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5:00 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeaah, I guess the idea that you'll get fired might make you take on bad offers
interviewing also scares me shitless so there's that
just to be safe
Interviewing is so much effort
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh, if that happens, I'll finally have an excuse to take that six-month sabbatical I've thought about.
(No, it's not that round-the-world trip I mentioned here)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's always been my view. Though, as explored earlier, that'd be a bit of a challenge right now :(
5:00 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes no offense to @LightnessRacesinOrbit but you're in a completely different position. If you get fired you could tweet about it and have a job the next day.
I'd hire Robot to be my kitchen robot
FWIW I wouldn't struggle within my field. I'm in a niche market and not not well known
What? @R.MartinhoFernandes is a more acknowledged programmer than you. He has articles and a bigger online presence.
Not everything is about online presence
5:01 PM
yes, but you see
lightness has hot avatars
I don't think you'd struggle. I think you're a highly competent developer and the world is full of bad developers.
Notice that I didn't disagree; I just pointed out that it was charming
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lightness races in orbit
imagine the face of a recruiter realizing that lightness doesn't really have boobs
5:02 PM
he's way above online presence :P
I just think interviewing is a very important skill to have, and that it's worth having.
Completely agree
I agree, but its annoying
Especially since you didn't get a a raise in 3 years. Maybe you're making a shitton of money already though.
One per month is infeasible, though, and doing it at all is something I do try to actively avoid, no matter how much I agree with you :)
5:03 PM
I don't want to go through more interviews
however, I constantly keep in touch with people via whom I could get a job
I'm too lazy to interview though
same here
@BenjaminGruenbaum If it weren't for the fact that we're just now getting into the guns of a project that's potentially very profitable and which has propelled me firmly into the limelight over here, I'd have seriously considered leaving this year
As it is, I'm giving it some more time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the alternative is to go to conventions and meetups. We have those. Generally I've noticed that the conventions here are not attended by the best developers except the large international ones.
I don't really do anything "in the scene" outside of work. Probably should.
conventions are expensive
5:05 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hold a talk at cppcon
What're you talking about? StackOverflow is certainly something "in the scene" outside of work.
Ok other than Stack Overflow
that vittorio romeo guy did one
also, fuck, even Ubisoft's singletonstorers were taken seriously
I don't code anymore outside of work, or rarely code. I'll a watch a video or something about code stuffs though
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the problem is that since you don't interview - you don't really have a strong idea of how much money you're worth today. You could be making double, or you could quit and not get as good of an offer.
5:06 PM
I have a very poor idea
That actually came up here before when I did start interviewing early last summer. But it never went anywhere anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum But interviewing to get to the point where someone offers you a salary is quite a lot of work
I'd only do that if I was seriously considering changing job
@BenjaminGruenbaum I still wouldn't. I think the really important difference is that I am in a comfortable financial situation and can easily survive six months without a salary without any striking differences in the way I live. Lightness, as he has made obvious, isn't in the same position.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know a lot of people who said that and then got a job the next month at google or another large company :P
which is quite spectacular really
you must be rolling in it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've told Google to fuck off enough times already.
5:08 PM
@TonyTheLion I consider it educational, just like I spend time learning new languages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so have I, still they can make offers you can't refuse.
What if they let you work 20 hours a week and on anything you want?
Like what? Offer me souls?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He doesn't have a car for one thing, which I think would make a significant impact on the amount you can save each month
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I just have savings and my expenses are not too high (the two are correlated) :|
@TonyTheLion ooh, blimey
@R.MartinhoFernandes jel
I had that once upon a time
and shall get there again ;p
honestly, it was that year with that bitch what screwed me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit she made you buy all sorts of expensive gifts for her?
5:15 PM
@TonyTheLion she "made me" buy a house, buy an expensive ring, go on an expensive holiday, then left leaving me to pay for all the furnishings and bills on my own
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :(
Thanks discourse
Jeff must really hate duplicates
probably the effect of SO
@Jefffrey Dicsource FTW.
My nose is bleeding again.
I'm scared.
I shouldn't have joked about nose cancer.
@Jefffrey That's actually a thing?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dicsource? Yes.
Didn't really see anyone use it.
5:25 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Go visit the doctor
@BenjaminGruenbaum It actually sucks.
Despite what Jeff and all the fanboys say.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We do
@R.MartinhoFernandes I tried to use it once and it was not a pleasent experience.
