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sure, it's a neat little ownership hierarchy - but it's bad design
It's in their pre-made skeleton.
actually can you imagine all the std::move bullshit you'd have to put up with
@FilipRoséen-refp Why?
Turns out nobody actually cares about design anyway
@Jefffrey nobody besides me :(
That's like saying "smart pointers are bad because sometimes, when you use new, you can forget to put it in a smart pointer".
You're complaining about the design of a library from 1995 before C++98 and C++11.
@EtiennedeMartel because we are not writing java
@Jefffrey They end up caring when fixing x bugs causes (on average) n*x bugs, where n>=1
@EtiennedeMartel this
@FilipRoséen-refp What does that have to do with anything?
@Rapptz no, I'm complaining about the current design
@EtiennedeMartel although to be fair that's not a terrible argument
@FilipRoséen-refp The current design has no distinction from the original design. There is something called backward-compatibility at work. Not sure whether you've heard of it.
@Jefffrey :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'd argue you should really be using make_unique and similar, but then again you can always write a make_qobject or something that explicitely takes a parent.
@EtiennedeMartel for end-users to write new everywhere, I think it's terribly smelly
What is your alternative?
@FilipRoséen-refp Um if you were writing Java then literally the only things about Qt's design that you have been complaining about would not be issues
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you could make it backwards compatible in either case, or release a new version that isn't back-compatible for the reason of being sane
@FilipRoséen-refp You mean a version nobody would use?
@EtiennedeMartel soon we have a make_T function for all T. yay, generics!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit surely, but c++ is not java
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Eat pizza.
@FilipRoséen-refp Is it not? Huh, didn't know that.
fucking hell.. this is Lounge<C++> in a nutshell
You seem to think that legacy is really not a big deal and that anyone can change their code at the drop of a hat.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That has little to do with generics
@EtiennedeMartel that's not what I'm saying, but if you wanna float that way it's up to you
@Jefffrey Yes, that was the joke.
1 min ago, by Rapptz
What is your alternative?
Oh, nice joke
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There are no generics in C++, you Java peasant.
As jokes go though I couldn't hope to compete with you
None of my jokes are as good at being jokes as you are :)
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, that was the.... sigh. Never mind.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit (Don't you think I know that?)
lol did refp just ragequit his own argument
FWIW if it was up to me I might have replaced all the new calls with something akin to make_shared but Qt already has something like that and you're free to use it.
@EtiennedeMartel (No)
nhaa, I'm rolling another smoke
This is way too meta for me.
@CaptainGiraffe Your comment about metaness is too meta for me.
what're we arguing about and who's right?
Nobody's arguing and nobody's right
except me
of course
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sounds like an argument
You can't argue with facts.
Hmm... Lounge war, OK, but without a Bartek?
@Rapptz honestly I just wished they would have wrapped it up nicer, even when the library was introduced we had auto_ptr (even if it sucks); something which would express ownership in a better way than giving pointers away, and having the target claim ownership
@Jeremy LRiO is never involved in arguments; just some lecturing now and then.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Probably the only good company to handle Qt tbh.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :c
the biggest problem I have is all the new-ing, which I'd wish were hidden away inside the library
@FilipRoséen-refp They did make a better wrapper than auto.
I'm not saying it's easy to change it, I'm just sad (not really, more annoyed) with it being the path that is being walked
Wow, i still use C++ like "C with classes" (thats C++ around 1990). That works, all this ugly unreadable smart pointers insaneness make me sick. — Lothar Sep 26 '09 at 17:24
Never gets old.
sure, it works.. but so does <iostream>
@Rapptz Uh, the author says this on his profile:
> I love low level programming and optimizing things for speed and concurrency.
So I guess it's par for the course.
I mean, just as std::max (a, b) "works"
Q: Why does std::max return the wrong value?

Kaz DragonIn the "Grill the Committee" session from CppCon 2014, Committee member Walter Brown mentioned that std::max returns the wrong value in the case that both arguments have an equal value. This was accepted without comment, and not elaborated upon. What did he mean by this? Why should it matter w...

