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Q: How and when to read "Effective Modern C++"?

smanoharEffective Modern C++:42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 by Scott Meyers What is the effective reading order for this book? Is it necessary to complete Effective C++ and More Effective C++ prior to this or can I read this standalone without loosing much?

It’s the C++ signal! To the C++mobile!
@Rapptz After thinking about it I don’t need a trait/metafunction as a customisation point anyway. Let the range implementer write distance (required for RA ranges), deduce the difference type from that.
Good idea.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara But what if I have an edition in Arabic?
@LucDanton That would be the ineffective reading order.
I am hearing cicadas.
Holmes is such a professional shitposter
@LucDanton That would be crickets
I've never shitpost so hard I went to jail.
My Vim tabs are numbered from 1 (thanks to Powerline?), but :tabm n is indexed from 0.
This kills the consistency.
The SO team still hasn't replied to my merge request :(
Also I'm considering mamafaka the buttyful buttefly as my next nickname, what do you think @Jefffrey
Can SO handle 'mamafaka'?
I hope so. Otherwise I'll fallback to lghthnss waddles in low orbit
I have an array (named __m_data__) of structure (named __sCell__) containing only data that I use to read data from file as:
`dataFile.read( (char*)m_data, fileSize)`
How do I add methods in the structure?
Frankly, mamafaka sounds plausibly indian, no?
@ParkYoung-Bae I’ll go with 'no'.
> How do I methods
Methods are not stored in the data
that ^
Can I add methods to the structure and still use it to read data to directly?
Hmm.. Interesting..
@AMostMajestuousCapybara <redacted bad joke>
@ParkYoung-Bae that's a psychophysical debate really
You're the psychophysical
oh crap damn it
It's too early for me to work out the correct spelling
How can I store methods to a file?
Implement a compiler
why do you need to?
Just out of Q-rio-city.
@BartekBanachewicz ?
Now I have to rewrite the whole program.
I have this fuzzy impression that C++'s async and future constructs are very brittle and disappointing.
Feb 6 at 17:38, by Luc Danton
tl;dr std::async is considered a mistake
It's relieving to see that minds greater than mine think similarly
Sep 29 '14 at 10:57, by Rapptz
std::async sucks
So what do uguise use then
It goes further back.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara So far, nothing. If it comes to that I have it in my mind to use Asio. My main beef with it that I would like it to play nice with move-only stuff.
Of course it’s reactor stuff, so not the same. If you meant an async-like interface, then I don’t know of any alternative.
... so erm... what's async meant to be for exactly and why it shit (totes running away to get ready for work, will read later though... probably)
A lot of it is that there are good use cases for a future that blocks on destruction (so the concurrency/parallelism is RAII-fied), as well as futures that don’t (because sometimes your resource usage is kept in check in some other way, or you simply don’t care).
So that means that the Standard made it so that std::future is non-blocking on destruction except for those returned by std::async. And way to query which is which (which would be a band-aid anyway).
Now couple that with an std::future that doesn’t compose, and you have a lot of what’s-the-point-anyway.
E.g. any call of the sort std::async(…) is probably a mistake. You should likely be doing auto f = std::async(…); and keep the future in some place.
If the intent is that your caller is as async as you are, you should probably return all of those futures you have to it. Otherwise, well, you’re blocking and not async.
@LucDanton I want something like C#'s async/await and/or CommonJS's Promises/A
File in no-known-robust-alternatives. I don’t really shop for those though.
Add auto stop_being_stupid = at the start of the line to compare.
The fundamental stupidity of std::async.
@LucDanton lol
@Rapptz Having dynamic semantics of a resource-heavy destructor, moreso tied to a separate function template, is quite fundamental.
Is that a nice sum up, too?
This is like a :v
you didn’t see that edit
I did
Also this just in: unit testing a socket client is really annoying
I had forgotten how much that bullshit riled me up, I need soup to calm down. That or I was already hungry.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara When you compose two futures, do you know where/when is that scheduled to happen? e.g. something like fa.then(function(a) { fb.then(function(b) { return { first: a, second: b }; }) ) to pair up two future values (forgive my pseudo-JS).
This episode is intense.
@Rapptz Which one are you at now?
last 10 minutes of ep 3 of season 2
or well 15.
There have been proposals for an interface on how to compose C++ futures, but I think any concrete change is predicated on some sort of scheduler/executor proposal. Which I don’t have fond memories of.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara didn't ms add something like that?
