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They won't write pieces.
format strings suck donkey dick
o << "You s" << "ime!"; // thread 1
o << "uck big t"; // thread 2
// could print "You suck big time!"
Standard.IO.Output << "blah" << "foo" << "blargh" << "gnarf"; - threads could kick in between every operator<<
well that's your own dumb fault
what do you want me to do, put a mutex on every operation the Standard provides?
should I put a lock in move() now?
You know, in the IO case being inherently thread-safe is easy to do, with format strings.
it's thread-safe anyway without format strings
o.write("{0} {1}", "You s", "ime!");
o.write("uck big t");
// prints either "You sime!uck big t", or "uck big tYousime!", nothing else is possible.
Depending on how write is implemented
If it writes one character at a time without a lock, well...
But let's assume a sane implementation
 struct ILikeBigBuffersAndICannotLie {
    std::ostream* ptr;
    std::stringstream buffer;
    template<typename T> ILikeBigBuffersAndICannotLie& operator<<(T t) {
        buffer << t;
        return *this;
    ~ILikeBigBuffersAndICannotLie() {
        *ptr << buffer.str();
gosh, that was easy
any other non-problems you'd like solving today?
@DeadMG Maybe you could have a look at the rules i've been making for FIRST and FOLLOW sets.
sure, why not?
there's probably some errors in there, but I hope the rules make sense
rule number one
state the whole grammar, in whole, before you begin
how the hell am I supposed to verify correctness if you throw in arbitrary changes as it progresses?
I have different grammars, the grammars I'm showing are just there for examples of different kind
So maybe I should have just one grammar and try to fit every rule in there with it
well, I certainly can't reason about a different grammar for every point
is there a room for C?
there is, but as far as I know, nobody is ever in it
if you use C you get what you ask for, imo
I can understand why haha
or what your educator put you in for
which is a tad unfortunate, really
Tell me about it, Im in the middle of a project but we had to use C!
I wanted to focus more on the actual rules of FIRST and FOLLOW then on a specific grammar. So that if you know these rules, you can complete the sets for any grammar
C++ is more verbose than C. In chatrooms too.
i like C++ more
@ManofOneWay If you show an example, it must be complete and consistent
@wilhelmtell C++ is safe and fast, unlike C.
C is way more verbose than C++.
maybe someone here would be able to help me. I am basically trying to work out the location of the last block of a file from an inode number
if( FAILED(func)) HANDLE_ERROR(); on every call
I know I know. Just kidding. I tried my feet in C many times, because the arguments for simplicity are very persuasive. But I'm always coming back to C++.
there are no arguments for C
It's not simple, it's primitive.
it's simplicity isn't because it's simple, it's because it just doesn't address problems
The name C comes from the clubs you use to program in it.
I could also ignore my crippling depression, which would be simple, but that wouldn't make it a good idea
Ok I do love C++, but what you guys are saying is wrong.
C has its place.
the place where it's difficult or impossible to reasonably implement C++
that's it, the only place it has
i seriously dislike c
I find writing compilers in C++ is little different from C.
then I suggest you learn to program
That's because you write them the same.
how would you write an expression template lexer in C?
In fact, I mostly program in C when I do any kind of lexing or the like.
I wouldn't.
that just means you haven't figured out how to use C++'s features to solve that specific problem
By C++ features, read "Boost".
I'd write a recursive descent parser, exactly because it's simple to do, easy, and there's so much science behind it. It's proven to work, it's easy to do, it just works, and it's fast.
my expression templates are vastly more safe and maintainable than any C lexer
@wilhelmtell Only when there's absolutely nothing else.
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't use any Boost
And I do usually write recursive descent parsers rather than tables or a tool. Because I enjoy it, and if I wouldn't then who cares if the tool or library is written in C++ or C so long as it integrates with me C++ code.
@DeadMG Because you had a NIH attack and didn't want to spend time reading the docs.
I was there when you made that decision :P
Writing parsers by hand is tedious.
Especially if you want nice error handling.
@wilhelmtell Why do you use recursive parsers instead of predictive ones?
@wilhelmtell That doesn't give any reason not to use RAII or templates to solve common problems.
@RMartinhoFernandes Eh, I don't really think that Spirit is the same functionality.
it builds an LL parser, and I built a FSM
@DeadMG RAII is a nice thing. So are women. But what does this have to do with parsers?
well if you plan on allocating your AST on the heap, which is pretty much the only choice, then you need RAII to manage that heap memory
Parsing women is cool.
@RMartinhoFernandes indeterminate. uncool.
All I'm saying is that C has its place. Sometimes when we say C++ we actually refer in part to C. That's what C++ is: a hybrid language. So it's wrong to dismiss C with an argument like "it's primitive".
well it is. but in a proper, ok way. you know what i mean.
and unless you want to spend your life checking return codes
Sorry i sparked off this debate haha
then it's exception time
I never refer to C when talking about C++.
C is the worst thing that ever happened to C++.
