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159 cols lel it's gonna leak on my second screen soon
Oh great another remotely-removed file SourceTree shits itself on
Or maybe git
that's all?
Or maybe KDiff
159 columns is a lot?
@LucDanton Yeah I've used this style before.
I don't even know which one of the three is the worst fucking tool ever
205 on this line what is going on here
@Rapptz I'm more comfortable between 80 to 120 yes
scrollbar doesn't show up until 217 columns for me
kinda dumb though cause there's still wasted space
@Rapptz Ya know what I’ll ditch the && and copy everything, fuck the police.
I work on a computer screen not an IMAX theatre one
but you bring up a good question
how many columns can fit in an IMAX theatre screen?
@Rapptz Would you really use overloads for things like locale etc.? The order of parameters is pretty much arbitrary, makes it hard to remember.
hahahahahahaha I killed GitLab with that merge commit
@LucDanton For this in particular I'd just make different constructors
like <locale, width, flags> and <locale, flags, width>
mmh it’s options for a function template though, eh nevermind
parameter object?
@Rapptz What do you do if some overloads would be ambiguous?
like two ints?
Yeah. Or even with conversions (e.g. ambiguous to the human, if not the compiler).
Yeeey 12 hours logged
usually do it that way
lol I almost did more hours in 2 days than in the last week combined
I made a hack for neat looking named parameters once
stuff(other{...}, other_other{...})
but no one would like me if I actually used it
even if I personally like it lol
what does it mean to metaphorically cultivate your garden?
I go one step further and actually have foo = x, bar = y lol
only really use it for make_unique which I overload to the death
@LucDanton I do that too!
but I stuck with x{..} because it's less hacky.
Only works monomorphically though! Can’t use that for e.g. deleter = f
'Yep, that’s an error.'
At least you have an error
I'm developing against a system which SILENTLY DROPS any malformed request
Very helpful
@Blob It means your inner self
@ParkYoung-Bae somehow i need to write ~half a page on an interpretation for that. I don't see how it's possible.
Oh my fucking god it doesn't pass the filename but the content over stdin
I wrote one sentence and i'm stuck
Obviously we need a new kind of ref-qualifier to signify 'pass-by-value'.
Let’s use the auto keyword for that purpose.
Just in case you'd like to debug this atrocious piece of shit
Hello Everyone, I have a function as

void transTime()
time_t const now_c = time(NULL);
cout << put_time(localtime(&now_c), "%a %d %b %Y - %I:%M:%S%p");

I'm trying to save the string returned into a variable such as this

string myTime = put_time(localtime(&now_c), "%a %d %b %Y - %I:%M:%S%p");

I need to use the instance of myTime for two different insertions.

Any help?
Ask on SO.
And it fails on jQuery
@Blob I think everyone is free to interpret it the way they want
@Blob Talk about shaving your pubic hair.
@Rapptz not exactly "cultivating", are you?
Yeah just a minor bug dont worry about it dont prioritise it or anything
But you can wax poetic!
i grow my pubic hair for when i need it
why is software a sea of festering shit
Any help?
yes help me kill me end my misery
@d14 ask on SO. i can barely read code at this point.
@CatPlusPlus How is this not a high priority issue?
LOL.. Thats fine.
does put_time return a string?
that you want to save?
Because the project is run by incompetent idiots?
seems unlikely because that'd be too easy
@CatPlusPlus I'm afraid this is true for most of human stuff
Well, fuck yuglify then
English is a fucking horrible language
> Availability: 99.968 Percent
Oh my god no an XML API help
It's okay, I've come to save you.
@ParkYoung-Bae jpeux pas j’ai piscine
Pour noyer ton chagrin dans la javel
You’re doing swimming pools wrong.
Je ai utilisé un traducteur pour traduire mes paroles dans ce que je pense est la bonne langue . Acceptez-vous que je suis le numéro un koala ?
> The Cost of Code Reuse Abuse [...]
> Not to mention, writing generic code is actually quite difficult. If you’re starting a new project by writing a framework or some generic code, you’re doing it wrong and you need to just stop.
@Nooble Nous acceptons sans condition
@ParkYoung-Bae accord ou mourir. Je vais vous resserrer avec la puissance de mille feuilles d'eucalyptus
죽을래? 죽을래?
@ParkYoung-Bae 다른 언어로 숨기는 것은 당신에게 저장하지 않습니다 ! 내가 번호를 하나의 코알라 오전 동의해야합니다 , 또는 당신은 멸망 한다 .
FYI the translation is ridiculous. Gargle Transplode is terrible at Korean.
I translated it back.
I see.
ValueError: The file 'images/loader-big-purple.gif' could not be found with <pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage object at 0x27f8c90>.
vboxFUCKINGsf is case-insensitive
I need to finish Dockerization
So that you can put it into a container, then throw it into the sun?
Mortuus linguarum sunt magnae. Nooble est numerus unum.
Now the joy of trying to get git to accept a case change
@Nooble Is that really the product of automatic translation?
@LucDanton Yes.
aaaaaa why are people jerks on SO idgi
when are people not jerks?
this is internet why the fuck do they think they have anything to prove at all omg
You answered yourself
Why can't people be aborted as "not constructive"
Holy crap gogel transplosion is horrible at Chinese.
Apparently, simplified Chinese does not allow me call myself my name. Instead, I shall call myself the koala emperor. The koala emperor is number one.

