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We built the int-only version in class
@LightningRacisinObrit i need a help about gui in c++
Without a tail pointer
@FastSnail What framework?
@FastSnail do you happen to have a doubt?
@sehe I still don't understand how cycle detection is relevant to a linked list
Look up mass nouns.
LRiO is great at clearing doubts about guis in c+
@райтфолд I have no idea what I'm doing wrong in my code that works in my self-contained example...:(
@khajvah that's my question .i read a stackoverflow question about qt but lot of answers discourage to use qt .
@Ven The SSCCE must demonstrate the problem.
@райтфолд lol
@FastSnail It's C++. Everything sucks.
If it doesn't, make it do so.
@khajvah Yes. it does. That is why it is a joke. If your "joke" had been asking a left-handed person to make you a sandwich, then it wouldn't be "funny". What makes you think of it as a joke is that it has that meaning. That there is this thing about women and sandwiches, which again depends on the whole women and kitchen things ,which again goes back to equality and feminism and gender roles andw hat have you
Don't make GUIs.
But Qt is the best GUI framework right now for C++???
GUIs are inflexible and hard to automate.
like me right now minus the automate part
ba dum tschh
@райтфолд well that's more down to badlets using them as the only interface.
@AlexM. wat is tschh is this a new web framework
@райтфолд but gui is really usefull ?
Tschh 2.0 is really good.
So yes. It has meaning. You wouldn't have made the joke if it didn't.
Tclsh is good too.
@FastSnail no, a decent CLI is usefull
It's made by the same guys that make the Tinnitus™ headphones.
tcl? :[
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey man.
> Age of Empires 2 is getting a new expansion
I AM the Tinnitus
lol AoE2 doesn't want to die
@AlexM. link?
AoE II is a great video game.
@MomotapaLimpopo I hereby proclaim myself Tinnitus-Rex
"candidate function not viable: 'this' argument has type 'const std::__1::__mem_fn<bool (Warrior::*)()>', but method is not marked const" cool, but why does the mem_fn have that const here. sigh
@Ven what's the example code?
> If you put your tests into a library and your main() function is in a different library or in your .exe file, those tests will not run. The reason is a bug in Visual C++.
@jalf If you did find a meaning in that joke (women and kitchen thingy), then your first argument is pointless, also chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/22579005#22579005
god damnit VC++
@khajvah I'm not saying that jokes about women making sandwiches are necessarily taboo or unacceptable. But they obviously have some meaning. Pretending otherwise is pretty disingenuous :)
@Cinch I can't manage to isolate the issue
It's spelled "dammit", not "damnit".
what about age of mythology, tho...
@khajvah Hmm? Which argument is pointless?
dog gammit
@Ven Explain more?
18 mins ago, by jalf
@khajvah Think hard about what it is that makes it "a joke", rather than just a random assemblage of words. You might get it eventually. :)
@Ven terrible game
@jalf Yeah, I too prefer sandwiches made by dextrous than sinistrous. The left-handed sandwiches are troublesome to eat.
amazing game.
@khajvah Why is that a pointless argument?
@Cinch I'll try a bit harder to get a non-working example...
Ummm idk Age of Empires 2 was pretty good from what I remember
(other than in the obvious sense, that I might as well be talking to a brick wall)
3 was a bit weird
someone should make a game called age of sandwiches
@thecoshman but is it possible to do everything in cli that guicando[example-maya gui]
it's like age of empires except wonders are replaced with sandwiches
@jalf Well, you just claimed that you found a meaning in my joke but that argument states the opposite
@AlexM. I'll make Age of Sand-Witches
@khajvah My "argument" (hello, reading comprehension) was not an argument. It was a suggestion that you consider what the meaning of your joke was
It will be about Delilah, one of the seven last Sand-Witches in the Land of Bietschesz
@Cinch really. Not even after I linked that? You're drunk.
@sehe Didn't see the link
I know dem words is real diffucult. You'll get it one day.
@Ven context?
@Cinch Fuck you that.
@jalf So all this is because of the word "just" in "just a joke". If it is, you have too much free time, buddy.
