It does. I think it takes more than a day or two to figure it out though. Unless you start right away by reading the Git For Computer Scientists article.
That article alone gives you about 90% of what you need to master Git.
@wilhelmtell He share two of his initials with you. You appear the moment he disappears. You ask about him. Now what do you think we should make of this?
Yesterday I had a moment of falling in love, when I realized a moment after writing a deleter for a shared_ptr that I can just pass in a lambda. Tears in my eyes.
Am I really the only one who borderline-hates lambda syntax? Especially with trailing return types. Spelling out those param types... All the parens/braces/brackets you can think of. Useless return and ; for single expressions. Hand my Boost Phoenix:
but db transactions should be atomic. so it's all or nothnig. so even if the transaction is still alive after a failed commit, it should gracefully die (rollback) when disconnecting, no?
Yes, I find his tone a bit of a challenge to follow. But I find him really good at expressing complex ideas.
I hate, hate hate hate those "lecture visualizations", those stupid drawing animations people wrap talks with. I hate them. So distracting, so damaging, so useless, so ARGH. They're like ketchup on a healthy delicious lentils soup.
Video is good if it has a sense of art. It's an opportunity for another form of creativity. But if you just read out something or do a screencast or just plain talk then yeah, it is a waste of bandwidth.
Here is an implementation based on Boost Spirit.
Because Boost Spirit generates recursive descent parsers based on expression templates, honouring the 'idiosyncratic' (sic) precedence rules (as mentioned by others) is quite tedious. Therefore the grammar lacks a certain elegance:
Abstract Data ...
@Potatoswatter And I think VS2010 doesn't implement that yet.
I don't mean to expose the lambda to C. On the contrary. I have a C function that takes a function pointer, and it's a static library (so already compiled, probably with a C compiler) to link against.
@wilhelmtell You want to expose the function "within" the lambda to C through the function pointer. Since C and C++ are allowed to have completely different calling conventions, that's not OK. But most C++ ABI's simply extend C, so you're OK in practice as long as you stick to C-safe types.
I have requirement where the component is responsible for receiving a message and
process the message. There should be a generic message interface such as unit8 array (it is a binary message) and a generic framework, reads from an external configuration file, a list of handlers. The handlers sho...
Also mumbling for three paragraphs about components and requirements and generic generic generic without really saying what he wants to do… typical Java, and Not a Real Question.
OK, so I am doing an exercise in a book, converting different types of money to dollars. For some reason when I type in 'e' as input for a char variable and compare it to 'e' in an if statement the comparison doesnt work, however if I replace it with another letter it will work fine. What's the...
usuals. care to explain why usuals should be room owners? I still don't know what is so special about room owners. Except, that we can fight about what the room title should be
> If you wonder why we have so many room owners: This room was originally created by some user(s) who later disappeared, orphaning it, so that other users set up a new C++ room. A moderator objected against two C++ rooms, and transferred ownership of the older C++ room to those who had created the new room (which was then left to die).
> To prevent this from ever happening again, we have the unofficial room policy to turn regulars into owners (and to remove those no longer regulars in the chat from the list of owners). If you hung around here almost daily for a few months, it's likely someone added you as an owner.
@AlfPSteinbach > Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.
It's possible with C++11 and decltype. For that, we'll exploit that a pointer-to-member is not a pointer into the derived class when the member is inherited from a base class.
For example:
struct base{
void f(){ std::cout << "base::f()\n"; }
struct derived : base{};
The type of &...
Waaaay to complicated. Have a free function which takes in two positions and two collision boxes and just use a simple check:
// y ^
// |
// +----> x
struct position{
int x, y;
struct bounding_rect{
unsigned w, h;
// simplified
struct object{
position pos;
bounding_rect bo...
This answer I just made reminded me of a picture from our math lessons:
Anyway, yes, I disagree with more than a dozen room owners. I have looked at other rooms. Many have one or two room owners, one has five, the Java room has seven. The C++ room stands out like a needle on an armchair cushion. Which I think is fine — to a certain degree.
This is a busy room. We sometimes have >30 users logged in in the middle of the week. If we make everyone a room owner who has been here more than thrice, we're bound to see some incident one day. It's not that I distrust some specific user here, but I think that, if you are on the room owner list, you should know all of the other room owners very well, and they should all know you very well. So we got to draw the line somewhere.
I understand that this is a problem, because, due to the fact that, in theory, anybody could become a room owner, becoming a room owner in the C++ room became a kind of a privilege to earn. That makes excluding someone who's been here for a while almost an offense. I think that's silly, but that's the way it is. (Trust me, I really know that. Every time someone discovered they got kicked off the list, they swear into my direction.)
Which is why I came up with the idea of using the list of regular users as a criterion. There's ten users on that list, and ten owners ought to be enough for everybody. Also, it's a purely objective criterion. And it perfectly fits the description of "regular users". But so far, that was just my private criterion, and I am — deliberately and intentionally, I want it that way — not the only one who has a saying in this.