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That's what my father jokingly used to call me
I never care about timezones
I don't do shit until I wake up
hey is using auto bad style in c++?
and I only wake up at 11
@Cinch very
real C++ programmers do this:
typedef int Integer;
@AlexM. wait why would you do that
because it's good style, duh!
check this other one out
typedef int* pInteger;
@Cinch The good style is that you think
can you somehow do a macro or sth so that all references become pointers and you fuck things up lol
template <class T> typedef T* T&;
@Cinch You can do that with C++11 using
> error: macro names must be identifiers
#define * &
@milleniumbug Just... no
lemme know when you have something going
@AlexM. That's my code.
@Columbo Oh wait haven't noticed the part where he redefines pointers
I thought it was about template typedefs
uhhhhh hey guys
how can i tell if two signed binary numbers overflow when aded
@Cinch inb4 kicked
lol jk
@Cinch Compare the MSBs
check the overflow flag
I remember cinch from somewhere
let me reverse-stalk
his English was cleaner back before
so I guess he's just fooling around now
I'm the idiot that decided to post idiot stuff before.
Sep 19 '14 at 21:29, by Cinch
@AlexM. It was just a stupid logo I made for a game-related website before
that's as far as we two go
no, I'm wrong
please please please don't remind me the embarrassment demons lurk in the past
shut up, I'm trying to find out what your Facebook page is and where you live
don't interrupt
oooh! if you can find me i'll be impressed
I don't even
> Hello everyone, I’ve been absent from this blog for awhile now, but I’ve finally done it!
My first game: “Save the Princess!”
It is written in C++ and is a text-based game.
It should take less than 1 minute to finish. Yes. It’s just an experiment, with basic variables, logic, and I/O.
I find that
cin >> variable name
is a lot easier to use than
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
Main.chNo = scan.nextInt();
from Java. I like C++.
you're so innocent
"I like C++."
Can some owner please delete the above boring conversation
But yeah that is me
yeah, your gravatar's URL says thsotus not cinch
wasn't very hard
I haven't been able to track anything aside from this but I haven't tried too hard either
@Columbo as if this place is full of excitement all day long
that's actually really scary
you leave your footprint everywhere you go
all it takes is forgetting to remove your past
just embrace who you are
and you'll have no problems to solve by hiding away your past
that's what I always say
welp i'm removing that NOW
that's only temporary
@AlexM. Stalker much?
you'll forget something in the future too
you always forget
your past will always be there for you if you keep on running
@рытфолд I found your theme song:
@Cinch Don't bring league into this Lounge
@Cinch what are you going to do about what was posted in here?
you can't delete our conversation
better stop trying to look anonymous when it's bound to fail
i gotta at least try
suit yourself
i do
@AlexM. actually i think he can request mod removal
or something
@Borgleader it's still in the annals of SO, I'm pretty sure they'd be able to bring the messages back at the request of authorities for example
like they did with the silk road guy
sure, random guys like me wouldn't be able to read them
@Borgleader Hm.....right album, quite possibly the wrong song though. youtube.com/watch?v=B3l0kpl5tA4
I don't mind using my real name and linking everything I have on the internet
trying to hide it is too much work and will always fail somewhere
@JerryCoffin oh damnit... that was supposed to be for @AlexM. how the hell did it auto complete to rightfold?
wtf o.o
apparantly i can't remove my own wordpress websites from wordpress
and in my situation there ain't much to gain from anonymity
especially on the SE
@Cinch yes, well
I told you
@Borgleader Oh, in that case the Every Breath You Take The Stalker Song makes more sense.
remember this Cinch
there are no new beginnings, only you ignoring what you carry on your back
i'm actually kind of intrigued that i'm still in like the same place as 5 years ago
I must be C++-autistic
@Borgleader that's kinda weird
i have no clue how that happened, i can't even type rightfold's new name
I have a clue
type in "@"
rightfold's first
at least for me
hmm, ok so maybe i pressed tab before typing a
it seems to place weird moonrunes before the latin alphabet
the leonidas guy is 2nd
my mum's gonna visit me this weekend
and I also planned to buy nekopara this weekend
I'll have to stealthily date my catgirls now
Q: C -fscanf causing abort trap: 6 on EOF

RyCSmithI am new to C and have written a small program that reads a large number of tweets from a file, stores the hashtags in a hashtable and then prints the 10 hashtags that appear most frequently. The program is now functional but I have been receiving an error that I do not understand, Abort trap: ...

