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It also uses Clang, which is a little weird because I thought MS had an arm compiler
I received a email telling me there is a free course on Microsoft azure using which you can develope iPhone & android apps. I only spent like 10 secs scanning through the email so I could be mistaken ...
Should namespace's be capitalized?
@Nooble No.
So all lower case then?
@Nooble Yes.
@Nooble Std::cout doesn't look nice
Alright then, thanks everyone.
Make it all caps: STD::cout
@Nican That looks like it has an STD (AIDS, to be exact).
Should I also try to stick to three letter names?
Best is to use anonymouns namespaces only. Then you don't have to think about naming conventions.
@Nooble why would you?
@AndyProwl Most libraries I use do so, but it might be coincidence, so nevermind.
@Nooble I'd use readable names that make sense in the given domain
@Nooble No, not IMO. I tend to use a combination of a really long name for the namespace itself (to give a reasonable assurance that it won't conflict with anything else anybody will ever use) and a much shorter namespace alias.
@Nooble Some day I'll be too old to remember what the 3-letter-abbreviations used as namespaces should mean. By using readable names, I ensure that then I'll still be able at least to read my own names.
@HansKlünder Not me. I don't plan to live past 30. Maybe 35 at the very most, but people older than that are all assholes.
@JerryCoffin maybe once you turned into an asshole, you'll enjoy it.
I myself own an asshole which serves me quite well every day, and I won't complain about it.
It's a part of me which I don't want to miss.
@JerryCoffin We need to have a chat.
@MartinJames This is a chat room, so it seems to fit.
@HansKlünder lol
@HansKlünder I forgot--you're kind of new here. The standard joke is that I'm older than anybody or anything (even though there are a few here who are actually older than me--Martin being the most obvious). In any case I'm already quite a bit past 30 or 35.
@JerryCoffin Jesus
@Columbo OK, yesh, he's older.
@JerryCoffin ah thanks. I should have looked into your profile.
Oh I thought @JerryCoffin was older than @MartinJames for all this time
You learn something new every day
@Columbo One of my better students, back when I spent my time teaching propaganda.
@JerryCoffin lol :D
@JerryCoffin At least old Geezers seem to have - despite popular disagreement - a good sense of humor
@HansKlünder No particular reason you should have--it's not particularly interesting (IMO, anyway).
Do you guys know of a good way to allocate a lot (20GBs) of continuous memory. My current attempt is to have a loop that keeps asking for memory, is there some command that makes a Windows system clean up the memory so that I can get a solid chunk?
@Mikhail Ask on SO
20GBs is a lot of memory to as for contiguously o.O
@Mikhail lol good luck on that one
@Mikhail If you want a solid chook, talk to Telkitty.
while (true) {valid=malloc(); if valid goto escape}
@Mikhail There are OS-specific ways to ask for large quantities of contiguous address space, but about all that's portable is to ask for one huge chunk of memory (which might fail).
sHOULD BE ok ON 64, NO?
Pizza getting in way of typing.
@Columbo What popular disagreement? I'll get them if they've been claiming I'm a vengeful bastard again...
@MartinJames Don't let chatting hinder a proper pizza experience.
@MartinJames my chooks aren't very solid, they are soft & fluffy. Although that doesn't stop them from being aggressive.
OK, I've finished my double-pepperoni pizza with extra pepperoni, grated cheddar, birds-eye clillies and habanero sauce. Only the crusts are left. There is demented squeaking outside the office door. I must go fix the dog and goto bed.
Did the dog's thing grow back?
@Mikhail If you mean his tail fur, then no, not yet. The half-life of his coat is compromised by his lack of intelligence.
@MartinJames I meant his penis. See merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fix
@Mikhail He's probably more attached to his tail than penis. The vet compromised his reproductive system years ago,.
Poor guy.