Turns into

Clearly, China does not allow me to simplify the name. Instead, I want to call myself a koala emperor. Koala is the first emperor.
your second thing is a double-fuckup
How do I open several solutions at the same time with Visual Stidiot
while the resulting chinese is a single-fuckup
Open multiple VS instances
I guessed so
Oh, Cat got it.
this is terrible
Is there anything google translate is good at?
Eh, it'd be awkward to have multiple ones open in the same one
Eclipse workspace always annoyed me and I had to unload everything except one thing
It's just that I have to launch VS through some bat because environment so I'm lazy
I guess I'll fix the whole thing to not use .bat in the first place
Use a launcher
Find and Run Robot is great
I launch everything with Alt+` and couple keystrokes
うまくいけば、日本の翻訳が良くなります。 Noobleはナンバーワンです!
So the Japanese translation seems decent.
Oh, there are queued updates
Good, cause I wanted to reboot anyway
HyperV is waiting to finish installing since like Saturday
Speaking of HyperV, Kingston's HyperX SSD's are so cheap.
And they perform so well.
@Nooble Fun tip: english -> japanese -> korean usually leads to a better translation than english -> korean. For some reason.
Lol I need to try this.
@ParkYoung-Bae It gives me an error. "Problem with bing, probably overloaded".
I just conducted the experiment.
I meant the Korean translation is better
lol you'll never get anything sensible from translating the result back automatically
C doesn't have default args
Shit. Fuck. I mean, damn.
Well I didn't keep the results. And at this point, bah too much effort required. I'll have to assume that you are correct
A safe assumption
Many languages don't
Why hasn't Microsoft made a cross-compiler IDE?
@edition because they want vendor lock-in?
Why would they
@edition Microsoft doesn't acknowledge the existence of other operating systems.
What do you mean "other operating systems"
No, it's not even that
what about office for Mac?
What is an operating system? Does he mean a Windows?
isn't he talking about cross-compiling for other OS's?
What's the business use case
Why would Microsoft pour development effort into that
"You must cultivate your garden"
How would any of you apply this to your life?
"Why doesn't someone do a thing" is usually a dumb question
Because they have no reason to is p much always the answer
@Blob smoke weed allday errday
i'm fucked. this'll be a shit response.
but the question's always shit anyways
oh cmon people
who flagged that
LRIO can't sleep!
Grow up!
Baldness Flags in Lounge<C++>
are we just randomly assuming it was LRiO?
unordered_map is useful.
It's a running joke
A wheelchairing joke
For once it's not him
@edition gtfo you gender cis scum
@edition he's a girl.
or she's a guy
@edition she's a boy
ok. It was just a question.
I was kidding :P
no need to delete shit
@edition what do you want him to have?
LRIO is everything your dreams can imagine, down there
people here certainly speak by their age ability.
@edition are you implying we're sexually mature men?
i was gone, was doing stuff
what'd you say? :|
I said something derogatory about C++ programmers.
@edition Sounds reasonable.
yes, I'm 18. How old are you people?
We are not all the same age.
@edition we're 14 to 50, probably more.
who's the oldest here?
ok, so 50.
@ParkYoung-Bae Nope. He's just... er...
Hello Everyone,

any help with this?

