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Oh come on
@milleniumbug Nice
@JerryCoffin As I said, I don't see LRiO as that bad. I'm probably missing history though.
What I do know, is that hate can be easily manipulated too.
@AndyProwl Read up on what kind of messages I referred to when I made the initial statement leading to this discussion. I was talking about messages that have a strong tendency to be negative about someone. I know this is hard to measure, but I am talking about the obvious cases. My argument was that many, if not most, people here get one of these once in a while. And few get starred as much as these targeting him.
Again, I could be wrong, but I do see this correlation. And I do believe in it meaning something.
Often time I've seen "strong characters" targeting a person over and over again, until this person is basically blamed for anything.
The fun thing is that if you target a person enough times, this person tend to show a behavior of hostility that strengthens the hate people have towards him/her.
@milleniumbug The most prominent feature about this rant (I don't know what it's based on or if I'd support it and I'm to lazy to hunt for the context) is that it's got 24(!) stars. Show me one message where someone (who is, I believe, a stranger to the room) yells at another lounger this way and gets hailed for it.
@AlexM. My private theory is that you're not frequently at the short end of those incidents. For me, I feel responsible for what goes on here. This leads me to speak out when I think people causing pain.
Maybe I'm too obsessed with manipulations. I see them everywhere.
@Sofffia Yes, that's certainly true. (I raise a bunch of kids, you know.) But do not forget that the other way around this is true just as well: Someone can show bad behavior for so long, that he gets targeted even if, ATM, he doesn't.
Yeah, well. I usually start from the assumption that someone that spends years in a chatroom maybe doesn't want everyone in there to hate them.
@Sofffia And now you're trying to manipulate us into seeing them, too? :)
@Sofffia Yep. And that is very fascinating about him: he seems to not to care.
You can be a fine troll or whatever, but even trolls get tired of the same room, over and over again.
@sbi I already posted something similar as a reply to @Jerry, but I'll repeat myself because it seems relevant. This and this are just samplers. It might be that you guys do not consider this tone as "being negative about someone", but then I think I need an explanation.
@Sofffia I honestly wasn't kidding when I said I think he's (almost) completely blind to his own behavior, and honestly believes that his behavior should endear him to others.
@sbi Oh yeah. I try to be as transparent as possible about this. All I want is for you and other main figures to consider the possibility of being manipulated. I don't want to take the part of sehe or LRiO. I just feel the need to intervene if a side of the scale tends too much towards the bottom.
That's usually the sign that something weird is going on.
@Sofffia I think they are everywhere :)
@AndyProwl Yes, I know they do this, too. At least, they use those words. Still, I feel it's different, and my feeling is that this is the same for others. And I am very interested in having put into words why this is so, because I only have this as a gut feeling.
@AndyProwl I think you're right: to at least some extent (maybe quite a large one) my earlier characterization wasn't accurate. They say more that's directed toward people than I think I realized.
As I said, I'm ready to go back to doing... I don't know... what I was doing before (sleeping) without remorses. Just ask and I'll leave this discussion.
I'd be happy for this LRiO bashing (or the appearance of it) to end. I don't think it helps.
@AlexM. that font is great!
@JerryCoffin That would be a fine argument if I could see this horrible behavior you are describing. But I can't.
@sehe you mean I'm not frequently LRiO's target?
@Sofffia If anyone here is manipulating the atmosphere against him, it's probably me more than anyone else – combined.
not sure I parsed that correctly
@AndyProwl Eh. True.
@sbi This is where I have to admit that the gut feeling of someone who has been here way longer than me is likely to be more accurate than mine.
@AlexM. Much less, AFAICS. To the extent that I have tread on eggs around him, not to set off his now-default caustic mode against me. I'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to you
@sehe Actually, I don't see this as a bashing. I am very interested in what @Sofffia and @Andy have to say, even though they argue against me, and I certainly think this discussion is beneficial for the room.
@sbi It seems to go back enough that I can't possibly recognize the origin.
^ Same for me
@sbi What interest would there be in someone agreeing with you? ;P
Just scan the room's archives for the first fallout between him and jalf. It probably started back then.
@rightføld yeah it's pretty neat :D
@AndyProwl I can't help that. I'd be ok with 0 stars. In fact it is just that @sbi asked, and I felt compelled to explain a little bit. It's really nothing big. I just resented that me being an owner was a further, cheaply fabricated, vector to personal attack and I swiftly removed that.
@Sofffia I'm not all that interested in happy agreement, because few things can be learned from this. :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I did troll you last week. This was a signal for myself that something was terribly wrong. I regret that I did, and derived satisfaction, brief though it was, from it:
Oct 10 at 23:10, by sehe
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Come come. All in good fun, eh! A bit of your own medicin. For precisely, maybe, a day? In total about 20 minutes. Maybe you should experience this more often. Then you might draw the same conclusion as I just did. It's fun to do, but it gets old. It's boring as heck and - for me - it makes me appear more of a jerk than I want to be.