@sehe I'm trying to get a broken self-contained example, but my bug doesn't seem to appear
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey, I resent that! What do you have against left-handed people?!
@sehe Wait but is it there?
@Ven Show everything, then.
@khajvah I.... can't even.
@Cinch Only one way to find out. PADAWAN
@jalf I can't eat their sandwiches!
seems like my "clang-600.0.051 based on LLVM 3.5 svn" doesn't recognize -std=c++14 (but recognizes c++1y)
@AlexM. which framework do u use to create gui applications ?
@khajvah dictionary.reference.com. Please, read that from start to finish, then get back to me.
I use -std=c++1z. :D
@Ven the range elements are const, but the member function isn't?
If only for the messageless static_assert.
@CashCow Agreed. However, since you asked: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/9020224d60d18169sehe 2 mins ago
It seems like you struggle with words
@райтфолд unrecognized ;)
@FastSnail you want someone else
I don't have time right now
@sehe It still has no relevance
Paths don't matter
@sehe coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/09a4771b39f57338 this is basically my code... but this version works...
And cycle detection isn't really...
@Ven brew install llvm --with-clang to get the latest version, then PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH".
It supports -std=c++14.
@Cinch whatever. I'm not in the mood to cater to clingy learners. Never mind how enthusiastic you are. Next time
@khajvah No, all this is because you made a joke, got suspended, and didn't understand why whoever suspended you felt that it was warranted, that your joke was harmless and innocent. I'm trying to hold your hand and walk you through the dangerous and complicated world of understanding what words mean
@Cinch isn't really.. .what
So that you might understand what the words you say mean, which, in turn, might help you understand why people sometimes have reactions to the words that you say
Of course you don't do cycle detection. Doens'make it irrelevant for lists though
@jalf Why part of my joke is harmful?
@sehe Well if cycle detection is for deriving patterns how is that related to segfaulting a linked list?
@райтфолд thanks, I'll do that. Though it'll burn my battery haha
@Cinch !?!?!
@Ven Yes, it will build both from source.
Remember, I have <1 year of programming experience
I do understand every word in my joke. None of it is harmful to anybody
It also includes the latest libc++ IIRC.
@khajvah Like I said, you'll get it one day, if you think hard about it
@Cinch Well if burgers are for makeing a profit, how is it related to chatting on SE chat?
@khajvah Do you also understand the meaning of the joke?
@khajvah do you understand the context in which the joke was made?
@khajvah do you understand what it was that made it a joke, as opposed to a sequence of arbitrary words?
@Cinch Doesn't explain density. Look: Lists can have cycles. Of course your code was horribly broken. I joked pointing out you didn't detect cycles (which is really not usually necessary unless you don't control the invariants). End of joke.
@jalf (Are you sinistrous?)
% ls include/c++/v1/experimental
__config    dynarray    optional    string_view utility
@jalf Yes. I do understand the meaning of the joke. Only blind feminists would consider that harmful.
Woot, string_view.
@sehe which framework do u use to create gui applications ?
@sehe THAT'S A JOKE?!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep
But the answer was that I was trying to access by max size and not by position
That explains everything!
@khajvah how do you arrive at that conclusion?
@Cinch Well. The code you posted was also highly gratuitous. I just responded in style
@FastSnail Ah. You're asking just the right person. use ncurses or directly program to the framebuffer. It'll be fast.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Interesting. I've never thought of it as a defense mechanism before. But I guess it protects against you stealing our sandwiches? :D
@jalf It is not disrespectful to anybody. I was obviously sarcastic. I don't see how anybody can get offended from that.
okok tnx
@khajvah What if, hypothetically speaking, someone else found it disrespectful to them? Wouldn't it be kind of disrespectful to disregard their opinion? ;)
@jalf I think I might be ambisinister, at least when handling knives.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that where you can't handle knives safely with either hand? :p
@khajvah Sarcasm is notorious for being hard to convey in writing.
I want constexpr typeid and std::type_info::name().
@jalf Yeah, like the diametrical opposite of ambidexterity.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, I was dead serious about them making me a sandwich.
