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I was also reluctant to use SPD at first, as was my dad who bikes a lot
it took him a year to finally break I think
but if you're serious about biking, I can't see you not using them. It's like having a square wheel or something
"Pant leg retention" sounds like a much better improvement.
@BartekBanachewicz sure, but he also does a lot of short distance frequent stops stuff. And having to buy a separate bike and separate shoes just to accommodate the occasional long distance trip is kind of wasteful
It improves on something I actually complain about.
For a casual cycler, whatever, they're casual anyway
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually, you've got it backwards: with clipless pedals, you trackstand because trackstanding is awesome, but if your feet aren't clipped to the pedals, it's nearly impossible.
@BartekBanachewicz There's a difference between being serious about biking as a mode of transportation, and being serious about biking as a sport.
@JerryCoffin lol
@jalf it doesn't have to be sport, it might be (again!) touring
@jalf you can just swap out pedals you know
I don't care about not being a Scotsman.
@BartekBanachewicz Sure, but again, extra effort, and extra gear
and extra shoes
Looks like a bear trap
you can clip those into spd pedals to accomodate for regular shoes
What are irregular shoes anyway (n.b: I have not been following the previous discussion, if any)
@jalf hence serious about biking
if you're serious about something, by definition you're doing extra effort and extra costs
@BartekBanachewicz hence again, my distinction between being serious about it as a sport, and being serious about just using it
@jalf touring isn't sport in my dictionary
you can be serious about touring but not be a sportsman; there's no racing
but there's say an observable difference in the distance you can cover in a day
I'm very serious about spaceships tho
Yeah, you're still missing the point.
especially if you have a fully-suspended bike w/o lockouts
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not racing.
@BartekBanachewicz But some people, on longer distance trips, use special gear to optimize their performance while cycling. Others don't want to have to carry extra gear, don't want to have to switch to regular shoes every time they get off the bike, they just want to go places.
@BartekBanachewicz You said "touring", didn't you?
@R.MartinhoFernandes uh, yes?
What's this "distance" thing about, then?
but when touring you can be limited by the distance you can cover
@R.MartinhoFernandes going places
@jalf you can walk in those shoes just fine
most of the really long distance travellers use them
@BartekBanachewicz I can't. I can't wear shoes in summer at all.
dunno, in p much every trip report in Bike Board or Bike Magazine they have them in the photos
You mean, most people for whom the distance by itself is the #1 priority
My feet sweat like crazy, even when wearing sandals. It's bad enough in winter.
I've been only reading them for like few years though
@BartekBanachewicz I wonder why
@BartekBanachewicz Selection bias.
@R.MartinhoFernandes right, admittedly a bike-centered magazine is centered around bikes
(people send their trip reports/photos to those btw)
Could it be, perhaps, that Bike Magazine is tailored more to your bike-centric view of cycling, than to mine or robot's practical "it's a nifty way to get to places"
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, only a certain pool of people.
> ISIS Takes Tatooine As Tourists Warned Away From 'Star Wars' Locations In Tunisia
people caring about biking indeed
5 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@jalf hence serious about biking
6 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I don't care about not being a Scotsman.
I don't know what you want to prove realyl
@BartekBanachewicz I could say the same for you :p
fuck if I care if you use them or not, but saying "no" on the spot without trying/proper consideration is fucking dumb and silly
@BartekBanachewicz They really have a point: some people (even people who ride long tours) just aren't comfortable with their feet clipped to the pedals. Even those who can do it comfortably, don't necessarily want to. No point trying to push it on people who really just don't want it.
@BartekBanachewicz It's quite rational: the intersection between things I would like to improve when cycling and things that purports to improve is an empty set.
@BartekBanachewicz it has been properly considered. You yourself just admitted that in the most common use cases for us, they're detrimental
@JerryCoffin I'm not pushing, I'm just pointing out their perceived advantage/disadvantage ratio is off.
@jalf w/e
Yes, that's called pushing, especially when you have to do it with words like "serious".
@ParkYoung-Bae itis
w/e really.
12 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Okay, I'll agree with you that in the city with frequent stops and short distances, they aren't as good
Seems like perhaps your perceived advantage/disadvantage ratio is off
yes I already agreed duh
Now, about that velcro strap. I'm not sure I understand what that means.