> stores the hashtags in a hashtable
That's precisely what a hashtable is for!
well they're about hashes!
hashtag, hashtable
you can store hashbrowns in hashtables
the hashbrowns at mcdonald's are good
I don't know of any other place making hashbrowns in Romania
which is not surprising
since they're typical to the US
No McDonalds in Lebanon make hashbrowns ;~;
In fact, the first time I ate a hashbrown was in Dubai, 4 years ago
And that also happened to be the last time :<
side note: how did anyone even do anything with print/scanf?
they used printf/scanf
my beer is gone
no more beer fuck
maybe I need to shower and sleep
is my life right
I wonder if I'll approve 20 years from now
it's ok as long as you ignore that it may not be ok
sleepy time it is
@Cinch Carefully.
@AlexM. There are better things to fuck than beer anyway.
@JerryCoffin Like a virgin.
72 of them.
hmmm, 2am
One day we are going to get so high.
Cos we are going to be, forever you and me.
You will always keep flying high in the sky.
Good morning.
@Xeo Sleep well.
@Xeo Night
I had a good laugh when I first knew what MILF means for western countries / the internet.
One day baby we'll be old and think about the stories we could have told.
Hey do you think it's better if you pass either, in a event messaging system...
* std::vector<boost::any>, mixing primitives and structures if needed
* boost::any, create custom structures or a general structure and extend if needed
I like Boost.Any, but haven't yet found any meaningful use for it.
i'm trying to make a flexible events system such that you can pass any type of information along with the event
any type of information, such as if a GUI sends new info to another processing object, collision detection in games, etc etc
@MarkGarcia 30 people dead and these idiots are giggling over the acronym "MILF". Sigh.
@Cinch It seems like a good idea to use polymorphism there.
Specifically inheritance.
@Jefffrey but then you get code bloat if you need to keep redefining event types
Yes, inheritance is generally bad, except when it's good.
@Cinch How so?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yep. But if you're living here it's sadly kind of normal news...
For example, say I make a GUI and a game on top of SDL
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Good night.
The GUI and Game sends events using the same queue
I'm expecting your event base type to have 2 or 3 polymorphic member functions that each event has to implement.
@Cinch why
Yeah, don't mix GUI and Game events if you can.
@Jefffrey Base type and enums, yes.
I mean the input is directly passed to the event queue already
Input is not an event.
Well, ok. Maybe it is.
the input is parsed before any game events anyways
Shouldn't you simply sample the input state at every frame?
It is sampled
@Cinch Well, think of keyboard-or-controller scenarios.
The input object just simply lives in the function
I mean Event Queue class
What I'm asking is whether I should use a boost::any to pass along or a vector of boost::any
Or perhaps a void*
@LightnessRacesinOrbit So many copykoalas.
Hold back the river, hold back.
@Cinch lol the void* is the always the last option
Once upon a different life, we rode our bikes into the sky.
you haven't exhausted all of them, so
i know which is why i opted for boost::any
basically I'm trying to create a messaging system without strict typing
boost::any is kind of weird to use, really.
It gives the functionality of dyanmic typing right?
@Cinch lol no
You would use it with the visitor pattern.
But in this case you don't really need that.
As any different even is-a event, so you can just use inheritance.
I just opt for tacking on a std::string
My suggestion is not to use boost::any just for the sake of using boost::any.
@Cinch wat
It's not, but it seems to work well I suppose?
How is it better than... say inheritance?
It doesn't confine flexibility like inheritance
Once I start creating sub-types I cannot modify once the code is in use
Just use a base type for an event category with an associated enum indicating the actual event type. Much simpler.
Yes, but what if I decide I want to add a new mechanic to the system?
which would require a new event type
@Cinch wat
@Cinch WAT
Here, since I'm planning to program a game...
Hold on.
@Cinch Modify the derived types, or if it's encompassing then the base type.
@Cinch Derive it and add something to the enum.
