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the same applied to ATI
@YourFriend :)
it doesn't apply to AMD
In the future we might be able to use ANGLE to write GL ES 2 or 3 and have it 'just work' pretty much everywhere
I was born too early
I was born in Y2K.
@Nooble get off my lawn you damned koala hooligan
@Pris I'm taking the tree with me!
I'm hungry
Already blown through most of the food I bought the other day
eat pizza
might order one yeah
also I have no cigarettes. might just push through
have been meaning to
some friends are in town but cba. bit hungover from yesterday. hrng.
I am afraid to answer a question.
You should be prepared to improve it yes
this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/28787970/…. I don't want to get downvoted.
> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\type_traits(1367): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
why do I need 50 reputation points to comment?
@RobertHarvey I think that's a big fat dupe. Oh. Programmers.SE? What is it doing there...
@ThePhD bet it's your fault for putting your weird types into the traits :p
Because we don't trust you and you're a dirty leech.
@melak47 My types are clean and wholesome.
They fixed one problem with universal character names, ADDED SOME NEW ONES.
ucd\case.g.inl(16): error C3850: '\UFFFFFFFF': a universal-character-name specifies an invalid character
@edition so that you can't comment xD
why don't you develop VC-first
I'm still fascinated by the fact that you guys have one of the most active rooms in SE, but anytime I consider learning C++, the advice is "Don't do it; you'll ruin your life."
if Microsoft's stuff is the worst and you need to support it I think it's best to first make sure it works there
and then move it somewhere else
@RobertHarvey That's the thing: nobody listens to poor old us.
We kind of sodded our own reputation when Rightfold put his Vagina out, so it's to be expected, but...
Ah, yes. I remember that incident.
@RobertHarvey I'm a koala. The very best koala. Just in case you didn't know.
> incident
@AlexM. Plot Twist: this was compiling in VC++ 1 CTP ago. It stopped working now. :vvvvvvvvvvv
@RobertHarvey C++ definitely has it's issues. I wouldn't go as far as saying it will ruin your life though.
@ThePhD bunch of things on the internet say U-FFFFFFFF is an invalid code point in unicode 6.0
@RobertHarvey it didn't ruin mine
and I write C++ daily
2 hours ago, by FredOverflow
I mean, the language is so fucking terrible.
I just don't give a crap
it works all the time
@RobertHarvey It's fun to learn C++.
@melak47 That's the whole POINT: I NEED an invalid codepoint here, and C++ shoudn't fucking tell me it's not valid. D:
I think people tend to overblow it.
@RobertHarvey You will :)
This topic seems so appropriate for SO. [this was in 2008]. And here's Which kind of pointer do I use when?. I'm sure you can find even better matches. These were just the first I saw — sehe 20 secs ago
(fixed that link)
I find Bjarne's book quite readable.
@Rapptz What? the fun? Hardly. People here all love it. But it's really easy to love it too much. It's just not a convenient tool for many things.
@RobertHarvey Which one?
q___q so I have to go back to using U'\xFFFFFFF'
The definitive one.
@Borgleader The tour, guessing
@ThePhD I don't follow. you want an invalid codepoint to be not invalid?
@sehe The hate.
Flips a table.
Like that.
Hey, I'm having a hissy fit, don't use me as an example in my time of weakness!
@RobertHarvey Because this isn't a C++ chatroom. :)
please don't downvote...
@RobertHarvey Ah so prob "The C++ Programming Language", I have "Principle of Programming Using C++"
@edition please don't drive-by link answers to web questions :/
@RobertHarvey FWIW Accelerated C++ is a good book for people who already know programming and beginners alike.
It's a shame it's outdated a bit (i.e. C++98 instead of C++11/14)
Hey, lookit that.
> Digit separators: Now, you can intersperse numerical literals with single quotes to make them more readable. For example
Yaaaay, digit separators!
except the wrong ones!
lezjit dizjits are dezjit
@Rapptz accelerated?
gotta code fast
wouldn't it be much funnier if they changed , for digit separators? :p
@AlexM. they made c++ less sluggish in that book
All done laughing :)
@melak47 Yes. Many implementations use -1 (or (signed char32_t)0xFFFFFFFF) as a marker for invalid codepoints.
The good news is, \xFFFFFFFF no longer causes compile-time issues.
it's simple - you upgrade your code points to int64_t and use -1 :D
@edition Please don't write bad questions.
@melak47 :v
@LightnessRacesinOrbit its not his question, but he's under the impression we watch web questions
it was a typo. And I ended up inheriting a class...
Well, now it's time to remake the Visual Studio C++ project for lua and sol
Q: Unnecessary class redefinition for FLTK

editionFor some reason, the MSVC compiler gives the numeric definition of Fl_Button in the FLTK header file 'Enumerations.h' more precedence than a class of the same name. The following code failed to compile: Fl_Button *confirm = new Fl_Button(0,0, 200, 50, "Hello world")); Although, I have solved ...

