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12:00 AM
@Borgleader Not mine, just a dirty picture on the internet.
Not like any dirty picture on the internet I've ever seen
You disgrace
@R.MartinhoFernandes I read about alternatives to Linq-To-Sql in @JonSkeet's book, but I don't recall a direct replacement.
Someone here recently posted an SO question (I think one that they wrote) about fibonacci numbers via iterators.
I ... need food
Anybody remember that question?
12:03 AM
we dont ask questions on SO, we answer them.
namespace FirstSolution.Repositories
    public class NHibernateHelper
        private static ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
        private static ISessionFactory SessionFactory
                if(_sessionFactory == null)
                    var configuration = new Configuration();
                    _sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
@Jefffrey hi
I'm back also
ow, seriously?
Nevermind, I found it.
Q: Another even Fibonacci numbers implementation

Jerry CoffinThis is intended as something of a comparative study. I'm including not just one, but two separate implementations of code to implement the Project Euler problem to sum the even Fibonacci numbers up to 4,000,000. The first is a very C-like implementation. The second attempts to make much more use...

12:04 AM
Weird. I thought it was Jerry and looked at his profile but didn't see it.
I fail.
@chmod711telkitty Here, have some mozzarella cheeseballs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay--fair enough.
> An ISessionFactory is usually only built once, e.g. at startup inside Application_Start event handler. This also means you should not keep it in an instance variable in your ASP.NET pages, but in some other location. Furthermore, we need some kind of Singleton, so we can access the ISessionFactory easily in application code.
@caps It was on CodeReview instead of SO.
I think I signed away my soul on that employment contract.
12:09 AM
How so?
Did you get a good deal out of it?
our primary production app uses NHibernate.
@LucDanton Dunno. I think I just rented it out.
Now I can't figure out how to get out of Alexandria in a ferry.
12:12 AM
what game are you playing, nobot
@Puppy did you read it?
It's the freaking Mediterranean.
@Ell Yes.
@Puppy Oh. I'm just googling a round-the-world route.
For... fun.
I'm bored. I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes At least your not board (still plastic, apparently).
12:13 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Put the ferry on wheels.
Or get the bus out, I suppose.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Might be too large to get a ferry across.
> There is now a brand new ferry set to sail its maiden voyage in May 2010 from Venice to Alexandria. Although schedules are yet to be published, the jouney should take approximately three days and will be the only Europe to Egypt ferry in operation.
yay I used mocks
I find this incredibly surprising.
I don't know how big the Med is, but I think that the bits that are not near Spain are pretty big.
12:14 AM
I leveled up my unit testing skill today
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ferries are being killed by planes and rental cars.
Joking aside, I do as well. Are there still ferries across the Channel?
there are, but they're declining.
@Puppy I was hoping something like Alexandria-Cyprus-Rhodes-Crete-Greece
@LucDanton the english channel?
12:15 AM
@Ell You can’t have it!
fact in, ferries only really work when you're not travelling that far on either end, because you have to drive off, and they don't move that fast.
@LucDanton Pas de Calais, you mean.
flying is superior in most cases.
unless you're desperate not to rent a vehicle locally once you arrive
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh I once took a ferry nowhere near Calais
12:16 AM
I don't know when I'd take the ferry
It’s longer, and thus boringer. Would not recommend.
I think there are ferries from Britain to Amsterdam.
yeah there are ferries that aren't from dover also
If we drive, we take the channel tunnel
when I crossed the Channel as a child, we used the Chunnel
Certain areas of the Mediterranean are bustling with ferries, but Egypt is just inaccessible.
I guess I'll try getting to Tunis or maybe even Tangier, then Gibraltar.
12:18 AM
it's not that close to anywhere you might want to go.
go go Gibraltar.
Maybe Port Said.
oh cocknuggets, I'm shipping back home tomorrow and I totally forgot to prepare.
I mean, the Suez is fucking important, no?
12:19 AM
I'll have to do it in the morning before work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only for commercial shipping.
Some freighters take passengers (one of things I learned with this exercise). I already covered a few steps with those.
I thought the whole point of Suez is that they don't stop there and instead carry on.
