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But maybe I could just precompile all branches of those platform specific macros and choose the right one on the target platform
That could actually work.
But that would mean I need to write my own preprocessor, since I don't think libclang would allow me to do that
I think it does
the goal of Clang is to allow you to fuck around with it's internals
Now I'm getting more and more pumped to actually start that project. :s
Got a "close as too localized" request from the OP:
Q: Passing std::set to method in C++

EricGiven the following prerequisits: shared.h struct A { int x; int y; } typedef set<A> setOfA; implementation1.cpp #include "shared.h" void Implementation1::someFunction() { ... setOfA setinstance; ... Implementation2* i = new Implementation2(); i->functionF(setinstance); } impleme...

Turned out he was in the wrong namespace...
Anyone tried debugging with LLVM? If it's less painful than GDB then that would be a major reason to switch.
You guys need to debug?
Quite often.
I never liked GDB. I rather use print messages than use GDB.
Nope, my code debugs itself.
@Mysticial My code is full of assertions that have remained after debug sessions. So it's self-debugging as well.
My code debugs itself at run-time and keeps going...
> LLDB is in early development, but is mature enough to support basic debugging scenarios on Mac OS X in C, Objective-C and C++.
@Mysticial Are you using Tcl or Lisp or something?
Why da fuq is LLVM so obsessed with Mac OS X? Everything is first done there it seems. Clang, libc++, lldb...
@Xeo Apple is a big contributor.
because Apple basically pay for them to exist
Oh, right, I forgot that.
as far as I know, Apple paid for them to do virtually everything they do because they don't like GCC, and who can blame them?
@Xeo Yes, you may not know it but you're using dirty Apple software.
> In 2005, Apple Inc. hired Lattner and formed a team to work on the LLVM system for various uses within Apple's development systems.[2] LLVM is an integral part of Apple's latest development tools for Mac OS X and iOS.
seriously, I don't know how it's supposed to be funny.
@IntermediateHacker On Oct 31, you're not regarded as a pedophile for giving out free candy. Any other time, you are.
Hey, what's the origin of that cartoon of the troll face?
why? what's so special about Oct 31?
Or the "or'ly" face, I don't know.
It's Halloween.
@IntermediateHacker Ehm.. Halloween?
@KerrekSB 4chan, probably
@StackedCrooked No, I was half trolling. But it's not entirely made up though. As a lot of the stuff I write have self-adaptive error-correction to fix hardware errors - which also happens to fix programmer errors as well.
It's a similar style to the face in the last panel of that phone cartoon
@Xeo I see. Does that narrow it down?
No :)
@RMartinhoFernandes How . Do . You . Know . All . This
Hmmm...."rape rodent"?
What? Thinking twice about keeping that mouse alive?
Ohh... In C, with -pedantic, I'm getting a "redefinition of typedef" error. Is that a C thing?
I've never seen that in C++
@RMartinhoFernandes Mine is a cute, harmless, innocent mouse!
I'll teach it C++
@KerrekSB What does that even mean? What's the code that causes it?
@RMartinhoFernandes I have typedef struct Foo Foo; included multiple times
@KerrekSB Poor thing! I'll call animal rights activists!
@RMartinhoFernandes Better than teaching it Java.
Pedobear to be exact.
How do you print "hello world" before initializing a global vector?
std::vector<int> whatever((std::cout << "hello world\n", desired_size));
@RMartinhoFernandes Any idea on the typedef?
typedef struct Foo Foo;
typedef struct Foo Foo;
@IntermediateHacker Off Topic: Belongs on SuperUser
lol, the wife's an idiot. :D
This is fine in C++, but not in C??
@Mysticial lol.
@Mysticial I think it belongs on SubUser
@MooingDuck C++11 has std::is_sorted, but C++03 doesn't.
I think
my WideC Standard libraries may be considerably faster than C++'s
I wonder what would happen if somebody DID ask that on SuperUser.