It's a proposal too.
@Rapptz Ping me when done.
@melak47 Righto.
@LucDanton Um, you mean you want to wait until both fa and fb are resolved? If so, it's something like when(fa, fb).then(function (a, b) { return { first: a, second: b }; });
That is scheduled to happen when both futures are resolved
In the context where the futures are executed?
#include "me" in discussion?
conway in amsterdam in march
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I could have asked the question with just one future, sorry. For a.then(f), when and where is f run?
@LucDanton I assumed he meant the lounge episode :)
Good morning
I'm still a little unclear about this async/await stuff - all the examples are like auto result = __await ThingThatMayTakeLong();...isn't that just blocking waiting for the thing to complete? :/
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Yeah you’d need some sort of executor thing in C++ then.
Yes, you need an executor that can save a stack/context/whatever and resume it
@melak47 Kinda, but for the caller of that it’s not.
@LucDanton so it's async/__resumable all the way down?
what is that std::flush?
is that the new std::endl?
@melak47 Is it implemented like C#'s async/await?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I dunno :p
@Cinch I think endl may or may not flush...std::flush is like calling stream.flush() IIRC
@melak47 it does from what i remember
std::endl is '\n' + std::flush.
@melak47 All the way you want to. The value is in making it easy to write await functions that use await functions in their impls. Without the language support, it becomes spaghetti-ish.
endl synchronizes the underlying stream
@Rapptz Ah, thanks
@LucDanton I'll read the slides from this cppcon presentation til I get it :)
If it's implemented like C# then it's "just" a state machine
@melak47 I’ve never used async/await, but I have written async stuff without it. The state machine^ thing gets old fast, so I understand the feature to be 'the compiler does the boilerplate for me'.
@LucDanton but... doesn't that just mean that `std::async is handy way of saying "whilst I do other stuff, I need ~this~ to be done as well"
@LucDanton I have completed.
@thecoshman Sorry, I don’t follow. Are you reacting to the snippet of code from before?
@Rapptz How long did you seriously contemplate Mor.’s proposition?
@LucDanton oh no, your first response to me
looking at that snippet...
@thecoshman Dude, arrows :Þ
Which one? He's made so many
In a perfect world the compiler would do flow analysis and parallelize everything for you implictly. But oh well. One can dream~
@Rapptz That Sherlock faked it all.
so... std::async will do ~something~ in 'another' thread but will wait for that code to finish...
@LucDanton you responded in like ten replies :P
Oh I didn't buy it at all.
Near the end of his trickery (i.e. when Sherlock decided to get the gun and shoot) I was contemplating it a little though, I admit.
Mainly because the story is original and anything can happen.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara What about IO?
@thecoshman No, it will return a future. Which future will block at destruction time. Also note that std::async can by synchronous.
lol async sucks so much
Where have you guys been? lol
@Rapptz I thought it was lovely that the show did manage to get me to consider it at all! In a show called, well, Sherlock!
@Rapptz somewhere else not using it, duh.
@LucDanton so in you're example... should it print 'ping' first, then try to destruct the future that will block?
@BartekBanachewicz Been talked about in this room for many years.
@LucDanton I'm not sure if spoilers are okay but during the whole rooftop fiasco I was really confused.
K time to get out to f bed
Damn so late
@thecoshman Well you can look at the output. The examples were made to show what a user will reasonably expect, and what an implementation will reasonably do (i.e. let’s ignore the fact that an implementation may fail to reschedule the main thread for more than 1s when the other one is sleeping).
@Rapptz Yah I don’t like spoiling.
I meant for others!
I as well.
I don't enjoy spoiling myself though.
Ah okay :)
I can't exactly rationalise this ending though.
I knew it was coming -- a protagonist never does that.
damn internet reordering my messages.
@Rapptz Oh, I didn’t mind that. It’s also a good nod to the source material.
@luc you example, that's using a lambda that takes no arguments, so drops the () brackets, right?
Yeah. You can add them back in though.
square brackets are mandatory though, right?
Yes, always.
Does anyone have VS14 handy
I've got it stored safely in /dev/null
@LucDanton I haven't read all of Doyle's stories!
@Rapptz Heh, I think it’s one of the most famous instance of the thing. And it happened even before comic books!
I've never read The Final Problem.
Oh you're talking about Sherlock, great show IMHO
My friend went to sleep so I'll continue some other time.
I guess it's time for me to go to bed too.
