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@AMostMajestuousCapybara I hope that's a typo
@sehe Want to become an owner again? :P
Nah. It would be hard for me not to fall into the same trap of feeling responsible again
@BartekBanachewicz I can't stop loling
@Xeo So, yes, if somehow there would be a real need, I'd consider it.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Sure you can. Or just, make a sexually oriented joke again. Because, you know, you "can't resist that" too
she couldn't either
@sehe either*
what's wrong with sexually oriented jokes btw
It's really amazing to me that it takes a group of software developers 7 minutes to get a Skype call working
racoon> bear, would you consider becoming a shared owner of this public rubbish bin again so there are more cleaners for this common area
bear> I am a hoarder, I wouldn't consider most things trash
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's not for me
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Nothing. Unless they're not funny
@AMostMajestuousCapybara No?
@chmod711telkitty how do you know its name?
Ok, I must be missing something then. Nevermind.
lol CatPlusPlus eventually fell asleep on his web code.
@sehe it's insider a hoarder's house
here is the story of the said hoarder(s)
@MartinJames no pizza box, surprising ...
I'M VOTING THIS UP! IT'S IRONIC YOU SEE! — Jeff Atwood ♦ Jan 8 '09 at 10:42
don't you have a time limit on your stalking effort, or you are willing to dig up some 3000 year old dirt?
> Although - Nothing says thank you like cold, hard cash. :)
I prefer electronic transfer ...
@chmod711telkitty low-life troll. I'm just finding a good post to link to about the "thank-you" policies on SO.
And that's because I need it. Pfft
@LuchianGrigore Grigore what do you mean sir..? — Maruti Sep 30 '13 at 5:32
Q: c++ map inside map - delete pointer

basd bfnsaI'm having a problem I can't seem to solve. I have a map inside another map which holds 2 pointers. std::map<std::string,std::map<sf::SoundBuffer*,sf::Sound*>> listSound; When I try the following code to free the allocated memory i get the follwing error: map/set iterator not incrementable Th...

@sehe I'm really sorry if I did something wrong btw
I can't figure out why that dude's getting an error.
@Patrick Hofman: "Thanks (oh, no, thank you comment!)" ... "Thanks to the mods" Are you asking for a beating?BoltClock ♦ Jun 2 '14 at 14:34
@AMostMajestuousCapybara No doubt. But nothing in my field of vision
wtf b64encode returns a byte string instead of a string
does downvoting give me points
@Pris Do you know what sf::Sound is? The problem might come from there
@Pris ...
@Pris Why do you come here to link that though? It's just not a good question.
@Rerito a couple of users tried the code and reported that it worked fine... so something strange with his compiler or he's not posting the exact code
@Pris Yes, look at Puppy's rep. Acquired exclusively from downvotes.
@sehe I just kinda got absorbed in wanting to find out why it wasn't working since it seemed fine. Why is it not a good question?
@Pris Also notice the inconsistency: ++o, i++. Not that it changes anything but I found it funny :)
Anyone feeling like a hacker? I've found a back door to Slack servers
@Rerito that bothered me almost as much as all those typedefs
@Pris There's not enough information there. The error mentioned isn't any generically known error and he doesn't specify how he gets it
@sehe That's true.
@Pris What's wrong with typedefs?..
@Rerito Old fashioned
I would expect a const_iterator for the inner iterator. That’s possibly a long away from whatever problem the OP is facing, but without an SSCCE I cba to really investigate.
@Rerito the names for the typedefs he gave sucked ('innerMap', 'outerMap') and he coulda just used auto
If he doesn't use C++11, there's no auto
And if he did, he could have used a range based for
@Rerito There is but it's not the same thing :p
@BartekBanachewicz if the backdoor requires the same keys as the frontdoor, it's not a backdoor in the security sense. In this case, it looks like you've just noticed the actual lock in the front.
@sehe I am pretty damn sure logins used there are used for their internal ops
So. It's the service entry.
A backdoor in the popular "security" sense would imply access without authentication or with stock credentials
@sehe hence I wrote it as "back door"
@Pris It's because he didn't post a testcase.
@BartekBanachewicz pfft
> Stoned Drivers Safer Than Drunk Drivers, Claims Federal Study techtimes.com/articles/32956/20150216/…
Blimey. That's the first scientific argument in favour of sharia punishments I think
I like when someone is asked to specify a line number where an error occurs, and they give you their line number in their own source file with no way of finding out where it occurred in the code they posted
Do you guys put private members on top or on bottom of a class?
