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@ParkYoung-Bae they had screens that big in the 80's
size isn't the only thing, mr green scale
@thecoshman And they have dicks that big in the ghettos!
@ScottW pritty gud n u?
@ParkYoung-Bae is that so?
@Borgleader yeah but only if I turn into a hot chick first
@Jefffrey was it you who was looking for a (modern) C++ wrapper ontop of OpenCL? I started one
ever seen someone doing monadic IO in C++?
inb4 operator>>= overload
We should ask for arbitrary operator overload
Maybe in C++0zzz
might as well switch to lisp
No, I want to extend an existing codebase with monadic IO, eg the linux kernel
Extend it with the vast powers of Lisp!
finally got around to swapping out my crappy screen at work... but now the other one is the crappy one and II want to be swapping that :S
What model exactly?
By the way @ParkYoung-Bae who is park young bae?
@Mr.kbok no do sugar, no monads!
@Mr.kbok That would be me
@Xeo I'm pretty sure you can do do via statements
I'm pretty sure you can't without it being a giant PITA
> Knowing C is a prerequisite for learning C++, right? Wrong. The common subset of C and C++ is easier to learn than C. There will be less type errors to catch manually (the C++ type system is stricter and more expressive), fewer tricks to learn (C++ allows you to express more things without circumlocution), and better libraries available. The best initial subset of C++ to learn is not "all of C".
> fewer tricks to learn
@Mr.kbok Write a mail saying "monads" to the LKML and report back with the number of swear words Torvalds used in a reply. :D
@FredOverflow still not great... it's all hp stuff, one is a 'compaq la something something' the other is a 'z display'
maybe it can show stuff in 3d?
@ParkYoung-Bae By "tricks", I assume he means "low-level workarounds".
@ParkYoung-Bae Oh I get it
Or basic stuff like "How do I return a string from a function".
do { a <- m; b <- n; return $ f a b } is sugar for m >>= (\a -> n >>= \b -> (return $ f a b)), and you can't do that nicely in C++
Everything's possible with macros.
@Griwes Honestly, I think it would be a great troll to the linux people
@ParkYoung-Bae It's Dream High right?
@Mr.kbok I made up the name :)
It's a mix of the names of two protagonists
Problem sleuth, it's me
@Mr.kbok The name pool in Korean is very limited.
Ah, right
@ParkYoung-Bae You mean C++ AMP? :P No seriously, got link to that fancy wrapper of yours?
Also @BartekBanachewicz you can break the coordinates' API, it's fine :)
I have a question though: Why does Sprite expects a reference whereas SpriteSheet does not?
@rubenvb It's ~~under development~~ but I'll link it once I get a nice, stable first version. It'll be actual C++ (unlike the horrible official C++ wrapper which is more like C-with-classes).
Not sure if I want to support OCL < 1.2
@Rapptz I'd like (or not? I am not sure) to see that.
@Mr.kbok mm?
data Sprite = Sprite {
    size :: (Int, Int),
    texture :: GL.TextureObject
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data SpriteSheet = SpriteSheet {
    spriteRef :: Sprite,
    sheetSize :: (Int, Int)
while technically it's possible to have a sprite accessible both as a sheet and as a full sprite, the current API won't allow you to do that
@ParkYoung-Bae Butbutbut NVIDIA! XD
But thanks.
@Rapptz yes also everything is possible if you introduce another build step. And if that build step is actually writing to haskell and compiling to C++, then it's possible to write monadic code in C++!
> fComp has a higher-rank type and type inference for higher-rank types is very limited.
@rubenvb 1.1 is quite inconvenient, 1.2 is probably the minimum viable for development to be actually enjoyable (and I think NVIDIA knows this). I also think that people buying NVIDIA cards go straight away for CUDA anyway, and when developing for OpenCL you only care about portability on everything but NVIDIA.
those people building calculators are funny
@ParkYoung-Bae Yah, unfortunately. They're boycotting Khronos, while their OpenGL support is pretty great. I really don't get it.
@rubenvb Yeah it's really very dumb. CUDA is miles ahead of OpenCL anyway, and I'm pretty confident that decent support for OpenCL would be yet another selling point.
At this point they're just fragmenting the industry.
@rubenvb Stuff in Khronos is shady
@ParkYoung-Bae which gives them a competitive advantage
@BartekBanachewicz Not so much. Lots of organizations are afraid of vendor lock-in.
Insofar you have NVIDIA vs all the other actors, who form a fairly cohesive group (HSA)
Who is everyone else except AMD and Intel?
Oh Qualcomm.
ARM, Qualcomm, Samsung, Imagination, TI
woah my tweet is on 4/4 right now
Well, I'm going to experiment with C++ AMP for now.
@Rapptz It would be great to have Intel onboard
Seems nice enough, and an OpenCL implementation has been written.
AMP is nice
Are they not?
@ParkYoung-Bae so hmm nvidia doesn't support opencl at all?
@BartekBanachewicz They support OpenCL 1.1, which is old and inconvenient. Imagine being stuck with DX9
Oh neat.
