tool. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so when I'm connecting to a specific hostname, it uses a specific key (SourceTree is being a dumb and won't try all my SSH keys when I try to push to a repo).
Then I need to store the size of a message, hold a table or something, it's insane
And then how do I verify I'm not getting a malicious or faulty message?
Impose restrictions reasonable to the domain you're working in.
For example, someone sending you 40 MB of data for what's supposed to be a single update of a video game frame is likely illegal.
Yup but can packets even be that big?
@Cinch Probably not, but there's also things like specifying the size, requiring that the size matches, carefully checking if the data sent over fits the size it says it is, etc. etc.
@ThePhD I do not think that you can do this with PuTTY or plink. You might be able to alter SSH/plink command line with the version control system that you are using for this particular repository.
With the command line it works fine if you save it.
cocknuggets I ate way too much today.
first I ate too much, then I ate some more, and then I found even more to eat.
@Puppy Don't eat too many cocknuggets.
Think of the poor children who don't have anything to eat, so you are reminded to eat so you won't be hungry as well.
Hungry Hungry Puppy
it's a direct consequence of playing too many games.
it's time to delete games again.
Like, open PuTTY, set everything for that connection, including a specific key, save it with some name, and then use that name as the remote in git.
@Puppy nooo give them to me instead
@R.MartinhoFernandes And Putty will pick up on that when it gets sent over?
Specific key is set under Connection > SSH > Auth
@ThePhD Works for me. I don't have specific keys set up but I have nonstandard ports and that's how I do it.
@rightfold Nah.
fuck you puppy
i'm gonna lseep
I am too shortly
I just set manwe:path/to/repo as the remote, and it gets the port from the PuTTY settings saved under "manwe".
I'm... so confused.
@ThePhD hm.
Let me just start from the top...
the top of my dick?
Only if you give me a hug first!
"Logical Name for the host (for SSH key lookup)"
There it is.
@ThePhD It's just, for example, say I have a 2D space
and then
I need to find the next move of the player
Given its initial state I should be able to find a suitable bounds
But then lag
@sehe Trivia: public void Caller(ref Intercafe item) { ... } // ref prevents boxing

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