You just did.
I agree
2 days ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I want "C++ with concepts but none of that C crap trailing behind".
C and C++ are completely different languages
Sometimes checking return codes is the way to go. Check out boost::filesystem that doubles signatures with throwing and filling an error object. For destructors, it's cleaner this way.
and the C part sucks donkey balls
Only sometimes.
@wilhelmtell That's utterly irrelevant.
You've gone from "sometimes it's better to not throw exceptions" to "it's better to not have the choice of exceptions"
they're not the same thing
Most of the time it's just error-prone and unnecessarily tedious.
@CatPlusPlus Man you're naive. C is the reason why C++ is popular.
that's why it happened
@wilhelmtell Lol.
not why it's a good thing
@DeadMG never said that.
This could get interesting
C is why C++ was popular
gets popcorn
not why it was a good language
Now puppy, have you been exercised today? You seem a bit frustrated.
Streams don't throw and I don't think that's one of their drawbacks. To motivate.
Streams can throw.
@DeadMG You have a C++ job because C++ is popular.
@wilhelmtell They also don't provide return codes.
It's a togglable thing.
I don't have any job
But you get my point.
@RMartinhoFernandes This.
I get it, but I completely disagree with it
you don't have to be based on the language of the day to be popular or good
if it wasn't for C, C++ would still exist
If we cared about languages being popular, we'd all be writing Java.
maybe not under that name, or with some different syntax, but the fundamental principles of C++ do not require C at all
I just love C++'s hybrid nature, and I accept it, and I embrace it. C is part of C++, in its culture and way of doing things. It's a choice. Bad programmers stick to it when coding C++, but good programmers know this choice and take it when appropriate.
there is nothing about RAII that requires malloc and free
C only gets in the way.
The C part of C++ should have been ejectable. So that when the language became popular allegedly thanks to C, it could eject the C in it and become clean.
nothing about std::string that requires strlen
See: parsers.
Parsers what.
the hybrid nature of C++ is between it's paradigms, functional and OO and procedural
C is a paradigm!
not between RAII and exceptions and templates, and malloc, free, and HRESULT and buffer overruns
@wilhelmtell C is definitly not part of C++ in the way we do things. C has return code, we have exceptions, C has manual memory management, we have RAII, etc etc
@CatPlusPlus I'm sorry about that comment I made before (naivite). It sounds negative, not what I meant. :-S
C has ugly void* handling for generic things, we have templates
How do you even begin represent an AST in C?
@RMartinhoFernandes With void* and many callbacks? /shrug
I don't know
people must have done it, I guess
You don't want to know.
I've seen what ANTLR generates.
I'd sure never give up inheritance
@DeadMG I think exceptions are the big gun. They're verbose. Sometimes it's easier and simpler to use an object from an external scope. Sometimes not.
gcc source vs. clang source. Enough said. ;-)
Oh, I forgot unions :)
I'm a fan of H. P. Lovecraft, I can stand that.
I had to put "works" in quotation marks in this Java answer...
you care about verbosity?
Fuck yeah Lovecraft
verbose is irrelevant
oh noes, I had to type a few more characters
What object from external scope?
my life is over
@CatPlusPlus A global.
Verbose is relevant if it obscures the meaning of code.
See: error codes.
For example, try { /* code */ } catch ( ... ) { } in dtors is boilerplate, and that's a bad thing. we're so proud of having less boilerplate than Java, so we should avoid boilerplate.
@KerrekSB Ugh, why do you even browse Java questions?
Don't write dtors, then.
@Xeo Sometimes I just hit the generic "new questions" button and one pops up...
@DeadMG no it isn't.
That's the only way I see C questions, too, since I don't usually have a "C"-tag tab.
@wilhelmtell Yes, it is.
@CatPlusPlus aka "Good non-library code has (nearly) no dtors."
the only meaningful verbosity is DRY violations, and exceptions aren't that
What's irrelevant is "typing more characters". Yes, who cares. Then you need to read it. Now that's relevant.
@KerrekSB Sadly, SO doesn't have tag1 || tag2
@Xeo Yes, it does.
Exceptions are less verbose than error codes.
It does?
@Xeo Yes, that'd be awesome
@CatPlusPlus they may or may not be less verbose.
@RMartinhoFernandes How so?
When you want to ignore errors, they're more verbose.
yeah, and it's easy to read exceptions
When you ignore errors, you're doing something wrong.
try { done
SO would anybody be able to give me a hint on how to find the last block of a file?
@RMartinhoFernandes But not in the nice way the questions get listed when you have only one tag selected, or the tag1 && tag2 listing
Exceptions are good, because you can't ignore them silently.
It's like: "you know the case when a file is not found? Ignore it." WTF just don't mention it and I won't consider it.
sure you can- just don't try in the first place :P
You're forced to document that they're being ignored.
