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I want emailkitty.
@райтфолд what'd that do?
Email telkitty.
@khajvah Again, that you can reason about it post hoc doesn't mean that on-the-spot misunderstanding is unfathomable.
(How the fuck do you say on-the-spot in Latin?)
And you can't compare women rights with millions of deaths of jews. One was a global thing, which used to be normal. The other was just abnormal genocide.
Or was it dolor sit amet?
@khajvah The problem with those jokes is twofold. One is that it may be hurtful for people to joke about their (current or past) suffering. The other is that it perpetuates those stereotypes, it keeps the idea alive. It reminds people that this is a thing. It reminds us that "black people are former slaves", that "women are subservient to men", that "there are people who think jews are... whatever". It involuntarily helps giving those harmful ideas more attention, allowing them to spread.
@khajvah Just because it was common doesn't make it normal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes onnius spottius
@райтфолд eat more hot dogs then
@milleniumbug It used to be normal
Yes, I will do that ASAP.
But first, it's time for a shower.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ad punctum
(I guess)
Ad statim
@R.MartinhoFernandes ad hoc? ipso loco (locu?)
The person telling teh first joke may mean nothing by it, but of the 20 people who hear the joke, one might think "oh yeah, the main thing about black people is that they were slaves. It's what defines them." (or similar for women). And then that guy might work that notion into his jokes and his ideas and his communication.
@khajvah Except it isn't. See above.
@MomotapaLimpopo Ah. That sounds familiar
OMFG, why is there no reasonable way to access COM from Java on Windows. :(
@wilx Because COM, Java and Windows are all designed to be painful?
@MomotapaLimpopo In my defense, I didn't use a SE
@sehe "Ad hoc" doesn't express anything temporal, AFAIK.
three wrongs don't make a right :)
@MomotapaLimpopo Like you, initially :)
nonius onnius spottius
I mean, it could do, but it's not as strong in the meaning I want.
@khajvah Black slavery doesn't exist in the US either. And yet people still don't make those jokes
@R.MartinhoFernandes illo tempore?
@jalf and mutually vendor-lockout-y
@AndyProwl hoc tempore, then
I forgot my Latin, unfortunately
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ex tempore
Is it Friday yet
Ex tempore, a vista (on sight)
"right now, with no previous preparation, on the spot"
@AlexM. that
Going back to bed
@AlexM. you don't
@AlexM. actually need so many linebreeaks
@jalf I doubt that joking about idea of women not having rights is going to make any harm.
@sehe But I think "hoc tempore" is "at this time"
Gotta get my bowl gotta get cereals
If you mean at "that" time, it should be "illo"
@AlexM. Ha, I had just found that on wikipedia. Thanks.
ICBW though
@AlexM. I've called the cops
@AndyProwl the original query was "on the spot" though
That idea is too outdated to be harmful.
@khajvah Certainly you'll appreciate that that is a subjective thought and others might think differently without being complete idiots.
@khajvah And that wound is still open in the west as well. Sure, a lot of the more blatant injustices have been corrected. But there's still a wage gap. Women are still being passed over for high-ranking positions or for raises. There's still a lot of evidence that we give more weight to opinions or statements made by men than by women. There are still laws in many western countries governing what a woman is allowed to do with her body, say, in relation to birth control or abortions
We know all that
How is that related to a sandwich joke
(And perhaps a bit closer to home, there's an entire extremely important and powerful tech industry in which roughly 10-15% of people are women, and where women often report experiencing harassment or being made to feel unwelcome. And where people tell "sandwich" jokes.)
@khajvah Which idea?
@MomotapaLimpopo ITT above
@MarcoA. I know a complete idiot when I see one.
@jalf Women having no rights.
