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you know what
screw it
i'll embrace Blueprints
my secret fetish must be horizontal stripes
@StackedCrooked no longer a secret
ur weird
anyone know if you can use DFS on a directed graph to find the shortest point between two nodes?
(lldb) bt
* thread #2: tid = 0x10919, 0x0000000102e87d28, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x102e87d28)
  * frame #0: 0x0000000102e87d28
@StackedCrooked Word brigadier.
user image
Thanks, Google.
@райтфолд You might want to bookmark ref.x86asm.net for future reference.
@райтфолд here, let me teach you how to google
you're welcome
@AlexM. Noob, everyone knows that you go to x86asm.net for that kind of stuff. ;P
heading back to civilization tomorrow yay
@Puppy where are you right now
when are you available?
I arrive at 13:41, add an hour or so to walk home and find food and such
so let's say mid-afternoon
are you working tomorrow/Tuesday? I have both days holiday
National holiday tomorrow, vacation rest of the week
though I'm busy Tuesday evening
I am busy Wednesday evening but could be available thurs/fri evening as well as during the day monday/tuesday
Not sure yet when else I'll be busy
well I'll be working wed/thurs/fri
k, I'd be busy during the day only
that kinda works out then
unless buddy makes some short-term plans
I do my best to avoid having anything I need to get done during the evenings on workdays
@райтфолд TIL
Ugh, tbb::concurrent_unordered_map has no thread-safe erase method.
well, of course it doesn't- that doesn't make sense.
you could never assume that the map doesn't have that member because, at least in the general case, another thread could jump in and insert into the map right after you erased from it.
so there's no possible postcondition for that method.
i'm watching tutorials on how to do things with blueprint
and it's basically what you'd do with c++ anyways
what exactly did you mean to do by erasing from the map?
they just invented a different syntax
how do you do something to a character when you have an actor? you use a "Cast" node (dynamic_cast), and if it succeeds, do what you wanted
Is it UB to take the address of a dangling reference?
not actually sure.
@райтфолд It is UB to have a dangling reference. :D
That's bullshit.
it's UB to de-reference a dangling pointer.
@Puppy just wondering.
This sounds scary.
I'm not sure if it's actually UB to have a reference that was previously de-referenced from a pointer that is now dangling.
@райтфолд TL;DR but this seems to answer it: stackoverflow.com/questions/14730534/…
pointers are super easy to understand, can anyone remind me on why people think ptrs are hard?
because they're not taught properly
"pointers: simply means something that points to something else"
Then, from Mill: use std::conc; conc::sleep();.
Regarding the different outcomes (3 vs 4) this appears to be a bug, IMO: see this comparison matrix I made which shows different backends, compilers and expression-template modes. cpp_dec_float is the only type that gets wrong results (except when ET of off and ceil(mp_t(18)/6) is evaluated, but only on GNU c++ compiler) — sehe 5 mins ago
wow. Correct portable numerics are hard, it seems /cc @Rapptz
wow ok so apparently when writing scanf("%[^\n]\n", line) the buffer is never flushed. I wonder what's up with this.
Can't use std::unique_ptr key because lookup fails horribly. (Wait, wasn't that fixed in C++14?)
Can't use std::shared_ptr since I don't want std::enable_shared_from_this.
> "the buffer"
@райтфолд yes, I believe so (as long as comparison is defined?)
the input buffer, the function never returns unless I send a Crtl-D signal.
you're not making sense, AFAICT
@DonLarynx it's not clear what that means at all
@Veritas the writing party would be the one to flush the write buffer. It's then the OS responsibility to "deliver" the bytes at the reading end.
Btw, is there any C++ implementation that actually does GC with the C++11 GC API?
Of course there could be a bug in scanf (meh) but I don't see the link with "flushing" (presumably, you meant underflow anyways)
PSA: anonymous koala is not so anonymous
basically scanf doesn't return when pressing enter (even multiple times).
are you parsing stdin? Are you using a pty or redirected input? are you on windows?
what should i use to make meshes/animations (if i ever bother) for unreal?
@Blob pointers are variables that keep track of another variable's location. It's a GPS of sorts. it will always know where you're at, until you disconnect.
@DonLarynx why that analogy?
"it will always know where you're at, until you disconnect"
@Blob I'm trying to explain these things to my 5-year-old daughter.
(I don't have a 5-yo daughter)
@Blob What's something better? it will always know where you're at, something analogous to going out of scope
disconnect from the GPS?
"everything is in memory (except when they're not). memory is numbered. pointers store the number of another variable"
@sehe ubuntu terminal straight from stdin
"everything is in memory (except when they're not). " what is everything? what is "they're"?
@Veritas SSCCE? (or ask on Stack Overflow, seems like a decent question)
@DonLarynx of course not. 5 years is not old
@DonLarynx variables, functions, whatever
@sehe not when it comes to having a Windows OS
Win7 isn't that bad
I love "whatever" in technical jargon. It really covers a lot of ground
@sehe IKR
Win8 isn't that bad. Win2k isn't that bad.
@sehe This is the computer my professor had. oldcomputers.net/pics/trs80-iii.jpg
I've worked on that. Two floppy drives. Sweeeeeet
(I was forever swapping floppies)
I'm gonna write an API documentation extractor for C++.
Doxygen and cldoc both suck horribly.
@райтфолд haha comments
However DOS 1.1 was really bad. (FCB anyone?!)
What do you think about this answer to "What is a pointer?" : pointers are variables that keep track of another variable's location. It's a GPS of sorts. it will always know where you're at, until you disconnect.

If it's not a serious reply, just reply "Not interested" but I am interested in getting your input, if you'd like
@sehe basically just do char buffer[100]; scanf("%[^\n]\n", buffer); The reading doesn't stop when pressing enter. I will probably make a SO question, I just thought I may be missing something obvious since it's late.