@sehe WAT
@khajvah Well, I don't know if you want to understand how "anybody can get offended from that", but I don't think I can try to help you any more, then.
@jalf Also interesting, some 40% of my friends are sinister. That's a sinister statistic when compared to the general population's 10%.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Color me Scott Summers.
@khajvah How about a thought experiment. Would you make a joke about telling black people to pick cotton for you?
Well, anybody who is not a complete idiot would understand that it was a sarcasm (that joke being that old and famous makes it even more obvious).
"debug information for auto is not yet supported" aww :[
@khajvah See, that you can justify your joke post hoc doesn't prevent on-the-spot misunderstanding.
@khajvah "I'm not disrespectful to anyone, I just choose not to respect the opinions of anyone who found it disrespectful, and I think they're a complete idiot"
I'll wait until my clang has recompiled.
That's... beautiful
I guess, I don't need this extra vector.
I wasted about 2 hours doing Bartek's mini-challenge
IOW you failed
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just you wait. We're planning to take over soon
@milleniumbug No, like I said, it still works a bit fine
And I can write the rest but it's 2:26 AM and I'm not done with my labs yet
@jalf How do you expect to do that when all mugs are right-handed?
You guys can't even do cross products!
Anybody got any good game recommendations?
Oh, we've had a lot of practice using right handed products, thanks to years of living with your cruel right-handed OPPRESSION!
And scissors, haha, scissors.
(not the talos principle please)
@Cinch Among The Sleep.
@Cinch You said you would do it in 1h, you did it in 2h. Congratulations, you're a victim of Hofstadter's law.
Wait, I shouldn't laugh about scissors.
When the revolution comes, you fuckers are all gonna be sent to labor camps where you have to use left-handed scissors all day!
Ugh, can't shrink vector using resize if the value type is not default-constructible without passing a default.
I can't use scissors of the right handnedness myself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, it's running you shouldn't do with scissors
@jalf There will always be somebody who will not agree with my every word. I respect everybody's opinion. If somebody makes a proper argument, I will say sorry and never make women in kitchen jokes.
@jalf My brother used to be left-handed but he was forced to use his right hand all his life and actually somewhat lost the ability to be left-handed.
Left-handed scissors might be my weakest spot. It's definitely up there on the list.
@milleniumbug Yeah
Bartek wins
@khajvah You just said anyone who disagreed is a complete idiot. That is not "respecting everybody's opinion"
@khajvah FWIW, you can just say "I didn't mean it that way", as opposed to "you're an idiot".
There's a kind of significant difference between respecting something, and saying that you respect something
@jalf I said anybody who would take my joke seriously is an idiot, there is difference
It takes two to tango communicate.
@R.MartinhoFernandes agreed
@khajvah Right, so you certainly don't respect their opinion
even if they have a reason to take your joke seriously
@khajvah Why would you stop? Or will you also stop making dark humour jokes, yo mamma jokes, nigger jokes, Jew jokes, Muslim jokes, etc.?
@jalf I will take it seriously as soon as they properly explain to me why it is a disrespectful joke instead of flagging.
Since I pass iterators to non-const handles to functions, I can trivially implement by-ref parameters.
@khajvah You are doing your damndest to avoid hearing a proper explanation
@wilx I dont making yo mama, nigger, jew or muslim jokes
If you respected a proper explanation, you would say "so explain to me why this joke is problematic". Instead, you say "people who might have a reason to dislike this joke are fucking idiots"
just noticed my compile-time went from 200ms to 10s since I added boost::phoenix and boost::range
That is not respect
@khajvah Interesting. Why not?
@jalf Bc I find them wrong.
@CashCow It's really really funny that you worry about encouraging linear searches and countering that by encouraging loops. I'm not in favour of any of these, but that argument sinks pretty fast. Actually ranged for doesn't support anything but linear iteration. (One notable advantage of my range example was genericity, in case you missed this minor benefit. Again, I was just responding to the explicit challenge. Not saying you should write it in that particular way) — sehe 9 secs ago
@khajvah Why do you find them wrong?