And see if I can get it to build and run in VC++ again.
@Borgleader You were saying?
I also figured out some serious fixes for the implementation that I made when I was being dumb.
13 mins ago, by edition
this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28787970/how-do-i-make-music-play-when-image-‌​is-clicked. I don't want to get downvoted.
@Borgleader Ah :)
monumentally useless. ;)
So? What was the problem?
This is like pulling teeth.
a numeric constant is not a type.
#define FL_Button 0xfee8
back to the macro again
why are you talking about the macro
don't use macros, plz kthx
it has nothing to do with the code you showed in your question
did you typo Fl_Button for FL_Button and not show us the code you were actually compiling?
well I hope we've learnt something here today :)
this guy hasn't:
What a terrible mess. Why is the indentation all over the place? What is $.get() supposed to do? Why do you have a commented-out line? Where is the explanation of your proposed solution?? — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
how the fuck does that answer get an upvote
I lost 2 reputation points.
> I am the student studying bachelor in computer application and currently trying to make the project From php.
> I am the student studying bachelor in computer application and currently trying to make the project From php.
@edition You'll get over it
hah jinx
@edition How did you lose them?
Couldn't you have just picked drugs like a normal person?
I use the real world to escape from C++.
oh god that's actually true
@Thephd drugs don't really free you
@Thephd they just take you to another prison
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I use C++ to escape from the real world.
@ThePhD is your qualification real? edition is my name because i started to learn programming through editing.
I'm hoping to make it soon before I die, though.
I should have plenty of time!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :)
Again with the crazy indentation. Why can't you make your code neat and tidy? — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 secs ago
I already have my e-mail at school that's called "thephd" though!
However, the school fought with me when I tried to make my MAIN e-mail ONLY [email protected]
So I didn't get it.
all of this guy's code is horrible
Didn't Bjarne Stroustrup suggest indentation as a feature of c++?
how is it possible for someone to fail to line up nearly-identical consecutive lines
so completely
just... how do you not find that difficult to post
I don't get it
It's easy: you just don't have a soul. Or eyeballs.
could someone check if my answer on function limits is correct?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit this would be his reaction I'm sure graph.facebook.com/100000213791119/picture?type=large
but really forget all that code stuff
how the hell do you NOT SET A PROPER USERNAME
> user254153
@edition You haven't posted any answers dude
to be forever known as user 254153
may be 254153 is his phone number
oh god it makes me so angry
his whole profile is just a stream of failure
wouldn't it be funny if 254153 was also his password
and don't give me that "everyone was a beginner once" crap. I don't care how new you are to programming. if you can use a computer then you have the physical and mental capacity to press the spacebar a constant number of times
it wouldn't be funny. it would be coincidence and dumb xD
and to perceive shapes
I have an IQ of 100.
and to just give a fuck in general
@LightnessRacesinOrbit HORRIBRU
@LightnessRacesinOrbit When I sat in front of computer first time, it prompted "Press Any key to Continue" and I pressed the Power button lol. That brought a lot of frustration xD
@AlexM. that's autocorrect properly capitalizing SMTP headers, or what.
@YourFriend I would believe you if you were user254153.
That's not a prime
I can't distinguish between SomeonesFriend and Nooble without reading the usernames
god damnit
@sehe Matematica or wolfram?
Pro tip: Don't look at avatars
@CaptainGiraffe CLI
@AlexM. Nooble is quiet for a while I guess
sehe@desktop:~$ dpkg --search /usr/bin/factor
coreutils: /usr/bin/factor
@sehe I should have gathered.
@YourFriend hehehe
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lrio, please, you should be a little, nicer to people
@Pris hahaha. Trying to trip his, "comma-abuse", detonator?
one, two... three...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit maintaing proper indentation is hard when copying from web tutorials using notepad
@sehe use Notepad++ , that will bring a little improvement
is there a way to search stuff written by a particular user only
@YourFriend missing the point
I want to see all occurrences of the word "doubt" in usernumbershere's profile
Of course I use vim. It wasn't about me
in an alternate universe there is one permissively licensed c++ library you can use to write gui stuff and theres only one version of opengl that everyone uses
@R.MartinhoFernandes The UCD Data compiles as-is from ogonek in VS 2015 CTP 6, which is nice!
@Pris Qt, Cinder; make c++ bindings for SDL
sadly, he never used "doubt" in any of his posts
Also not a prime user, by the way
@sehe qt isnt perrmissive, cinder doesnt support linux, SDL's alright i guess
@Pris What does "being nice" have to do with it? I'm airing a grievance. I have literally no reason to be "nice" about it.
What MS library do one use nowadays to write GUI stuff in c++ for windows? Not the managed kind preferably.
I failed with Qt.
A: Show div background-image complete

user254153You can use the background-size. background-size: auto|length|cover|contain|initial|inherit; For more refer to w3school. background-size:100% 100%;