Just a strap that surrounds your trousers at the leg?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yep
easy as fuck
"You should do this thing because it totally works for a usage pattern you don't care about, even though I agree it'd hinder you most of the time when you actually use your bike"
@jalf oh heck off already.
Need a hug? :p
Shut up jalf
anyway, I'm heading home. Have fun!
A byke is 8 biks, right
Also need some kind of nice gloves. Or not. Sweaty palms are annoying as fuck.
I can't cycle w/o gloves
@ParkYoung-Bae must be
if you have those very fat cushiony handles then maybe, but I use thin rubber handles from Lizard Skins and you can't really use them w/o gloves
@BartekBanachewicz Sweating inside gloves sounds more uncomfortable.
the thinner ones give you more control (again not really for city/tour driving)
@BartekBanachewicz oh no darling, far to avant garde
@R.MartinhoFernandes good gloves are breathing
well p much every part of your clothing should be breathing
like Gore-Tex or something
@BartekBanachewicz Without the parens I'd star that as out-of-context (maybe a little far fetched)
@ParkYoung-Bae it's all about the rubber
can we have a bin for "star bait" messages?
gotta love people that don't understand profiling... or benchmarking
Q: Complexity of comparison operators

user304584Why does the y[i] < x[i] function take twice the time when array x is always higher in value than y (for ex 1 I add the code for you to try and get what I mean. you can offset the array x by increasing and decreasing the variable "offset (try offset =1 and offset =0); The code will store the ex...

lol, catching up, these seems apt:
well while we're at bikes
time for daily GEAR PORN
my dad has that one and it costs more than I paid for my car
I don't have that kind of money.
Technically I do, but it's to be spent five years from now.
@BartekBanachewicz stop calling anything that!
@R.MartinhoFernandes why?
¬_¬ though at least this time there is actually gears
Because I'm saving up.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't think I have mentioned how much I've paid for my car :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes for a trip around the world?
@BartekBanachewicz Ideally that and a year without income.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I'm working really hard so I cannot not work hard"
(I jest, but like the idea)
I guess I could always freelance through it but I'd rather not.
what will you do after?
you will need a new job
or not?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, it might be fun to try that, knowing you have money to back you up
You have a weird definition of fun
@CatPlusPlus space
@BartekBanachewicz No idea. I don't plan that far ahead.
Freelancing sucks
Better to try starting your own business and selling something
But yes, I am assuming I will be more or less broke by the end of it.
If we're going to do bike gear porn...
@CatPlusPlus but ideas, and effort
inb4 picture of gears
@BartekBanachewicz Depending on how much of the year and money I will have left by then, I'll probably take a couple more months off to spend it with all the people I will have missed.
When I get a cat I'll name her Döneris Barbarian.
When I get a car I'll name it "Your Mom" and roll over everything
Actually scratch that depending. I'll do that, period.
@JerryCoffin that's 140mm?
On these good words, good night
oh wait you measure in inches
@BartekBanachewicz Not starring
@BartekBanachewicz Neither that
@R.MartinhoFernandes welp.
@BartekBanachewicz Bikes in the US have a strange combination of inches (e.g., for the overall size of the bike) and metric (e.g., all the size of wrenches/spanners).
I meant suspension travel
@BartekBanachewicz I don't care. It will be worth it.
@JerryCoffin hmpfh I have a hunting bow with inch-scaled allen bolts. Such a pita.
@BartekBanachewicz 120mm, usually. full specs.
Spanners are the reason I am surprisingly good at judging distances in the 6-20mm range.
pod2man is nice.
@JerryCoffin so that's more or less comparable to that Giant. Actually my dad said that if he was buying it today, he'd go for much bigger Reign (it's 150-160 depending on the version)
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
> From $3899 USD
herp derp
Anyone here understand how to use quaternions?
@AnthonyA what do you want to do?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what are you going to do?
@R.MartinhoFernandes a very common range in day to day life
@BartekBanachewicz Afterwards?
I'm trying to make a level app in iOS and i'm having issues with using regular euler angles because of gimbal lock
@R.MartinhoFernandes well both
my issue is translating the quaternion back to euler angles, which introduces gimbal lock
@AnthonyA then you are doing it wrong
@AnthonyA No. There is nobody on earth who knows how to use quaternions.
gimbal lock is a problem with using eular angles to represent a rotation (that alone never has problems) but then trying to use them to further rotate and finding that rotating on two axis ends up with the same result, ie they are locked.