Interested in working with the Visual C++ team at Microsoft? https://careers.microsoft.com/jobdetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=1&jid=175357&jlang=en&pp=ss
/cc @ThePhD ^
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's just a depressed bus driver
@khajvah Sure. These days, the problem isn't "no rights", but "fewer rights", and more importantly, "fewer privileges, fewer opportunities" etc
Okay I'll come back in a couple hours when the topic will have switched to something more politically incorrect
@Xeo I don't think they're taking interns. :(
@khajvah, just in case you care about my two cents, regarding the "idiot" things, I think others are right. You cannot claim people who are sensitive to a topic are idiots. I don't think you should have been suspended though; I believe those people who flagged you should have rather understood that you didn't mean to hurt anyone. Also I'm wondering if those people didn't flag you as a counter-joke
@MomotapaLimpopo Are butts pc
@MomotapaLimpopo I'm sorry it pains you so that we're having a rational discussion instead of shouting hatred at each others
Like LRiO mentioned
@ThePhD Just apply for real? :P
@Xeo I-I don't feel ready. u.u;
@jalf HATRED
@CatPlusPlus I'm p sure someout out there may be offended by buttes
@MarcoA. If the driving seat is on the left of the bus, he/she may not be so depressed; maybe just concussion.
> Senior Program Manager
I encourage loops when it makes the code easier to read / follow. A handwritten loop puts responsibility into the hands of the person who wrote it. An algorithm provided and you tend to trust it.. Yes, the standard says it's O(N). And its genericity means someone might use it with an associative container for a ranged key which can be done with lower_bound on the first and upper_bound on the second. — CashCow 27 mins ago
What is a program manager?
Oh wait, they're looking for a senior. A manager to boot.
@AndyProwl The reason why you are writing this is because jalf and Marinho twisted my words. I never said that people who got offended are idiots.
@jalf This. A lot.
I starred it too because we were talking of sarcasm earlier
I don't get it. You trust the programmer to do the right thing, but if they use algorithms they suddenly gets ---more stupid--- it wrong? Also, didn't you just imply that the "non-loop" approaches are more complicated? Doesn't it sort of make sense, then, that the programmers lacking understanding of what they do will resort to loops? Doesn't that make it slightly more likely that programmers who don't use algorithms might not know what they are doing? (This is certainly what I tend to see). Again, I write loops liberally, and ranged-for is a huge blessing, but I know what I see around me. — sehe 1 min ago
I don't get that logic
@khajvah You said those that misunderstood you were.
Now, while you're busy fixing all the problems in this world, one sandwich joke at a time, I'll go to bed.
Have fun.
@MomotapaLimpopo And pronouns, don't forget pronouns
@khajvah Do you have any interest in gaming? If so, look at fucking gamergate. Consider why it is that they target women, and only women. Clearly there's something in our culture that hasn't quite reached "full equality" just yet. Or consider that video that went viral not too long ago about street harassment in NYC. How often women report feeling unsafe going out, because too many men (in general, not every one of us individually) think it's ok to harass them
@R.MartinhoFernandes I said those that those who took my words seriously and went to make sandwiches.
imma go get a train ticket for tomorrow
to make sure I actually get one before they run out
> Videogame Publishers: No Preserving Abandoned Games, Even for Museums and Archives, Because All "Hacking" is Illegal
49 mins ago, by khajvah
Well, anybody who is not a complete idiot would understand that it was a sarcasm (that joke being that old and famous makes it even more obvious).
people be crazy easter coming up so everyone's leaving this city to go home
all buses already occupied, crazy
Don't programs without loops terminate rather quickly? — Martin James 51 secs ago
Thanks for playing, Martin
@khajvah That bit about literally making sandwiches failed to come across. I'm sorry.
@sehe lol
1 min ago, by khajvah
@R.MartinhoFernandes I said those that those who took my words seriously and went to make sandwiches.
Someone make me a sandwich
So yeah, the wound is still open, for a lot of women. There are a lot of men in this world who think that women do belong in the kitchen, and who, on hearing jokes like that, think it is validation of their beliefs. And there are a lot of women in the world who, when they hear such a joke, feel disrespected.
I'm sick and therefore privileged
I should make myself a sandwich.
I want a sandwich
I can't take any more sandwiches today. I've had four rounds already.
