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Does it bother anyone else that when you have many pairs of similar socks, each sock of the pair you wear one day will likely be in a completely different pair after the next wash? I dunno, it bothers me.
since when does jerry have 250k+ rep lol
since the day he reached 250k
Nov 25 '14 at 0:55, by Jerry Coffin
Oh, my minor celebration for the day: passed 250K rep. So many useless Internet Points I have no clue what to do with them.
Cheers & hth.
for some reason I thought jerry had between 20 and 30k rep
there's a non-zero positive distance between impression and accomplishment
generally speaking
non-zero positive
also known as positive
I suppose "positive non-zero" may have made more sense
positive implies non-zero
although zeros can have signedness
nope, not true
[0, inf) is denounced non-negative
positive is (0, inf)
std::cout << -0.0 << ' ' << 0.0 << '\n';
try it and weep
I'm talking about mathematical definitions here
C++ has nothing to do with it
or IEEE754
does this look like Lounge<MathematicalDefinitions> to you
What programming languages do and what the math world has agreed on sadly are different things
Also, in the case of a distance, mentioning it is positive makes no sense
There are no negative distances
so 'non-zero distance' would be the right way to express it :P
room topic changed to Lounge<MathematicalDefinitions>: Forever. loungecpp.net/the-law/newbie-hints [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
oh snap
rapptz got my back
signed zero is for losers
3 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
does this look like Lounge<MathematicalDefinitions> to you
@Rapptz So is C's and C++'s definition of modulo
I like how the name breaks the site
what do i do to get middle mouse drag scrolling on ubuntu :(
@jPlatte Fixed in C++11.
I'm assuming you mean the sign of the result.
That got changed in C++11.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/10/… I was overexaggerating but it overflows.
@Rapptz in what way did it get changed?
not on my screen
What's your resolution?
@Rapptz Yeah, I meant that by mathematical definition, the result of a modulo operation can't be negative
@Borgleader Me too.
@Rapptz heh
But with g++ -std=c++11, I still get -5 for (-5) % 6
or "top kek" or whatever we're saying these days
@jPlatte There isn’t just one modulo.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's top lel now, you're so behind the times
@jPlatte That used to be implementation defined but now a % b takes the sign of a.
you crazy kids and your ever-changing memes
master lel
@Rapptz was it implementation defined if a were signed or if a were <0?
@Rapptz Okay, so it was changed from undefined, mostly wrong behaviour, to wrong behaviour??
@jPlatte in extensions the modulo operator is negative if and only if the modulus is
@jPlatte how is it wrong
How is it wrong?
You had to use div to get the sane behaviour.
Mathematically the modulo operator makes a lot more sense if it follows the sign of the modulus
um apparently for one night only I'm into Rammstein wtf
@LightnessRacesinOrbit @Rapptz Like I said, by mathematical definition the modulo operation never has a negative result
In computing, the modulo operation finds the remainder after division of one number by another (sometimes called modulus). Given two positive numbers, a (the dividend) and n (the divisor), a modulo n (abbreviated as a mod n) is the remainder of the Euclidean division of a by n. For instance, the expression "5 mod 2" would evaluate to 1 because 5 divided by 2 leaves a quotient of 2 and a remainder of 1, while "9 mod 3" would evaluate to 0 because the division of 9 by 3 has a quotient of 3 and leaves a remainder of 0; there is nothing to subtract from 9 after multiplying 3 times 3. (Note that doing...
@jPlatte you are apparently assuming that "mathematics" is a single set of rules
(-5) % 6 should be 1
All that matters is Euclidean division, where things are not obvious if you extend it to Z.
5 % -6 should be -1
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The definition of modulo that allows negative results exists purely in the IT world, the math world has defined modulo in one way
@jPlatte It’s at best a convention, not an ultimate truth.
I've never used modulo in actual mathematics.
It's still awkward that parts of the IT world break this convention
python nails this
It's even different across programming languages
a lot of programming languages make the modulo follow the sign because C does it
Yeah, just wanted to mention that
@jPlatte There are at least ten distinct "math worlds".