Hello and Goodbye.
Good bye Capybara
I ordered mexican food today
more exactly burritos w/ chili con carne
@thecoshman Did you figure out everything you wanted to know?
in JavaScript, 11 hours ago, by rlemon
:( @BartekBanachewicz as far as I can tell you give the most fucks on stackoverflow
in JavaScript, 11 hours ago, by rlemon
second is robot, third is me
cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
we need some kind of leaderboard
@LucDanton well I still don't get where this blocking behaviour sneaks in.
@LightnessRacesInOrbit if you're seriously suggesting that a binary question has "too little possible answers", I can gladly add "File Not Found" for you
@BartekBanachewicz well fuck man
@thecoshman try again
@thecoshman The thread (because we used std::launch::async) that sleeps for 1s completes before execution in the main thread resumes in order to ping.
@BartekBanachewicz fucking private skank
I.e. notice how the lines in the output reverse if you uncomment auto async_is_stupid =?
@LucDanton wait... capturing the return of std::sync changes its behaviour?
1 hour ago, by Luc Danton
Use that one
oh, if you don't capture it, the returned value tries to destroy right away
so you have to wait for it to finish
but if you capture it, the code can print ping, then try to destroy the future (and thus now have to wait)
@thecoshman heh
And if you want to write async-friendly code you have to keep all futures with you and pass them down to the caller, too.
Is it good practice to use lambdas to force the consumer of an API into RAII? Not sure how to explain
@AMostMajestuousCapybara most prolly not
@AMostMajestuousCapybara The first thing that comes to mind here is {try-,using-,}with-resource, which is not RAII.
@BartekBanachewicz I see no other way to making that clean though
@Nooble I see you didn't read the rest of the messages :P
anyway, I found a solution
Things like { auto my_resource = …; callback(my_resource); }?
@LucDanton Yes, but the consumer is probably dumb and can't write a scope.
I thought a lambda would be less error-prone
@BartekBanachewicz so basically, give a few weeks notice, for a weekend, where we can at a time that suits us, each spend about 5 hours working on some game, with a theme chosen from a pool.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara you mean you simply expose a higher-order API?
withX([](X x) { ... });?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara use a soap interface
@BartekBanachewicz Exactly that
that's the haskell way
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Thankfully that is done automatically for him or her ;) Joking aside, yeah I would do it without remorse if I feel it’s important. (It’s RAII orthogonal btw: imagine there’s a free(my_resource) after the callback. Exception-safety left as an exercise.)
and yeah hm it doesn't involve RAII necessarily, as Luc said
you can pass a weak-ref to that lambda
Also not sure how you would compose if you needed both, I mean
@BartekBanachewicz what was that 'derp' comment about btw? In response to me wanting to pass a lambda into a function so that function can set the model mat for the shader without having access to any details about the shader.
mmm yes indeed it's RAII-orthogonal
withX >>= \x -> withY >>= \y -> print (x ++ y)
Continue with your original plans then. Geddit?
a.k.a. do notation :P
@thecoshman are you trying to write Haskell in C++?
@BartekBanachewicz Very easy. std::cout << "Haskell";
@BartekBanachewicz ffs dude, Haskell is not the only language that is allowed to use lambdas
@thecoshman use, abuse, or overuse?
also you're mistaking a "lambda" with "a higher order accessor"
This lambda thing is pretty great actually
a lambda is a mean of supplying the function
well, it was done as a bit of a quick solution, and I wanted to play with them
what's important is that the setter takes a -> a
plusOne a = a + 1

fn :: State Int ()
fn = do
    modify $ \x -> x + 1 -- lambda
    modify (+1) -- section
    modify plusOne -- named function
many loungers have a steam account
@thecoshman the point here is in modify, not in the lambda use
but we don't play shit together
what the fuck is up with that
I saw this got released store.steampowered.com/app/270450
looks like a fun multiplayer game
just look at that 60fps video on that page
smooth as fuck
@thecoshman that being said, if you don't need to access the previous value, then, herp derp, you can std::bind the program id to glProgramUniform
is that what you wanted?