@DonLarynx please, how is that a reply?!?
i don't get the gps analogy at all
@DonLarynx Fuck off.
I'm really confused right now at what I did to piss you off
the big box
he wants you to remove it
@DonLarynx You spam me with stuff I have been reading all along. And make it appear to be some kind of a reply to something I said. (Attention claim, much)
oh, nvm. wasn't the big box.
Then you get all wise-crackery with a definition of "reply" when clearly you should have thought better of it in the first place.
i think he misunderstood "please, how is that a reply?!?"
I'm sure he did.
i thought you were referring to "If it's not a serious reply, just reply "Not interested" but I am interested in getting your input, if you'd like"
I hadn't even read that line. Because, who cares. I already knew it wasn't something I wanted to read /again/
i read that line just before reading yours
So. The problem was with the attention claim anyways. Misunderstandings thereafter be damned. Not my problem :S (The person who creates the confusion by abusing the reply-to system is also the person who will be required to be extra flexible dealing with said confusion. Fair deal to me)
screw meshes
screw artists
how the hell do i make a mesh
blender is confusing as hell
3ds max and maya are pretty great to use
great for experts or people like me?
I've only tried blender once and the experience was so terrible I never tried it again
Yeah, I used to use 3ds max as a kid its really simple to pick up
@sehe It hadn't occured to me it would annoy you. It won't happen again.
Getting good at 3d modelling is another story though. Your meshes need to built a certain way to look right and to animate/deform correctly
@Pris what happens if they're not? some unrealistic effect?
i don't mind those
It won't look right
ah got it. scanf maching stops at the last argument so the \n stays at the buffer. stupid question.
@DonLarynx fyi I think it annoys everyone; after all, we're all here and we don't have to read this again, each time you repeat the question to anyone in particular. I would have chipped in long ago if I had something to say. And really, if you're intent on inviting responses, just link to it (or start a room and invite your victims there)
Ok. Moving on.
meh. i guess i'll learn slowly while using it. dedicating time to it isn't feasible right now
@Veritas mmm. I'm not convinced. How would it hang then?
you are right, the late hours are getting to me.
@sehe Ah I've always wanted some cool expression template thing that 'folds' expressions mathematically. I'm guessing that's what number<> is doing.
like 1 / 3 * 3 evaluates to 1 rather than 0.9999...
I'm guessing it's a little bit more about aggressive inlining, perhaps; But I'm sure they'll have thought of the simple eliminations yes
give me a nick, someone
@Blob BothersomeBrogrammer
@Pris thanks. not taken yet
@sehe is that supposed to mean something
it's a nick
3ds max wants 11 gigs
and your soul
i need to allocate more space for windows
that's bad.
i'll have ~12 gigs left after i install this
urgh. disabling crap in configs dropped it to 8 gigs
now for 4 hours of waiting
happens with scanf("%s\n", buffer) too.
Why do some people write "std::unique_ptr<T> name = std::unique_ptr<T> (args...)";
Instead of just "std::unique_ptr<T> name (args...)"; Just code style? Or any advantages?
@Blob oh. no probs then
/dev/mapper/debian-uburoot   20G   16G  2.7G  86% /
Home                        1.4G  128K  1.4G   1% /Home
@HalfEvil some people might be so afraid of MVP that they don't use direct construction calls...?
would x and -1 equate to false?
wut; in jabbascript, no doubt. In PHP, certainly not
@DemCodeLines depends on whether -1 is stored as 0's or not
are we talking about bitwise and?
@DemCodeLines Roman algebra must have been nice - X always meant 10
yeah. bring in bitwise too. the problem wasn't ill posed anyways
@sehe Maybe... but seems really strange
@HalfEvil yeah, I can't see a real reason myself. People from a Java background? Nah they'd use shared_ptr :)
well, if the i do if (-1), it won't run, right?
why not? is -1 == 0?
@DemCodeLines it will run
@HalfEvil actually what's the point of using variadic arguments for the unique_ptr constructor?
if (1) = true
if (0) = false
never dealt with something less than 0
@DemCodeLines what about if("hi there")?
Also, get some practice in problem exposition. WTH "it won't run, right" (what "it"?!?!)
non-zero is true
So it's true. x | -1 is also true
@DemCodeLines come on. are you doing this on purpose? What langruage is that
@DemCodeLines Yes. In C-derived languages with silent int -> bool conversion
@sehe Haha yeah, porting that java code by finding all objects and changing them to shared ptrs
@DemCodeLines true | anything == true, yes
What does ~ mean? for example, ~x + 1
It means you need to read a book. Pronto
so false
not necessarily
well, when simplified specifically
if x is 010, ~x is 101
both are true
@DemCodeLines WTF. Get out? If you can't state problem for shit, what are we listening to?
@Blob make that binary. You're compounding the sloppiness
@sehe wait, what?
@Cinch, write a tutorial on bitwise operations for @DemCodeLines
@DemCodeLines x is a variable. What if the type is struct { void operator~() const {} } x;?
@Blob what
This talk was very interesting.
@Cinch it's a nice joke. just laugh
@sehe I understand, but we are not look at what-if scenarios. We're just looking at straightforward stuff.
@DemCodeLines wot u having trouble with?
if you're bad at bitwise operators
@Vertias Oh it's not variadic arguments, just wrote ... to symbolize that there might be more than one
use calc.exe on Windows in programmer mode -> i.imgur.com/oTkGC8C.png
@DemCodeLines well. no shit. There's nothing straight forward unless you specify your shit. What. Is. x? And next time, don't say and if you meant &
It's pretty good
bro, calm down. I didn't think that would tick you off so much.
@DemCodeLines Ugh.
Let's get this straight.

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