@khajvah OK, then geek jokes, programmer jokes?
Every joke can seem cruel or hurtful to somebody else.
@khajvah You're a complete idiot.
@jalf Please, don't twist my words. I never said "people who might have a reason to dislike this joke are fucking idiots"
@Cinch Missing the joke again, buddy?
@wilx Hey! That's no joke!
17 secs ago, by khajvah
@jalf Please, don't twist my words. I never said "people who might have a reason to dislike this joke are fucking idiots"
@sehe No but he doesn't know better
@khajvah I didn't mean it in that context.
@khajvah Oh sorry, it was "complete idiot", wasn't it?
Sorry, didn't mean to get the words mixed up. That was my bad
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear why you find those other jokes wrong
what is going on
@MomotapaLimpopo Sinister revenge.
@Cinch So? He still chose to specifically ask /me/ with @sehe. I made it clear that this was strange
I should practise pointers to members.
@jalf See, you are not trying to explain why my joke was wrong. I explained to you who was I referring by "complete idiot". You are just trying to make me look like I don't make sense.
I personally feel mildly offended by racist jokes against black people (for obvious reasons)
@райтфолд Pointing to members is bad manners.
I have no problem with homophobia and mysoginy however, so do carry on
@jalf First of all, they are not funny. Secondly, for every joke stated there, there was somebody who explained to me why it is disrespectful (I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why women in kitchen joke is wrong)
@wilx And it's of course always exclusively the audience's fault when that happens.
> Blizzard cuts access to Battle.net in Crimea
oh noes
double standards;
embargoes apply to games too
@AlexM. That's a Crimea of war!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nobody said anything about faults.
@MomotapaLimpopo what did Blizzard say to the Crimean WoW players?
Crimea river
Thirdly, even those jokes can be taken as jokes if they are done right.
ba dum tschh
@wilx Oh, you didn't. But when the reader is a complete idiot for not getting it...
Pointers to member are like offsetof on steroids.
4.9/10 because I like you
pls 5 :(
best I could do
ok, I'll take it
I'm sick like a dog
Don't tell Papi
and now, I have a copy call that's in my coliru example but not in my code. I must be doing it on purpose. fk
I guess the question is whether a joke, when it can hurt anybody, is appropriate to be said at all? Or should we joke just when nobody who could be hurt is around?
fuck this I wanted to see a page about saving passwords with tortoise svn and this happens
> Hacked By Lou Sh
saHara nOt moroccan | Free Western Sahara ./ Bye
Everything can hurt somebody.
ffs apparently getting text to wrap correctly is a hard problem for a website
@AlexM. Where?
It's best to never say anything at all.
@MomotapaLimpopo stop eating grass then you fool
@райтфолд Yeah, it seems like things could result into that if taken too far.
@wilx That's an interesting question
@thecoshman I don't take advice from irishmen
I honestly don't know
the issue is that every 3 months I have to change my password
Just post jokes and plonk people who don't like them.
@райтфолд I got 3.5.1 built, not 3.6 :[
and the main repo I work with has like ~40 externals
@Ven duh.
that means I have to enter my pass 40 times each time I check out
3.6 is beta.
@MomotapaLimpopo nor do I... your point?
@thecoshman yes
@райтфолд that's when you say it best
(just once x 40)
I think it's also possible to understand how much someone who makes a joke meant to be mean
@wilx Well, black people suffered from slavery and nigga word was associated with slaves, millions of jews were killed for no reason. It is inappropriate to make jokes on people who suffered. But I doubt women suffered much from being in the kitchen.
@khajvah Feminists would/will disagree!! :D
% clang++ --version | awk 'NR == 1'
Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.57) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
% PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH" clang++ --version | awk 'NR == 1'
clang version 3.5.1 (tags/RELEASE_351/final)
@wilx some times you need to make light of hard things to get over them... said the Duchess to the Vicar
Look, some people have serious trouble getting sarcasm. If you want to think them idiots for that, go ahead. But those people exist, *and not just a few*. "Obvious sarcasm" is an expression that can probably only be used to describe sarcasm accompanied by an actual cue like rolling your eyes or a distinctive tone (though sometimes not even that works), or an explicit notice in writing.