@Rapptz Bottom for me
@Rapptz Alias members dictate where they appear. Other than that, bottom.
@LucDanton Damn it's like you read my mind. (Having issues with aliases)
I put the using on top though
If that's what you mean by alias
@Rapptz I’ve hit snags with ranges and I think you’re the only one left following my saga closely, so you can return the favour some time. (cc @R.MartinhoFernandes @Xeo)
@Pris nope. But it can get you badges
I'm the scrub doing private top.
I'm thinking of changing it though since it's becoming a pain w.r.t. aliases.
@Rapptz I typically do it on top too
class Car {
    int numberOfWheels;
    Car() : numberOfWheels(4) { }
something like that
I think some uses of decltype also constrain the ordering? As in private: void foo(); public: decltype(foo()) bar();
fuck you @amo (hihihi)
Fuck how did you know
aw yis, sniped an easy question
1000 rep baby.... now to never answer a question again
that won't stop your rep from increasing
@Pris meh if you're acquiring rep stopping before 10000 is lame
because only then you get to read all of the deleted hilarities
@LucDanton In that case foo() has to be on top?
@Pris also wut you have 11A/58Q
@Rapptz ye
oooo btw I got back my amazing account now I just need to merge this one into it
@Xeo Well damn. I do that a lot.
@BartekBanachewicz ikr, i have no idea how that got me 1000 rep :p
The issue keeps getting worse and worse.
but its okay
10 rep a day keeps the downvote away
@Pris I've seen people with like 1500Q/0A
having say 50k+ rep
@AMostMajestuousCapybara amazing
@Bartek hi honey
(Also: can you spell? If you're don't have the time to write "you" I don't feel encouraged to spend time helping "u") — sehe 8 secs ago
u wan sum upvoets ur wei??
@ParkYoung-Bae ahh the sound of butthurt
> thecoshman pushed to master at thecoshman/tag
toot toot
@sehe what if he had to type 'u' instead of 'you' to fit in the comment word limit
@Pris Yeah what then?
lol @thecoshman fprintf GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
there are unit tests that test injection of dependencies
@sehe Isn't shortening 'you' to 'u' acceptable to fit in char limits?
I should delete all of them and replace them with a thing that checks whether the fucking program starts up without crashing with a type error.
so smart, very pointer
@sehe exactly
@thecoshman why are you rebinding the VBO instead of VAO on each frame? Also come on bump it up to 4.5 there's really no point in sticking to 3.3 anymore
inb4 rage
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I second that prediction
@ParkYoung-Bae thx u m8te
this is somewhat disturbing @AMostMajestuousCapybara @ParkYoung-Bae
Are you talking to your sock puppet?
More like depressing.
I've just regained access to this account. I'll merge the other in.
@ParkYoung-Bae No! Why would you do that!
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Shut up you me.
@BartekBanachewicz Driver support.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I doubt that support for 2007-era GPUs is what he's after
also ugh DI is scattered around tens of files
I'm going to inline one each day.
Heck, hardware support.
@thecoshman Also you don't have to pass vec4 as possition, if you pass vec3 it can be extended by that 1 automatically and that's 1/4 less data to push
It's the job of main() not of tens of __init__.py files jesus christ
@BartekBanachewicz Nvidia doesn't have drivers with RTM support for 4.5. Just shut up with your hipsterness.
Is there any 4.5 implementation ready?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara No.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's not about hipsterness, it's about DSA :|
So you can't reply "I'm not interested" with a custom message on Careers.SO?
That's terrible.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara "I'm not interested. Fuck you."
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, apparently my non-beta driver doesn't care when creating a 4.5 context
What non-beta driver?
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you don't need to support older versions, there's really little incentive to use <4.5
Thanks for reminding me I have to update my drivers guys.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 347.52
At least something was gained through these discussions right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes More like "I'm not interested at the moment but maybe in the future" or something
Btw all this is very nice and all but I need a new nick
@BartekBanachewicz Are you sure the 4.5 support is not beta?