@Blob That would be me, 59.
Reading this just made me realize how JS is a whore of a programming language.
"I’ll get rid of my optional dependency by switching to continuation-passing style!" now I’m in callback hell ._.
@MartinJames when's your bday?
@MarkGarcia A whore? You have to PAY for that shit?
@Blob 020156
@MartinJames that format is undecipherable
Any help?
@MartinJames Your soul apparently.
@Blob [sigh]. The second of January, 1956AD.
@MartinJames oh, the 56 threw me off. i was expecting a day/month combo without a year
@Blob I would have thought that 'That would be me, 59' would be a clue:)
@MartinJames to be fair, i expect everyone to conform to the YYYY-MM-DD format
anyways, gotta sleep
@Blob lol, me too. Nite all.
@Blob Good night.
SpiderOak just launched itself at start despite the setting being off and it being nowhere to be seen in Autoruns, so that's the end of my involvement with that crap
Go to bed
access violation reading location... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
> I decided to rewrite my Java program with three ideas in mind.
> First, I wouldn't worry about reusability.
> The second idea is that I wouldn't worry about long methods.
Great ideas there
stringstream is causing an access violation...
Are you doing some variation of (stream {} << foo).str()?
yes, but VS didn't highlight str()
VS didn't highlight therefore it must be correct
textStream << timeContext->tm_hour;
> VS ... correct
Visual Studio.
it doesn't give useful information.
so now I cannot answer a question on Stack overflow.
how can I read the memory address 0x00000008, in Visual studio?
@edition This won’t be an accessible address. Try to figure out where it came from, because it’s the product of a null dereference attempt.
thanks @LucDanton
Hi, might I ask: how to use the chat at icq.com/icqchat/chatroom.php?c_id=68? I don't have a russian font, I guess, and thus it shows up as ‡Ì˚È+‰Ó˜Â" ... how could I decode
localtime(&rawtime) is returning 0. :/
I FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
it turns out that 'rawtime' needed to be initialized. twice.
@edition Initialize it a third time, just to be sure.
@ParkYoung-Bae And the third one is that I wouldn't worry about off-by-one errors?
syntax error
@ParkYoung-Bae No, for large enough values of 1, 1 = 2.
I am stung by a wasp :( ... That's what you get for being too nice to pests
Hilarious. I've never heard that one before.
@ParkYoung-Bae so original
@chmod711telkitty sting back?
Since when are wasps pests?!
Wasp nest @ carport will be gone by this evening
Was going to let them stay if they didn't impose much a risk ...
@ParkYoung-Bae s/pests/pets/
today was an interesting day
I search for pet wasp on youtube.
Um, suppose I have an enum types, what would I call a map for "equivalent" string values? I'm thinking both of types_strings or type_strings, favoring the former. @ParkYoung-Bae, I guess you were in some of this too.
I ended up using a switch because I needed more purrformance. Before that I called it descriptions and it was static local in to_string(enum value)
@MarkGarcia type_names
All I can think of is type_sting
Type_sting = wasp
@ParkYoung-Bae That's too vague for mine. Please pick one (types_strings or type_strings) so I can go on with my life. :)
That message came sooo late.
Those aren’t vague? ._.
@LucDanton I'm supposing. ;)
Those names make it sound like a type or types are involved, yet there aren’t any. It’s about values, isn’t it?
@LucDanton Only the first part matters.
@orlp Perhaps I'd go with that, though s/names/strings/.
@MarkGarcia C++ standard calls them "message".
@LucDanton Yes. Some sort of enum for types of another language (SQL).
@orlp Perhaps I'd go with that, though s/names/strings/.
@wilx Good morning.
@Rapptz Speaking of (or not), I’m toying with pretty printing. describe(value) or description(value)?
@Rapptz Won't apply for mine I think. It's like Cicada's problem with stringifying enum element names.
@MarkGarcia types_descriptions IMO
but frankly it should not leak in outer scope
@ParkYoung-Bae Both the enum and the map are inside a class.
@MarkGarcia I'd call it 'description'.
@ParkYoung-Bae I'm considering.
@LucDanton describe!
@MarkGarcia Just do a to_string and let ADL find it
@Rapptz That is what I have right now.
spending way too much time on this than I’d like to admit ._.
well, not the naming, the actual thing
A: How do new and delete work and where are they stored?