"Closed as 'retarded' by R.MartinhoFernandes, Xeo, and 284 others"
@FredOverflow MSVC10 has it, good enough for me
I think it might be several times faster
in some situations, of course
@KerrekSB No idea.
@MooingDuck MSVC10 is 50% C++11 :)
@Nils This is an excellent book.
I was just trying to convince someone that if (p) free(p); makes no sense.
@FredOverflow I code in MSVC10, C++11 or no.
However, they said that they have to cater for non-conforming platforms...
1. Templates have to have their default arguments explicitly specified- e.g., std::list<T, Alloc = allocator<T>>. As overloads, I can leave the defaults undefined, so you could have an object pool as the default allocator.
Specifically, for MSVC6
Does the MSVC6 runtime have a buggy free()?
2. Using expression templates for e.g. operator<< and string concatenation and such
Q: What constitutes of RValues?

Anisha KaulRValues are things which are not maniputable regions of memory, so literals like integers are considered RValues. Do constants constitute RValues? const int x = 0; is maniputable at least one time. Now, the temporary objects created by the compiler are also RValues even when they have maniputab...

lol, never seen so few upvotes on answers before :)
10 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is a null pointer, no action occurs.
@KerrekSB Oh sorry. Thought you were talking about C++.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hehe. I discovered that the reason people use MSVC6 is that that's the last compiler that builds self-contained binaries
what do you mean?
there's a switch in MSVC10 even for statically linking to the CRT
how is that not a self-contained binary?
@RMartinhoFernandes I know, I know. I was arguing that point. But I was told that in the interest of supporting non-conforming targets, they want to keep the null check
@DeadMG Apparently you need to ship some extra redist package to run MSVC10 exes
@DeadMG So I'm told.
I have neither
well they probably didn't do it right
there is a redist package, but it's just the CRT
My ex-roommate was constantly complaining that the damn AAA games always installed the VC redistributable.
@KerrekSB I don't think that's right if you set it to statically link. More likely they aren't familiar with the option, or don't trust it
of course, if you have external dependencies like MFC or DirectX then those are redists
@KerrekSB Those redibs are definitely annoying, but at least anyone with Vista will run anything up to MSVC2008 out of the box.
@RMartinhoFernandes What's wrong with that?
@FredOverflow Nothing, it's just annoying because it makes the installation take longer.
@Mysticial So for Win2K and WinXP you cannot ship naked MSVC10-made exes?
@KerrekSB As far as I know, if you statically link the CRT, then you can ship them naked.
@DeadMG Very interesting. Let me propose that.
@KerrekSB I'm not sure on the status of MSVC10 and whether it requires Win7 without the redib package. But for sure anything before Vista will need it.
the upsides of actually having a functioning compiler has got to be worth more than the hassle of shipping the redist
of course, insofar as MSVC actually functions
@DeadMG It seems to be a strong argument for projects that need to reach a wide Windows audience with minimal hassle, though
@DeadMG I have no problems with it other than the lack of variadic templates. It's pretty rare for me to be bitten by anything else.
OK, if nobody can answer the multiple typedef problem, I'll post a question.
The redist requirement isn't really a problem for me though. As I state very clearly on my download pages that you need them. (with links to both x86 and x64 downloads)
@MooingDuck I very frequently bite MSVC bugs.
@Mysticial How big is it?
@KerrekSB How big is which? The redist? Or the program?
@Mysticial the redist
x86: 4.8 MB
x64: 5.5 MB
My download page is this. And I have links to the redist downloads right under it. Never had any problems. (granted, most my users are power-users anyway)
@Mysticial Oh, that's not actually too bad
You may want to fix that.
In your download page.
wow... that's been there for like a fucking year... thx
dreamweaver doesn't have spellcheck...
@DeadMG intersting that just after that conversation I ran into a MSVC bug I think. "unrecognized symbol: pragma"
there, fixed...
according to this, I tried to allocate 14757395258967641292 bytes from my memory pool
@DeadMG did it succeed?
most assuredly not :D
@DeadMG If it didn't work, you should close some programs - maybe that'll free enough memory to make it work.