Because their developer site claims it is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's totally beta
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I am certainly not using a beta driver
No driver fully supports 4.5 yet
I suppose the support might be incomplete
@BartekBanachewicz Keep missing the point.
that being said
If DSA works OOTB w/o extensions, it's a reason enough
I haven't actually tried yet because I'm using the Haskell-OpenGL, not the low-level package
> Haskell-OpenGL
Next up: JavaScript-CUDA
@AMostMajestuousCapybara It's a better API than then C one, certainly.
It's just the high-level package couldn't keep up, mostly because GLRaw sucked
if OpenGL package makes use of new kmett's gl package, it could catch up rather quick
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I've also heard mentions of WebGL support :P
The extensions listed below are part of the OpenGL 4.5 core specification, but they can also be used in contexts below OpenGL 4.5 on supported hardware:

@R.MartinhoFernandes ^
@BartekBanachewicz That is quite eye-opening, though. I would never have guessed. </sarcasm> There are perfectly valid reasons he may have to need to support older versions, even if he's going to be the sole user.
@BartekBanachewicz Why, because it's ~purely fictional~? (pun!)
They aren't even far fetched.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This kills the sarcasm.
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I needed a split.
@R.MartinhoFernandes like not having a new GPU? sure
guise stop arguing
if he has an older laptop, this might be a reason enough
@AMostMajestuousCapybara you know, ironically the more I get into haskell, the more non-pure features and libraries I discover
it's almost like it's trying to hide the fact that it's actually very practical under pure FP blanket
I'm not kidding.
I'm glad I can still see deleted posts.
That was good.
I saw "Hitler" and "Poland" so it must have been good
@BartekBanachewicz fails to understand what "copied example from glsdk" means
> When you look at Google's presentations about Go, they are not shy about it. Go is about very smart people at Google solving very BIG problems. They know best. If you don't like Go, then you are small and are solving small problems. If you were big (or smart), you would surely like it.
This is the most amazing first paragraph to a blog post ever.
@Rapptz lol
> They know best.
It's sarcastic btw
I just thought it was funny.
@Rapptz oh wasn't apparent from the provided context
@thecoshman does that make any point I made any less valid?
@thecoshman also it's leaking shaders
@BartekBanachewicz yes. I only added that to ensure I was actually able to get shit running. It's going to be gutted.
also, keep in mind what my focus is :P
@thecoshman that's why I hinted at things that are easy fixes, not total restructurings
@BartekBanachewicz ffs dude enough already, I've hardly even seen that code! All I know it's one big fat shitty class that needs ripping appart.
@thecoshman okay okay. Just keep that in mind if you choose to reuse anything from it, is all.
@BartekBanachewicz if it was code I had wrote/committed to using I would give a shit.
Else I'll start hounding you about that foolish oversight you made in SSL that resulted in hartbleed
@Rapptz damn that guy is upset. maybe he should go for a walk to cool off
have any of you used go or rust or nim or other somewhat recent/hyped up languages?
@Pris like Haskell?
Isn't haskell ancient
@Pris it appeared in 1990
> Vivaldi has a powerful feature set, but thats not all. One of the things that makes Vivaldi unique is that it’s built on modern Web technologies. We use JavaScript and React to create the user interface — with the help of Node.js, Browserify and a long list of NPM modules. Vivaldi is the web built with the web.
@Pris you said "somewhat recent/hyped up" :P
@Rapptz Looks like I missed all the fun.
we have 2 cicada sock puppets here?
worse than cicada is cicada multiplying
something weird happened to me yesterday and I don't know what to google for
I don't know what caused it, maybe unity
it went like this, made unity unpack a rather big package w/ sound effects, minimized the window
all of a sudden all the windows go crazy
for example the native windows used by foobar2000 (normally hidden and titled "uninteresting") showed up in the taskbar
I believe some things in the system tray also showed up as empty windows in the taskbar
I thought it was unity that caused it because the editor threw out some error about window positioning stuff (?)
I had to restart
I wasn't able to switch between tabs in firefox even
and it looked messed up
can a single app mess up the whole window management in windows
because literally every window was broken
I'll ask on superuser
is there a way to specify alignment requirement when allocating using new?
I have a bug using boost::any that I think is related to alignment
The original post does not contain a question. This is at least an answer. — Ian MacDonald 15 hours ago
I wonder when my SSD will break
it's been running really well all this time
I thought kingstons were sucky crap
Canned responses from front-line IT support are not appropriate here. This is a website for professional software developers who expect a little more than "have you tried turning it off and on again?". — Lightness Races in Orbit 7 secs ago

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