Neuticles are prosthetic testicular implants for neutered dogs and other domestic animals. Creator Gregg Miller won the 2005 Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine, a parody of the real Nobel Prize, for his invention. According to the website, over 500,000 pets have been 'neuticled' since the product was introduced in 1995 in all 50 states of the USA and 49 countries. There are 28,000 participating veterinary clinics and hospitals that perform the procedure. Miller developed the idea for Neuticles in 1993, after his bloodhound Buck caught the scent of a bitch in heat, disappeared and turned up days later 30...
@Nooble S'OK. No puppies, no neighbours moaning about 'compromised' bitches. Safe.
I'm totally imagining Summer Bash as that one episode of fanservice they stick into every single Anime series regardless of how serious it is. — Mysticial 22 secs ago
> Male aggression reduced
^^ /cc @Xeo @StackedCrooked
Let's neuter @Puppy
Does it make the dog vaguely jewish?
Besides, he was a rescue dog. They won't let such dogs out unless neutered/spayed.
@Mysticial hehe
@Mikhail Dunno. He's shown no interest while walking past the Catholic church. Next time we're in town, I'll take him past the synagogue.
Actually, thinking back, he pissed on the church gate. Mebbe protestant.
@Nooble lol, I have at least 10 desktops in my house. 3 of them still in use.
If my skin was think I would ship hair removed monkeys with breast implants as cheap mail order brides ...
To clarify, I completely disagree with that article.
Perhaps its more profitable to sell high-end laptops
@Mysticial What happened to the other 7?
@Mysticial 10 desktops? Just how big is your mansion?
I can't think of a good way of doing close tags in expression template syntax. I think <html> _ </,html> is prettiest (ugliest?)
@MartinJames about the size of the a googleplex
@Nooble Maybe in 20150.
But id rather not have the comma at all
@Nooble They all lined up in the hallway. Some of them go all the back to the 1995.
If my skin was thicker I meant ...
We just haven't thrown them out.
> Hallway
@Ell or <-html>
@Mysticial Oh.. if you cound the dead boxes in our shed, then I prolly have 10 too.
I disposed of 2 desktops last year
</,html> can't work
Overload the comma operator?
@MartinJames I have 3 functional (and still in use) desktops at home. But there's another 5 - 8 of them in my mom's office - 3 of which are mine.
I think
@Mysticial Orite.
you can't have </, without objects between them.
I'll try it tomorrow I'm in bed atm
/ is a sneak object
Unicode business
replace / with -
Imma gonna die now.
Unicorn business
Just use solidus or something
Make it static
@MartinJames will we talk to your ghost tomorrow?
That's my plan anywya
Expression templates for HTML would be silly anyway since the end goal is a string to begin with.
@Nooble lol
I want to switch to AMD purely because of the news about Intel lately. Opposing (more or less) net neutrality, supporting feminism etc.
@StackedCrooked I'm trying it for fun
Sadly no AMD processor can compete with Intel's.
And I'd end up with a Node anyway
@Ell Don't have fun.
I think it's because it supports constant time splicing. You cant have constant time size and constant time splice. IIRC before C++11, std::list had O(1) splice, O(N) size. With C++11 it has O(N) splice, O(1) size. My guess is they made forward list have O(1) splice, in case someone needed this functionality. — Borgleader 3 mins ago
Looking at high-end of course.
Be depressed.
@JerryCoffin I'm assuming you know something about this? ^
@Nooble yes they can I think
Crook ... Chook ... So close ...
Stacked chook
Well depends how high I guess
@Ell AMD's flagship processor is the FX-9590 which I believe costs about $239.99, gets beat by an i5-4670K
I'm looking at the $300ish price range.
Honestly there is no longer any competition, at this point Intel can just set any price they want.
Can I see data on that?
It's top-secret.
@Ell On what? The 9590?
It's top secretion.
@rightføld lol
@Ell That's weird, we have totally different results. Time to research more.
AMD has 16 core AbuDabi processors that are pretty good at integer stuff. They were popular on super computers where half the time was spent waiting for mpi_recieve which is secretly an integer heavy code :-)
@Nooble Depends. My FX-8350 compiles code faster than my overclocked 2600K.
