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@FilipRoséen-refp The problem (as I see it) is that the intent isn't enforced--I can mark a function as constexpr even if that function can't actually be used in a constant expression, and the compiler won't tell me about the problem until I actually try to use it that way.
@JerryCoffin erhm, not really
@JerryCoffin if a function cannot ever be used in a constant-expression the program is ill-formed, and yeah - the compiler doesn't have to issue a diagnostic (because this might be hard to prove) - but it is enforced
@JerryCoffin also, the intent is enforced through the limited subset of c++ that can be used in such function
I still wish they added constexpr parameter overloading =/
@orlp that'd be neat - but there actually is a way of doing that
let me dig up that comment of mine..
@FilipRoséen-refp I have tried hard and couldn't make it work.
this (proof-of-concept) that I just wrote might be of interest, accepted by gcc and msvc, though clang has a bug related to the magic used; let me know and I'll provide it as an answer to your question. — Filip Roséen - refp Feb 23 at 23:39
OH.. there's a solar eclipse in a couple weeks but, sadly only partial in UK, (unlike 1999 when we all watched the total from the factory roof in Harlow). If I want to see a total again, I would have to travel to Finland or Northern Sweden, and who'se going to be daft enough to do that?
@orlp you obviously didn't try hard enough ;-)
That's not what I meant
I want constexpr function parameters
@orlp you want to make it call a certain overload depending on if a specific argument is constexpr? that's the way to do it.
@orlp oh, you mean using them in a context that requires constant-expressions? well, there are ways around that too - but sadly they require a lot of hacks (that will slow down compile-time)
I have two reasons for wanting this.
1. Compile-time format strings.
@orlp we all want that
compile-time format strings can be written as is..
2. Efficient overloads for when a parameter is known at compile time (think pow(x, 2) -> x*x)
@orlp that can be hacked together as is
I mean, both of them.
without macros?
@FilipRoséen-refp Would that it were true (but it's not). Some of the examples in the standard show the sorts of problems I'm talking about:
int x; // not constant
struct A {
constexpr A(bool b) : m(b?42:x) { }
int m;
constexpr int v = A(true).m; // OK: constructor call initializes
// m with the value 42
constexpr int w = A(false).m; // error: initializer for m is
// x, which is non-constant
@JerryCoffin maybe I wasn't clear enough; that's not the intent I'm talking about - I'm talking about the intent that a function will be usable in a constant-expression as long as some preconditions are met. I don't see this as a problem
@orlp there are a lot of compile-time format string-thingies, and I remember writing my own dummy implementation quite far back
No, that's not what I meant.
As an example, this would be possible with constexpr function parameters: print("%d", 5) fine, print("%d", "test") compile-time error
@FilipRoséen-refp Failing to see/understand the problem is, of course, your right--but it doesn't remove or fix the problem. The simple fact is that normal dataflow analysis would be sufficient to let a compiler diagnose a function that may return a result that can't be used in a constant expression (and as soon as you try to use it in a constant expression, that is already done--it's just not done to the function in isolation as it should be).
@orlp that has also been done
@FilipRoséen-refp I'm fairly certain it's impossible without macros
I'd be happy to be proved wrong
@orlp first post I found related to what we are talking about
If I delete a class object that contains a int pointer, does it means the int pointer also gets deleted?
@FilipRoséen-refp and that same posts explains it can not do what I asked
@tom_mai78101 What does it mean for an int pointer to be deleted?
Is it allocated on the heap?
@FilipRoséen-refp it allows strings to be evaluated in a constexpr context, but does not allow them to be constexpr within the function
@Blob Yes
@tom_mai78101 Yes, the pointer (itself) gets deleted. What it points at does not (unless you write code to do so).
@tom_mai78101 You need to delete it in the class's destructor
@orlp there are hacks around that, ping me in about <strike>30</strike> 60 minutes and I'll write an example for you
Unless there is a user-defined destructor that does something about it.
@FilipRoséen-refp Try and write a function (not a macro) f such that f("a") compiles, but f("b") does not.
@Blob @JerryCoffin I get a stack dump when I used delete[] on a int pointer pointing to a new-created array of ints. If I don't, app runs fine.
And that is called in a destructor
@tom_mai78101 Are you sure you allocate memory for it before it gets destroyed?
@tom_mai78101 sscce.org
I guarantee you
you will find your bug while making that
The fact that using someone else's library engine to develop the app, and the delete[] causing stack dump is confusing.
Oh well. At least I now learned that deleting objects just deletes the pointers, not the memory the pointers are pointing at.