I used like computre games ... until I found other more useful things that I could build which are more fun to do .. you know those ios, android, windows apps & a smallish house? :p
Are like games those things you do on Facebook?
@jalf Women belong in kitchens! Men belong in kitchens! Robots belong in... no, wait, too many sharp and not-so-sharp hazards.
@khajvah That was pretty much exactly what you said. Perhaps it wasn't what you meant. And it's ok. There's a reason I'm not shouting incoherently at you right now :p
@khajvah Is that really what you meant?
Nobody was talking about people who really went and made sandwiches
Right now we're having a pretty sensible and reasonable discussion about whether, how and why jokes such as that one may be considered harmful. It doesn't matter if you at one point got a bit overexcited and called too many people idiots :P
That's hardly the interesting part of this discussion
@Xeo Yeah, those cucumbers can be lethal in the wrong hands.
You can't call too many people idiots
@райтфолд hehe
@jalf You are actually starting to convince me.
ok shower bye
@Xeo a door post could soon be lethal
@khajvah You have lost already
@khajvah I can start shouting in all caps about what an evil misogynist you are, if it'd make you feel better ;)
I still think that not making jokes that have a potential of offending someone is exaggerated and a bit sad, as long as those jokes are made without the intention of offending
@Jefffrey I am not trying to win or lose mat
@Jefffrey that's unrelated
Here comes Jefffrey with argumentum ad spheniscidae.
@AndyProwl Like I said before, it's not a matter of "not telling a joke because it potentially offends", but of understanding why it offends, and considering whether it is worth the offense
@AndyProwl There were claims that it is hard to distinguish if it was a joke or not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Can you eat that?
ad wominem
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nice
hello ladies
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's "spheniscidae" supposed to mean?
@khajvah poe's law etc.
@AndyProwl mulieram
If you fail to do that, then it's not a joke, it's bullying.
@ScarletAmaranth check our privilege!
I love how pasting my code into coliru (and trimming it down) makes it "work". sigh.
I don't care about penguins
@Ven LINK. Or get out
@AndyProwl Freedom of speech is important. It's important that we have the right to make jokes about rape or slavery or jews, or sandwiches. Legally, that's a huge deal. But socially and morally, it's equally important that we think before making those jokes, and that we understand the impact they're going to have
@sehe link to what? a working version? that's not gonna help me
@Ven That's how you solve problems with software.
@Ven At least you know where the problem doesn't lie now.
@jalf With great power comes great responsibility!
our new project at work is exciting
@Xeo right, well.
it's way bigger than everything I've been doing there so far
@BartekBanachewicz That's not exciting, that's painful
distributed server architecture presentation took ~2 hours
@BartekBanachewicz Bigger in terms of lines of code?
Bigger in terms of cock
@jalf The only thing you're making is a sandwich. For me. sudo!
@jalf That is right.
@Xeo Are you sinister?
@jalf I'm not saying we should not think. I probably wouldn't have done that joke myself. I'm also saying people should be less touchy in general and understand if a joke was meant to hurt or not. Suspension is a "legal" deal: "you shut up".
@khajvah Anyway, I'm not trying to convince you that jokes about women making sandwiches should be considered on par with jokes about the holocaust or slavery. Just trying to highlight the parallels that do exist. Then you can make your own decision about what you think is ok :)
I don't think he should be shut up for having said a joke without meaning to hurt some people
Yo momma's too fat to make sandwiches
@R.MartinhoFernandes ?
@CatPlusPlus ..unless you're making momma sandwiches.
@Xeo Left-handed.
@AndyProwl Sure, people should be less touchy. But that can be a kind of unreasonable thing to ask. In general, you probably shouldn't tell people who have suffered something you haven't, how touchy they should be about it. I think it's reasonable that they get to decide the appropriate level of touchyness
jalf is sinister. If he makes a sandwich you cannot eat it because it will be a left-handed sandwich.
well damn.
Mixing different tenses in the same sentence is cool.
It would have been
@jalf yes, but that's largely irrelevant; bigger in terms of functionality
@R.MartinhoFernandes Turn the sandwich over, it'll be fine.