@thecoshman a lot of the people wanted a few-days' event
@ScottW lol scott
lol Valve introduces artificial scarcity for items to increase their value
once the "supplies" for the mission packs were depleted, the price on the market for the passes went through the roof
@AlexM. lol artificial
Assessment(bool passed, std::string reason = {}) crashes on MSVC2013
because otherwise it makes sense for one hundred 25-man raid groups to kill the same boss in an hour
and get like 20 unique one and only epic weapons into the world
talking MMORPG mostly here
Valve doesn't make MMORPGs
in this case they made DLCs have limited supplies
TIL Half Life is not a MMORPG
you can't buy their DLC anymore now, but you can buy passes for it on the market
sold by people
So it wasn't valve who made little big planet
@AlexM. what's in the DLC? more playable missions?
I had no idea the supply was limited
Didn't Valve make Guild Valves 2?
I'd have bought passes and sold them now
@BartekBanachewicz yes
@AlexM. how much profit?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I think it was Valve of Valvecraft.
@BartekBanachewicz I see the starting price for them now is 12 eur
you could get it from valve for 4 eur back then
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Does std::string s = {}; work on its own?
@LucDanton Is that the game where you have to fix Valves using a plumber (Mario something?)
completing the missions awards you skins and a shiny coin you can show on your profile
@LucDanton Yes, that does
So at least it’s not doing std::string s = alias<const char*> {};. A bug that would have been hard to miss, but you never know!
@BartekBanachewicz even in this case
they're not doing it for those reasons
they get $$$ for every transaction players make
so it's in their interest to do the artificial scarcity so an item's value gets increased
when I sold my 3 knives, ~100 eur went to Valve
just from those 3 transactions
Wow, it seems to fail only in constructors. Not in regular function calls. What. Expression: invalid null pointer
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Maybe it’s doing .data() on the string, in which case it is nullptr for an empty string?
It's doing basic_string(const _Elem *_Ptr) with _Ptr = nullptr which triggers an assert.
Or is that a message when an std::string is built from nullptr?
Why would they do that
Which constructor looks to be the candidate for a default constructor?
: _Mybase()
{	// construct empty string
@AMostMajestuousCapybara VC12 was not very good with uniform init
@AlexM. i am aware of that
You truly never know.
There's a bunch of bugs related to bad init of strings, and early deconstruction and stuff
heh I'll just Assessment(bool passed, std::string reason = "") because I CBA
Yes but I've also spoken on other days you know
> godzin ago
@Xeo localized Trac
@AMostMajestuousCapybara this reminds me
@Xeo God's unit of time
@BartekBanachewicz _|_?
do you move the ticket to a penis?
@AlexM. it's not a penis, it's a bottom
@BartekBanachewicz So it only localised... the time unit?
I have no idea how that represents a bottom
Not as in "butt".
@LucDanton Yes, that's exactly the functionality I'm getting at
god dammit Luc
actually as in butt is the only way I can see the resemblance
@Xeo ahahaha
@BartekBanachewicz Well done.
I’m helping!
now you've all confused @Alex even more and we haven't even started on type theory yet
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Well you won’t have the Cont+do sugar to make it look as good ;)
meh w/e
not particularly sure there's a need for me to assign even more time to finding out what _|_ means in your message
In type theory, a theory within mathematical logic, the bottom type is the type that has no values. It is also called the zero or empty type, and is sometimes denoted with falsum (⊥). A function whose return type is bottom cannot return any value. In the Curry–Howard correspondence, the bottom type corresponds to falsity. == Computer science applications == The bottom type is a subtype of all types. (However, the converse is not true—a subtype of all types is not necessarily the bottom type.) It is used to represent the return type of a function that does not return a value: for instance, one which...
It's a bad ASCII representation of ⊥
using that to say "bottom" is even shittier than
@LucDanton god damn it
24 hours ago, by Alex M.
> It's my favourite pattern from the ones I know of so far. Really cleans ↑ the code.
reddit on gamedev
I hope I don't fuck ↑
The other way around is ⊤, which looks like the 'T' of 'Top'. So that helps. I should point out this is not a joke.
@AlexM. it's a mathematical symbol for "falsum" , as wikipedia helpfully points out
yes, I understood that from the wikipedia article
> In Rust, the bottom type is denoted by !. It is present in the type signature of functions guaranteed to fail (usually by calling panic!()).
and I compared you to the guy on reddit who said FSMs are a pattern helping him clean ↑ his code
@BartekBanachewicz oh? well erm... I made a function "drawBox" that takes a vector (for where to draw the box) and a lambda. The 'drawBox' function can pass it's desired model matrix into the lambda, that lambda will then combine it with the camera and set it into the shader so that when the box does the draw elements, it's 'right'...

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