Suppose I have a following constructor in C++ class:
char* buffer = malloc(100);
if (0 != someD3DXCallThatCanFail(...))
throw MyException(L"some message");
char* buffer2 = malloc(200);
if (0 != anotherD3DCallThatCanFa...
@Xaade Because you have blocks of code you want to execute, and you execute one block at a time, these blocks must be in some kind of array, like a stack
I remember reading a tutorial a couple of years ago where concepts like twos complement and floating point numbers were explained with lots of drawings, involving cute animals. I think it was a diploma thesis or something at some University, but I simply cannot find it anymore. I'd be glad for a ...
@RMartinhoFernandes not really, all lamdas are by default const. mutalbe makes them non const. then the regular function parameter semantics are identical to lamda paramaters
@rubenvb are you going to use your dest past the scope of your loop? if so, it NEEDS to be a ref , just as if the lamda was a regular function and you passed in a variable that you wanted incirmented in the function and have that variable show up incriimented after the exit of the function
There's obviously a lot of things that could go bad, but there isn't much of a way to tell other than to run the list of benchmarks and test each component individually.
From what I've seen on the forums, y-cruncher (I wrote that one btw - for disclosure) is turning into one of the better hybrid CPU + memory test with memory being the primary focus
Whoa, 2^5 users in this room. Does anybody else have the feeling that we have had a lot of increase in users this fall? Maybe we will experience an Eternal September here, too? :)
@Xaade Could you tell me how to go from an AST to actually having a call-stack? I don't understand the flow from AST to creating activation records and so on.
@MartinhoFernandes Sorry, that's another one of those things I got used to in Usenet. It comes from the time AOL suddenly provided Usenet access to its millions of customer, who broke over the groups like a tsunami. (Look up "eternal September" for more on that.) One of the things they brought with them were the many "me, too!" postings (which SO took precautions to prevent), which became so proverbial that nowadays "AOL" stands for "me, too!".
@sbi something related I wrote a couple of minutes ago:
> Man muss sich auch klar machen, dass das Dezimalsystem an und für sich keinen besonderen Stellenwert hat. Wir haben es entwickelt, weil Menschen zehn Finger haben. Einem Außerirdischen mit 8 Fingern würde das Oktalsystem deutlich besser gefallen.
> Ein solcher Außerirdischer würde sich z.B. extrem wundern, was die Menschen so besonderes an der Zahl 0,063146314631463146314... finden. Menschen bezeichnen diese Zahl mit "ein Zehntel", aber im Oktalsystem ist sie periodisch und sieht einfach grausam aus.
@sbi I was just pointing out that you should be flagged for prejudicial treatment toward all the A*s that are *OL. In fact, I will now revenge-flag you back to 1993.
@keithlayne I have no idea what you are talking about. I will, however, point you to that message of mine which is on the panel of starred messages to the right.
@sbi I was asking in re the "mentor" concept for programming. I know you said that you had given C++ lectures some places. I was just trying to get your opinion on pairing up experienced with inexperienced programmers, and if you'd ever done that.
and anyone else here for that matter, I just have to pay my respects to the grumpy old man.
@keithlayne I have for a while worked in a company where they did some form of XP, and I have paired there. I wasn't keen on pairing when I learned they do this (the common objections), but I learned to like it within a week, and I always wish the places I have worked at since would have practiced that.
IME two programmers pairing are never going to be on the same level on everything they have to do (e.g., one knows a lot about the API they're hacking against, while the other knows a lot about C++), so it's always a pairing of an experienced with an inexperienced programmer, although the roles might switch twice while writing one line of code.
@Mysticial is there an easy way to tell whether a problem is in the hardware vs the driver (in this case the gpu). I have random BSODs, but usually only while IE is running. Which I never do. Weird.
@FredOverflow Truthfully Yes, Practically No. The windows common controls (which come from IE ) are used in explorer's UI. But it does not use IE it's self directly.
In a lot of cases, it's pretty easy to pinpoint the problem from the BSOD message if you look it up against the OC instability charts that people have made
@FredOverflow honestly i think MS saw the whole netscape lawsuit comming, and integrated the windows UI so tightly on the active X IE controls as to removing IE caused system instability as to save their own ass