@CaptainGiraffe i like qt
@CaptainGiraffe is WPF managed?
@Pris that's not made by MS though
@Pris Qt is LGPL.
@Pris SDL is not alright, but agreed with the rest. Why is Qt not an option?
As far as I know, the .net stuff is still only accessible by the managed c++.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nobody flagged the answer, just one -1
@edition what do you mean? slots can be free functions
@YourFriend That -1 is mine.
I'm having to be cautious though because my votes will be reversed if I cast too many.
Qt is certainly an option, just curious if MS has anything like the .net stuff for unmanaged c++.
The LGPL is dodgy on closed platforms. Lots of people believe you can't legally use it on closed app stores like Android and iOS
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that guy thinks we don't know about google and w3schools?
poor userDigits, he's getting hit straight from orbit
ask him that from me whenever you meet him xD
Low Orbit Lightness Cannon
you heard it here first
Dec 9 '11 at 16:52, by sehe
@sbi You know... 419 is a Prime Number!
@sehe wait, let me make a loop for that
419..............1 emm yes it is xD
@AlexM. Rightfold Laces In Awbit
@AlexM. lol(c)
He has this habit of not flushing a } back to the left margin, but only in the afternoon.
Oct 17 '14 at 16:02, by sehe
sourceness laces the hobbit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Now that's proper scientific correlation!
In two years we will all be living in a prime number.
@CaptainGiraffe There hasn't been one since MFC.
@CaptainGiraffe You're quickly approaching your primes
also, "You can do something like this" is his favourite phrase
@Puppy I was afraid so. Do you know if MFC is actively maintained?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And it's always true!
Recently the qt devs announced that new qt development will be done under LGPL v3, with a specific mention to the bit about closed platforms. Basically I think they're using the LGPL like the GPL in that they want to use ambiguity to make people pay to use Qt. For example, if you go to: qt.io/download, you'll see that they indicate the open source version can't be distributed on app stores
I have a colleague who used to write "code" like this. Fortunately he does not do it any more.
dear God, I hope not
@LightnessRacesinOrbit we'd make a great team
you'd learn about his habits
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Also you can google :)
I'd learn about his whereabouts
I think that technically MS still bugfixes it, but it's still 1990's C++.
@YourFriend I don't understand you.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit o.O wth that's baaaaaaad
I don't mind paying to use Qt, but they have wonky terms for commercial licenses too. Restrictions on what platforms you can target, monthly fees or distribution rights are revoked, etc.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was referring to userDIGITS
I am using int WinMain(void,void,void,void)...
@Puppy Yeah I had a really bad dream the other week it had a CObject in it.
@edition error: too much void?
ah ~~purrmissive~~
How'd I miss that
error: you suck
there was this guy on code review yesterday, asking about making his MVC less verbose
Is there a way of changing the compiler errors to jokes?
I commented with "Don't use MVC for such a simple example"
still not sure if I should have
Your code is a joke
he keeps leaving commented-out lines in his 'solutions'
@edition gcc -act-like-a-dick
Nov 21 '14 at 21:07, by sehe
Facebook avatars are not shown on my end. That's a feature
"Error line 42: Expected semicolon, retard"
where are the compiler error strings stored?
@Pris what key do I press to input retard? oh.
@Pris gcc -pedantic doesn't do that?
@edition yes
(if you can't answer this, you're not qualified for script kiddie)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit did you notice how many serial upvotings were reversed on his profile
check out the rep tab
in 20 jan 155 rep was reversed
60 rep in 29
borred with that userDIGITs thing :)
expecting either "fuck you sir" or "thank you sir" any time now
@AlexM. lol
@AlexM. I didn't know SO existed in 155 A.D.
who would serially upvote this guy
really? obviously a puppet
holy fuck the timestamps on those upvotes
someone literally just went through his whole account and upvoted everything
sock for sure
you think he's capable of opening another account?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit maybe it's a lounger who is trying to feed into your frenzy?
why is everyone looking at me?
nobody is looking at you
I'm back from eating (drinking?) soup.
@edition how to take integer array from a user digit by digit. For example, if he entered 4521. We should have an array like this array[0]=>4 array[1]=>5 array[2]=>2 array[1]=>1 and can do operations on each one of the digit.
It was good soup.
hehe welcome back :)
@Nooble Some people say drinking. Others say eating. Some say drinking when from a cup and eating when from a bowl. I just always say eating.

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