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> akka cluster singleton proxy can not identify none leader actor
glurb blug glubb dlog blog
@BartekBanachewicz herpy derpy
produces best question titles hands on
hands down?
@thecoshman Nah. I'm making a KSP display, possibly with some controls. I was looking around, but I'm just going with a custom-built Arduino and a small 20 euro screen.
I have several spare ATmega chips anyway.
> Moreover, provocateurs and ridiculers expose the stupidity of the fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are people who take everything literally. They are incapable of multiple viewpoints.
does that mean I'm a fundamentalist?
@BartekBanachewicz Nope. Also that quote is full of blanket generalizations
@BartekBanachewicz you got that backwards
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've been tempted to do similar
I'd rather sort out a joy stick first
I'd love to have a nice throttle control and fly the planes with a joy stick
would be cool too if you could set it up so that with multiple throttle controls, you can independently throttle engine groups
@BartekBanachewicz wow... that looks like the cheapest pile of crap ever
@thecoshman it's pretty good, actually.
it's not that expensive, as in, it's still a gaming-grade controller, not proffesional-grade
but I don't think you'll ever need more if you're playing space games
@thecoshman It's not cheap, actually.
108GBP for X52, 170GBP for X55/X52 Pro
Stupid language SOs
Those really help nobody. :(
they help lazy people in short-term
And once SE team was able to justify short-term help ("because it's about practical solutions"), it was easy; helping lazy people has been there since ever.
@Xeo That's patently not true.
at least the rep isn't summed together
Holy shit Java RMI sounds awesome.
that being said, top PT.SO users don't have SO accounts
@Jefffrey why?
> 28.10.2015 Oberhausen - ASP
Oh wow
You know what that is?
@BartekBanachewicz AFAICS, they do.
Because it's an higher simpler abstraction over sockets and in general distributed programming.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh well I clicked some at random and they didn't
it's vastly superior to RMI in functionality, it's cross-language in a native fashion, it's really fucking fast and has great tooling
(not affiliated with them in any way, I've used it for a while and it was very pleasant)
oh also it's FOSS (used to be LGPL)
there's also SOAP and COSOMETHING
.NET remoting.
corba yeah
@Jefffrey CORBA is dead because of pretty bad decisions of OMG. SOAP is mostly used in MS world, and even there not much those days. It's a remnant of "XML everywhere" era.
@BartekBanachewicz wait, you have to write in this "slice" language?
COM is actually still alive and not that bad, but it's nice to use only from C#, IMHO. The C++ bindings are meh.
@Jefffrey it's an interface description language, yes.
@Jefffrey It's not that great
lol Bartek selling ICE again
@Jefffrey It only abstracts remote calls
You need more for actual distributed programming
Well, it has some service discovery too, but it's meh
well, it's better than serializing objects yourself and sending messages in some protocol back and forth or even worse invent a new protocol
It's just a boilerplate generator
And the protocol is fairly Java specific
If you want to do distributed stuff on JVM there are better choices like Akka
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean? You have to do some initialization and then you grab interfaces to your objects and use them normally.
For remote calls there are better solutions too
(Use REST)
(Or something like Thrift at least so it's not locked in to the platform)
RMI is really not that relevant anymore
@Cat welp I still havent picked a replacement for my long-polling in potato empires
Hmm does thrift work from js
@Xeo except the ones preferring those languages and content with a less broad audience
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perhaps he's referring to safearrays, bstrs & co. They are quite annoying to work with.
@BartekBanachewicz Your only choice is WebSockets or the newer server-sent events
I'd just use WS
@CatPlusPlus I hate the thought of finally having to dig through our Warp setup :S
lol you picked the stack
welp it's very easy to set up the defaults for regular handlers
but WS need to be in front of the web fw in the middleware layer
I didn't get through merging database monad and Scotty monad
No patience whatsoever for this nonsense
@CatPlusPlus it's... not that hard, really
It's annoying, that's enough
could be librarized perhaps
@CatPlusPlus like wise... but not just this nonsense
altough we only use simple TVar to handle the storage, changing it to a DB layer should be easy
since the monad is MonadIO
Do it and then write a trip report :v
newtype WebM appState a = WebM { runWebM :: ReaderT (TVar appState) IO a }
    deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (TVar appState), Functor, Applicative)
@CatPlusPlus we have persistence in the long-term goals, I'm going to tackle the transport problem first
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ewwwwwwwwww, so much wrong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in his comment, in the question, in the general idea, in the lack of inference for template parameters in variable decls?