Oh. There's Alexandria-Heraklion, apparently. That's perfect.
Oh. Cargo only.
Gibraltar it is.
> The Louis Travel passenger ship from Cyprus is no longer in service. A cargo boat accepting passengers travels to Port Said from Mesrin (Turkey) as of May 2012.
Not useful.
Oct 16 at 2:05, by chmod 711 telkitty
people who say they are quitting usually will come back, it is the people who quit without saying anything that sometimes disappear for eternity ... as long as e-communities are concerned that is ...
another of my predictions came true
Yeah, right.
When you phrase everything in terms of "usually" and "sometimes", it's easy.
12:26 AM
what if instead of splitting code by server/client/etc, you split it by functionality?
that makes more sense to me.
@Puppy I guess the whole "not go around fucking Africa" bit might also be important.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's what I meant. They go through Suez as fast as possible.
@Puppy you do both surely?
@Puppy But they save so much time they can't spare a few hours :P
@Ell Right, but I meant in terms of folders.
12:29 AM
Oh I see
so right now, you kinda have Server/Controllers/XController, Server/Dtos/XDto, Client/Scripts/X.ts, etc.
@R.MartinhoFernandes more importantly do go around fucking every girl in africa :P unless you want to become R. Martebola Fernandes
so I'm thinking instead you just have X/Controller, X/Dto, X/View, etc.
yum beer
haven't had one in what, 2 days?
that's a long time
Rebola. Martebola Fernandeboles
12:33 AM
yes, I too can insert the word "ebola" into other words.
@Ell Rebol
I just like halved the perceived web browsing latency
Getting from Egypt back to Europe is not as easy as I expected.
nobody likes Egypt.#
12:35 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you planning a trip?
Why? It looks like a nice place
Visas to travel through Libya are hard to obtain.
I noticed you talking about places that could kill you today too
@AlexM. Yes, I am technically planning one, but I'm not taking it.
It's already four months long and I stopped tracking the travel fares at 5000 euros.
12:37 AM
there's a nice offer for a trip at work (in March) but I'm not sure I should take it
Argh, the only way is through Turkey, but I already passed through that.
it's a 7 day trip in the Alps for skiing and all kinds of other included shit, for 280 eur
but I can't ski for shit
and I'm sure that going there to take (free) lessons wouldn't be that fun
@AlexM. You have seven days to learn!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Traveling salesmen problems are always so hard to solve
@AlexM. It will if you film it and post here.
12:38 AM
yeah, seven days to fall on my butt
Ooooh, I can cheat.
@AlexM. Yep, funny.
also there are some parties included there
I went east through the Bosphorus, but now I can head west through the Dardanelles.
but my idea of a party has dwarves and elves in it
and at least one rogue
@R.MartinhoFernandes Even if you don't it can be easy. Heard about a weatherman; at his retirement party he proudly proclaimed that he'd accurately predicted every storm in the area for over 30 years. Apparently forgot to mention that he predicted storms every day, no matter how nice the weather was.
12:39 AM
Cheating it is.
fuck I hate getting up for work.
I hope it is feasible to go through Israel and stuff.
@AlexM. Doesn't take that long to learn to ski. Little kids are usually skiing on their own before the end of the first day. People who stay in ski lessons a whole week are mostly 40-something year-olds doing it to chase their buff, young ski instructor.
no no nooo
12:41 AM
I read an article about allocators on Dr Dobbs, only when I was done did I realize it was from 2000 =/
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of Camera Uploads.zip or
        Camera Uploads.zip.zip, and cannot find Camera Uploads.zip.ZIP, period.
@Borgleader That's all right. It's undoubtedly for one of those backward languages like C++ that never change...
balls. it seems my photos are lost
oh wait. I think the error isn't that bad
maybe some can be recovered
@JerryCoffin buff young ski instructors?
well now
@Ell does that include the oktoberfest girl you mentioned a while back? :P
12:44 AM
@Borgleader yes :'(
bummer :(
@AlexM. Ready to sign up yet?
I'll give it some thought
maybe I can even make a friend tag along or something
@Borgleader How convenient.
Oh right.