> gimbla lock, noun - used by people who can't fckuing spell
so I receive the quaternion value from the iOS sensor depending on the rotation of the device --- I'm trying to translate that quaternion to draw the amount of change in pixels on the screen
> defininitions, noun - used by people who like to think they are smart pointing out mistakes in a passive aggressive way.
@BartekBanachewicz I'll travel to every continent (Antarctica is a maybe, though), and every Great Cape, no planes (though I might have to bite the bullet in one or two stretches), in a single contiguous trip, Berlin-Berlin.
@BartekBanachewicz If you want a lot of travel (at least from Santa Cruz) you go for the V10. Mostly a downhill bike though.
Visiting the Great Capes in three different trips was a plan I had for a while, but it got subsumed into this one.
@JerryCoffin yummy
@AnthonyA vOv either they give you a Q for the rotation since you last checked or ( more likely) they give you a Q for the current angle the phone is held at. It sohuld be trivial to convert that to an angle to draw on screen.
10/10 would ride into battle
@BartekBanachewicz Then I'll bootstrap my life again. It will be fun.
@R.MartinhoFernandes start in Soviet Russia
@thecoshman but when I convert back to the angle, don't i introduce gimbal lock?
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you going to become a programmer when you come back?
would you use internet and be in the lounge on the way?
@AnthonyA ... noo...
@BartekBanachewicz KGB
@BartekBanachewicz Dunno! You're asking me what I'll do with my life five years from now, broke, after a whole year away from everyone I know!
@thecoshman could you explain?
@BartekBanachewicz I hope so.
@AnthonyA they are Russian Spies, a short term running joke.
well assuming the lounge will still exist 5 years from now
@BartekBanachewicz One of these days I may need to update. I'm still riding a (now ancient) Santa Cruz Tazmon. Old, and a lot less suspension travel, but still works beautifully.
I might write a journal, photograph the pages (or scan them if feasible) and upload them every once in a while.
Well, the journal I'll do for sure. The uploading is a maybe.
I should probably add: when I say ancient, I really mean it. The frame I have is basically the original prototype built for the Tazmon design--it doesn't even have a serial number.
I'll need a separate cash reserve for copies of The Little Prince, and someone home to store them for me. :)
I should be working, not doing more planning.
@JerryCoffin woah that's some old design
@JerryCoffin wow
@JerryCoffin gah, see, old stuff works, and my uncle blew a suspension bearing off his frame (he has a Scott Genius)
haven't seen the damage yet but from what I heard the thing just got ripped off
thankfully it's aluminium, not carbon
also hi there stranger
Minifilter drivers are kernel mode, CryptAcquireContext and similar cannot be called from Kernel mode. The OP will either need to do it themselves or use Cryptography Next GenerationMgetz 1 min ago
Yay, another booking system that lets me pick arbitrary titles.
@BartekBanachewicz When I was working in the bike shops, one of those sold Scott stuff. At the time, we decided the Sc as to be pronounced like sh, and the o as i (like in "Women"), so it sounded like "shit". Scotts were probably 20% of what we sold, but 50% of what we returned as defective.
tempted to rage quit:
It seems cool but since I can't get it to work I can't accept this as the answer. — Brian T Hannan 2 mins ago
oh dear... I've somehow started up vim-dff
If you had ostream objects in your program is there a way to void them from performing? A simple example: have 7 std::cout's in a method and void the lines from running.
I really should work on having some sort of boot strap script that I can use to just take a clean system up to what I want...
ARGH, damn you non-composability of standard algorithms.
Is there a bit bucket output iterator in the std lib?
Oooh, I guess can write a summing output iterator.
Of course the std lib has no tools to make that quick to write.
right that's deleted... but essentially the OP was asking me to give them the code for kernel mode crypto...
Where's a skeleton output iterator when you need one.
Or I'll just write a fucking loop :(
lol @Mysticial's branch prediction answer is up to 14.8k. 14.8 thousand. Upvotes.
lol and 9 downvotes
would it be crazy to suggest a std lib 2.0? basically something that can completely forget about backwards compatibility, but gives you a nice interface that is consistent.

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