FF 36 is released.
Now my bug is fixed.
KDE Plasma 5.2.1 is out. I'm liking it (well, 5.2.0 at least)
@ParkYoung-Bae do you know of a good FFT routine for AMP by chance? The FFTAMP library is just a DX FFT wrapper :(
Nope, sorry.
OK, I'll keep at my own currently-only-half-as-fast-as-fftw-on-the-cpu-code :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I thought you said HTTP/2 wouldn't be implemented!
@ParkYoung-Bae well, ARM deign chips, they don't make them...
at least... I don't think they actually manufacture chips...
maybe they make hash-browns instead
@thecoshman they do provide tools like compilers, don't they?
@rubenvb oh, talking compilers
shit, first compilers found things interesting
and now they TALK
I'll be in my anti-AI apocalypse bunker
@thecoshman They have an OpenCL implementation
They have a lot of software in general
cue the whole Mali division
@BartekBanachewicz I meant
sprite :: OriginReference -> Sprite -> DrawRequest
spriteSheet :: Int -> SpriteSheet -> DrawRequest
@Rapptz lol
@Mr.kbok ah hmm
well, fuck.
I am not sure if it should be the part of spritesheet construction (all sprites in the sheet have the same origin ref) or drawing
ohwell I suppose I'll make it just like sprite, so in drawing
Actually maybe it should be part of the transformations
I mean if you only translate you don't need OriginReference at all and most times you just translate
@Mr.kbok rotations are the real problem
You can pass the reference at the time of the rotation
@Mr.kbok mmm
I dunno, I kinda feel that being able to easily position the sprite basing on a corner of it or a middle is useful
doing a platformer? bottom-middle. Doing a tiled game? top-left. Doing asteroids? middle-middle
that would justify making the origin matrix a part of drawrequest
Ah, I see
I thought it was only for rotations
Sure, it should probably be a part of SpriteSheet then
@Mr.kbok as you said, you have to translate manually by the half of the sprite's size, and IMHO it would get tedious and error prone.
@Mr.kbok I am not sure if it should be fixed for the whole life of a sprite
regardless of whether it's in spritesheet or not
I suppose they really should work the same way
imposing a restriction on a spritesheet only makes no sense
damn delete keyword.
@FredOverflow this is the parser: gist.github.com/rightfold/2a7119903c5dfdbed843
Shorter than the lexer. :P
@райтфолд why do you need to write (*i)++?
I don't. Refresh.
I like how you can just say *i++ instead of (*i)++, because Go is not retarded by having a lack of pointer arithmetic and by having incrementing be a statement instead of a postfix expression.
@райтфолд so there's no ++i?
It's not needed.
It would be the same thing.
I didn't create a feature branch
and now I can't hotfix the master because I have an unfinished thing on develop
hey bby u wanna hotfix my feature branch?
fuck fuck fuckw
what do I do
eeeeh rewrite history :D
why, did you push the develop
because I thought I am going to finish the feature I was working on w/o the feature branch
and frankly it's pretty much done
if you haven't pushed then it's trivial to fix
@ParkYoung-Bae I did push it
@BartekBanachewicz rip
I can now write the compiler.
@BartekBanachewicz Make a hotfix branch out of master?
then I'd need to backport to develop
quote is the easiest to implement of all special forms!
well might be an okay solution
It's what git flow suggests. Branch out master to make the hotfix, then merge it to both master and develop.
shit I fucked up even more thogh
but maybe i can fix it easily
I've already branched of develop for the hotfix branch (yes I know it's wrong)
maybe I can checkout master, branch it then cherry pick that commit
func ListElement(list List, index int) Object {
	return ListElements(list)[index]
then nuke the previous fix branch
So efficient! ListElement(list, 0) traverses the entire list to return the first element!
ooor I could make a patch and move it manualy
I suck
stop the starbait
Well, have you pushed the hotfix branch?
If you haven't, then well, again, trivial fix.
okey so what do i do
cherry pick plan sounds fine.
mm I think it worked
wait fuck now
I am not supposed to cherry pick into master
I need another branch from master to cherrypick into
ok so
ok so now I push the proper hotfix branch
git-barket --fuckup --randomize --no-recovery --rip
What do you think of Unicode identifiers?
Should I do (def ∀ forall)? The lexer supports it.
They're a pain to type
Yummy, du pain.
You type them with breadsticks?
yeah as if I'll ever copy-paste symbols like that
Yummy, stokbrood.
while writing code
@AlexM. use an editor that automatically substitutes "forall" for "∀".
what's the point then
faster to write code that uses the latin alphabet
And (defmacro λ (... args) `(fn #*args))!
@ParkYoung-Bae it's more readable (sometimes for some people)
I'd like to have ligature support in ST for example
((dole % 2 ==1 )? bob : 0) , Am i right if i say that if dole is odd then bob is the value , if its even 0 is the value
Yes, @FredOverflow explained that to you yesterday.