C did it because it was fastest on CPUs back then
a % b takes the sign of the dividend now.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yet only one (?) that uses modulo, number theory
When I did modular arithmetic I used -1 indifferently to n-1 for congruence groups.
I wish I had some dividends.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit bby i'd hit that dividend
> Modular arithmetic is referenced in number theory, group theory, ring theory, knot theory, abstract algebra, computer algebra, cryptography, computer science, chemistry and the visual and musical arts.
Nice try, though.
ok let's strip the non-math
computer science, chemistry and the visual and musical arts.
That's still seven, which is more than one.
from what's left I know that the parts of crypto using modulo IS number theory
leaving 6
Besides, if you think music theory is not mathematical you're insane
music theory is as mathematical as physics is
it uses maths
it's not a field of math
is your next destination
if you keep this up sunshine
It’s like algebra 101. a - b = k { mod n } is definitionally the same as (a mod n) - (b mod n) = k { mod n }. Ergo -1 is the same as 0 - 1 is the same as n - 1 modulo n. 'no negative results' is nonsensical.
@LucDanton what if I told you that the modulo operation forms a ring, and infinitely many integer 'solutions' map to the solution you want on that ring?
y'know, if anyone read out a "pledge of allegiance" in the UK they'd be beaten up for being racist
which is pretty sad
there must be a middle ground between pathetically blind patriotic brainwashing, and "omg inclusiveness"
neither of us gets it even close to right
I don't understand what you mean with a middle ground
hola senoras
@jPlatte I actually don’t believe you’ve ever done mathematics in your life ever.
so rude
My first exposure to modulus was programming.
@LucDanton rude, bold, probably incorrect
I'm trying to think where I used it else where.
@LucDanton inb4 flag for being a wanker
No Z**/**nZ?
No gender war bullshit please.
Thank you morkdown, that was helpful
@LucDanton What do you mean by "do mathematics"?
ironic that Luc is a prodigious plonker for such statements
E.g. pen & paper
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I saw a page from that where a female villain gave up because thor was a female and 'girl power' was good... seemed really tweaked
@Rapptz You're just terrified that your innate sexism will be revealed!
@Pris hah
You're just baiting for jalf.
how bored are you though
I like how people are saying that the increased sales must be due to Thor being a woman, rather than due to the massive change to the character (irregardless of what the change actually is)
@Rapptz Trig is a bit like doing everything mod 2π
closet sexists and I'm not kidding
@LucDanton finally talking sense
@LucDanton I kinda like that.
@Rapptz Only half baiting since I can't see the response if any
@Rapptz Significantly.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit its the "what happened!?" factor that comics rely on to get sales
@Rapptz It’s not meant to be. We really used { 2π } in our formal proofs etc. when it was called for.
like when they temporarily kill a character to boost sales; issue #33: "BATMAN DEAD!" issue #34: "BATMAN, DEAD?"
Does my notation even make sense to you? Or maybe something more like [ n ] is more usual?
i wonder if SE has a comics site
When I had to do trig proofs we usually avoided the issue by adding 2πk for integer k
@StackedCrooked Approved.
@Pris deadists must be responsible
usually called pikachu
@Pris SFF covers a lot of it
We had an argument about French mathematics a while back here.
oh la la
Feb 5 at 7:52, by A Most Majestuous Capybara
> In typical French mathematical usage, zero is both positive and negative. Or rather, in mathematical French "x est positif" (literally "x is positive") allows the case x=0, while "x est positif strictement" (literally "x is strictly positive") does not.
Oh it’s parens (mod n)
Sounds about the same as English, frankly
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah that.
it’s been a while
SO chat search has been serving me well lately
That's not how it is for everywhere else.
@Rapptz I can't speak for any rigourous definition but, colloquially, I'd expect that to hold in English
@LucDanton in maths usually people don't talk about a "modulo" operator
they talk about congruence modulo something
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 0 has no sign.
positive is > 0, negative is < 0.
cant you have -0 in integers
@Rapptz So you’ve never studied Z / nZ as an example of a ring with a generator?