That's because the FX-8350 has twice as many integer cores.
Despite being a lot slower for each core.
Anybody tried using a Cray Threadstorm CPU?
@Mysticial Speaking of right now though. With current generation processor, and looking at the high-end models. AMD has nothing to compete with the i7-5820K +
If you go high-end, then yeah.
But the fact remains that a stock FX-8350 ($180) can compile a 200 module C++ project in the same time as a 4 GHz i7 4770K which is $300.
But that's just about it. At the first need of single-threaded performance, AMD sucks hard right now.
I wouldn't have put up with my FX-8350 for so long had it not been that fast at compiling shit.
And also, are 1 of Intel's hyperthreaded cores equivalent to AMD's 2 physical?
To oversimplify:
- Each Intel "core" has one integer and one FPU core.
- Each AMD "module" has two integer and one FPU core.
@Mysticial But the 4770k is faster at "everything else" :P
By Intel "core" do you mean virtual or physical?
The FX-8350 has 4 modules. So 8 integer and 4 floating-point cores.
@Nooble physical
the two threads share pretty much all resources
In an AMD "module", the two cores share a much smaller portion of the resources.
@Borgleader Yes.
What happens when two threads request access to the floating point unit? For example, the vector processor is going through 10 megabytes of data and then another thread wants in...
Then AMD processors should be absolutely superior for multi-threaded applications, but according to rendering tests, the 4770K still wins.
@Mikhail The AMD module has a single FPU that supports dual-issue 128-bit FMA. I don't know if there are any issue restrictions, but each thread could get 1, or one thread could get both.
@Mikhail It waits.
Just kidding.
I know nothing about architecture.
@Nooble Rendering is floating-point I believe.
> I was wondering why Oleoresin Capsicum posts did so well. Pepper spray doesn't seem that interesting.
@Nooble you used rendering tests to check which cpu was better in multi-threading scenarios? wut
@Borgleader Some of them can be set to use multiple cores.
You can probably check rendering performance by looking at the Pov-Ray benchmarks and factoring in cost
@Nooble no but... isnt rendering a gpu thing
AMD's floating-point performance is currently piss-poor compared to Intel.
@Borgleader It can be GPU-accelerated.
But it doesn't have to be.
@Borgleader A lot of rendering can't be done on the GPU due to memory requirements and difficulty with MPI
I sure wish AMD would come out with something revolutionary again.
They better. I'm tired of waiting for Intel delays.
This AVX512 business is turning into a complete mess. Announce long ago and we're still a long way to actually seeing it in silicon.
Looking at GPU's, the R9-295X2 was definitely an outright powerful GPU. Now that's how you do dual-gpu cards.
@Mysticial That is AMDs fault too, they fell behind and now Intel isn't in a hurry to push out new things to stay on top :P
I want to see AMD's Zen have AVX512 with dual-issue FMA at 4-cycle latency.
I mean, didn't AMD come out with the first consumer 1GHz processor? They're definitely capable of doing great things.
Maybe IBM can make a better PowerPC?
Though I'm not confident they'll be able to do it.
Did anything happen with parralela?
I want Intel to release Larrabee
It's called Xeon Phi.
I thought larrabee was unsuccessful
Damn it Intel is too good to switch from.
@Ell it never came out to the public
I wonder why this question was deleted.
> this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion
Answers are factual
"Nazi Moderator Deletionists" - there, I invoked Godwin's Law.
I did naazi that coming.
I undeleted it.
Voted to reopen as well.
It's definitely constructive and non-subjective.
@rightføld the fuck
Should I return a pointer to a variable or just provide getters and setters for it?
@Nooble lol pointer
Make it public. :)
@Nooble Only a getter.
@Nooble Don't do the stupid thing.
Setters imply mutability, which is terrible.
Provide setter & getter for the reference to the variable is the standard practice
Either make it public or just a getter
@milleniumbug Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep this in mind.
@Nooble My advice is very useful, as it applies in many situations.