@BartekBanachewicz For what?
@райтфолд But maybe the answer has changed!
@BartekBanachewicz use Hasklig as font.
I can't decide on syntax for unquote and unquote-splicing.
I think of #~ and #* but it's so ugly.
@райтфолд it doesn't work in ST
@ParkYoung-Bae for Hasklig
@BartekBanachewicz ST is shit!
@райтфолд so is your code, but you still write it
My code is pretty good.
And it gets ligatures right.
@BartekBanachewicz stash
@BartekBanachewicz panic a little more, it's been known to help :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes
hi btw
@sehe commited
Well I think I've solved it
Macros are easy to implement.
I suck because I only bumped the last digit, but broke the API
You just have to execute code at compile-time.
I have to be more careful next time
@Rapptz Nope, can't see it.
@Rapptz hi
Feb 21 at 4:46, by Lightness Races in Orbit
lol as if anyone's implementing HTTP 2
ah I was looking on 18th
However, look three lines further down
Feb 21 at 4:46, by Lightness Races in Orbit
that's like saying you're going out of your way to write C++14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> error C2338: The C++ Standard doesn't provide a hash for this type.
Well thank you
So, you see, that's what's known as "a joke".
uh wtf GLFW
window size events are totally weird
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I know, I'm shitposting you.
I spilled salad all over my kitchen.
Had to go clean that up.
RIP those veggies
oh fucking lol what a bug
I was processing events in the wrong order
@BartekBanachewicz ?? How can you process serialized events in the wrong order?
@MartinJames Well I was pushing to the list from the left, like you normally do in haskell
lol Skype
never ever asks for call quality feedback on crappy quality calls
but almost every time on the good ones
> What do I do if I accidentally release a backwards incompatible change as a minor version?

As soon as you realize that you've broken the Semantic Versioning spec, fix the problem and release a new minor version that corrects the problem and restores backwards compatibility. Even under this circumstance, it is unacceptable to modify versioned releases. If it's appropriate, document the offending version and inform your users of the problem so that they are aware of the offending version.
um so, my dear users, I'd like you to inform you I fucked up and breaks your code. Kindly stop using the outdated version from 15 minutes ago and transition to the new and shiny already.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit So true
@BartekBanachewicz crickets
careful there, don't wanna wake up the neighbours.
@ParkYoung-Bae :|
right now a cost of such fuckup is nothing, but if I ever gain any significant userbase, it would be a massive pain
ITT Bartek flips over making one of his non-existing users upset.
Ouch you're so meaaaaan!
Someone should make a bot that registers on GitHub and stars/forks Bartek's (or rightfold's) projects.
@Rapptz lol
@ParkYoung-Bae you know it's been over a year since I started this project though?
Fork me on GitHub™
@BartekBanachewicz What is it
Haskell world simulator
Cicada you meanie!
I'm not mean for fun, it's my job.
be nice to Bartek people
@ParkYoung-Bae it's a 2D game framework
@Rapptz That takes a year?
In fact I've been slacking off, as I used to be much meaner in the past, IIRC.
@MartinJames 9 years + PhD.
It's easy to be mean.
I think it's harder to be nice.
@Rapptz Well, I've only had one coffee.
hmhm so another issue closed
what now
Abandon project.
i have 16 open issues
half on them on 0.2 milestone
> 0.2 milestone
2 of them marked as bugs
Need a little help with boost graph
typedef boost::adjacency_list<
	  boost::property<boost::vertex_diagonal_t, const khut::diagonal*>,
	  boost::property<boost::edge_dominance_t,  float>
	> diagonal_dominance_graph;
I have used some iterators in my code, I'm a C++ programmer
@ParkYoung-Bae I divide them roughly in 3 categories
 diagonal_dominance_graph::vertex_descriptor dia_vertex = boost::add_vertex(graph);
Now how will I get the properties from vertex_descriptor ?
@AlexM. meeh
iterators are annoying
@NeelBasu Lidocaine
@ParkYoung-Bae who is that ?
Lidocaine (INN, BAN) /ˈlaɪdɵkeɪn/, xylocaine, or lignocaine (AAN, former BAN) /ˈlɪɡnɵkeɪn/ is a common local anesthetic and class-1b antiarrhythmic drug. Lidocaine is used topically to relieve itching, burning, and pain from skin inflammations, injected as a dental anesthetic, or used as a local anesthetic for minor surgery. It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic healthcare system. == Medical uses == The efficacy profile of lidocaine as a local anesthetic is characterized by a rapid onset of action and intermediate duration of efficacy...
> It is recommended when using BGL (Boost Graph Library)
I just need to know how can I access properties from vertex_descriptor ?
(Section 1, medical uses)
I just started. didn't know that everyone felt like that. I thought that I am the only one
@ParkYoung-Bae Don't see it.
@NeelBasu Well I don't know if everyone feels like that, but IME BGL tends to be the source of prolonged headaches (and I've heard that from other people, too)
I'm bored.
Your best luck is to ask on SO

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