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ok, I have a question
Me too: what is your question? ;)
how the hell can you add 48 to a pointer and get only 30 more than it used to be?
30 is hex for 48
well played
MSVC10 appears to quicksort until (length is less than 32 or it's depth is 1.5log2(N) )., Then if there's more than 32 left it heap-sorts, else it insert-sorts.
Q: plain c using new keyword

umlcatOverview: Im working with a hobby app. I want my program to be able to stick to "plain C", altought, Im using a C++ compiler. And some features I use may be C++, unintentionally. For example, im not using namespaces or classes. My current programming job, is not "plain c" or "c++", and haven't ...

umlcat is back
@awoodland aw man...
@MooingDuck By the way, I haven't read Bjarne's email yet. I'm gonna save it for sad times, when I need an uplift ;)
@FredOverflow What if he proposed to you?
@MooingDuck Ah, so I remembered the ~30 boundary correctly.
@RMartinhoFernandes Then he's gonna have to wait. I'm not that easy to get, anyway.
Also, I would probably have to relocate, and I'm not that into move semantics.
yay fixed
I love that story
does a typedef force a template class to instantiate all non-template member functions?
are there any implimented programming languages that allow arbitrary strings as operators?
Totally arbitrary?
Or is "arbitrary punctuation" enough?
LISP, Perl 6?
@MooingDuck Haskell allows quite many, but I don't know the exact rules.
@FredOverflow Any sequence of non-reserved punctuation.
How many punctuation characters are there?
@RMartinhoFernandes I was thinking identifiers basically, and random non-character-symbols, but not mixed, else we'd confuse the lexer
(Reserved punctuation is things like parenthesis and colons)
@RMartinhoFernandes square brackets?
@RMartinhoFernandes So I couldn't hardcode any boobs?
@FredOverflow No.
I saw some psudo code the other day that had (0,3] and I thought it would be neat if there was a way to do that via operator overloads
No, can't do that in Haskell.
Can you list all punctuation characters, or are there too many?
It's Unicode, so...
What ASCII characters are non-reserved punctuation characters?
Dammit, you're making me look up the Report.
These are all ASCII symbols: ! # $ % & * + . / < = > ? @ \ ˆ | - ˜ :
Ok so here's my idea: preface: anyone seen full metal alchemist?
So I can use arrows like => and <=, or is <= reserved?
or just google 'alchemy circle' and see some images... now I am thinking how cool would it be to make a novelty programming language where you draw the code like that
@FredOverflow I guess you can if you import Prelude qualified.
making a compiler would be hard though
@Ryan how about the other way around? That'd be doable
you mean compile into alchemy circles?
maybe that's the first step...
@FredOverflow sumatraPDF - never heard of? gv, Xpdf, Kpdf, evince, karbon, pdfedit, okular, Scribus(NG) etc. come to mind. Then there is gmail+google docs integration: no need for any PDF viewer on the client
though if i made an IDE based around vector drawing tools i could use the vector to compile it
SumatraPDF is awesome.
rather than having to make a program that 'sees' it
Q: Does the GotW #101 "solution" actually solve anything?

Ben VoigtFirst read Herb's Sutters GotW posts concerning pimpl in C++11: GotW #100: Compilation Firewalls (Difficulty: 6/10) GotW #101: Compilation Firewalls, Part 2 (Difficulty: 8/10) I'm having some trouble understanding the solution proposed in GotW #101. As far as I can understand, all the proble...