@tom_mai78101 One common cause of this is failing to implement a copy (or move) constructor, and somewhere creating a copy so you delete the same memory twice. Most common (good) cure: avoid (direct use of) new and delete completely, and use a shared_ptr or unique_ptr as applicable. You normally want to use std::make_shared or std::make_unique instead of new.
The library app uses the older C++ standards back around 1999, I think. It doesn't have unique_ptr or shared_ptr
@tom_mai78101 "If I delete a class object that contains a int pointer, does it means the int pointer also gets deleted?" No, it doesn't. And you need to be sure about ownership semantics, if you are actively deleting it.
Easiest exam of my life! \o/
Oh, didn't know std has make_unique and make_shared.
@tom_mai78101 Their library doesn't have to. You use it in your objects that own objects provided by the library.
@tom_mai78101 make_unique() since c++14 actually.
The problem is the app has to be run on an older compiler, else other dependencies will break... Admin rights + un-updated gcc issue.
But thanks for the heads up
I should take more programming courses so I can just get these ezpz grades.
Thanks, that works around admin rights on the lab PC?
@tom_mai78101 It can give you a shared_ptr without updating the compiler anyway.
@tom_mai78101 "... on an older compiler ..." Which one in particular? (don't tell us Turbo C++ please :P)
@ThePhD I don't think programming classes should be easy. It should be challenging and intermediate.
@πάνταῥεῖ I have no idea, I'm sorry. But I can assure you, it has to run on old hardware.
@JerryCoffin Alexandrescu's Loki did a good job for me regarding this.
@tom_mai78101 You have no idea, what your cross-toolchain is? Are you serious?
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm serious, because I have no clue behind the scenes what's going on. I am using unfamiliar codes given to me for extra credits.
BTW, no reason "old hardware" can't be tackled with modern compilers.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah, but what can I say if the hardware is "old" but still new?
@πάνταῥεῖ That worked too, but the last time I looked it hadn't been updated in a decade or so...
When I mean "old", I mean "just recently outdated".
@JerryCoffin Yeah, it's quite robust and stable :)
@πάνταῥεῖ Well, I beg to differ. I cannot compile embedded app X with latest gcc and still have it fit in the pathetic RAM available. One version of a 18-year-old 16-bit C compiler can do it.
Anyway, my issue is resolved. I was just asking about if deleting objects also deletes data the object pointer members point to.
Thanks everyone.
..with three bits of RAM free.
@MartinJames Though on a theoretical level he's entirely correct--there's no particular reason a more recent compiler couldn't generate just as tight of code (even though there are a lot of reasons they generally don't).
@ParkYoung-Bae Hello. How's our Korean contingent today?
@MartinJames Sounds like an octal register.
@JerryCoffin Doing just fine. How is it going on the other side of the Pacific ocean?
@tom_mai78101 Oh - it's much worse than that, (8032).
user image
/cc @Rapptz
@ParkYoung-Bae Was raining earlier, but pretty nice now.
@JerryCoffin I've even managed to get an agreement on our consolidated license text from Andrei Alexandrescu with this crappy outdated MIT license recently.
@Borgleader lol
@ParkYoung-Bae Just snowed this morning at 3AM today.
@tom_mai78101 And where are you, if I may ask?
@ParkYoung-Bae West Altantic Ocean coastline.
It's wonderful to speak to someone 3000 miles away.
@tom_mai78101 That covers...quite a bit of ground.
@JerryCoffin I have a question I need to ask you: I think I am over inflated with self confidence, but I am really happy. Should I impose some self confidence deflating mechanism so I can be less happy like everyone else?
right, got it finally /cc @FilipRoséen-refp
@chmod711telkitty Think about how kids born in 2000 will never forget how old they are.
@chmod711telkitty Depends on whether the inflated self confidence is causing you problems. If it is, then you probably need to do something to deal with those problems, and deflation might be one possibility (but there may be alternatives). If it's not leading to problems, then just being worried that it might be excessive seems like a weak reason to change.
@tom_mai78101 Please reveal it's relevance to the ignorant me!
I know that's extremely general (especially the part about how to deal with problems), but it's hard to be specific in how to deal with problems I'm not even sure exist, not to mention having a clue about the best ways to fix them.
@chmod711telkitty I may have replied to the wrong person. Deleting message. Sorry.
@tom_mai78101 You can edit (hit your up-arrow) and re-click the "reply-to" arrow to change the message to which it replies (but you can only edit for a couple minutes).
@JerryCoffin The "edit" is already gone.
@tom_mai78101 Yeah, you do have to be quick. IMO, it would be better to extend it out to 10 or 15 minutes or so, but that's not my decision.