@CatPlusPlus That's a single tense.
But it's very tense
It's easy for you or me to say that black people shouldn't be so whiny when you joke about slavery, say. But you don't have their perspective. They probably have a different insight into how much touchiness is warranted.
Yo momma's is fat and she can't make a sandwiche without eating it herself
Guess I need to get a sinister-to-dexter sandwich converter.
@jalf I can only talk for myself. If I know someone didn't mean to hurt me when they made a joke that hurts me, I don't think it's appropriate to get mad at them for saying that joke. I may think they're insensitive to my position, but they shouldn't be shut up because I'm offended
That's my take at least
@Xeo 99.99€
+ shipping
@CatPlusPlus Special offer, instead of 100.00
@AndyProwl sure, but again, you're not living in a society that causes you hurt or suffering, and the joke wasn't about this suffering
R# C++ released you C++ scrubs
The relevant question is how you would feel if you were in their place. If it wasn't just a joke that hurt you, but a joke that played into an attitude you encounter every day, which say that someone like you is hardly a human being, they're only fit to be a slave? If it's something that, to some, isn't just a joke, but something they actually believe
@CatPlusPlus Gonna see on Monday if that one copes better with Unreal source.
Instead of allocating a buttload of memory and then dying.
It's still C++
And the answer is, you don't know how you would take it in that situation. Neither do I. So I figure it's probably not unreasonable to let them have a say in whether or not a bit of touchyness is ok ;)
@jalf That's the thing. If I were in that place, I'd probably forgive them for not intending to be mean. That's what I do when most people abroad make jokes about mafia
At least that's what the preview did.
which I do happen to find a hurtful topic
@AndyProwl How do you know?
seriously though, I have this feeling that a fat mum would be better in general than a wire thin mum who is constantly on some sort of diet
@jalf Notice "probably". The reason I think I "probably" know is in the last part of the sentence
@Xeo ha ha ha
> Welcome dotMemory Unit framework — state-of-the-art .NET memory monitoring. Extend your unit testing framework with the functionality of a memory profiler.
I mean, I've been in a related position
lol @JohanLarsson
@AndyProwl Anti-joke mafia is on you.
@AndyProwl Yeah, I'm just pointing out that you and I don't have that perspective :)
@Xeo we've noticed
@jalf But we might have been in a similar position
Not on that topic, but on other hurtful topics
Agent Skye is so damn fine
Well, my nation has experienced genocide and I wouldn't take any joke on that, which is why I am not arguing any more. (not that the genocide is the same as women rights but still)
Bah I wanted to go to pharmacy for more throat drugs and instead I'm still here
@AndyProwl well, kinda, but not quite. Mafia jokes encapsulate part of it, in that they say mean things about you and yours. But it doesn't dehumanize you, and it doesn't play into something that some people actually live their lives by. There are people who do think that women belong in the kitchen and that black people are only fit to be slaves. If you're a woman or a black person and you encounter those people every day, how much patience are you going to have for "jokes" repeating the same?
@jalf Oh, there are people who do think Italy is all about the mafia.
Actually, I live with one currently.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but those people don't tell Andy specifically that he is less worthy, less human than other people.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is
(It is all about mafia)
(At least I hope not)
@jalf Those jokes often do involve me though. It's not about being less worthy, it's about being less human though - killing and stuff
they don't think that there's some god-ordained rule that Andy is only fit for certain tasks, roles and responsibilities
Nerds are not people anyway
@jalf It's a different kind of painful implication, but it's still painful
@jalf I didn't make any such rules, no
But then again, I learned not to be so touchy about it
@AndyProwl Yeah, I can understand that
Many people do not mean to hurt me when they say such things
I only get butthurt or touchy when someone is at least partially right about something they are accusing me of.
@AndyProwl but again, do these stereotypes keep you out of jobs, for example? Do they restrict your personal rights?
is std::sort required to use std::swap or std::iter_swap ?