0bijan mortazaviFirst you should search your question at google if it doesn't exist then ask it in stackoverflow! Now google it.

kill it, kill it with fire.
@ParkYoung-Bae There's some... complications on why I can't do that now (I would like to). I'll try to refactor stuff though.
So I just flagged and nuked a ~50 upvotes comment for being obsolete (suggested a change that's been accepted). I don't know if I should feel bad.
@sehe I'm getting some funny results, but I don't think I can golf it any shorter than doing it manually.
Q: X greater than 3 with at least 2 difference between X and Y

CristyI am trying to golf down some C++. Is it possible to make this condition shorter? X > 3 & X - Y > 1 (Apart from removing whitespace, of course.) So, X is at least 4 but X >= Y + 2. X and Y are integers in the [0,5] interval. I have tried to find some bitwise formula but failed.

9 characters seems to be the minimal
does give rise to some fun equalities though
x > 3 && x >= y + 2 is equal to ~y+x<<y>2 when x, y are in [0, 5]
> Fix released
How pedantic
I survived the C++ midterm
good job bub.
Yeah everything was pretty standard and easy except for the two last problems
One was writing a rectangle class and figuring out bounds checking a la AABB collision
which I didn't study before hand so I had to use paper squares ripped from scratch paper
Just #include <boost/geometry/whatevs.hpp>
the bonus problem was writing a linked list checker function for equality of contents
So uh... I ended up writing one with a linked list cache
#include <boost/sequence/equal.hpp>
#ifndef Boost
#define Boooooooooooze
@Cinch Circular linked list? :p
A: X greater than 3 with at least 2 difference between X and Y

orlpAfter brute forcing every useful combination of symbols under 9 characters, I've found there to be no smaller solution than x>3&x-y>1. For fun here's some funky 9 character solutions the brute forcer found: -x<~y>4>x ~y+x>2>>y x*x-y*y>9 ~y>x/~3*x -3>>y>y-x ~y+x<<y>2

Hello. I wonder is someone can explain me how basically ftruncate function works
What do you not understand about it
@ParkYoung-Bae how to search Google to find out what it does.
So my laptop is vulnerable to Rowhammer. :(
@Maxpm RIP
@Maxpm ask for a refund
I wonder if I could, actually.
Does the issue depend only on RAM sticks or does it need some "suppport" from the other hardware?
Who was running the number crunching SW here? Does he have his hardware affected?
@wilx Mysticial
He computes the number of digits in 3.14 on uber hardware when the obvious answer is 3
@ParkYoung-Bae :D
@ParkYoung-Bae hey there qt3.14
std::to_string(3.14).size() - 1
@ParkYoung-Bae Refers to Android as the winner, and "it's better to not be so competitive"
> But it's better for us to focus our intent on excellence in our own right, rather than our impact on someone else's product
Hardly pedantic. More like, lame way to distance yourself from your own joke
> There is a social element to this bug report as well, of course. It served for many as a sort of declaration of intent.
@sehe I think "pedantic" might not be the right word, but come on, to consider Ubuntu the "fix" to MS Windows? Uuuuuh that's some pretty high self esteem
@sehe I know, obviously
And apparently they argue "Since Microsoft is no longer hostile, and has been making big changes, we too should make such changes [...]"
> Change this bug status is but a tiny example.
@ParkYoung-Bae In a way, they deserve that credit though.
Idk. Ubuntu is just another distrib.
Of course the whole bug was irrational, but the "fix released" was not portrayed as such a cocky move ^
@ParkYoung-Bae It is. The market share though, is something else entirely
Nobody said Ubuntu "is" something special. It "did" something special. That, in itself, might be a testament to the foolishness of mankind herds
@sehe I don't really know the numbers, I only care about Debian Master Race.
@sehe ~y+x<<y>2
I should try Fedora and SUSE again
@ParkYoung-Bae You mean elder race lol lol lol

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