@sehe Well, he certainly has shown very strong resentments for not being made an owner even though he's a long-time regular by now, so that sounds very probable. I haven't seen this, though, so I wouldn't knwo.
@sbi I'm not sure I'm willing to spend that much effort to be honest. What matters to me is that it seems a fine person right now. I also fear history because I have some embarrassing history of my own here. My philosophy is to look as forward as I can.
@Sofffia As I've already pointed out, it's not a matter of horrible behavior at any time. Rather, it's just nearly constantly being slightly nasty. Even (for example) the "contribution" he pointed to an hour ago or so wasn't "here's how to do this", it was "your post is wrong". Yes, the poster was quite gracious about it (and yes, the post originally did contain a mistake).
@sbi ~2 messages above my "self-de-ownering" :)
@JerryCoffin The lounge of the power of making you an asshole.
Nonetheless, if your lack of contribution has been pointed out, and that's the best you can come up with as a rejoinder, it's barely short of outright proving the accusation.
I know that for personal experience.
I've found myself being a jerk to random people on SO for no reason other than I've spent too many hours in here.
@sehe I had looked at it a bit longer (hence my second reply), and I found that the history of the edited messages is important, but it was still very confusing to me.
I'm very malleable in that sense.
@Sofffia That might well be (or it might not; as I said, I'm not here often enough to know you). But at least you can reflect on this and see yourself critically. That's something I have never seen him do. In years.
@sehe I have to take your word for it. To me, that move (removing yourself) felt very unnecessary: why would you give up rights you were given by people who trust you and think you are a good owner just because someone who is not equally trusted is trolling you? I had to look for a deeper meaning, and in my view that might have been - intentionally or not - the visibility of the act, causing questions to be asked, opinions to be raised, and consequences to occur.
@JerryCoffin That "being slightly nasty" sounds like I feel it, yes.
@sbi That's ok. The specifics are less than interesting if you ask me. If anything, this is what I try to achieve: be less involved, hence less compelled to deal with unpleasantness.
I'd love keep visiting this lounge as the excellent source of professional insights, latest development and various entertainment that it is. I can see other people doing it, so why can't I :)
@AndyProwl Have you considered that not everybody is so eager to gain those rights? And that one might relinquish it willingly for peace of mind?
@sehe ha, and here I come and make a loooong discussion out of it. :)
@sehe I guess that's true
@sbi Impossibru! Nobody who was an owner would ever remove himself. Certainly nobody could possibly do it twice!
@sbi Yes, sure. I just think LRiO's provocations on whether sehe makes a good owner or not should have been ignored.
@AndyProwl That's ok. At some point, I'll have to decide for myself whether I want to keep being that owner, and at what cost. I'm indeed removing myself out of selfish motives, maybe. I'll have to accept that I disappointed people.
I'd rather optimize SQL queries than listen to this. I'm off to the club.
@sehe That's fine. Owner or not, surely what people do not want is that you leave the place.
@sehe Basically, this is why I quit being an owner back then: I was accused of being a dictator and overlord (mind you, except for one person everyone thought that was good), and I was terrified by the idea that I ruled the room. So I stepped down, and I felt so much better when I could be partial and point at owners to do their job when something annoyed me, rather than having to try to find a balance between two parties attacking each other.
@MartinJames Youch. Sorry 'bout that. But have fun.
@JerryCoffin Are you just pulling my leg or have you forgotten that I removed myself twice as an owner?
@sbi Come on now. Even my memory isn't that bad! :-)
@AndyProwl I consider the polar bear a person who cares a lot about the community he's in, that it runs smoothly, and that people have fun meeting each other. If you're such a person, then you cannot not worry, and having the trust of others can become quite a burden.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I ran into that too, on twitter today.
@JerryCoffin Sorry for being so dense. Sheepish grin.
@sbi I perfectly agree with the first sentence of your message. I haven't understood the second though
(I mean, I honestly haven't understood)
@sbi No apology needed. I was certainly smiling the whole time.
@sbi You summed it up nicely. I hope dropping ownership allows me to unwind a little.
I have been through some rougher patches over the last ~year, and at times I'm just pretty tired to begin with. So, at those moments, I start being more rigorous about containing things that drain energy.
@AndyProwl Rather than trying to speak for sehe, I speak of my own feelings: I was accused of being a dictator by one person. (Who's opinion I value, BTW.)