Anyway, your decision to forgive is your personal decision. You're not making it on behalf of your entire country :)
seems like cmake was guilty all along...
or can it use something else to swap the elements?
if you are easily offended, then maybe it's you who should change
@jalf These stereotypes tend to make me less trustworthy
@Jefffrey Hmm. Seems backwards buttwards. Shouldn't you be more hurt when being the victim of slander?
it probably doesn't affect me as a programmer in the industry
Lots of women also decide to forgive jokes like the sandwich one. But I can see why some would take it to heart
but it does affect me a lot for e.g. relationships
@jalf Who wants to employ a criminal?
@AndyProwl And being a programmer pretty much wipes out the rest of your trustworthyness ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nah. If someone talks shit about something I know is not right I really don't give much of a crap.
Fuck it, Imma having another sandwich, prolly bacon.
@jalf lol
@Jefffrey Ok. I just wanted to say "buttwards" anyway.
Anyway I'm not saying the jokes about mafians are worse than or as bad as the jokes about women. Just that understanding if someone meant to hurt or not is important
Anyway, I'm not saying the mafia thing for you is less legitimate
@Jefffrey Other people might though!
@Jefffrey It's all about you.
@jalf The mafia is definitely not legitimate.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, and I don't understand why.
Because people are idiots
I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm just saying that I don't understand why.
I tend to stay away from the idiots, unfortunately you need to hang around with them to make more $$$ ... sometimes I think I would rather be a hermit if it's not for the people who are very close to me coz the $$ is not worth the hassle
might unignore jalf for a while for the kek
@LightningRacisinObrit Make him an offer he can't refuse.
@AndyProwl sure, but it's still kind of putting the burden on the people who are hurt, rather than the ones who cause hurt.
When is VS2015 coming out, I want C# 6
I'm all for forgiving people and choosing to ignore when people unintentionally hurt you. But if you choose not to forgive it, it's still not you who are doing the bad thing
@CatPlusPlus I want the bug reports I filed and was told would be fixed to be in my hands with VS 2015.
oh, no, it's clion that's unable to pick up my CXX that's messing all this shit up.
@jalf Jesus would disagree!
@jalf I understand your point. I think the burden should be on both sides. When it comes to "shutting up" other people (suspension, etc.), though, I think intent should be taken into consideration.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fuck Jesus :p
@AndyProwl I think it is taken into consideration. It's just not the only consideration
Well, remember that even if you don't forgive them, it becomes problematic if you don't have the power to exact some kind of revenge or justice. Then you become bitter: forgiving is usually helpful for the self.
(Also, not putting up with hurt is the only way to make it stop)
@LightningRacisinObrit yes and no?
should've listened to @райтфолд and not used clion.
@gnzlbg What is confusing?
@jalf (I know several Christians who would be really mad for this)
@gnzlbg Look at the messages I was replying to. Hint: they were your messages
despite the ":p"
nobody likes to be around people who are easily offended (high maintenance)
@AndyProwl Really? I didn't think it was physically possible, the body being lost and all..
I mean, look at what happened here. @khajvah actually said he understood where I was coming from. That only happened because we took the discussion, rather than just silently choosing to let it slide :)
nobody likes to be around people who easily misspell basic words ("maintenance")
@AndyProwl Fuck Christians? :p
shit I need to work guys
u talken 2 m3?
I'm so unproductive
@jalf You assume that he only understands because you explained it (and, by extension, because you had the opportunity to). What about the possibility that he always understood, and did not need your intervention?
@LightningRacisinObrit thanks
@R.MartinhoFernandes The mafia? :D
@LightningRacisinObrit No, he does not assume that. khajvah explicitly mentioned that the discussion was helping him understand jalf's point.
@jalf If I was religious, I would get offended ;)
I love how, when the rest of the room is actually having a constructive and civil discussion for once, two people are still sitting on the sidelines trying to start a mud slinging match
I hadn't at all seen that coming.
@Ven yeah. It's muuuuch more helpful to "sigh" ostentatively without even showing what you are looking at. Didyou ever consider that someone might go and say "oh - yeah, if you (X) then that code could give that message you talked about."
