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@DeadMG Don't freeze to death.
1 hour later…
anyone tried using -pedantic with lambdas?
I always do.
-pedantic-errors actually.
what do you think of " warning: lambda return type can only be deduced when the return statement is the only statement in the function body"?
That means your lambda has void return type.
I know what it means, I was asking what you think of it
thanks for -pedantic-errors BTW, couldn't remember the flag to make it error
Usually when that happens I don't want a void return. So I make the return type explicit.
it doesn't actually have a void return type
Can you show the lambda?
sure, it's super awesome:
    [](int const n) /*-> int*/ {
        return random() % n;
don't judge me
my point is that it's a pedantic warning, clearly the compiler can make it work
I guess it doesn't hurt to always add the return type
Well, it may have that ability, but sadly, it can't.
Standard says that returns void.
I should have read that first
then it shouldn't wait for -pedantic to be on before it warns...the lambda is useless if it returns void. and shouldn't compile where I use it.
That's a good point.
I'm just thinking about style, this is actually the first C++ lambda I've actually written and compiled, and I'm already doing it wrong.
I haven't the faintest clue what gets enabled at each level because I always compile with everything on, but I thought this one came at a lower level.
it is tagged [-pedantic] in the output.
I assume from the error message that if I read the standard it will talk real good about how a lambda with a single return statement doesn't need that, it's effectively -> decltype(expr) for return (expr)
sweet...who needs to read when there are robots around
thanks for the info. maybe I'll read more monad stuff now.
Can I use boost::enable_if to overload by type size? For example an implementation for uint64_t/int64_t and a different implementation for uint32_t/int32_t.
Sure you can. The question is, why not just overload normally?
Oh, wait, uint32_t and int32_t share the same implementation?
yawn, stretch, drink coffee, eat pastries etc.
morning all
Dunno. Karma?
@RMartinhoFernandes Which type-trait can I used for that?
sizeof(T) == 4 ??
Does that work?
year that would work
If you want to be more portable, sizeof(T)*CHAR_BIT==32.
though I don't think you can do sizeof type... it would have to be sizeof a variable fo the type you want to check
But that may be too portable.
@thecoshman sizeof(type) works fine.
@RMartinhoFernandes good to know. Normally use it with arrays and openGL stuff
template<typename T> void foo(T value, boost::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type) {};
I'll give it a try.
You want enable_if_c for that.
Or std::enable_if.
did that make it into the standard? or is that mpl
never mind
boost::enable_if_c is in the standard, as std::enable_if.
boost::enable_if isn't.
std::shuffle didn't make it into vs10...lame
what's the diff between boost::enable_if_c vs boost::enable_if ?
enable_if takes a type (with a ::value member), enable_if_c takes a bool (the c is for constant).
I assume enable_if_c takes a type AND a bool...
boost::enable_if<is_void<T>>::type <=> boost::enable_if_c<is_void<T>::value>::type
@thecoshman No, it just takes a value. enable_if_c<true> and enable_if_c<false> are just different specializations
wait... how did I get my self that mixed up... some how mixed this enable_if with sizeof. all makes sense now :D honest
@jalf: skip to about 4:20
Just a little trick :)
fuckin' show-off
Apparently jalf is not as easily amused as I
either that, or he is still ROFLing
or I'm at work ;)
trying to get kerberos working, which is an impressive antidote against fun
@RMartinhoFernandes hya, mawning :)
@keithlayne Yes, I'm very keen in demonstrating how us plastic pals who's fun to be with are superior to you meatbags :P
@jalf I can't believe kerberos is still in use. Wasn't that invented in like 1903?
@FreakEnum Hi.
Our day will come...skynet will be destroyed.
@RMartinhoFernandes I am having another confusion with SFINAE in that code ideone.com/RzQ3s
@keithlayne the first version is fairly old, yes. V5 is from 2000 or something. Anyway, it works, and it solves a complicated problem
@RMartinhoFernandes template<typename T> byte test(int (T::*));