@BartekBanachewicz Lack of what.
The stupid is the abuse of std::function. Again.
steam has this anime games sale and on the ad there's one character that's not from an anime game
get your shit together gabe
@AlexM. Buy it and shut up.
I already have it
Step 2, then! :P
Those last two messages were sponsored by Mr. Newell.
well in his defense the line between korean manga and japanese manga is thin :P
oh shit
I was just told I'm going to lead our newest project
oh shit oh shit oh shit
@R.MartinhoFernandes hah
@BartekBanachewicz they found out you're in the same chatroom as me, eh?
you owe me a beer :P
sure, you can cash it in if you come to Gdańsk :)
anyway, I'm a tad scared
but also a tad proud, I suppose.
But more scared.
the only time I went to Gdansk was when I played Patrician 3
@R.MartinhoFernandes +3 to fame
you'll do fine I'm sure
just take it slow at first and use alcohol when in doubt
but not at work
@AlexM. that's begging the question of "what if I fail"
you get demoted
the lounge will be publicly denounced
Puppy will lose his job just for being here
that's hardly possible, considering I'm not even a senior dev yet
Then you die.
Can I start over with a new character?
is this a startup?
@BartekBanachewicz Are you Buddhist?
people at startups usually do that kind of spontaneous promotions
@AlexM. no. yes. depends on whom you asked.
Our BDM told me that by US terms we're still a startup.
here the most appreciated quality for promotions is the time you've been employed, at least for the bigger deal positions
so someone who's been here for 5 years is more likely to get the position than someone with probably more experience but who has only been around for a year
@R.MartinhoFernandes Still have points to spend there.
tbh, I see their point, given the competition here it's really easy to lose employees to companies giving them better deals
what was the average a software dev spent in one place, 2 years? 3? can't remember
Two mice on their way :D
Speaking of dying, I played BSG yesterday and my character was executed.
speaking of games, there's a Baldur's Gate sequel coming (yay!)
@R.MartinhoFernandes boo hiss
I hope BioWare doesn't fill it up with all kinds of sex
and LGBT propaganda
@AlexM. Baldur's Underwhelming CortYard?
@thecoshman how's the poll going
@BartekBanachewicz I think more or less everyone has responded... let me just dump names here, we can ping who ever's missing
thecoshman, VladFromMoscow, Lightness Races in Orbit, Jefffrey, Václav Zeman, rightføld, Andy Prowl, Tony The Lion, Bartek, olafurw, Xeo, Robot, Griwes, Martin James, ThePhD, ell, caps, Puppy, telkitty, Anonymous bitch, Cat, sbi
@Puppy like they did with the Dragon Age titles
I don't see how including the possibility of non-heterosexual romances is LGBT propaganda.
and even if it was, I fail to see how that would be even remotely different to the unending storm of heterosexual propaganda.
@AlexM. you're dancing on the line
what cicada go buy these days?
@Puppy I never implied heterosexual propaganda was the alternative
no sexual propaganda is what I want
WTF is sexual propaganda?
merely including the possibility of relationships is not propaganda.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Same struggle here
@AlexM. stop it with your propaganda propaganda!
@FredOverflow I have bad news for you: feeds no longer keep rooms alive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes they haven't for a long time have they?
lol systemd is so reliable
@thecoshman Right.
● riemann.service - Riemann
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/riemann.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: signal) since Thu 2015-01-08 18:32:29 CET; 17h ago
 Main PID: 830 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)

Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.