@khajvah Only if of an abrahamic religion.
@Ven I already had one such hunch from an empty slate
@jalf ..but it's so much FUN!
@jalf Don't bite.
Do penguin even have teeth?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Doesn't traditional Judaism not really mind Jesus?
@sehe I said I was still trying to get a reproducible test case
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but they're left-handed ones
Oh, wait. He's still considered a great teacher / prophet.
So that would be offensive. Ah. Oh well.
Can't sleep
Entertain me
@sehe There's nothing to read in a file that works. I literally pasted my code into coliru and it runs. So now I'm looking at my build system, and it seems it's cmake's fault
@ThePhD Opinions vary.
@Ven I know what you said
(or rather, clion's integration with cmake's fault)
Oh shit
@Ven That's what you think. Alright. Don't complain anymore. Bye
I just got the "ad penguin" joke
@ThePhD Or the worst of all false messiahs. Depends on where they sit in the spectrum of orthodoxy-progress.
@sehe That's not what I think. That's what's going on.
Where did Cat go
I literally just typed "clang *.cpp -std=c++1z" and it compiled and ran.
Ooops, penguins are not like sheep.
@CatPlusPlus they're cats yes
chickens have tiny teeth, I would assume anything related to t-rex do
@R.MartinhoFernandes If it looks like a penguin, and quacks like a sheep...?
oh my, BIOS update
brb rip
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, sheering a penguin is likely to end with you being pecked to death
Not if it's dead.
Fuck it I'm going to use shared pointers everywhere
Total failure
@AndyProwl why?
Because I suck
Damn multithreading
@AndyProwl because you can't put explicit destructors where necessary on the classes holding std::unique_ptr?
ah that would do it
@Mgetz I have to send asynchronous notifications about objects that may have died due to concurrent transactions unless I'm dispatching shared pointers with those events
I've explored alternatives using unique pointers, they were too complicated for me to handle and didn't work out that well
So, shared pointers and admitted suckage
Maybe one day I'll be a better programmer and laugh at this
But I need to make progress or my boss will be really nervous
I can now replace this shitty OS with an actual on
@MomotapaLimpopo What is that shitty OS?
@AndyProwl IRTA "Maybe one day I'll be a programmer" :|
@khajvah Windows
@BartekBanachewicz haha I guess you could read it that way
@MomotapaLimpopo You needed BIOS update for that?
by Lounge standards at least
I had to keep it because there were issues with the hardware on linux, which this bios patch fixes
So, anyone have a good c++ ide that doesn't require you to use a broken cmake to compile your programs?
Liberate tuteme ex programmis
@MomotapaLimpopo Congratulations
@MomotapaLimpopo i'm on osx :(
That's your problem
@Ven vim (it works on osx)
@Ven Remind me to never talk to you again
@khajvah "IDE"
Drugs are expensive
@MomotapaLimpopo there's a "ignore this user" button
@Ven there are no good C++ IDEs
@Ven QtCreator is pretty okay-ish though
@BartekBanachewicz ah well. too bad. guess I'll stick with emacs/evil-mode then..
you can get it to work with SCons fairly easily
@Ven Vim can be configured to have all the functionality you need.
@BartekBanachewicz What would you recommend for Haskell
@MomotapaLimpopo A tight rope
Disintegrated Development Environment
Looks like this patch makes my keys repeat for some reason fuck
@khajvah I want good completion, jump-to-source, auto-header include and that kind of stuff
Then you're using a wrong language
Or maybe I'm just spastic
if you like pain, use vim
No there's definitely a pproblem with the keyboard
jokes aside, vim is great once you have it configured the way you like and memorize your bindings. appcode and xcode are pretty okay for OSX
I would even recommand notepad++
@Ven There must be plugins for all that. Or as Bartek said, qtcreator.
@khajvah I'll probably go for qtcreator. probably with vim plugins is that they're running sync :(
@Ven For C++? Your requirements are impossible to fulfill.
"good completion", haha

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