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> If you don’t know, pierogi are the Polish equivalent to American hamburgers with billions being consumed every day.
lol wut
@BartekBanachewicz Don't take the bait.
@R.MartinhoFernandes now it works, the bytes were also wrong
fixed the segfault
Famous last words.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he is the bait
so now what? I'm disappointed. I don't want to override the global new and delete.
 let print : 'a show -> 'a -> unit =
   fun {show=show} x -> print_endline (show x)
Isn't there a type like boost any that lets me pass an allocator?
@BartekBanachewicz Aren't they stuffed little breads?
that means that () in OCaml is actually IO ()?
and, in general a is IO a?
@gnzlbg Yeah, it's really hackish.
If you haven't found a way to do it I doubt i will, isn't there a type like boost.any that lets you pass an allocator? we have polymorphic allocators now..
> In OCaml, it is the programmer who has to procure that Show-membership evidence, the dictionary, and explicitly pass to print. Haskell, in contrast, most of the time builds that evidence by itself and passes it implicitly.
makes sense
is this the same as passing proofs and inferring them?
@BartekBanachewicz It just means that there's no distinction between IO and "pure" functions.
@Jefffrey sounds scary
@BartekBanachewicz That's like 80%+ of the world out there.
more than 80%
@Jefffrey yes, the world sounds like a scary place
I don't mind IO as long as it's explicit
I frankly don't see how making IO implicit makes a language more powerful
@gnzlbg Yeah, that would be the best solution. I don't remember anymore why it was we needed it; for us it wasn't Boost.Any, but it was essentially the same problem.
anyway, @Jefffrey have you actually looked at the most recent Hate developments, or are you focused on uni right now?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit When I think about you, I touch myself ... you gave me the fleas that took me a month to get rid of, I feel itchy everytimes I think about you & the fleas that came with you!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm filling a ticket for this in the boost trac, i guess this issue should be discussed before someone attempts to write a patch. Boost.Any is not that complicated, so extending it should be doable.
@BartekBanachewicz It's not that big a problem if you're not lazy.
print :: Show a =>  a -> IO ()
print : 'a show -> 'a -> unit
this is enlighting
@R.MartinhoFernandes if you only work on immutable data structures passed explicitely the problem is a bit less pronouced I suppose
Actually, is there a language that does not derive directly from Haskell (see Agda, Elm) that does this IO/pure separation?
Lazy evaluation is the primary reason you need the IO types, not purity.
@Jefffrey I think I've seen some languages with "pure" specifier
D has that, for one.
pure int foo(int i,
             char* p,
             const char* q,
             immutable int* s)
    debug writeln("in foo()"); // ok, impure code allowed in debug statement
    x = i;   // error, modifying global state
    i = x;   // error, reading mutable global state
    i = y;   // ok, reading immutable global state
    i = *pz; // error, reading const global state
    return i;
i like how all the args form a ramp. that makes me feel good
int square (int) __attribute__ ((pure));
> says that the hypothetical function square is safe to call fewer times than the program says.

Some of common examples of pure functions are strlen or memcmp. Interesting non-pure functions are functions with infinite loops or those depending on volatile memory or other system resource, that may change between two consecutive calls (such as feof in a multithreading environment).
so gcc is allowed to optimize two or more calls to strlen to just one
It often does that.
well I suppose Haskell is also able to optimize some IO actions
strlen is not an IO action; it's only optimizable iff the compiler knows that the data is unchanged
If you misuse unsafePerformIO to get rid of the IO types and your program fails, that is most likely due to lazy evaluation, not because of purity.
{ char buf[10] = "abc"; int i = strlen(buf); i = 42; i = strlen(buf); }
Haskell could use -XStrict already :S
If you misuse a language you don't get the benefits of the language.
@sehe It knows because it doesn't work with pointers to volatile.
@Jefffrey The point is that "this IO/pure separation" is the wrong way of viewing it.
You can just graft the outside world into the normal functions, which is what OCaml does.
But I'll stop trying to convince you guys that you're misunderstanding IO. You'll get there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not the one radically opposed to IO.
Sure. The classic "You'll understand when you are older".
but I actually value the monad stacks around IO
and the fact that they adapt to pure functions nicely
@Jefffrey vOv. s/older/more experienced/ s/older/more knowledgeable/.
Are you doing that thing that bartek did yesterday?
What's it called...?
@R.MartinhoFernandes to be honest, when working with global state like OGL, I can really imagine safeUnperformIO as a source of hard to track bugs
"Not actually arguing with facts or reasoned opinions but appeal to your own authority"? What's that called?
I'm really glad that people like SPJ actually care.
@Jefffrey I'm stopping because I don't want to/cannot explain all the details. Call it whatever you want.
> Reviewed By: ekmett, austin
This is so sad, no mod or SE employee ever come & bother me any more. Did they all quit/change jobs or have they found some troll who is smarter, funnier & with more free time or something?
@R.MartinhoFernandes a shame because I was really interested in your explanation. Could you at least provide a further reading resource?
> Reviewed By: secret, autism
If you want, you can try implementing Prim.RealWorld. Or checking out the one in GHC.
@chmod711telkitty You're yesterday's troll, sweetie.
washed up troll
Or implement IO as a pair of lists, totally pure.
Either exercise should provide the insights necessary.
I don't see how the implementation of IO is any relevant to the interface it provides.
@Jefffrey If you only care about the interface, the interface is completely pure.
Especially when discussing... the interface it provides.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know.