@Pris in some schemes yeah
3 ≡ 8 (mod 5)
@Pris Only thing I know that has -0 is floating points.
One's complement is the most well-known example
1111 1111 is -0 in one's complement
@LightnessRacesinOrbit think IEEE754 is more well-known
nowadays at least
@orlp by the younger generation yeah
educated folk are of course equally aware of both
@LightnessRacesinOrbit remember 'top lel'?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ya.
fite me 1v1 m8
@Pris -0 is the opposite of zero, which is zero.
@Rapptz 1v1 me on rust only intervention
Feb 5 at 7:56, by Rapptz
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Wikipedia agrees with me and so does MathWorld.
oh well if it's on Wikipedia then it must be true
@Rapptz Wikipedia shouldn’t count, can easily link the French page :Þ
I linked MathWorld for pompous replies like that but it's gotten ignored all 3 times.
thanks guys
(you're right though; in traditional arithmetic 0 is signless)
just sick
what's the sign of 0 + 0i ?
it's almost as if you are under the mistaken impression that explicitly providing the facts will prevent people from continuing to deliberately ignore them
@Rapptz Did you think this was about physics or what? Of course everything will come under scrutiny.
you know
I had a migraine for 14 hours today
and it just went away
it feels good
more like a migone
@Rapptz that happen often?
So far this modified Elo thing seems to be fine
A: Roman numeral function issue

Raghu AllTheTimeYou should use a string pointer instead of a normal string. us while to decrement the pointer on every incrementation,so the earlier number s ignored and not used again, creating a bounds error. then use a strcmp() function to get values and add them to the number. Voila! you'll get it working! E...

someone tell Jerry about this
@orlp sharing pictures of children in SE chat is not fine
what are you talking about
it's a meme picture
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Forever. loungecpp.net/the-law/newbie-hints [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@orlp damnit
@orlp racist
I'd best sleep BYE
Parity is a mathematical term that describes the property of an integer's inclusion in one of two categories: even or odd. An integer is even if it is 'evenly divisible' by two and odd if it is not even. For example, 6 is even because there is no remainder when dividing it by 2. By contrast, 3, 5, 7, 21 leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. Examples of even numbers include −4, 0, 8, and 1734. In particular, zero is an even number. Some examples of odd numbers are −5, 3, 9, and 73. Parity does not apply to non-integer numbers. A formal definition of an even number is that it is an integer of...
^those definitions agree with neither system
Definitions of even and odd integers.
I’m very tired
I don't remember talking about parity.
Let's see, you are very tired but still here because you are addicted to the Internet?
What the fuck is m in USCF Elo
"tournament score"
But I don't know how to qualify this "tournament score" thing
Also USCF Elo is way complicated.
Calling it Elo would be a lie.
I like how they rate people based on age...
> As a practical concern, if Age" is calculated to be less than 3 years old, then it is assumed that a miscoding of the player's birthday occurred, and such a player is also treated as a 26-year old in the Age-based calculation.
why not raise a ToddlerException instead?
still don't know how to qualify m.
I spotted a VLA in the wild.
I'm sorta wondering now why people don't use VLAs much in C.
Don’t they?
I rarely see them
People usually take the malloc approach.
should have locked the conversation
now everything's a circlejerk
most of these people probably have never even used it and they're just using the issue tracker to fit their stupid political agenda
good job
Knowing GitHub's past history it's going to end up getting removed.
You ok rapptz?
People like this aggravate me.
I can see that
I'm glad <numeric> exists so I can pull std::accumulate without dragging everything from <algorithm>.
but at the same time
I don't know if init = op(init, x); is a bad idea if x is a floating point
@Rapptz And having std::inner_product for free is just convenient, right?
I don't like USCF Elo.
My modified Elo is nicer.
@Jefffrey WTH? What is sexist about it? What is the OP talking about?
It's a dick joke.
@Rapptz DICSS?
OMG, the SJWs are retarded...