@Juliano OMG!
@FredOverflow I stepped through the associative container adapter code, it all seems to be working fine. The std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> is being constructed (from two iterators) then sorted 3-10x faster than std::set<std::string,std::string> is constructed (from same two iterators) (tested up to 2000 elements). Lookups are about ~10% faster. Arbitrary erasure is 5-10x slower, (I assume that applies to arbitrary insertion as well, to be tested)
@Juliano Ah, that reminds me of the Facebook engineering puzzles for some reason
For ints, it seems the vector is faster for random removal (and probably random insertion as well) for up to 512 elements.
@MooingDuck A standard memory page is 4096B
What does that picture say? "To Brainfucker"?
@KerrekSB I considered that, but it doesn't appear to be a sudden drop, it appears to be a coincidence.
"brain power"
"lazy well"
But it could be anything. Larry is not sane.
@KerrekSB Larry Wall.
graphologists would have a field day
@RMartinhoFernandes I went to college with his daughter. We played pool togeather
@MooingDuck So you played with her? On the pool table?
@FredOverflow I hear an inuendo. No inuendo.
Sex is never boring for Larry Wall. "There's more than one way to do it!"
Tim Toady.
Did you ask her "So, what's it like to be the daughter of an insane programming language designer?"
Does "insane" apply to "programming", "programming language" or "programming language designer"?
All three. It's a map.
@RMartinhoFernandes I did. She said it was basically like anyone else's insane father, and shrugged it off. On the other hand, she knew how to program.
How much age difference between his first and second kid? Let me guess, more than 10 years? ;)
@KerrekSB even for 16 byte PODs the vector is faster than the map if there's less than ~200 elements. Actually, it seems to always cross about the 4096 byte mark....
Who cares about 200 elements? What about 10,000 elements? 100,000? 1,000,000?
That's even less. (Also, why are you specifying three decimal places that are zeroes?)
@MooingDuck some cache boundary, probably
@FredOverflow obviously, for more than 4000 or so, you're not going to use a sorted vector
@RMartinhoFernandes European
I'm European.
@MooingDuck right, stupid opposite conventions. Why didn't we pick one standard, no matter which one :(
My Windows install uses space as a thousands separator and dot as a decimal point.
It's funny to see some badly written crap programs choke when they expect "normal" formatting for some reason.
std::cin >> x stops at spaces :)
@FredOverflow here's the first bit of test data, it looks roughly linear to me: ideone.com/b7jIJ The 4096 byte thing seems to be a coincidence.
The first numeric column is the number of elements. Data is "constructions per second" "random seeks per second" and "erasing-entire-set-one-random-at-a-time per second"
"I plan on creating an intelligent" - we should be scare. If perfomance is lose, it is suck.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: I plan on creating an intelligent, but don't no where to start. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
template<typename T> struct function_traits : public function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> {}; //self inheritance is allowed?
Come on, making fun of non-native speakers is not fun.
@FreakEnum But that's not self-inheritance.
function_traits<foo> does not derive from function_traits<foo>.
@RMartinhoFernandes No, but making fun of someone who wants to create artificial intelligence without any clue as to what the filed entails is.
> The memory address would be handy, but how would I deference that for my comprehensibility.
It's like saying (or posting), "I want to build a space program and go to the moon. It's all sorted out, I just need to figure out where to start."
@RMartinhoFernandes function_traits : public function_traits both are same names , ain't they?
@FreakEnum but they have different template parameters, so they are different types
But the base is function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())>, not function_traits.
@KerrekSB Isn't that what Kennedy did?
@RMartinhoFernandes yes but Kennedy paid engineers to do it, he didn't ask on the internet
@MooingDuck Because he didn't have one!
Tube technology was not as advanced as it is today.
By the way, when will we get YouTransistor?
@FreakEnum function_traits<foo> and, for example, function_traits<int (foo::*)()> are not the same type.
right but definition of that isn't present or complete at time of base class specification
I'm trying to figure out why std::lower_bound(std::vector<int>::iterator... is so much slower than std::set<int>::lower_bound(... Any ideas?
@MooingDuck Imagine Obama posting on SO, "What are the best way to increment my federal budget? Why does budget++ + ++budget not work? Shall I say new government();?"
@FreakEnum it better be there at instantiation, or it will be recursive
What the cow said.
Or duck, or whatever that thing is.
Maybe a cow? A cow says Moo...
@RMartinhoFernandes thank you for not seeing that as "mooning duck" like 95% of the people on the internet
It's a Pokémon.
Hey, the comment that the guy made is perfect English. Why the disconnect?
In struct A { void f();}; what is the type of the member function !?
is it void(A::)() !?
void A::(&type)(); isn't it?
What?? More??
Can you have references to members?
Why would it be a reference?
is it void() !?
> The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
Why not demangle and find out?
@Xeo You can do that in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
@JohannesSchaublitb I would pick this one.
@JohannesSchaublitb Afaik it's this one. The function type includes return type, cv-qualifiers, ref-qualifiers and the parameter-type-list. IIRC, that is.
@Xeo but it's a member function right?
Hm, is there a typetrait to remove pointers?
Same second.
OK, that doesn't work
typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type
I.e. it doesn't work on PTMFs
Because those are not pointers.
of course it doesn't, they're not pointess
One day I'll get tired of saying that.

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