@MarkGarcia Yes, but I don't want 50 different types if I want to add complexity to the game
If you change the design you'll have to change the code, yes. How would boost::any not allow you to change the code, exactly?
Well, say I create a basic, general struct for passing data
@Cinch Um wat. With Boost.Any you still have to make those types...
@MarkGarcia Why does he need to distinguish the types again?
@Cinch "I don't want to add complexity to the game if I want to add complexity to the game"
Say I do something like have fields for, Sender, Target, reduceHP, add Status effect
I smell entity component systems
But then, say I want to induce a graphics effect along with the attack
Have you guys brought the trash out?
This smell is getting thick.
@Jefffrey Well, for scenarios like this queue for this and that event type (I mean classification), and a handler for this event, blah blah. Of course he could make an event type not derived from anything.
That would mean that a new message would need to be sent that would explain what type of graphics effect to trigger
Say I want a "blur" to happen along with the attack
But now I either send another message with a new type
Because of the decoupling I need to send new message types for each subsystem?
I'd prefer not to
@Cinch Are you making a game or a game engine? If you're not writing an engine, go use the existing one.
Otherwise you're just wasting time
It is an engine I suppose
But it's mostly for learning
I'm making an engine in OpenGL.
Quite the challenge.
The way the queue is set up is that there is one queue for everything
This is so that I can create another meta system that depends on differing things from different subsystems
But I'm having a hard time between whether I should use a vector of variable data to send with the message
or a single pointer to a structure that can be of multiple types, depending on the type
there is already an explicit "EventName" and "EventType" coupled with each event to be verified
implemented as std::strings
I've been in your room at midnight, so I know yesterday was over. I put all your books on the top shelf.
I haven't slept in what seems like a century, and now I can barely breath. Just like a crow chasing a butterfly.
You know what, I'll just post a question
It's a beautiful day. The sky falls and you feel like it's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away.
I'm removing songs from my music library. Sorry for the lyrics pastes here and there.
Good night errybody.
@Jefffrey Good night.
@Jefffrey Nite
I am having dumpling for lunch
1 hour later…
chat was dead?
Mar 21 '14 at 17:22, by nightcracker
is there a life outside of the lounge?
that time of the week ...
It's sleepy time for euros. The merkins are in bars and clubs, or gone to bed early 'cos work tomorrow. I'm only awake 'cos I get really drunk on Sunday afternoons and then sleep till night time.
there's also me :D
..and also the oddities like melak and Telkitty.
oh - and Luc
Me noon here lurking too.
Honorary European? :)
I'm the only one in Asia here AFAIK.
thought potato is in the Philippines too ... at least was ...
also public holiday here today ...
Oh right. It's sad he doesn't chat anymore. :(
@MarkGarcia He mentioned in a comment at one point (last November or so?) that he'd switched to a different ISP that apparently had some problems that prevented chat from working for him now.
@JerryCoffin I've one checked (in December, I think) and he has some activity on his Stack Overflow profile.
@MarkGarcia Yes, he can (and does) still post. The problem is only with chat.
I've got no problems with either ISP (there's only two major ones). Bah this is getting more depressing. I like your optimism @JerryCoffin. :)
@MarkGarcia For what it's worth, he actually asked about you specifically: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/17411319#17411319
And now I'm a little embarrassed. I thought that was only a month or two ago. Turns out it was more than six months ago...
@JerryCoffin So far I haven't had any problems. (I have used both)
@MarkGarcia Yeah, I dunno. Could be something with a specific data center or even a specific server or router or something.
Oh I have to go somewhere (well not somewhere, but to something :)). Bye all for now.
thanks for being so ambiguous >_< ... that & laterz
@MarkGarcia Later.
Oh look this is crappy amount of hours month
Everything's terrible
This is sleepy month.
Heyaha Everywhone xd
@Feeds What is p-value?
Does any one know what is a GSL? as in GSL matrices
In statistics, the p-value is a function of the observed sample results (a statistic) that is used for testing a statistical hypothesis. Before performing the test a threshold value is chosen, called the significance level of the test, traditionally 5% or 1% and denoted as α. If the p-value is equal or smaller than the significance level (α), it suggests that the observed data are inconsistent with the assumption that the null hypothesis is true, and thus that hypothesis must be rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted as true. When the p-value is calculated correctly, such a test is...