Others agreed that the room is an anarchic democracy on the outside, but that basically I run the shop. (maybe that's a bit cut down too much, but it's the gist of the story.) That my opinion counted most. That, when I disagree with something, most everybody would cut back. If you care for the community, this puts a tremendous amount of pressure on you: if you decide wrong, then it all goes downhill. If people are unsatisfied, it's because of you.
I was terrified by this responsibility. I didn't want it. And I felt bad about the others trusting me so much. That felt totally wrong. I didn't want that role.
What's more, I was surprised that it had sneaked up on me. I hadn't known the others felt that way. I though that, when people agreed, it was because my arguments were better, not because I'm a respectable ape. That felt truly and totally wrong.
Oh, OK, I see what you meant now.
c'mon guys, let's just leave it at that for now and see how everyone feels tomorrow
I should stop writing header-only stuff
However, if everybody dropped ownership because somebody complains or makes jokes about them, then it would be enough for someone to start trolling all the owners to have the room left with no owners.
Also, modules please
@AndyProwl Drop ownership? <insert smart ptr joke>
@Cicada lounge.release();
Can I bomb my question here...?
I've been trying to think of a format to represent rules for my AI, and ended up doing something that is essentially... prolog :\
may_like(|X|,|Y|):-is_a(|X|, human), is_a(|Y|, food item),!, happens_regularly(ate(|X|, |Y|, _)).
may_like(|X|,|Y|):-is_a(|X|, human), is_a(|Y|, human),!, <TODO>.
@KapilVyas Not before reading the rules :)
@KapilVyas Yes, we're here for that
Oct 7 at 16:20, by Cat Plus Plus
Read the fabulous rules!
sticking a Prolog interpreter in the whole AI is too boring
might as well just continue down this path
and make my own
No (0.00ms)
Ok @AndyProwl @sbi Let me go o'er them...!
@AndyProwl That's exactly why I didn't take this lightly. As I said, to me sehe seemed someone who is an asset to this room. Losing him as a room owner certainly is sad.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fwiw. I agree that that wording was much exaggerated. hic. But please try to read between the lines. Not just get off-balance by the first factual error. It's not helping you progress.
I agree - the errors discolour the conversation, and make it hard to keep talking (as in: communicating). But it's certainly not impossible. Here I am, after all.
@AlexM. Actually, I feel good having this conversation. You don't? :)
Well! I have been hanging here in the past. So I am not a nobody.
@KapilVyas If you have read the rules and still feel like you would want to ask a question, just go ahead. People might like it or not, and might like you or not. At least now you had the chance to learn why. :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Come back here you stupid fuck.
@Sofffia Can you imagine us having had this conversation while he's been here? (Mind you: We can talk about sehe maybe having manipulated our opinion while he's here. So it's not because he's been the topic.)
Great - you folks even have a Wiki guideline to run the system.
@sbi Yeah. I guess I don't picture it as awkward as you do :/
oh man, serious money talks with the misses.
Probably about time I work out just how much money I spend on 'mandatory' things each month.
@thecoshman Oh my. That's never easy.
@KapilVyas This room goes way back.
Say I have timestamp/type pairs representing events. I want to calculate for each event type its urgency. Urgency of an event type is higher when many recent events with that type occurred. That's just summing (now - event.time) per event type, right?
I'm extremely terrible at statistics.
@JerryCoffin well, I literally mean 'talk'
@Sofffia Well, just compare his "contributions" to the discussion when he still was here to what sehe has to say about himself.
> Tomaka17
@sbi not found pleb
Read it as Tomalak the first time.
@Sofffia I don't know that guy.
@Sofffia Read that as read first time :(
Just 4 years.
@thecoshman Say again? (In English or German, preferably.)
@thecoshman Yes--it doesn't have to turn into an argument, or anything like that. It's still often a tense subject though, and when a discussion is really needed, it's usually because it's likely to be even more tense than usual at the moment.
I thought this room had more years.
@AndyProwl :( Like I said, I'm sorry to disappoint. Mind you, I am really tired of trying, I hope you can see this part too. And yes, I would have felt very guilty had I not known there is still a good number of very capable room owners. I'd probably have forced myself to stay owner.
Some of the other owners are ostensibly better at navigating the unpleasantness when it arises. I admire how the Robot handles these things, e.g.
@sbi 'page not found' pleb
@thecoshman What's "mandatory things"? Beer and gadgets?
I think I already said that ^ but SE chat search might be failing
@JerryCoffin just trying to work out if I can actually afford mortgage
@sbi food, water, lecy, internets, small bit of 'pocket money'
@thecoshman Yeah, I now that plebs were. But there's more to grammar than stringing the right nouns together and sticking a verb into it.
@sbi fine, take a comma too.