Sarcasm is one of the most complex linguistic devices in terms of processing in the brain. You'll have to accept that some people just have serious trouble with it.
I hear jokes about Italians and mafians all the time. If I understand someone is genuine and wants to simply say something funny, I don't get offended
@R.MartinhoFernandes what is sarcasm
@AndyProwl I can make a joke that would offend Italians
@AndyProwl @Jefffrey I put ketchup on my pizza
@AlexM. whether it would offend me depends on what you would use the joke for
@R.MartinhoFernandes A fine example of written sarcasm, very clever.
Mar 16 at 11:32, by Andy Prowl
I think "it IMO is" is correct, but a Pole, a Romanian, and an Italian arguing about correct English sounds like the intro of some joke
Sarcasm is not very well understood here in Asia. Luckily for me it's a form of expression I rarely employ.
@MomotapaLimpopo but they get trolling?
@R.MartinhoFernandes As a human being with an ability to think, tell me, how could I be serious about somebody making me a sandwich while I am sitting thousands of kilometers away from them ?
A well? Where? Omg water!
@khajvah what
Perhaps people should be a bit less touchy and understand if the one who makes the joke meant to hurt them or not
@khajvah 3d printing with bread, cheese & ham?
@райтфолд so...the same's going on for you?
@AndyProwl Many people lack that capability.
@Ven What same?
@khajvah FWIW, I really don't have a big problem with your message. It troubles me that you insist so much on exclusively blaming the audience for whatever happened.
@райтфолд Yes, that's my point. I'm saying we should not give up making jokes because people lack a capability they should have
@райтфолд with the /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin (the brew one) you have 3.5.1. 3.6 was released a month later
@khajvah That's why I'm asking what you found wrong about those jokes. I'm not trying to antagonize you atm :)
"Audience" sounds like "idiots". Coincidence? I think not.
... so presentation has a slide title 'The Guardians'... so tempted to sneak in a groot image or something of that sort
Many muslims are offended by jokes about the Prophet. Does it mean the whole world should stop making such jokes?
@AndyProwl According to them, yes.
@AndyProwl No. That's pretty much the only fun thing about such jokes.
5 mins ago, by khajvah
@wilx Well, black people suffered from slavery and nigga word was associated with slaves, millions of jews were killed for no reason. It is inappropriate to make jokes on people who suffered. But I doubt women suffered much from being in the kitchen.
It nobody got offended by them nobody would make them.
> Le langage est source de malentendus
@AndyProwl It doesn't mean the whole world should ignore the fact that many muslims are offended by such.
I think the distinction between a joke and an offence or harassment is blurry. If you feel hurt or offended, either deal with it or confront the joker/offender not to do it again. If they refuse, well, tough life, I guess.
Oh, 3.6 is stable.
Oh my god!
@райтфолд yessir
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, but does it mean we should stop joking about him?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't claim that. The point is whether it makes sense for the whole world to be shut up because a subset of that world thinks it should be
Well, who clamoured for shutting up?
Also, religions are ridiculous. They deserve to be ridiculed.
no @wilx
@Ven I should install it! Nested namespace definition s!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Suspension is a way of forcing "shut up"
@MomotapaLimpopo Yes!
the world would be a better place if we had one uncontested opinion driving everyone
no more disputes
@wilx That's a terribly shallow analysis
@райтфолд why did brew not install it :[
hmm... should I accept a fault as 'fixed' if it is not yet deployed... ie, as far as I see, the issue still exists...
Because there's no formula for it yet.
@AndyProwl Yes, but people should also understand that some others are touchy and some subjects are touchy to some people. It's disrespectful to dismiss them as idiots.
@AlexM. Alex for world president!
@wilx say that in Soudi Arabia
@MomotapaLimpopo That is no analysis. That is just distilled opinion.
@AndyProwl pizza for everyone!