this again
though it has been a while since std::max has been bashed.
auto_ptr is a dumb pointer.
There has been a strive since 98 to make names clear and mostly not ambigous. This max crap should be a !min by all of our imaginations.
@райтфолд Thank you for your contribution.
@EtiennedeMartel Perfect.
Who needs comments?
Not us!
I still don't understand why a move ctor would ever throw.
When the fuck would you need to throw an exception from a move ctor?
@райтфолд You just haven't seen my moves.
Fucking repwhores, answering 'codez' questions. Can you guess who?
struct rightfold {
    rightfold(jagger&&); // I've got the moves like Jagger
@MartinJames Tomalak? Oh, Vlad!
it's weird that I hear so much about this Vlad, but I never seem to answer or read any questions where he's active
@FilipRoséen-refp Aren't you the lucky one:)
@MartinJames lucky one? what if the logic of "me and batman are never in the same room, that must mean that I'm batman" is true for this too?
than I'm fucked
maybe I'm losing it
@райтфолд Well really, that implication that LRiO would cynically troll for votes from..... ... lol, never mind.
found this in the Stepanov papers.
reminds me of our old discussion eons ago
lol both template and inline
@райтфолд based vlad, I don't know why you guys hate on him so much
@райтфолд It's fun!
I wish SO and Vlad were around when I was a student
@Pris really? his posts aren't that good..
@FilipRoséen-refp I'm half joking. The point is he does the work of students for them
@Jeremy Well, regardless, it's not one. refp had a problem with Qt and his problem was stupid. That's not an argument: it's a stage show!
1. Correct 2. No. zero intialization and default initialization are different type, not different phases 3. No. char is not a POD. It is a built in type. Conclusion No you don't need to do any of those two. An array outside main function is zero initialized. — texasbruce 20 mins ago
^ this nearly gave me a heart attack
managed to pretty swiftly prove that char is a POD, though :P
@MartinJames hmmm?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Calm down, everything will be fine.
@Pris Post Q&A for all exercises in CLRS in C++
maybe one should start bashing people for using std::nullptr_t without including <cstddef>
Win that delicious rep
qt is my favoritest c++ framework
@Jeremy CLRS?
@EtiennedeMartel yeah I solved it
The stock undergrad algorithms book
i used some other one that did everything in C
My question is who is right: me or Stroustrup? — McCullum 34 secs ago
it just got maaad personal
hahaha, the edit he just made!
loool that edit
Someone call up Stroustrup
he's got a challenger
I wish SO was like reddit where people upvoted funny and stupid things
YOU GO GIRL - SHOW HIM WHOZE BOOSSS!!!!!!!!111Filip Roséen - refp 5 secs ago
I really dont' want that question to be closed
I mean, it's quite clear what he is asking.. and it's kinda on-topic
Just write a coherent answer then
or have people already voted to close it
@Pris you can always vote to reopen it
Less than 3k rep.
I don't have access to the book he's talking about, so I'm not sure what the context is.. but the paragraph he quoted is very weird
@FilipRoséen-refp +1 it's a fair question.
lol removed
Knight Races in Orbit.
people should stop thinking Bjarne is C++, that stopped being the case many many many years ago
delete votes wtf
lol deleted
@FilipRoséen-refp nothing in the question suggests that anyone thinks Bjarne is C++.
RIP in pepperoni
voted to undelete
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm talking in general now
yeah vote to delete so people can downvote OP more
@FilipRoséen-refp ok
that'll go well
we both know that there are many discussions where someone says "well, Bjarne said!"
when it's undeleted, someone let me know.
I think I'll get some pizza
@FilipRoséen-refp That's cuz he's still a language expert. His words aren't law but they carry a lot of weight
Same with sutter and meyers
a big one
@Pris pfft sutter
why isn't meyers in the committee?
too much money/time?
@Pris He's not only an expert in the language, but has shown exceptionally good judgement over a long period of time. Especially when thinking in terms of how to evolve the language, that's probably more important than just knowing the current language.