Damn, I'm in laughter track mode again.
somehow, I doubt I can find 14 quintillion gigabytes of RAM
@DeadMG: Allocate on write?
Apparently, if I vote on two comments in five seconds, the whole system will go down.
I know, it's ridiculous
the heck? Is MSVC #pragma warning(push) scoped? I have push inside a class, pop just outside, and MSVC says the pop has no corresponding push.
Sep 11 at 0:20, by R. Martinho Fernandes
So, the estimated information content of all human knowledge is 12 EB.
aha "Using the warning pragma inside the function to change the state of a warning greater than 4699 will only take effect after the end of the function. " msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2c8f766e(v=vs.80).aspx
it is scoped
my file magically changed format from 16bit to 8bit
@MooingDuck That's absolutely horrifying.
@DeadMG What do you mean? Changed from UTF-16 to UTF-8?
is 0xFEFF the LE mark or 0xFFEF?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah. It was re-encoded as UTF8 for some reason, so I got garbage when attempting to open as UTF16
well, logically, the codepoint is 0xFEFF
@DeadMG There's no "LE mark". There's only a "byte order mark"
so if it came from an LE system, it'd look like 0xFEFF to me because I'm on an LE system
and if it came from a BE system, it'd look like 0xFFEF
@DeadMG wouldn't it be 0xFFFE?
It determines how the bytes are written in the file, not what endianness the source system uses.
well, whatever
the point is, if it's 0xFEFF do nothing, if it's 0xFFFE swap bytes
If the first byte in the file is 0xFF and the second 0xFE, you don't need to swap if you read in 16-bit integers.
> Because the compiler loses patience with you
*begincopy = (*begincopy << 8) & (*begincopy >> 8);
@Xeo Can't I buy a more patient compiler? I already have a wife...
that look right?
What is that?
if begincopy, is say, a wchar_t*, then it swaps the bytes
@DeadMG binary or instead of and
@Kerrek: FWIW, clang -pedantic doesn't issue any warning
@Xeo Intriguing. In C99 and C89 modes?
I prefer anding with bitmasks myself.
@MooingDuck Good shout
oh, wait. It automatically parsed that as C++ because of .cpp
@Xeo Hehe
so if the compiler loses patience with repeated typedefs, why doesn't it lose patience when you have a 1000-line comment?
Avoids silly signedness crap.
A common pitfall!
@Mysticial compiler doesn't see that, preproceessor removes it first
and the preprocessor is crazy strict about rules and has infinite patience
This is not INTERCAL we're compiling here. No one cares about a C compiler's feelings.
@KerrekSB Okay, errors now with both C89 and C99 mode
@Xeo "Error"? What options?
clang -pedantic t.c
@MooingDuck Actually, no. MSVC's preprocessor doesn't remove spaces and comments. The parser does that. (I'm not sure on GCC though)
t.c:2:20: error: redefinition of typedef 'Foo' is invalid in C
@Xeo Wow, clang is really rough
GCC is just way too lenient
@Xeo You can post that as a comment if you like!
hm, even with -std=gnu89 (or 99), it errors instead of issuing a warning
fuck GCC I'd say. :)
@Mysticial Under project properties->Configuration Properties->C++->Preprocessor there's options to strip comments. That sounds like preprocessor to me. Are you sure that MSVC's preprocessor doesn't remove comments?
GCC sucks. Everyone knows that.
@MooingDuck That's for the purposes of generating the preprocessed file. Whether or not you want comments in that preprocessed file.
my lexer, it no worky no more
I've got the exact same logic I used to have with a std::wstring::iterator but now with wchar_t* instead, and it's dying on me
@Mysticial right. So the preprocessor has the ability to strip comments. I don't see why that ability would also be in the parser. Why do you think MSVC's lexer does that? (I'm not saying you're wrong, I have no info besides what I shared already)
stripping comments in the parser would be a bitch, I think
Because it's silly.
you'd have to insert COMMENT | ; everywhere
although I guess since you have to hand-roll a parser for C++, it wouldn't be that big a deal
Er, even then you would massively benefit from discarding those in the lexer.
yeah, exactly
@MooingDuck The lexer will just ignore the comments and spaces. It doesn't matter whether the preprocessor keeps them or not.