Fucking Syria.
Leaving Africa without a plane is fucked up.
When you new[] stuff, do all compilers shove the array size right before the memory chunk? Are there downsides to making that behavior standard?
12:51 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then use a plane?
@Borgleader Only when T has a non-trivial destructor IIRC
@Borgleader it takes a couple more bytes than you requested maybe
@Fanael No, that's against the rules.
fuck, Far Cry 3 is 5 eur on Steam but I can't buy it now
@R.MartinhoFernandes What rules?
12:52 AM
The ones that I chose.
Oh, so you're a masochist.
I need a longer way around the Arabian Peninsula.
@Fanael Why is the behavior different if its a trivial destructor?
@Borgleader The number is worthless in that case. There's no use for it.
Wouldnt delete[] need it?
12:55 AM
What for?
@Borgleader What for? That number is used only to tell how many destructors to call.
oh wait, trivial destructors dont do shit, so you can just free the block?
i see thanks
12:56 AM
I was just wondering because, having it there all the time would allow standard behavior for getting the length of an array
Is there any dns server performance comparison?
fuck you for losing a load of my photos drop box!
There's history.
@Fanael Google DNS and OpenDNS are the only way to go. And there's not much difference either.
Good morning.
Dropbox saves 30 days of history.
12:58 AM
30 days isn't enough :(
I assumed the zip file would be fine
@MarkGarcia I mean BIND vs Unbound vs dnsmasq vs the Microsoft crap vs whatever
What? You lost them more than 30 days ago?
I guess that was p stupid of me
@R.MartinhoFernandes I downloaded a zip of them all and only just unpacked them
WTF happened, actually?
so the zip was corrupt
1:00 AM
@Fanael Welp, good for you to try to know of those things. As long as those two don't go down, I'm at peace.
but because I've only just tried to unpack it
I've only just found out, and dropbox doesn't have my files anymore
Ok, Iraq is not an option.
@Ell Oh. lol.
Well done.
Argh, I'll figure this out tomorrow.
I lost all my zurich trip photos :(
@Ell So pay its bribe and get your pictures.
1:03 AM
Why would you put the pictures in a zip anyway?
lol yeah why?
@R.MartinhoFernandes to save space~~~
@R.MartinhoFernandes when you download a folder on dropbox it does that
1:04 AM
@Borgleader The mere fact of wasting 5 whole minutes writing requirements for new[] is clearly a downside.
Maybe they're BMPs.
@Ell Wait.
Then download it again?
I deleted them
Basically it went like this
1:05 AM
I was running out of space on my dropbox
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah
I hate myself
@JerryCoffin I looked there. I just didn't look far enough down the list sorted by up-votes.
@caps So you're saying it deserves more upvotes?
@MarkGarcia I'm running BIND atm because that's the only thing I know
1:07 AM
I'll ask on travel.se.
@JerryCoffin Not necessarily. But for some reason I assumed it would be visible on the top 4.
wait a minute guys. I still have the photos on my phone
well still fuck you dropbox I'm never trusting you to make a .zip ever agian
@Ell show pics or it didnt happen
1:10 AM
@Ell lesson learned: do backups
@Fanael lol what an irony.
@JerryCoffin Well I'm trying to understand how it all works, for... reasons
@Fanael I thought dropbox was the backup?
@AlexM. he said backups
dropbox was one
1:11 AM
@MarkGarcia Actually his mistake was that he downloaded the backup, and deleted it from the cloud before verifying the download.
I have my pics on dropbox too
@Ell Ever planned to use other services? Dropbox is lagging behind.
mainly because of dropbox's camera upload feature
@Borgleader No, it was none.
He deleted the backup to save space.
1:12 AM
it's a folder full of pizza pictures
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah. Was about to say s/backups/not be an idiot/
@Borgleader How it works is carefully not specified, beyond the veiled permissions that it can allocate an arbitrary amount of extra space, and the address it returns is not required to be equal to the address of the beginning of the chunk it got from ::operator new.
@Borgleader you really want to see the barmaid don't you? :P
@MarkGarcia But if you do backups, you can afford to be an idiot.