now suppose T is an empty class *class bara{};* , why does this works?, I meanclass *bara* doesn't have any pointer to *int* inside that , so c++ shouldn't select my second member function template?
@keithlayne to be fair... you could say that about a lot of things
@jalf In a complicated manner!
@RMartinhoFernandes is there any other manner? ;)
@jalf polite
anyway, it's widely used, it's just that you usually don't see it much
Also, from what I heard (a few minutes ago), yours doesn't work :P
Windows uses it for domain logon
yeah a lot of things are old...like yer mom :P
@RMartinhoFernandes Yup, I inherited our kerberos code a few days ago and so far, it just baffles me
@FreakEnum That only means there are no possible values of type int (T::*), other than null.
The type is still valid.
@jalf aren't you supposed to wear pointy shoes when you mess with kerberos?
and don't forget your wand
And safety hats.
maybe that's what I'm doing wrong
oh yeah, what good is a safety hat if you don't do the safety dance?
shit that's gonna be stuck in my head all day now
wizard day for @keithlayne
there was a dude in here last night that was even more annoying than me
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm sooo stupid (overlooked the tiny constructs) , Thanks again :)
Kerrek was (I thought, at least) openly mocking him. I was rofl. Dude didn't realize it.
but I made like the best quantum computer joke ever, and it got no love, so I cried myself to sleep.
sigh... openGL why do make it so hard
@RMartinhoFernandes VS10 behaves better than g++ on the lambda we were talking about earlier:
> "a lambda that has been specified to have a void return type cannot return a value"
with default compiler flags
Oh, that doesn't surprise me at all. g++ errors/warnings suck big time.
It's just that my brain is already wired to decypher them.
well, it's the lack of error that bugs me
I compile with -Werror, so the distinction between error/warning is lost on me :P
no sense worrying about it, probably already fixed though
doesn't -pedantic-errors supercede -Werror?
Only for the -pedantic ones.
so -pedantic-errors doesn't imply -Wall -Werror -and-then-even-more-shit?
Why are you trying to make sense of g++'s flags?
They're not supposed to.
-and-then-even-more-shit is an easter egg flag that transports you to another reality
g++ is one big pile of crap. It also happens that it's the only pile of anything that can compile my heavily C++11'ed code.
Is it undefined behavior if a function with non-void return type doesn't have a return statement? I can't understand why this is merely a warning on GCC.
what a coincidence
apparently the inverse is true for gcc as well, at least for lambdas
A: Reset Wordpress password via SQL?

Vinoton Antoi forgot my wordpress password, this is my old encryption pass [ $P$BiDhZDpt7OKtiFA4lcUTYb1mUABJYK0 ] which format this? how to find the decryption password?

This is so...
Pick an adjective.
It's a puzzle created by the CIA. If you solve it, you get a job.
BTW, if you unhash it the password is "Jack Bauer"
@RMartinhoFernandes flamboyant
Less than one hundred questions before the 100kth question!
@RMartinhoFernandes What happens then? Free ice cream?
What? You don't think one more digit is good enough?
Not as good as ice cream
Ice cream is good
Here's a nickel then. Buy yourself some ice cream.
thank you kind robot
@Pubby You're welcome. For your politeness I promise you won't be first against the wall.
I get to choose who goes up against the wall
Why would that be?
The -Wall told me my code stunk :(
obviously, because if you disagree, I will simply reprogram you until you do agree
nah, I'll code in the backdoor well before hand
@RMartinhoFernandes what does author means by "Type function" (I understand his codes but theory is eluding me) , can you tell me in easy sentence please?
Possibly a metafunction that produces a type.
Like template <typename T> struct make_const { typedef T const type; }
@RMartinhoFernandes aah,(that word is author made , right? ) thanks
when it comes to openGL questions... am I better asking on SO or should I use the gamedev site? it just seems so quite over there
SO is always better for asking questions.
@StackedCrooked it does seem that way ¬_¬
depends on whether you want answers from programmers or from wannabe game designers
should I just copy my question from GD, or link too it? I am thinking that copying it as a fresh question (with a link from GD to SO)
@jalf lol, settles it really :P
I'd just ask the question anew, tbh, with no reference to the original
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, but silence... I guess I am used to SO getting things solved
Reference the original and you get "WHY DID YOU ASK AGAIN".
@RMartinhoFernandes true that
I wish /gamedev was game design based, it seems like everything there is programming based
shh... don't tell any one :P
@Pubby I am fairly sure there IS a game design as well as game dev
I recently learned how train wheels stay on their tracks.
Pretty ingenious.
@Pubby may be not...
@StackedCrooked meh, I care not for ingenuity. I love the word, FLANGE
@Pubby I argued for that back when it was created
Seems kind of obvious, doesn't it, that sites should be grouped by profession/skillset, rather than common interest. A site for programming makes sense, and a site for game design makes sense
but a site for "everyone who have an interest in some kind of game development is a goddamn stupid idea
and yet that's what they ended up with
@jalf true, is it programming, 2d art, 3d art, music, folly etc. etc.
Although game design isn't a huge topic - I bet it would struggle to get questions
Q: Error when trying to use VBO "array vertex_buffer_object must be disabled to call this method"

thecoshmanI am currently stuck trying to get some vertex data drawing from VBOs I keep getting caught with the following exception: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" javax.media.opengl.GLException: array vertex_buffer_object must be disabled to call this method I will refrain from posting all ...