@JerryCoffin There's a reason why the duration can't be extended. People will abuse the "edit" function, and some other factors I forget that SO Meta knows about.
@JerryCoffin Sometimes I am worried that over inflated self confidence is not right, but it together with the happiness it caused actually makes me accomplish not less. It does occasionally make people around me angry, with no real reasons. Although most likely, they are just jealous of my happiness.
@tom_mai78101 More accurately, there are people who theorize that extending the edit time could lead to more harm than benefit. I happen to think benefit is much more likely. No, I don't think it needs to be allowed indefinitely, but I think extending it out to an hour is unlikely to lead to any significant harm.
@chmod711telkitty It seems to me that in most such cases, anger stems more from what's perceived as arrogance rather than happiness. It seems to me that most people really want those around them to be happy.
People really care about me are fine with me being happy. It's actually people who suffer from depression/chronic unhappiness usually are the people who are angry.
@JerryCoffin which some people who perceive as self confidence are perceived as arrogance by other people
@tom_mai78101 Real life can be challenging.
@chmod711telkitty True--but either way it's not just a reaction to your being happy. At least from what I've seen, just showing that you're happy doesn't have to lead to (most) others perceiving you as arrogant. At the same time: you can't take full responsibility for how everybody else feels. No matter what you do, somebody can (and inevitably will) perceive it negatively.
That goes whether you're dealing with levels of happiness, self-confidence, or just about anything else.
weird thing is that, people actually accept most personalities if they are forced to hang out for long enough
@chmod711telkitty I'm not sure I find that strange at all. For the vast majority of human history, we've dealt primarily with relatively small groups of people who we knew for a long time. Extremely large groups (e.g., cities of millions) and/or the mobility to meet lots of new people all the time is a pretty recent innovation. If anything, I'm surprised we've developed mechanisms to deal with it as well as we do (but our real strength is adaptability, so I guess I shouldn't be very surprised).
Sometimes you get to hang around with people who share a lot of similar interests as you, other times you become really close to someone who has almost completely different personality but just happen to be stuck in your life the longest
We are terrible at adapting
@chmod711telkitty Well, the least thing you can bear in a depressive phase, is other depressive (i.e. angry) people.
Time to play with prisms.
@πάνταῥεῖ but hang out with happy people doesn't necessarily make them happier
@chmod711telkitty Neither it does make me happier. Maybe I can get some satisfaction to draw them down with my sarcasm/cynicism.
:-P ...
@chmod711telkitty That was just sarcastic of course :) ...
Love kittens, and cookies :)
@Jefffrey We've created situations that challenge even our adaptability--but we're more adaptable than anything else on earth. There's no other animal on earth that can survive under (even close to) the variety of conditions under which people not only survive, but prosper.
Sorry Jerry but you're way off on this one.
@ParkYoung-Bae So name one other animal that can survive under nearly the variety of conditions we can.
Ants, spiders, loads of others
We're far from being the toughest
@ParkYoung-Bae So you believe ants and spiders can survive in Antarctica or on the moon? In either case, only if they survive in an environment we build for them.
These ones have been around for hundred million years
That's flawed reasoning
BTW Tardigrades survive in space, how cool is that
@ParkYoung-Bae Flawed why?
@ParkYoung-Bae So can humans.
@ParkYoung-Bae They're not adaptive though. They can survive in those environments but they have not adapted for them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Space vacuum
@ParkYoung-Bae Yes, humans can handle that too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No
The International Space Station (ISS) is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low Earth orbit. It is a modular structure whose first component was launched in 1998. Now the largest artificial body in orbit, it can often be seen with the naked eye from Earth. The ISS consists of pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays and other components. ISS components have been launched by American Space Shuttles as well as Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets. The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology...
@R.MartinhoFernandes By that argument everything on Earth is "in the space vacuum". :)
It's silly to dismiss the primary and overwhelming advantage of humans.
It's silly to say we're good at adapting
We modify the environment, that's completely different
A pointless semantics game.
So are you saying we cheat? :p
@melak47 That's our advantage.
Took you that long to figure out? :v
Koalas can also live in outer space.
Have you guys not heard of the Koalapollo missions?
@melak47 Yeah, humans are absolute losers for cheating their environments.
I still wonder why dinosaurs become extinct
number means nothing in the scale of infinite time span
@ParkYoung-Bae Most living organisms do.
We're just extremely better at it.
That's arguable
Not really.
Actually, yes.
Go on then.