@Fanael Yes indeed
1:13 AM
@Ell Your fault, you said she was hot :P
@Fanael Not if your idiocy involves deleting said backups.
@Fanael Then "not be an idiot on the cloud".
@Borgleader No, about 20°.
@Borgleader she was :P
I need an idiot proof backup service
ie my phone should automatically upload photos and never let me delete them
@Ell Every time we idiot-proof things, the universe builds a more complete idiot, and it fails.
1:14 AM
@Ell Remove the idiot. Removing the backup clearly didn't work.
@Ell That is, she is not anymore?
@JerryCoffin Hmm, I can see good use cases for the extra latitude (wrt to space and starting address)
@Fanael Idk, I'm guessing she still is :P
Maybe I'll post the photo
@Ell Continually write to an SSD the same data at the same cells (assuming you manage to access them). Aaaaand the data's all there in read-only mode.
@Borgleader new[] has pretty much no use cases.
1:15 AM
@Ell You'll just have to go back to the same place and drink more there again. Breaks your heart, I can tell, but it's your duty to the lounge.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "pretty much"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mostly because C++ arrays are retarded, but good containers reduce that a lot.
so why does it even exist
@MarkGarcia what would you recommend ?
@Borgleader Are you implying that you'd use new[] to implement a container?
@Fanael Because it existed before decent ways to do things had been invented, and can't be removed for reasons of backward compatibility.
@JerryCoffin No but raw array usage would be marginally better if they werent stupidly implemented as they are now. IIRC even Bjarne said something along the lines of "c++ arrays are such dumb containers, they don't even know how many elements they've got"
1:19 AM
@Ell I use OneDrive. Came with the OS. Never had a problem. Also I have 30 GB, which is already a lot for me. I tried Google Drive before, but switched to OneDrive when I used Windows 8. I don't remember having a problem with it either.
HTTP is really unreliable for large downloads.
@Borgleader But actual arrays do (and they even let you use their size when you want it). It's only that blob of crap that you get from new[] that really doesn't know its own size.
@JerryCoffin I have actually downloaded this
I am considering paying for it
@JerryCoffin Right, well the point of learning the c++ machinery was to not repeat that mistake
@Ell I suppose I should include a disclaimer: I personally know one of the guys who helped build this (but I honestly do respect him as a coder...)
@Borgleader Fair enough, I guess. I'm not sure you need to study new[] in a lot of detail to avoid its mistakes though.
Well I'm looking at memory allocation machinery in general, i was reading about allocators this morning, and i also want to understand more about allocating pinned memory for doing things like letting your GPU access it, and i left myself a note to look at what the hell "different address spaces" is and what it allows
1:27 AM
Different one dimensional coordinate spaces :P
and on a different note, i need to look at why you cant overload operator. in c++
@Ell What about 0D (dimensionless) spaces such as radians?
@Borgleader There is no real "why" beyond "the standard doesn't allow it". There was a proposal to allow it (and work roughly similarly to operator->), but the proposal was rejected.
How do I disable DNS cache in Chrome?
@Fanael Unless you're talking about ChromeOS, Chrome itself doesn't (shouldn't) do DNS caching. That's handled by the IP stack in the OS.
@JerryCoffin Cool, I always thought it would be useful for making better proxy types.
1:30 AM
@JerryCoffin All major browsers do their own DNS caching IIRC
@Fanael If you're in Windows, I think it uses the one on Windows. ^^ Jerry's
@Fanael I've never seen evidence of any doing so (on Windows, Linux, or MacOS).
@JerryCoffin In Chrome, chrome://net-internals/#dns is a decent evidence.
For most DNS problems, you only need to flush the OS DNS cache. If you're benchmarking DNSs perhaps, then measure, flush, and so on.
@JerryCoffin radians are dimensionless?
1:35 AM
@Ell So I've heard (from a math professor or two).
@Fanael Okay.
@MarkGarcia I'm trying to disable it because there's no point in DNS caching at browser level when localhost is the DNS server
Ah well you're probably ruining some programmer's assumption somewhere...
1:54 AM
@MarkGarcia Only yo momma has a bigger ass(umption) than that.

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