just in case any one here is a secret openGL ninja!
As is, it doesn't make any of the questions asked there off-topic on SO, right?
@thecoshman exactly. If I've got a 3d modelling question, I don't see why game designers or programmers need to see it. And if I'm doing game programming, why clutter up a site that artists are trying to use with my questions?
That kinda makes the site harmful.
yep. But the process for creating new sites is broken, so we get harmful sites
I do think SA might have gone a bit mad with all these alt sites
What's the official stance on en.cppreference.com/w/cpp ? Does it suck less or more than cplusplus.com/reference ?
the chat is the worst part. I think all the SA sites should share a common chat system. Apart this one room I have not really seen any decent numbers on any of the other rooms
@thecoshman I think the PHP and javascript rooms are reasonably popular too
@rubenvb I prefer cplusplus, although that one is more up to date and more concise
@rubenvb not sure about official, but I always used cplusplus.com
I've had many high-rep users bash cplusplus.com for incorrectness
@awoodland so three rooms...
I wish the XMPP interface to chat was actually usable though so I don't have to permanently run a browser
That's why I'd thought I'd ask
@rubenvb They're right.
cplusplus is known to be inaccurate and otherwise plain wrong
@rubenvb I think it is a nicer site to use, but I cant really comment on correctness. is it not open for edits?
I thought cplusplus was wiki style
No, that's the other one.
and what about cppreference? It was very incomplete last time I checked two months ago, but all the gaps seem to be filled in
I just hit MSDN
I did suggest a while back that SO should sort out some sort of wiki. Would be great for linking from the wiki to example questions and from questions to FAQ wiki pages
MSDN is very incomplete. It only mentions those bits MSVC actually implements, and then tries to convince you those features aren't broken
@DeadMG seriously :O
I thought msdn was more of a C# thing
no, MSDN is a reference for all Microsoft development
half the time they push .net stuff in your face
including C++
I just hit the standard.
@DeadMG i you mean C++.NET then year
MS view of C++ is very twisted
no, they have references for native C++ as well
and the extensions are clearly listed
I also find the site insanely awkward to use. I could never find what I was after
one positive thing: MSDN points you to SO.com if it can't find what you're looking for :)
I usually find std::string or something a perfectly fine search term
@rubenvb really? sweet
I recall MSDN being helpful std streams. The other sites didn't cover them very well
it is probably just the way I use the search function, my friends is able to find things straight away.
Oh, how could I miss a "I suck" message from DeadMG! Starring it right now.
huh... seems I was being a bit retarded earlier... stack exchange would abbreviate to SE... not SA
@rubenvb can you give an example of it trying to "convince you those features aren't broken"?
@jalf: every MSVC reference mentions decltype to work, while it doesn't (I've brought this up before), mostly in templates.
they only have decltype where you could just as easily use auto, in effect
is it broken compared to the final standard, or compared to the draft available when they implemented it?
@jalf don't know for sure. decltype got lots of upgrades. Still, should be mentioned that the behavior might not be conformant IMHO
anyway, I don't trust any online C++ reference. Useful for looking up simple specific stuff, like the signature of some library function. Past that, I don't trust any of them
@jalf I don't know if this kind of thing was in the earlier drafts, but this is an example of broken decltype: connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/696201/…
It does well to be rejected. It's not valid C++11.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, tell Howard Hinnant that.
He wrote it and says it is
You can't define std::nullptr_t!
It's undefined behaviour.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's code from libc++, it has to be somewhere
To be honest it doesn't have to be anywhere.
As in, code from Standard library headers.
Headers are not required to be C++ source files.
well, I don't know any (common) compilers that define std::nullptr_t internallly
(But yeah, that code should compile.)
no, it shouldn't
the user code used __identifier, which is illegal
@DeadMG Dammit, that is implementation code.
@RMartinhoFernandes You wouldn't #include a car would you!?
@DeadMG Again, this is not "user code". It's standard library code. Stop bitching about details.
oh, I didn't see that
And MSVC doesn't really care about reserved identifiers.
@RMartinhoFernandes it adds a bunch of cruft, which is harmful when code wasn't written knowing about those identifiers
@StackedCrooked If it didn't pollute my files with stuff I didn't #include, I would.
@rubenvb Sure, but it doesn't actually care if you write int __this_is_my_fucking_identifier_and_you_cannot_do_anything_to_stop_me_you_stupid_‌​compiler;.
I wouldn't mind if it did, but...
ah, well, true. I don't know of a compiler that does.
Should be simple warning to write, really
The rules are pretty clear.
I should have added a GUID to identifier, just to make sure it's not used in the standard library ;)
what's up?
Well done.
Where do I vote up?
SO has broken me.
if you know any Clang bigshots, you could add them to the CC list :p
I'm on a roll today :)
reporting bugs/enhancements like a bawss
@rubenvb how is the compiler supposed to distinguish between "user" and "implementation" code?
@jalf: the implementation build system can disable the warning, really easily...
as in -wno-reserved-identifiers
@rubenvb but say I include a standard library header
which internally uses these implementation-defined names, as it is allowed to
uhu. Not as easy to implement as I thought, but still, a compiler should know where an identifier is declared or a macro is defined IMHO.
knowing where it's declared is easy. But does that solve the problem?
@jalf GCC, for example knows how to treat implementation headers specially.
It even has a flag that you can use to give your code the same treatment.
@RMartinhoFernandes how can it tell them apart? Does it look at where the files are located, or are the file contents annotated with some attribute?
Btw, someone recommended CrashProgramRandomly. stackoverflow.com/a/8398976/46642
@jalf I think it's the location.
But there's also a #pragma.
ah yes, forgot all about that pragma :)
In this case, nothing would be required of GCC to avoid the warning in system headers.
System headers don't generate warnings anyway.
Just add it, and it works!
same for Clang, it also has the same pragma IIRC
Oh, a rollback war!
Didn't know the system detected these.
In C is _X where X is capital reserved?
No idea. I summed up my view of those rules the other day.
@Pubby yup
anything that starts with underscore-capital-letter, or contains a double underscore
as well as anything that starts with an underscore and is in the global namespace
oh hang on
sorry, didn't notice you asked about C specifically
afaik, the rules are much the same there (modulo the namespace part)
I was asking because of this:
Q: 2d array in Struct - C -