Am I the only one who thinks you guys are getting massively trolled here? This is Cicada after all =/
Why is there always someone who has to ruin it all
5 mins ago, by Rapptz
Took you that long to figure out? :v
@Nooble Cute :)
@Rapptz Actually I was busy playing Heroes of the Storm, I just now caught up with chat
Ew. HotS.
@ParkYoung-Bae "The Borg: party-poopers of the galaxy." - The Doctor (Sauce)
Individual humans are not all that great at it, actually
Our society as a whole is. Pooled resources and everything.
Take that as you will. Are you talking biology, or what?
But a single human cannot build a space station and live in orbit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why not? Is it required to be married for these occupations?
Too strong.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A cute furry koala can, perhaps :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Whoosh
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Deliberating what to include in the Lounge canon. Council++
I wonder what a cute furry koala can would look like
Well, cute and furry I suppose
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I appreciate you trying to make my degree seem useful but I already have a job, thanks.
@JerryCoffin Whoosh Whoosh!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A single ant cannot build a colony either.
Ants don't get married
Maybe they do!
They believe in short term polygamy. :v
@ParkYoung-Bae Oh come on. Just because the ceremony is small doesn't mean it's not a real wedding! Besides, my ant and unk were married for years...
@Nooble Read the transcript. He said he was play HoTS, not LoL.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Didn't you notice they are able to self pullulating? They just Eucalypullate :D
@JerryCoffin WoW I didn't know that.
@Nooble Touché. A koality riposte!
@ThePhD They practice the evil kind of polygamy though.
@JerryCoffin The one with sex and all?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Meant could of course :) ...
And yes 'cute furry koala cans' just look 'cute and furry'
@Rapptz IDGI
@R.MartinhoFernandes Indeed
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Might be a cultural thing.
Uncultural, what with you being Merkin.
That's my area of weaponry
^ Pew, Pew, Pew ....
My joke was too meta.
I'm bored now.
> Warning in install.packages :
downloaded length 2050388 != reported length 2050388
... T-They're... equal...?
"downloaded" != "reported"
silly programmer
@ThePhD Probably a bork in the display
@ThePhD The computer thinks that they're a bit different.
@ParkYoung-Bae The kind where one female has lots of males. One male with lots of females sounds a lot better (though something resembling monogamy is clearly better for society as a whole).
Well, it's showing my bytecounts, so unless there's a level beneath that...
@JerryCoffin I want to start a troll on "clearly better" but I'd get @Borgleader'ed again
@ParkYoung-Bae Probably.
@JerryCoffin I'm actually still trying to find a case of polygamy that works out for like, 50 years.
There's a bunch of older polygamy relationships in history but finding ones that work in Today's day and age has been hard.
I know of a bunch of poly-intimate relationships that last like, 5 years, but they seem to crumble after that. Most don't make it 3 from the people I've talked to.
I might get a different perspective if I go to Europe or Asia or something.
@ThePhD Not sure there's ever been one. I could at least understand a case where you have an (approximately) equal number of women and men forming a family together, but I don't know of such a thing happening in real life.
@JerryCoffin Those are actually the ones I know that tend to last a lot longer! Where it's like, 2 couples, and then they just share each other's everything (including intimacy).
Haven't seen a 6pack yet.
Huh, I've been so busy programming I forgot I've had a bottle of beer open for several hours. Work should so pay me overtime for this kind of dedication.
(I've enjoyed it, tonight)
@ThePhD I'm not aware of it (though I'm not questioning your word either), but I can at least believe it could be stable.
:t \x -> getConst $ _Just Const x
\x -> getConst $ _Just Const x :: Data.Monoid.Monoid a => Maybe a -> a
I have no idea where that Monoid comes from. All I have is Choice (i.e. Profunctor), Applicative, and Const.
oo it’s Monoid m => Applicative (Const m)!
I want to install g++ on my school computers where i don't have root. For most things I can just build from source, but I don't think g++ will be that simple. The schools have gcc installed. Any easy way?
@Blob Build it as usual, but install somewhere you have permissions. I.e. not the default which is likely to be /usr/local.
You can easily build g++ from source without being root
don't have to deal with assembly stuff?
You can use gcc as a C++ front end
There are prerequisite programs you need in order to build GCC. Make sure you have those as well.
Just link libstdc++!
@Rapptz I think Make has infected you.
@Blob If it took privileged rights to build GCC, how would you be able to compile any program at all?
i.e. what would you even use GCC for then?
Let’s assume you have to be root to build GCC. Suppose you now have GCC. What do you do with it?
compile C?
Do you have to be root to do that?
and look up what Rapptz was saying and compile C++?
They already have GCC installed
and no
Then use that GCC to build a compiler without needing root access. For instance, build GCC.