Then I don't know what separation you talked about.
well let's shift the problem
imagine a global MonadWriter context
you might not want every function to be able to tell
It's not related to RealWorld IO at all; it's just the context issue
any global context can be criticized for that matter
@R.MartinhoFernandes Things that have side effects are trapped in an IO monad. Which makes it so that you cannot write a function without IO in its signature and do side effects (yes, you can but it's highly discourages and if you do that you deserve everything bad that will happen to you). So this "tagging" things with IO let you separate functions that may have side effects to functions that are guaranteed not to have side effects.
@Jefffrey you can model side effects with monads other than IO, so the premise is wrong imho
I know
@Jefffrey The interface shows no side effects, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What interface?
Any function with IO results.
I suppose that's the Jeffs point
you can't say which IO functions have real side effects and which don't solely basing on the interface
That's because I Haskell is pure, so it can't show that, if I understand correctly what you mean.
putStrLn produces an action without value.
The side-effects are grafted completely outside of the language.
@R.MartinhoFernandes () is technically a value, but ok
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but now you know that that IO function may perform side effects.
Holy shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you can crash your program with them though
Java is terrible.
@Jefffrey Just like everything else can!
@R.MartinhoFernandes (+) can't
Yes, it can.
You can graft side-effects onto it just fine. Just like you graft them onto RealWorld.
if a function simply produces a, you're guaranteed by the standard it won't crash your code
I just changed some code that used "long" to instead use "BigInteger" to support really large numbers for a basic prime factorization. And the code become so grossly unreadable and none of the regular mathematics operations worked and I couldn't even properly == compare 2 big int's and instead had to use .equals and wjdajdhawdkw.
if you check for totality of the inputs, the termination and scrap unsafePerformIO
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you going to mention unsafePerformIO or some weird FFI (or whatever is called the foreign interface thingy)?
Because if so, you are totally missing the point.
(Well, technically only onto (+)s that are primitive)
do you mean that a primitive integer addition actually mutates a register?
@Jefffrey No, I'm not. As I mentioned the side-effects are not in the language. They're grafted from the outside by the implementation.
HTTP/2 is out
I have no idea what you mean by that.
Oh. This reminds me.
I need to find a library in C++ that parses things like HTTP headers and shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but from the programmer's point of view there's an important distinction, no? Implementation authors have more knowledge than the user
they are allowed to cheat because they can guarantee their cheats will work
@Ell Not quite, but it has been finalised
@Jefffrey I don't have the time to craft an example now (which is why I wanted to quit earlier), but I guess I can try it later.
@R.MartinhoFernandes do
@Ell What does it do?
Like, what's the features of HTTP/2 ?
push data is the biggy
go read the wikipedia article tho
@Ell Meh, an RFC.
There's HPACK, which apparently defines a standard compression scheme. Coolio
ASCII is an Internet Standard since last month.
RFCs are for pussies.
To be honest I'm pretty sure you know what I mean and you are just being intentionally obtuse or picky. The IO and non IO separation works, that's the whole point of IO for me. Is it its most important feature? I don't know. But currently it is for me.
Can you write side effected functions without IO? Sure you can. Otherwise you would be bragging about how the given interface is too restrictive. But that's entirely not the point.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit too late, the stars have spoken ;)
@Jefffrey eh, I really disagree with "black and white" distinction here though
> HTTP/2 allows the server to "push" content, that is, to respond with data for more queries than the client requested. This allows the server to supply data it knows a web browser will need to render a web page, without waiting for the browser to examine the first response, and without the overhead of an additional request cycle
So it's WebSockets, except in general.
@ThePhD not at all
they work on different levels, conceptually
i added a partly functional print feature
@BartekBanachewicz racist
@BartekBanachewicz No, it's basically the same thing
(Even though it's not)
I wonder how they handle caching with that
@BartekBanachewicz Ooook?
Sounds like you brought convincing arguments there. You win.
@ThePhD time till first exploit is....?
@Mgetz It's based on the already-in-use SPDY protocol.
So if there's going to be bugs in it, they'd have been vetted by SPDY.
The rest of the bugs will come from the new features they're proposing.
@ThePhD I still smell exploits, it seems like a great way to push malicious packages and take advantage of prestaging them on the computer
Great, samba doesn't work OOTB with the default config.
As in, it expressly complains about wrong settings in the default config.
I don't even.
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks for everything, you just saved me a lot of time. I'm going to have to live with overaligning everything for the time being.
Protip: don't let yourself accidentally become the sysadmin.
@Jefffrey I was kinda waiting for your response.
My arguments kinda follow what I said earlier; there are different classes of effects and the contexts should be fine-tuned to what the function needs
@gnzlbg No problem. I ran into several issues related to Eigen allocators in the past year, including having to add workarounds in their workarounds for Visual Studio. If you run into trouble, feel free to ping me.
Apr 23 '14 at 10:38, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Worked around a workaround: check.
I had an idea.
Instead of having a bunch of functions for querying data in different kinds of ways, e.g. fetch_user_by_id and fetch_users_by_age you have a single function that takes a predicate and returns a set of users.
Jul 26 '14 at 16:59, by R. Martinho Fernandes
At work we have a workaround for a workaround for a bug in VS in Eigen.
That's the one.
Found today in our codebase: (UINT)((*(LPDWORD)("OE01"))
Been there for like 10 years
Looks like some kind of magic number generation.
@BartekBanachewicz What are these "classes of effects"?
It seems to be used to express dependencies between commands in a queue.
name the language
Not going to touch that shit
new systemd out. hmm
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Haskal
@LightnessRacesinOrbit C
PHP, obviously
@Jefffrey for example, a logger wants a write-only sink for data.
you can tell from the inconsistent names
this is a hypothetical, btw. those functions don't actually exist
> a write-only sink
I thought all sinks were write only vOv
@BartekBanachewicz What would a logger do? Actually write logs to files or just provide an interface like Writer?
@AndyProwl Oh my.

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