@milleniumbug And what if I can't differentiate from the stupid or non-stupid thing to do :P?
Close sourced code FTW! Coding style is only as important as clothes in front of others. When alone you can walk around naked!
@rightføld I don't want to trouble you, but I noticed that your profile changes frequently. For example, your reputation changes several times a day. That's extremely mutable. Shouldn't stackoverflow allow people to have immutable profiles, creating a new profile upon every event?
What would be the difference between making the object or variable public and making getters and setters for it? In both situations, the obj/var is still subject to change.
@Nooble If you don't want that, don't expose the setter.
@Nooble (e.g. std::vector doesn't have a set_size() method - that would be extremely stupid and doing the thing stupid Java school teach)
...oh wait
it has resize
What I'm trying to implement is a global timer.
Yeah it has resize.
but it actually has invariants to maintain
But everyone says not to use it.
it's not like you can set the size to be different that the actual count of elements
@Borgleader Yup, sounds familiar. What about it?
The rule to good encapsulation is "don't allow the user to break your class invariants"
Having setters does not encapsulate data
Just one global timer, Nooble? Or a module that triggers the next timer due?
The user of the class mutates data through functions
@JerryCoffin I figured you had more juicy details. But OP lucked out. Howard Hinnant answered
So anyways, I have a global timer object, which I want to be able to getTime() from. If I shouldn't expose the setter, then why not just return a pointer to the object?
You should have time() const
Or current_time() const
Which returns the current time
@Nooble, the pointer allows anybody to change the object.
@Nooble pointer to what object
@milleniumbug global_timer
@Nooble what reason is there to have a pointer?
I'm a little confused
You have a global timer object, which you want getTime() to return a pointer to said global timer?
@Borgleader He would have about as many juicy details as anybody could.
I have a global timer object that I want to be able to access from other parts of the program.
Its already global, anywhere can access it
@JerryCoffin So how are you on this fine friday?
@Borgleader Kinda tired. Been a long week. Ready to go have some pizza I think.
I fancy pizza now
@Ell Well I actually want to put it in a seperate file so I can include it anywhere I need it. Although having a header with a bunch of global variables doesn't sound like too much of a good idea.
Global variables aren't a good idea
But putting it in a separate file won't affect how global things are
@Nooble You need a SingletonManager
@Ell They won't, it's for organization.
How am I supposed to implement a global timer without using a global object.
@Nooble Why do you need a global timer
@Borgleader Clearly he needs a AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean.
Pass things to stuff
@milleniumbug Right. So, pass it by pointer?
@Nooble you don't use a global timer :P
In main you do MyTimer timer;
Then you pass timer to any function that needs it as a parameter
My reference, value, pointer, however you want
I'd go with const MyTimer& personally
> Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons.
How terrifying
@Ell I knew you'd like it.
I'm gonna get some sleep
Night folks
@Ell G'night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hello. How are you this very early morning? Not excessively sober, I hope?
I'm totally sober.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Damn! What's wrong with you?
And my tinnitus seems to be down to manageable levels.
I'm totaledly sober too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wish mine were...
I can enjoy music again without an annoying overlay.
Robot is becoming an alcoholic? What happened?
You came.
I wish I was so powerful ...
But the truth is that I could only command two chickens & sometimes even they don't listen to me ...
Oh man... how does this even happen
I'm inflicting my horrible singing on everyone on the train platform because fuck them I am happy.
read that as slinging for a sec
@Borgleader I don't really understand this picture.
The candle burned a hole it?
@StackedCrooked The candle burned the whole in the laptop cover
He had it bent over the candle.
Ah that makes sense
Who uses candles anyway.
my mom often lights little candles like that
If you are hacking fbi in the back of a moving truck, you would use candles ...
According to Wikipedia the number of people killed in traffic accidents last year was 1240000. That's a lot!
1.2 million!
@StackedCrooked How many of those are alcohol related deaths?
It doesn't say.