@DeadMG Then the runtime barfs at you
well, sure, you'd have to catch them before main :P
@DeadMG if you don't try you unwind the stack. What do you mean?
well, if you ignore an error, then you get what you ask for
No you don't.
yes, you do
it's an error
You get what exceptions do, which is stack unwinding.
deal with it
If you ignore a return code then you get what you asked for, which is an ignored error.
being able to ignore them is not a good thing
@KerrekSB Ah no. Dammit. Ored searches only work for regular text. We should request it on meta!
@DeadMG you're defending a silver bullet with such ferocity!
what do you mean?
the ability to ignore return codes is not a plus
Ignorable errors is a tiny, tiny fraction of possible conditions.
@RMartinhoFernandes Right on!
That sometimes, it's ok to ignore an error. And then the verbosity is a PITA.
having the runtime tell you automatically when you ignored an error by crashing your application is the best outcome
Will you? Shall I?
Ok wtv. I enjoy the choice.
Then maybe error code would be better, but that doesn't change the fact that error codes are not good in majority of the cases.
@wilhelmtell So, you prefer verbosity all the other times?
@KerrekSB Go ahead if you want.
@wilhelmtell But that doesn't even back up an argument favouring C
in C you don't get a choice
No. I'm saying I use exceptions when they give precisely what I want, and I don't when they don't. That's what I mean.
return codes or bust
@wilhelmtell Err, I'd rather have verbosity when I ignore something than the other way around. You know, explicitly seeing you ignore something is good
Also you don't need C in C++ to have those precious error codes.
@RMartinhoFernandes OK sure. I don't have much meta activity, so it can't hurt to get some.
Especially because you can do a find "catch(...)" to see all places
@Xeo you're not getting what I'm saying.
Try to find all the places where you ignore an error code
I was under impression you're defending C.
boost::system::system_error err; boost::filesystem::create_directories("foo", err);
catch (...) isn't all that good.
You can very easily hack something with returned error codes on pretty much every freaking language.
this is explicitly ignoring the error, in a fluent manner.
You don't need to carry around a dead weight like C for that.
It's not that explicit.
Reading that code I'll be wondering if you forgot to use err later on.
it's not at all explicit
you probably just forgot to use it
I'm not sure if system_error is movable. It can be even more concise and explicit if it is.
Also isn't much shorter than equivalent try block.
@wilhelmtell That's the optionality @DeadMG mentioned before. If you leave that system_error out, I'm sure you'd get an exception thrown in your face
system_error predates C++11.
I doubt it's movable yet.
@CatPlusPlus It's on C++11.
boost::system::system_error ignored; boost::filesystem::create_directories("foo", ignored); // a tad more obvious
Dunno. I'm hungry and this discussion is leading nowhere.
truth has been told.
@RMartinhoFernandes It is done.
Useful features on SO? Well I never.
i start to think i'm arguing for the sake of arguing.
[c++] || [java] would not help keep tabs on all questions that might be of interest!
Ha! You're canadian!
Damnit google
stop tracking my clicks!
@wilhelmtell Because you have no argument.
A Montrealer as a matter of fact!
Yes I am
I want perfect build system for C++.
I used to use waf for a very long time
These days I use GNU Make.
a recursive make, mind you. and I'm sure then when my project grows large enough I'll see the problem.
The only thing further from being perfect is autotools.
@CatPlusPlus What is this thing that uses ./build.sh called? I've seen that a lot of late.
Dunno, where?
right now an empty build is still less than a second for make to figure there's nothing to do. so it's ok. just.
Make the Makefiles self-modifying. That's the mark of a true genius.
Or madman.
Make is like C. It's too primitive.
I'm not sure.
It relies on shell too much, requiring tons of boilerplate to be portable.
@CatPlusPlus It seems to be some standard build system... you say ./build.sh proj config to configure and ./build.sh proj to build. Config scripts seem to be in build/unix/* etc. It must be some premade system.
@KerrekSB Point me to a project that uses it.
@CatPlusPlus you need to learn GNU Make. you can count the use of a shell in my makefiles with one hand.
@KerrekSB Where have you seen it?
I would only guess Boost.Build
But still, shell files don't sound too good.
I have maybe one or two shell commands in a makefile.
I doubt it's Boost.Build.
rm -rf specifically, in the clean target. that's it.
Well, I do a lot of copying around, zipping and stuff like that.
And I don't want 300 tools as dependency, because it's prone to failure.
nothing of this sort.
Also, I don't want to learn make.
well i have a dist target that calls git archive.
so that's the second spawn. that's it.
If I were to use make, I'd generate it with something, because it's too primitive otherwise.
Anyway, not perfect.
but when you learn how gnu make works then you know what are and how the implicit rules work. and that saves a LOT of code.
I've seen enough Makefiles to know how it works, and it works badly.
my only issue is that i use recursive make and i'm scared of the idea of transferring it to none-recursive. because i know that it'll expand in size exponentially.
and now they're very simple and small.
using mostly implicit rules.
and recursing.
waf is nice. but i never fully understood it.

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