Ergo, you don’t need root to build GCC. QED.
i was afraid building g++ might be complicated
I think I just figured out a tricky tricky little bug. Now to assume I actually figured it out, not fix the problem and do something else for a few hours to enjoy the problem solving dopamine rush and forget what the bug was in the first place
@Pris How do you consider this would be pleasure for anyone?
You don't get a high after tracking down a difficult bug?
"Of course not Pris! I write bug free code!"
@Pris I do
I am quite happy right now with my new scheduler
even though it technically belongs to work
and I didn't have to do it
and it's now 3am
I have a problem where I don't do anything after thinking I've found what the issue is
At that point I like to write up the reasoning on the Bugzilla entry
That rush is just too good to throw back into work. Maybe I'll just take a little break :p
then you can always come back to the fix later
although I try to get the fix in as soon as possible too, before anyone else figures it out and steals the credit, that part is optional
email reminder from CV website:
> Current Job Seeking Details ( Edit )
> Job Seeking Status: Not Currently Looking
> Availability Date: 1/01/2012
Yeah, I haven't updated this in a while
WTB C++ -> C transpiler for the lulz.
Eeeeh that exists already (LLVM)
The first C++ implementation was a C++ -> C compiler
@ThePhD C++ -> JS -> C? :D
though to call that "C++" now is a bit of a reach
"C with classes"
@melak47 that makes me feel sick
what could possibly go wrong
@ParkYoung-Bae It was removed.
@melak47 That's... so. Buaha. Buahaha.
You know now I have to actually try that. :v
Just out of sheer, pure, horrible curiosity.
@ThePhD Y'know LLVM can do it?
$ llvm-g++ -emit-llvm x.cpp -o program.bc -c
$ llc -march=c program.bc -o x.c
$ cc x.c -lstdc++
Cheers & hth.
1 min ago, by ThePhD
@ParkYoung-Bae It was removed.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What @ParkYoung-Bae said. llc was removed in 3.1 because it was "too hard".
So install a version from before it was removed.
1 min ago, by Park Young-Bae
@ThePhD https://github.com/draperlaboratory/llvm-cbe
@LightnessRacesinOrbit But that means giving up all the recent goodies.
@ThePhD That's what she said
@ThePhD so use a new llvm to do c++ -> js, then js -> c with the old version :v
@melak47 Can't find a recent js -> c compiler
TranslationParty.com for computer programs, anyone?
hey actually that's not a bad idea
my microwave is so dumb
@StackedCrooked wanna get in on this?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Translating to C++ is enough to generate a thousand messages.
300W - 450W - 600W - 800W - Max
what on earth is "Max"?
@MarkGarcia and a thousand ad revenues!
@orlp somewhere between 950 and 1000W maybe :S
people are partying itup RIGHT NOW at gdc meetn' and greetn' the who's who of the gaming illuminati while my life is stuck in a while(true) of mediocrity
@orlp W means wave.
lol Pris's heroes are at a conference and he's stuck in the Lounge
we used to be the heroes
@orlp ;p
perhaps it just chucks as much power as it can through the emitters and hopes for the best
@orlp "what on earth is "Max"" 20mm diameter copper cable used as fuse (for home use only)
what happens if you use it somewhere else
do you get arrested
@ParkYoung-Bae Curiously enough, I didn't get that hit for all the searching I did on google. I even went to page 2....
guys is butter made of cows?
@ThePhD What page 2? You clearly are hallucinating.
@orlp No it's made of cream dude!
shhh we do not speak of page 2
@orlp Steaks are made from cows.
@πάνταῥεῖ what are cows made of?
@orlp Dust, just dust my friend ...
of course we're all made of dinosaur poo
AND dinosaurs
at the same time
partially because dinosaurs were made of dinosaur poo too
just call it stardust
poor dinosaurs :(
its more romantic than dino poo
depends what you're into
but if cows are made of grass, how can it be that there still is grass?
evolution makes no sense
because they're not made of all of the grass
also, who made the cows out of the grass?
and because it's a composition, not an inheritance, relation
We're made of what the astronomers call metal :-D
@πάνταῥεῖ I like metal. I want to be hardcore but my mom doesn't let me :(
Dude you're 20 years old
"Stardust" is also a well known (and applicable) metaphor for what we're essentially are made of. Additional Spirit didn't get it to essential evidence unfortunately :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Chilling sounds, like it NN
Really like it :)
troll or not? I can't tell whether that's really a threat by Isis or just from some trolls on the Internet ... Or maybe some covert self promotion.
is the sun raycist?

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