@Mysticial fair enough. I guess it's simple enough code to have in two places.
unfortunately, the VC debugger doesn't have the power to inspect begin, end pairs of iterators as ranges
not that I can blame it, but y'know, it would be nice
I was amused when I scrolled up to remember why we're debating, and it comes from "so if the compiler loses patience with repeated typedefs, why doesn't it lose patience when you have a 1000-line comment?"
Ha, debuggers, lol.
for some reason, after one iteration, all the memory gets nuked to hell
where there used to be 2000 characters of input, now there's about 8
the rest are garbage
it's fine when the code is entered
Huh. According to my experiements, (for MSVC10) std::lower_bound on a std::vector is slower than std::set::lower_bound for the same data.
Oh a set. Damn, I need to pay attention.
Steve J seems to be on the right track.
@MooingDuck Why is that surprising? The lower bound in a set can be found in O(log(n)), and in a vector it'd be O(n)
@DeadMG the size of the data seems to make no difference, the size of the vector/set seems to make no difference, vector is twice as slow.
@DeadMG The vector is sorted
MSVC can't know that beforehand
if you just give it a vector, it must assume unsorted
nonsense, look up the documentation for ... (wait, lemme doublecheck the documentation...)
@DeadMG lower_bound requires a sorted range.
oh ok
"A sorted range is a precondition of using lower_bound and where the ordering is the same as specified by with binary predicate." msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/34hhk3zb(v=vs.71).aspx
well that seems silly
oh, I'm using a queue underneath, not a vector.
It's C++'s bsearch.
ah, ok
my memory gets nuked when I allocate again off the arena
so I must have messed it up
@DeadMG IRL?
I doubt I'd survive if my RAM was destroyed by a thermonuclear explosion
I stepped through the whole allocation function, and it behaves exactly like I'd expect
except the memory randomly dies in the middle of operation
destructor and/or vtables can do that
there we go, queue is 83% the lookup speed of a set, vector is 119% the lookup speed. That's more along what I expected.
huh, my vector is inserting faster than a set too, with strings, even with 2000 elements in the set. Didn't see that coming.
OMG... last night I dreamed about Bjarne, and today I got an email from him! This is quite spooky.
if I got an email from Bjarne, I think I'd put it on my wall. My girlfriend would think I was nuts
apparently, calling std::forward... with a pointer... is the problem?
I need to fix my accept rate. I'm afraid I can't tell who's right in this question! :-S
wait, does std::deque actually act like a vector with erases in the middle? Isn't it allowed to simply shift elements until the edge of a "node"?
Can a question be weighed by its amount of standard quotes?
@MooingDuck Well, just ask him a question that isn't totally stupid, and you will get a reply.
@KerrekSB I'd say kinda. points for one or more quotes, but not beyond that.
@DeadMG forwarding a pointer is a noop, right?
and I checked into the constructor being called and there's nothing there
How can that be a problem then? :)
I have absolutely no idea
the memory allocator is behaving exactly like it should
everything is behaving like it should
but my memory is getting nuked
@FredOverflow like why do we have std::map instead of a associative container adapter?
@MooingDuck What kinds of containers would be suitable for adaption?
@FredOverflow I'm testing my adapter on std::queue and std::vector as we speak, then I'm planning on specializing it to work with std::set, which would effectively be a std::map.
But who would use an adapted std::vector with linear lookup time?
@FredOverflow it keeps the vector sorted internally. I must have a bug though, the adapted vector is outperforming std::map for insertions.
If the vector is always sorted, isn't insertion painfully slow?
Also, are you measuring in debug or release mode?