--We learned statistics in first year--
@chmod711telkitty Ah, thanks.
@chmod711telkitty What happened to you!? You look different!
chosen the pic because it looks like one of my chickens ... with teeth >_<
how do is strike out text
We learned statistics in first year they tried to teach us statistics in first year
@Elvisjames Three dashes, I was told.
hmm.. thanks...
Dumb question incoming; does a functor's complexity affect how expensive it is to create/copy (ignore data members the functor object owns)
@Pris 'Complexity' meaning what?
@LucDanton like a super long function vs a short one
@Pris haha "ignore the cost of copying"?
No effect.
@sehe well i did preface it with 'dumb question incoming' :)
@Pris Although a non-trivially copyable object (one that opens a database connection in it's constructor) would obviously be slower to copy
Arguably that would still not depend on the complexity of the "operator()", just the state (and we were instructed to ignore that). Just adding that member state might not be trivially copyable, hence not "scale linearly"
Why do you care about triviality?
@LucDanton It's the only part where I can see a functor being more expensive to copy (than trivially copyables)
I mean, when ignoring sheer size, as instructed :)
That’s… a weird statement.
struct trivial { int i[100000]; }; struct non_trivial { non_trivial() = default; non_trivial(non_trivial const&) {} };
@LucDanton Okay. "some non-trivially... " etc.
'Some objects are slower to copy than others.'
4 mins ago, by Luc Danton
Why do you care about triviality?
Because copying trivial objects will by definition 'scale proportionally with the target memory architecture'
@LucDanton By the way, isn't the compiler allowed to optimize that (or is the fact that the copy ctor isn't noexcept killing?)
@sehe 'That' being what?
Your "faux non-triviality"
I don’t understand. (Not helped by the fact that my program fragment is, well, just that. Ergo nothing happens in it.)
Also under the as-if rule, well…
The answer to 'is the compiler allowed to optimize if the resulting program behaves identically' is yes.
I used the "non-trivially copyable" to /suggest/ that something happens in the ctor that cannot be optimized away. This will, by definition, take time during copying.
That's my whole point
@sehe Suppose a beginner writes a class type. As part of its functionality, it turns out that some operations are non-trivial. Mindful of your advice, they consider whether they should go about making those operations trivial one way or the other. Should they?
What? I only had 2 coffee
@LucDanton How can they? (is this your point?)
@sehe Any one of those standard types are involved: std::vector<T>, std::string, std::function<Sig>
Or were you asking how they can make the ops trivial?
@sehe The as-if rule is fairly broad. The elision rules relax that even more. There’s plenty that can be optimized.
Maybe I can go out for groceries, while you have your coffee?
@LucDanton Yes. I'd say that usually ops are intrinsically trivial/non-trivial. If you want to "make it trivial" you'd usually do it by changing the semantics (e.g. using a std::cref somewhere along the way)
@LucDanton And get into the office. :)
@Pris See what you've done now ?!? o.O ^^
@sehe Well, what if a beginner decides to 'make it trivial' because they remember your advice on less expensive copies? What was gained? Take your time to answer I’ll brb.
@LucDanton That's not what I meant to say (obviously?). I meant to say some objects have expensive copy construction - and by definition these would be non-trivial (need to be in order not to be legally optimized out).
@LucDanton Of course, your trivial counter example zooms in on a type that /is/ trivially copyable, but still more expensive. However, that trivial class nicely isolates the cost that @Pris told us to ignore (sheer object size)
So I tried to pack that into a single post (an object that is expensive to copy, but not because of its size; i.e. because of the non-trivial copy)
well i mentioned that i was talking about a functor. i should have mentioned i assume everything else in this functor outside the actual () operator to be 'out of consideration'. i understand the fixed cost of copying the data members, but i dont know how classes and functions are 'stored in memory', so i wanted to know if copying them around would depend on any way on what the function itself does.
Maybe a better question would have been to ask 'without considering function args, does the amount of time needed to copy a std::function depend in any way on function complexity' ... or something
@Mysticial lol. i wonder how much code thats written in general is lifted from SO answers

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