Thanks, supervisor, for failing to restart a monitoring service
And the stupid logind is making any auth operation take forever
@AlexM. goddamn asexual agenda
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, I just saw he left a notification
@CatPlusPlus I sometimes wonder if you shouldn't become a sysadmin in the first place
you seem to be really enjoying this stuff
more than programming, certainly
And being on call and getting woken up at 3AM? No thanks
you are known for not sleeping anyway :)
Not sleeping by choice != wanting to get woken up at 3am
> the first mass flight over the wall from West to East
almost like those 2 immigrants from south korea... to north korea
@BartekBanachewicz They really wanted breakfast.
@BartekBanachewicz Except 100x more.
Oh hey framadate.org this might be useful
> The owners had to pass through the death strip to reach their plots – and for that there was an iron door in the Wall with a doorbell, (...) Eventually the doorbell entrance was removed and a large automatic gate installed, “because residents wanted to bring furniture to their houses that wouldn’t fit through the door,”
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol'd
anyway I want 15k rep
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's "funny" about it?
I didn't get the funny either
must be me
I remember Potsdamer Platz. Mostly remember.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That they gave them breakfast and train tickets when entering the death strip.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit From when?
It looks nothing like it did back then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe twelve, thirteen years ago
Yeah, that sounds like the "new" one.
wien sure goes all the way with the xmas decorations tactic.at/2011/11/29/christmas-in-vienna
> (...)producing chips for 10G-bit Ethernet routers; for this task, Arvind had developed the Bluespec language, a high-level functional hardware description programming language which was essentially Haskell extended to handle chip design and electronic design automation in general.
> The justification behind writing chip designs in Bluespec is that it leads to shorter, more abstract, and verifiable (provably correct) source code, as well as type-checked numeric code. Bluespec, Inc. claims greater than 50% improvements compared to conventional methods of design
Well, Thanks Wolfram|Alpha, that was very insightful
Hi too all
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't that what VHDL is for?
@VáclavZeman it's an alternative.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, I imagine it would be.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then how come Java Sucks is still alive?
@MohammadAliBaydoun linkpls
user image
This, gentlepeople, is why you don't duplicate code or information
> SystemVerilog was developed to provide an evolutionary path from VHDL and Verilog to support the complexities of SoC designs. It’s a bit of a hybrid—the language combines HDLs and a hardware verification language using extensions to Verilog, plus it takes an object-oriented programming approach. SystemVerilog includes capabilities for testbench development and assertion-based formal verification.
@FredOverflow People talk there.
cc @VáclavZeman
@R.MartinhoFernandes Amazing, I thought we had more or less left the room for good.
@sehe Should just drop the stupid password hiding bullshit, though.
It seems Java still stucks badly enough so people want to talk about it regularly.
Gimme a single box without masking.
@AlexM. It's just a screenshot of a query I made earlier
> The ex-nurse went on trial in Oldenburg in northern Germany in September, accused of the murder of three patients and attempted murder of two others.

But the 38-year-old defendant confessed to up to 30 killings during an examination by a psychiatric assessor, who gave evidence in the trial Thursday.
I guess I'll have to find the solutions of this transcendental equation manually
I don't remember how WA's parser works but I would have tried something like
solve for n in (query)
> In hardware design one frequently has the following situation:

A value of some type t
An accompanying valid bit indicating whether the value is meaningful or not.
The BSV library provides the type Maybe#(t) for this situation.
ITT HW design languages better at programming than C
@AlexM. you realize that games - like many arts - are excellent places to explore fantasy, right. People like to do things that they normally can't and wouldn't do (travel in time, fly, shoot scary things/people, be another gender etc.). These media just have that role.
You just sounded like someone that would legislate for "Lady Chatterley's Lover" because it contained "sexual propaganda" or "LGBT propaganda".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it's an excellent clue to unsavvy end-user that this is sensitive information. It's not entirely useless.
pretty sure I saw that map somewhere
In Asterix cartoons
@BartekBanachewicz here you go; don't eat it all at once!