This list of countries by traffic-related death rate shows the annual number of road fatalities per capita per year and per vehicle-km in some countries in the year the data was collected. According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries caused an estimated 1.24 million deaths worldwide in the year 2010, slightly down from 1.26 million in 2000. That is one person is killed every 25 seconds. Only 28 countries, representing 449 million people (7% of the world’s population), have adequate laws that address all five risk factors (speed, drink–driving, helmets, seat-belts and child...
@AndyProwl Dont ask me why but now I'm listening to this:
Belgium has twice as many fatalities than the Netherlands.
We suck.
@StackedCrooked I don't get it =/
conforming bandages
He'd rather bleed to dead than conform.
subreddit is firstworldanarchists
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i didnt check the subreddit's name
> There is excellent explanation at the accepted answer to another SO question
o.o Dietmar self-answered a question, it's probably worth reading.
He did?
Q: What are the different character sets used for?

Dietmar KühlThe C++ standard mentions multiple different character sets. In particular, it mentions the following character sets: In 2.2 [lex.phases] bullet 1 physical source file characters and their mapping to the basic source character set is mentioned. In 2.2 [lex.phases] bullet 2 execution character s...

I wonder if the self-driving cars can detect if a pedestrian is showing intention to cross the road.
Which do you think is the funniest sport? I think must be racewalking.
hm, 5am
hm, indeed.
@Xeo you dont seem to fully grasp this "going to bed" concept
you mean like lying on a mattress and stay there for 7.5 hours?
@StackedCrooked Nah it seems to be the transition from up -> sleeping hes having issues with
I have issues with the reverse transition.
The changing of seasons is always such a dead moment in anime.
@EtiennedeMartel Damn. You weren't even exaggerating.
They rarely report about foxes.
Sometimes I think my cellphone is talking to me, then I just hang up.
What a scam.
Seen that one.
chook is investigating the car again ...
Error 1 error C2371: 'int32' : redefinition; different basic types z:\libtiff\tiff.h 7 Another sad day
Also: typedef long int32;
2 hours later…
@sehe lol, WTF?!
@chmod711telkitty What car are you driving?
2 hours later…
@JohanLarsson I bookmark that!
why am I awake aaaa
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm. an unusual and, presumably, effective way of ensuring that everyone else in the carriage makes sure you don't miss your station.
@chmod711telkitty aww cute little chickuns
@Ell What you cannot see, at that focus/resolution, is that the chook is cable-tied to the car wheel.
Ed miliband is so cringeworthy to watch
Its hilarious sometimes
I'm a sleepy bean this mroning
@Ell The 'live' broadcasts, with the subtitle computer set at maximum-suckness, are the best.
Huh, guess for(item : collection) has been suggested for C++17
You do not want to know how many times I've written stuff like that!
If computers start WWIII, it won't be because they are in control of thermonuclear arsenals, it will merely be a subtitle computer that interprets a throwaway remark about the the economy as declaring war on China.
@rubenvb After it failed to make C++14?
(also it's a shit feature)
@Puppy yeah, well, you might as well make type inference a thing then, I agree.
Just default variable definitions to be auto. But that would mess up al lot, I guess, so none of that bullcrap in our C++!
C++ can't really have meaningful type inference in many cases
you'd need a completely new syntax aside from anything else
I must say VS is improving a lot on C++ side the last couple of iterations.
Still probably won't compile my code but, you know...
Paradox of the day: "Google's SPDY blamed for slowing HTTP 2.0 development"
@rubenvb The fact that this time, they had 4 CTPs and a Preview of VS2015 encourages me greatly.
can't be arsed to get up
I don't quite appreciate that robbery of screen virtual estate
@Puppy ffs dude
@Xeo bin them then
ah well ordinarily I wouldn't post in quick succession but it does add something to see them in order
@Puppy lol, idle mutt V2.0
her response to being photographed is the epitome of "Fuck it, I'm going back to bed"
@Puppy Yeah:) Reminds me, must do something about all the chocolate hair on the bed. It gets up our noses.

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