user943369Im trying to assign a array to my letter.charData but i get this error: IntelliSense: expression must be a modifiable lvalue Im trying to add my array arr to letter.charData Thanks in advance! struct _Letter{ char character; int width; int charData[8][5]; }; typedef struct _Lett...

Naming your variable _DEBUG or _WIN32 is fine as long as it isn't global?
not really
those will get macro expanded
Just kidding.
How is _ and __ treated? Can I use those as identifiers?
I don't really understand why the standard only disallows leading underscores for global names.
@Pubby _ should be okay, __ technically starts with two underscores, and thus is reserved IMHO
yeah, I believe that _Capital is reserved, and nothing else
and then __identifier
the global namespace underscore reservation is also valid in C
apparently I missed that
Hmm, could morse code literals work if __ was allowed?
why would you want to use __ to start a a name... it looks god awful
no, because you'd need to define ___
and, indeed, ____ and _____
That would be enough.
Morse doesn't need more than five consecutive dashes.
(Well, I'm hoping there isn't Unicode Morse.)
How come that eating a sandwich at your desk makes your desk greasy? Does it emanate greasy air?
You eat greasy sandwiches?
Not really.
would help if you didn't grease your sandwhich
try turkey instead
I bought it at the butcher.
must be veal grease then
veally greasy
Hm, could a C++ implementation have a byte be 1 bit?
char needs to be big enough to hold a UTF-8 code unit.
can't be 7 bits then?
@RMartinhoFernandes Didn't realize that was mandated anywhere in the Standard
@DeadMG It is. (At least in C++11).
What if my computer only has 4 bits? Does that mean sizeof(char) is 1, but really 2?
Also, here's a nickel. Buy a better computer.
but I like my digi-comp-1 :(
considering that I've been awake for 21 hours
how long you think I need to wait to go to bed so that I definitely wake up tomorrow
Define tomorrow.
Would 00:00:01 count?
not really
I'd prefer 5am or later
Dunno. I find most people have difficulty sleeping for more than a certain length of time, regardless of previous non-sleeping.
sure, but I think my record is like 18 hours
although I guess that if I wake up at 4am tomorrow morning, it'll be too cold to get out of bed
If it were me, I'd wait until 18-19.
goddamn circadian rhythm
Well, you can't fix it with a hammer. It takes time and effort.
I know
the problem is that I keep having to put in said effort, and it keeps resetting itself to being awake say, 6pm-10am instead of 6am-10pm
Once I got out of my job, I let mine go completely haywire again.
@DeadMG Needs more effort! Perhaps you don't exert yourself enough during the day?
ahem, at all
I have nowhere I want to go and nothing I want to do
I'm pretty sure you get less sleepy if you just sit around doing nothing.
And mental tiredness also counts.
no, you just never properly wake up
Something else that works is boring yourself to death.
oh I do that all the time
usually between 3am and 6-7am
it's too cold for me to focus properly
I just watch music videos over and over on repeat for an hour
several hours, even
I figure that I'm gonna hit the sack now
just ate way too many cookies and not gonna achieve anything for a while
Ok, good luck with waking up when you want to.
@StackedCrooked mutton laugh at these puns

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