@CatPlusPlus :)
Reading random bits on WP is always fun
> Banned in Ireland in 1962 after Archbishop John Charles McQuaid complained personally to Justice Minister Charles Haughey that it "was particularly bad".[25] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_books_banned_by_governments
hm I want to read new Glukhovsky's book about Russia
just rememberd
> The most notable recent (and controversial) ban of a version of the Quran happened in 2013 when a Russian court censored the text under the country's 'extremism' laws.[102]
@sehe wait what
Same page :/
how the fuck do you ban a book that's older than your country
it's literally in millions of copies everywhere for pennies
By declaring it a banned book
that has no practical impact whatsoever
except perhaps the ability to do some bad things to some muslims
Same thing can be said about drugs, guns, and other things that people declare as banned
you can't copy a drug or a gun though
It makes it illegal, it's not meant to magically remove all traces of it from existence
Q: Can a user be greeted on his birthday?

shasi kanthCan Stack Overflow greet a person on his birthday? I understand, this is not Google or a social networking site like Facebook, but a feature like this can really please the users. I like the way my user home page shows how many days I have visited the site consecutively. Similarly it would be a...

typical <insert ethnographic group here>
@BartekBanachewicz Er, it does. Publishers don't get to publish it any more, and importing is forbidden so you cut the supply. The existing copies you can use to prosecute people that fail to keep them hidden.
You suck at being an authoritarian dictator.
@Borgleader Huh; good point
@sehe I also think it doesn't add anything of value to the game and is only there to cause reactions. see this youtube.com/watch?v=rr8-5Fn_6XY
it also goes hand in hand with BioWare's advertised policy towards such things (i.e. using it to market themselves)
but of course, if others think sex in games adds anything to the experience, I can't prove them wrong after all :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sir ,are u Racist.
What is a KB?
1024 bytes?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why so many downvotes
so much negativity in those answers
now that I see it, a lot of the platforms I use greet me for my birthday
@AlexM. "doesn't add anything of value to the game", I personally agree.
I heard of kB and kb, but KB is weird.
@AlexM. "and is only there to cause reactions" - You honor, the Counsel is testifying!
What kind of prefix is K?
@FredOverflow knowledge base, peasants
Lol at Russia banning trans people from driving. What, I have to catch the bus? I'd best stay cis then. Idiots... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30735673
Idiot colleague went down a rabbit hole and wrote non-model code in a model class. Idiot boss suggested renaming the model class so it's no longer got "Model" in the name. Fuck me.
that'd be too easy
oh, so, N Korea... seriously oppressive place clearly breaching more or less all human rights... and they are getting away with it how?
> The main case against binary logs is their corruptibility. This happens more often than you’d think, due to not having any transaction consistency, as an RDBMS would. The advice of the systemd developers on handling this? Ignore it.
> Yupp, journal corruptions result in rotation, and when reading we try to make the best of it. they are nothing we really need to fix hence.
fridays are so slow
all I can think about is going to see the movie and starting the weekend
@AlexM. downvotes mean people disagree
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@rightføld k = 1000, K = 1024? :)
I'm really pleased when a site doesn't feel entitled to know my birthday. I typically fill in Januari 1st, with the direct effect that I get congratulated a lot around that date. Morons. Mind your own business, please :) — sehe 19 secs ago
kb = 1000 bit
Kb = 1024 bit
kB = 1000 byte
KB = 1024 byte
@FredOverflow nope. That's Ki
@FredOverflow OIC
The kibibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for quantities of digital information. The binary prefix kibi means 1024, therefore 1 kibibyte is 1024 bytes. The unit symbol for the kibibyte is KiB. The unit was established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 1998, has been accepted for use by all major standards organizations, and is part of the International System of Quantities. The kibibyte was designed to replace the kilobyte in some computer science contexts, where kilobyte used to mean 1024 bytes. The interpretation of the kilobyte to denote 1024 bytes, conflicting with...
@sehe In theory, yes. But in practice, nobody uses or even knows about Ki.
Also lists KB.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit too much vodka I guess lol
@AlexM. painted by Lady Vodka herself
Have a nice day
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Even worse than those in Belgium.

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