@Pris he's not the expert he used to be
@Blob huh is he not
he's not exactly a anymore
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He is?
@Blob From what he's said, he seems to think it would be sort of a conflict of interest.
he's not on the committee, meyers that is
@JerryCoffin in what way?
@Blob I don't know I'm asking you
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He's Canadian, gotta represent
Why do the C++ gurus all have such terrible websites
Either everyone's slacking in the review queue.. or.. I'm not sure.
lol yeah
@Pris because being a C++ guru doesn't really say much about you skillwise
I wish there was a way to really fight concepts lite, and burn it to the ground.. kind of
@Blob He considers it his job to deal with (explain, etc.) the language as it currently exists. A committee member's job is largely to change what exists.
@Rapptz That number looks pretty meaningless. I click on it and there are 9.6k in the close queue. Not even 300 in total in the other queues.
so he has reasons to want an overly complex language
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Right, but you'd think out of the three that are often mentioned one of them would have a site that wasn't straight up terrible
good thing he picked c++
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's usually ~30 or so.
@FilipRoséen-refp There is: propose something that's enough better to gain consensus as the right way to do things.
Not sure why it's so high.
concepts could have been solved with strong alias-declarations, and it would require far less to be changed in terms of implementation
@Rapptz IDGI at all
what does the number actually mean
@JerryCoffin sometimes I'm just too lazy
and don't give me that "read the tooltip" bollocks cos the tooltip is clearly wrong
@JerryCoffin but let me write something up that shows what I'm thinking about
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think they're "recent" things added to the review queue. Like most of the 9.6k in close votes are obviously old.
@FilipRoséen-refp lol
@Rapptz then the tooltip should not say "total" -.-
fuck it I'm getting a 12"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit those emails tend to be scams
it was a good joke.
template<class T, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>{}>>
using pointer_t = T;

template<class T> void func (pointer_t<T> ptr);
there we go, concepts super-lite!
what the sod are you doing
I have been sleeping too much lately - averaging 8.5 hours a day
that sounds perfect
@JerryCoffin if one could make a "strong" alias-declaration we would have everything needed to get concepts, the current problem is that having to overloads of func with different alias-declarations (following the previous pattern) will, of course, be treated as a redefinition
@FilipRoséen-refp wait. the prevalent way of giving something a parent is through conception
@FilipRoséen-refp I feel fairly safe in saying that I doubt that'll gain consensus as superior to what's been proposed (or even noticeable better than what's currently available).
@sehe Adoption as well.
@chmod711telkitty noted
@sehe two fancy words in a single sentence makes me go.. erhm
@JerryCoffin agreed, but it would be faster to implement - and follow the current semantics of the language
@FilipRoséen-refp Doesn't Robot's special EnableIf solve this?
in my opinion C++ doesn't need yet another form of meta-programming
@EtiennedeMartel as well? so, we have two prevalent ancestriferous* methods :) (* <-- especially for @FilipRoséen-refp)
@milleniumbug I have no idea what you are talking about, but no it wouldn't
Wait, there's something wrong with that sentence.
the weird thing is that I could fall sleep straight away every night & still had problem getting up in the morning
lol lack of actual static if.
D master race.
@райтфолд Proposed. Rejected.
@milleniumbug it wouldn't solve it
having strong typedef's is something that has been wanted for quite a long time, and when that comes (I'm quite confident it will).. then we will have a way to do concepts lite without concepts lite
which of course is problematic
Concepts Lite comes with more than that.
Comes with syntactic sugar.
By the time you get your strong typedefs using it for concepts would be beyond stupid
is the work to get that syntactic sugar really worth it? now, yeah.. sure; most major implementations has already been working on the implementation so it's sad to see that work go to waste
@Rapptz exactly my point
There's also concept based overloading.
Not sure how your strong typedef + SFINAE will solve that issue.
@Rapptz care to elaborate on that?
@FilipRoséen-refp Except that strong typedefs aren't coming.

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