@khajvah Women suffered from not having the same rights as men. From not being able to vote. From not being allowed to control their own lives. From being "property" (ownership of which was effectively transferred from the father to the husband at marriage). From their opinions, thoughts and opinions being considered on a level with children.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, I agree. I didn't defend the "idiot" part.
@khajvah I wouldn't. I am not insane or having a death wish.
@wilx I didn't dare say such
@Ven You could try passing the --HEAD flag to brew. :P
@райтфолд ...do I really want to do that?
@jalf Children don't get sarcasm.
I was simply saying people should be less touchy and understand when someone makes a joke with the intent of hurting rather than not
@R.MartinhoFernandes They're idiots
Understanding of sarcasm develops very late, close to puberty.
@AndyProwl Or we could turn it upside down, and say that someone making a joke should understand whether and why it will hurt
your intent doesn't matter quite as much as the actual effect you have
shooting into a crowd is bad, even if you didn't intend to hit anyone :p
@jalf But then we get back to my original question: should we stop making jokes about Mohammed because many Muslims are offended by it?
Btw, you can see severe sarcasm-impairment (as in, the severity caused by brain damage) in brain imaging.
I think the intent does matter
@AndyProwl No. We should take responsibility for our jokes, and consider what purpose the joke serves, and whether that outweighs the consideration for the people who are hurt by it
Many Mohammed jokes (or cartoons or whatever) serve no purpose except to antagonize Muslims. If you make a joke that is going to offend solely because you want to offend that group of people, then perhaps it's worth asking "should you really be making that joke?"
You can also just look at people who use CVS, since they're brain-damaged and butt-ugly.
@jalf Yes, but that takes intent into consideration - I agree with that
@R.MartinhoFernandes really. My daughter could have fooled me. BIG TIME. I'm pretty sure she wields it quite ok. But... maybe she doesn't /quite/ understand it yet. She's just copying the behaviour then
if we take intent into consideration, I think it's quite safe to say that khavjah did not mean to hurt women
@AndyProwl Sure, but intent isn't a get out of jail free card. "I didn't mean to do this" doesn't matter overly much if you did it anyway
he might have been a bit insensitive to the topic, yes
@jalf No, the purpose is not to antagonize muslims at all
@sehe As in getting it, or using it?
Do you tell a black joke with the purpose of offending black people?
OK, frozen tomatoes is the answer. The question is 'how do I keep a few food items cold in my hand-baggage without using banned ice or gel packs' :) A tomato is almost an ice-pack, but is a foodstuff I can take to other EU countries. I can now have a nice meal even if I arrive very late and the shops etc are shut:)
oh wait it's this time of the day again
Ok, some grammar thing: which one would be more correct 'smart phone application' or 'smart phones application'
time to get my ass out of bed and eat some hotdogs
@MomotapaLimpopo I don't, no.
You're a good nigga
@R.MartinhoFernandes Both. More using it, though. So maybe I'm overestimating the "getting it part". But yes, she gets sarcasm a lot when I can't resist it. But those are frequently the punny cases that aren't really that subtle
@MomotapaLimpopo They are often used to reinforce the idea that "we are allowed to mock that group of people without having to consider their feelings or thoughts or reactions, and they don't get to have a say in the matter"
@MomotapaLimpopo I prefer white jokes
I think the blue flags are offensive to alien races.
@jalf Not really
@райтфолд Dont' you have a job anymore
@MomotapaLimpopo Yes really
@sehe I do, but I'm sick at home.
No, not at all actually
@jalf eh, I don't know. To me, it does. If someone makes a joke which touches me but I realize was not meant to hurt me, I don't get mad at the person. Even if it does hurt. I get offended only if I think the person did mean to hurt me.
@MomotapaLimpopo lol
@chmod711telkitty Why is it "smart phone" with "smart" and "phone" separated with a space?
It's not because you tell a joke on population X that you despise population X
@jalf Most women in the world don't even know what happened. I wouldn't make that joke in Iran or any other place where the wound is still open. That injustice doesn't exist any more in most places. Also, that women in kitchen joke is a joke not about women but it is a joke about that injustice itself (women make that joke too), so there is absolutely no reason for women to get offended.

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