@Jefffrey what for?
Dicsource is like, the MSVC of forum software.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nomic.loungecpp.net
5:26 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nomic
Which is not a type of question you can ask on Stackoverflow: Yours. — Borgleader 10 secs ago
@TonyTheLion Herpes or hairpiece is down. :(
wut, I managed to spew 30.6k messages here so far
> can any one tell me about imperative predicative and impredicative polymorphism
5:35 PM
Q: Moving reputation from Meta Stack Exchange to Stack Overflow

eweI want to know how to move reputation from Meta Stack Exchange to Stack Overflow. Is there any way to do that?

^^ I don't get it. OP has no rep on MSE.
yeah that's what hit me
I have ~0.5 of that
It's... almost, but not quite, entirely unlike that.
Is this a new feature?
Because it never happened before but now it's all over the place, of course being wrong as fuck.
I have never ever seen a discotoast that wasn't just flat-out stupid or wrong or annoying or any combination of the above.
ok weekend wat do
5:39 PM
I need a quasar.
@Jefffrey Here it clearly goes by title similarity (and nothing else!), but in mine it goes by reasons.
Oh, I see.
5:45 PM
Also relevant (not) youtube.com/…
are you ok?
Been a long time since you mentioned those
inb4 "I shouldn't have joked about going crazy"
@TonyTheLion Been a while since I played BL2, actually.
5:50 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes ohh that's the origin of that term?
People butthurt about the fact that "Are we human or are we dancer?" should be "Are we human or are we dancers?".
@Jefffrey Except it shouldn't be. You've missed the point of the lyric just like everyone else. So that's kind of amusing.
grammar nazies
but what if we all form one entity from another perspective
it's a philosophical lyric
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Enlighten me.
5:53 PM
The quote from the frontman makes it clear that someone in his life had used "dancer" in a disparaging way, and he chose to make that a faux-species. Are we humans, or dancers? vs Are we human, or dancer? Like "dancer" were a race. It's what happens when you take edgy witticisms way too far.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My life finally makes sense now
@TonyTheLion nice question btw
5:58 PM
TIL what Johnny Cash looks like and I've recognized him from a Columbo episode.
In which he interprets the murderer.
What about Johnny Cage?
@TonyTheLion Yes youtube.com/…
@R.MartinhoFernandes hehe
I can recite some of those lines by heart :|
Might have played too long.
> My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
it must be getting raw
6:12 PM
hm, hungry
I should fix that
@Xeo Fixed here. Fish, chips and peas.
Bread, butter, salt.
@Xeo Nah - I'm on a diet.
6:20 PM
I should update my steam logo... it's like the only thing left not using my beautiful mug shot
@R.MartinhoFernandes Knaeckebrot, to be specific
@MartinJames on who's orders :P
@thecoshman I have to travel on Tuesday. If I don't lose another 2kg, Ryanair will slap a 50€ surcharge on my seat.
Ryanair are like that
6:23 PM
@MartinJames would you stop being such a tight arse :P
@thecoshman Hey! That's 20 large beers!
@MartinJames Seriously?
> Therapeutic Oxygen Reservation Fee: -per flight
> Not Available Online
> €50 / £50
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, not really. I am off for a conference, but I won't get an overweight surcharge. It would just be kinda nice to fit in the seat:)
@MartinJames Are you a fatso?
You vould know if you had been at the Unconference.
6:31 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit More than I would like. I'm not actually obese, just.... annoyingly and uncharacteristically gravitationally-challenged.
This is my second beer-free day. I'm making enormous sacrifices..
Did you hit the scotch?
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol no. NO alcohol for 2 days. I'm still here..
Getting a monad.
Yeah, right.
As if anyone would believe that
It's true, I tell you!
wow a hot girl pic here..
6:34 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit huge
I had no alcohol since last Saturday.
@thecoshman :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, probably was enough to keep you drunk for a fair while :P
@MartinJames Technically gravity pulls you down the same as the rest of us
WTF is it with all these dumbasses talking about LRiO's avatar?
6:35 PM
@Mr_Green Thanks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where?
@R.MartinhoFernandes boooobs
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The acceleration is the same, the force is not.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, but bigger people have more for their legs.
6:36 PM
I've seen a bunch of them ever since you came back.
@MartinJames use it
The force is with me.
It's strong in this one.
@thecoshman kinda.