@FredOverflow not for small amounts/small types, but in general yes. That's why one would want a adapter for set
@FredOverflow in release
Well, of course vector is faster for small collections.
cache locality, not much allocation and stuff.
this makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever
@FredOverflow That's exactly why I started building this
I have a type filled with exclusively primitive types
but copying it nukes my memory
Acrobat Reader search sucks.
Bubble sort is faster than quicksort for collections of up to ~30 items.
and the memory allocated isn't even in the dangerous region or anything like that
@FredOverflow I'm using std::sort, and hoping it internally uses tricks like that. It certainly should. Well, I use std::sort when constructing from two iterators, thats it. The rest of the time I just use insert/lower_bound or inplace_merge
Oh, std::sort is as fast as you're ever gonna get manually.
std::map can get a lot faster if you provide a custom allocator or overload operator new for the element type. That goes for any node-based container, btw.
@Xeo Everything about Adobe Reader sucks. Even the uninstaller.
I doubt std::sort ever switches to bubble sort.
@FredOverflow Yeah, I was thinking about testing the map with one of MSVC's allocators as well, if I could figure out which one was appropriate.
                    usage += size;
                    return &buffer[usage];
stupid of me
@RMartinhoFernandes What's Adobe Reader? Oh yeah, that incredible bloatware. Thank god for SumatraPDF and friends.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't care what it uses internally, as long as it switches to something reasonable for small ranges
@RMartinhoFernandes Quicksort combined with insertion sort is a popular combination.
But that's an interesting idea. Hell++'s std::sort switches to bubble sort when the collection is small enough.
I believe many implementations of std::sort revert to merge sort after a certain recursive depth, but not sure.
@FredOverflow Maybe they use introsort (quicksort with a switch to heapsort to avoid quadratic worst case)?
@RMartinhoFernandes very possible
btw I love heapsort, it's so beautiful
"The GNU Standard C++ library, for example, uses a hybrid sorting algorithm: introsort is performed first, to a maximum depth given by 2×log2 n, where n is the number of elements, followed by an insertion sort on the result." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sort_(C%2B%2B)
I thought introsort was a quicksort followed by an insertion sort?
Maybe intro = quick + heap?
Introsort is quicksort switching to heapsort when the recursion depth hits a certain threshold.
Introsort or introspective sort is a sorting algorithm designed by David Musser in 1997. It begins with quicksort and switches to heapsort when the recursion depth exceeds a level based on (the logarithm of) the number of elements being sorted. It is the best of both worlds, with a worst-case O(n log n) runtime and practical performance comparable to quicksort on typical data sets. Since both algorithms it uses are comparison sorts, it too is a comparison sort. In quicksort, one of the critical operations is choosing the pivot: the element around which the list is partitioned. The simple...
" The current implementation of sort, however, uses the introsort algorithm " sgi.com/tech/stl/sort.html SGI uses introsort as well
I believe Java uses the awesome Timsort.
Timsort is a hybrid sorting algorithm, derived from merge sort and insertion sort, designed to perform well on many kinds of real-world data. It was invented by Tim Peters in 2002 for use in the Python programming language. The algorithm is designed to find subsets of the data which are already ordered and use them to sort the data more efficiently. This is done by merging an identified subset, called a run, with the existing runs until certain criteria are fulfilled. Timsort has been Python's standard sorting algorithm since version 2.3. It is now also used to sort arrays in Java SE 7, ...
yes, Java does, and Python. No C++ that I can find though
But I'm a bit surprised the Java crowd didn't rename Timsort to "PatternSort" ;)
@FredOverflow Yes, now it can use it because the optimizer doesn't break loops anymore.
It doesn't? Maybe I should upgrade my Java version :)
I always immediately deactivate the Java Update Scheduler. It's just too annoying.
holy shit, this machine is so much slower than my primary machine for Visual Studio
I once looked at the implementation of Timsort in the JDK, and it looked quite complicated.
And of course there was lots of code duplication because of the primitives/Objects distinction.

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