Check the source code and README, it's an obvious dick joke.
@Rapptz I see that.
This is like...I should paste the arguments from the yesterdays discussion here.
I'm sick of the gender wars shit
Everyone knows that rabbits are better.
gender war? here? how?
@райтфолд Awesome.
1 hour later…
WOW, the lounge is empty, weird
Just say something outrageous to sprout discussion: Facebook is making PHP the best language for game development.
web games ... most of the facebook games are probably interactive so it makes sense if PHP is used to make online games
@Nican Sorry. What?
@Nican This actually gives me the idea that maybe it might be possible to create an internet virus that could spread across computers and then self-log its path to crawl.
That way, you could tag a virus, send it through a system, and then analyze the path it took in order to determine the size of the concealed systems within or something like that.
But I bet the internet doesn't work like that.
splashed a cup of cold water in my own face just now
@Puppy Hi Puppy!
Happy spring break!
what's spring break?
ooh NSSL finals
idk what that is.
Q: Simple c++ program gets compilation errors

Danielwhen i'm trying to compile this code, it shows error main.cpp:19:3: error: invalid operands of types 'void' and 'int' to binary 'operator!=' this is the file #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; #define $ DEBUG #define DEBUG 1 #define _(out) do{ std::cout << __FILE__ <<...

oh dear
according to the Internet, Spring Break is where a bunch of idiots migrate to a hot part of their country and celebrate their average IQ being lower than the concrete they're standing on
@Puppy This program.
"Simple" wtf.
@Puppy Solved it.
you only just solved it?
@Puppy Lol yes?
Yeah I suck.
please tell me that you gave up on spreading your unknowledge
Next time if you're that bad
Just use g++ -E.
@Rapptz You broke my consolee.
But serious that's something new.
Good to know.
Don't worry I am secretly an immortal with alzheimers.
Everything is new under the sun if you keep forgetting.
why cannot bountied questions be migrated? This question looks like a perfect candidate to be migrated to cs.se, but it cannot since it's bountied.
questions with bounties can't be closed
reason is because if it was closed then the bounty would be wasted (there's no take back for bounties)
and if it's possible to migrate then the rep is kind of 'there'. What if OP doesn't have an account in cs.se with no rep?
How would the bounty work?
they should at least let users vote to retract the bounty if the question should be migrated
I got the "no take back" but this case looks like a good fit
whatever, no big deal anyway
hello.. I take this error: fatal error: 'wait.h' file not found
Gcc should take care of it doesn't he?
@SJD don't take errors, that's always bad
$ touch wait.h, problem solved.
it's about using that *.c file inside of gcc
like gcc myprogram.c -o myprogr
and gcc should take care of dependencies right?
The rules clearly state that you cannot ask C questions in Lounge<C++>.
@SJD Wishful thinking.
Reminds me of
paйтфолд Well two weeks ago everybody told me it is also C here
am I wrong?
C++ isn't C.
but most of it can be found in C++
hola pepl
Not really.
The C++ we write in this chat is not even close to C.
also because we write it bugged use C++ specific stuff
@MarcoA. why do you think I didn't googled it?
@MarcoA. be sure. I'm not 2yrs old boy. xD
> Email string `sql:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
How can you fit an email in 100 characters?
does anyone have any good reads for data oriented design?
@Rapptz ok so I will look forward people who told me here is also C lounge. Tx:)
Emails I receive are often multiple kilobytes in size.
@SJD apologies then, I didn't realize it was a purely theoretical question (i.e. "why doesn't gcc take care of searching for the dependencies as well?")
@SJD You can, but nobody sane would want to.
Cool: batsh.org
How can I tell if a font has a license?
And what is required if I want to use it in a logotype?
You google the name of the font.
^ is nice
no idea how free Apache 2.0 is
pretty free
thinking about starting a company
but prolly to lazy to do anything
Apache is in the MIT/BSD family afaik
Drew that, flame please. Pretty happy with it but must make the P a bit less fat.
Open sans light
what fuel do you recommend?
anger & hate

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