@MartinJames Granted
@rightføld haha welcome :)
I always saw you as a slim gentleman.
it is done! The phenix is no more
Have I to actually look at that avatar now?
@thecoshman Let's just hope tonight doesn't end the same.
@MartinJames o_0 you don't use Steam
@R.MartinhoFernandes you on phone?
6:38 PM
@Mr_Green Thanks.
@thecoshman I have an account, but don't use it much.
ah, explains your ad-hoc responses
I'm waiting for my monad and then I'm going to that whisky bar I took you guys after the slivovica or however you spell that.
Certain people will be there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes TBH, can't remember if I was there or not.
6:40 PM
I wonder why.
@robot Do you have a conversation here with your gripes with Boost.Range?
@R.MartinhoFernandes he wasn't
Did we get him to the hotel before?
I think I may have died by then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They missed me.
6:43 PM
@rightføld was that a dick that flashes after the mime/living statue guy??
I don't know.
My monad is taking too long!
@StackedCrooked What is that noise?
@MartinJames fairly sure you werent. Robot, @Xeo, @BartekBanachewicz and myself.
6:44 PM
@rightføld West-Vlaams
@thecoshman correct
@R.MartinhoFernandes what's that a euphemism for?
Andy as well.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he got himself there
@rightføld from the singer who sang about being in the veranda
6:44 PM
We let him do that?
@Xeo it wasn't after the slivovich though was it?
@StackedCrooked gekke antwerpenaren
We're horrible people.
@StackedCrooked oh nice
Hm. I guess we just left him at Alex or something. Not so horrible, then.
6:45 PM
was that the night after he got lost in his hotel (in the morning)?
Twas the one after the barbecue
I don't remember any singing, (or much at all after leaving the XeoBananaBarbaraBar).
What is this Monad you eat?
Monads are burritos
6:48 PM
Unconference is already just one big blur to me :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh those were great!
Don't drink so much next time, you might remember something then
@thecoshman Yeah - the burritos I remember for sure.
when is unconference
Undecided, Unlocated, Unpublished
@TonyTheLion stop lieing
6:49 PM
we know exactly when it is
@TonyTheLion Undefined, (like the behaviour).
@TonyTheLion it's more my bad memory.
@thecoshman When is it?
it's on the god damn wiki you plebs
6:50 PM
@thecoshman Wroclaw still on?
@MartinJames undecided
I'd rather UK, preferably London
@thecoshman I have the date on my phone.
but silly Poland is ... parsable...
that MELU thread is messy now
lots of butthurt
6:51 PM
@MartinJames there's a shared google calendar for it
@thecoshman Orite.
@MartinJames IIRc it's the same calender... just with the one date penned in
should add people who would come when its in London and then when its in Poland
then we can we can decide based on where most people would come
I think it's only the damn Poles that would one but not the other.
I wouldn't do Poland
6:53 PM
Well, most you mainland EU gits seem to have this fear of passports
To Poland I could cycle.
You can cycle to London
I don't have a fear of passports
@thecoshman not enough time.
@TonyTheLion just shitty countries :P
6:54 PM
For some reason I cannot log in to wiki.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a fair old distance sure, but you've got sixz months
@rightføld why do you want to?
I don't want London 'cos beer prices, (and prices of just about everything else).
To edit something.
I might be jobless by then, so lotsa time.
6:55 PM
Also, it's much cheaper for me to get to Poland than London.
You can work for me?
@MartinJames yeah, but London is a nice non shitty place
Basically, do my job for me. It's a volunteer role.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh.. A sure thing then:(
nah my colleagues would miss me
I'm the go-to guru
6:55 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh hey, is (the abbreviation) FDN really as widely used as I've been led to believe?
Be quiet or I'll miss my stop.
and resident super-fast problem-solver
@thecoshman Depends. What does it mean?
crap star
Blah, blah, blah..
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ah, either you don't work in phone stuff, or it's not that 'standard'
6:57 PM
@thecoshman You didn't state a context.
Yes, in telecoms, it is widespread.
thecoshman doesn't need context
shit, I should take a shower
if I want to go out tonight
fuck sake, effort
@TonyTheLion ewe, go to the toilet next time
do we do cinnamon challenge at unconference
6:58 PM
because that's fun
> the objective of the challenge is to film oneself swallowing a spoonful of ground cinnamon in under 60 seconds without drinking anything
@thecoshman The other way round is a worse mistake.

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