@thecoshman lecy?
@thecoshman Maybe that would help. Where, though?
@sbi electricity, sorry :P
@thecoshman Ah, thinking about buying a house?
@sbi right before the pleb.
@thecoshman Ah, Ok.
@sbi indeed
brb, she calls
@sehe I understand, it wasn't my intention to put pressure on you - besides, I think you were a good owner.
Tony, cosh and Jerry
@AndyProwl Thanks for telling me that
@thecoshman OK. Then that would mean that you haven't found something? Sorry, but I am still confused.
@AlexM. Splendid idea. I have a hairy fusion answer to hack, and then: bed. My wife is back in town, I should probably hear her out too (although she's under the weather and under the wool... so maybe tomorrow).
@Sofffia What about them?
@sbi They are the ones I recognized in that Lounge++ thingy.
@Sofffia I don't recall if Abyx got caught in that particular SNAFU, but I believe he's the "oldest" current regular (i.e., the one who posted first out of those who still post here regularly). If memory serves, he's literally been here since day 1.
@Sofffia The one I linked to was the wrong room, though, really. That was the one that got closed, and us transfered back to this room here. it all starts here. My involvement began a bit later, though. (This might have been my first posting. And if not, then it's certainly only a few days off the mark.)
@JerryCoffin Actually, @Abyx showed up on the fourth day only. @Ell was here on the third day.
@JerryCoffin Is SNAFU a variant of SFINAE?
Oct 15 '10 at 15:15, by Abyx
@mepcotterell for what?
@JerryCoffin Oh, I missed that. :)
@Cicada A totally fucked-up one.
@Cicada Sort of. SFINAE code can definitely look "all fucked up", but we'll hope it never fits the "situation normal" part.
Substitution Fuck-up Is Not An Error
What counts a regular...@sbi
Hey look, this room has its fourth birthday today!
We have been looking at the first-days' transcript for 15mins and nobody realized it!
Btw i stumbled on the solution. No need to toss words here...ehehe
@sbi Omg yes! Obligatory star
@sbi your link was broke fool
@thecoshman sbi's not link
@KapilVyas Some one who is here regularly. (Yeah, that sounds dumb, but I really wouldn't know what else to answer. What do you want to know?)
@Cicada you are though ¬_¬
@thecoshman It certainly works for me.
@thecoshman I can be, upon request
@Cicada Can you, though? I mean, what with you having an exoskeleton?
@Cicada Are you on Twitter?
Hoping to be around here for a while. Plant my legs. Will see how it goes...no questions at this . (point) in time
@sbi Nature, uh... finds a way :)
@sbi Still not. Maybe one day when I have interesting stuff to say
inb4 snarky comment
I wonder when does lounge turn towards its core idealogical discussions (*.cpp)
@KapilVyas This room just had a serious storm coming through. Most of the regulars aren't here currently. (Except for @Jerry, but he's almost furniture.) We're not talking C++ ATM. <== One of these three is rarer than the other two.
@KapilVyas In the advertisements, "regular" means you spew shit on a...regular basis. Most regulars here do pretty much the same, but via a keyboard rather than toilet.
@sehe Love the account name
(Oh I'm late:) I love the twitter handle on it. It's the cherry
@JerryCoffin What ads are you talking about?
Ok, I think I have it.
@sbi The ones for laxatives, primarily.
@sehe I thought of XML_CEO (aka Xeo) immediately.
@JerryCoffin You've lost me now.
@sbi It's a joke on spew shit, toilet, etc
You used to be better at detecting those
@sbi Oh, probably just my being weird. Nothing new to see here...
sup baby gurl
Ok cool @sbi - @JerryCoffin That's a great way to relieve mental constipation! :)
@Cicada I'm alright, sup with you?
@TonyTheLion nm lar, on the job hunt
good luck :)
@TonyTheLion Hi Tony. How are you tonight?
@KapilVyas I suspect I'm more likely to be accused of mental diarrhea.
@Cicada I've lost track of your job status :P
If people could STOP misusing the HTML/JS code snippets for things other than HTML/JS that would be great
@sbi over ownership?
@thecoshman Unemployed
@Cicada I probably meant history :P
@thecoshman Really, pirate, you are a riddle tonight. Can't you try to form phrases that furriners have a chance to understand?
@thecoshman Previously intern
@Cicada So you finished your studies?
Yes sir I did
@Cicada That much I got.
@sbi ... 'a storm coming'... over ownership?
@Cicada Great! Now what?
“The lack of versioning built into the Go tool incentivizes library authors to provide good, stable APIs” holy shit
Awesome strategy. This will sell itself. To all the right devs... :S
@Sbi you seem particularly slow tonight.
@Cicada oh, I thought you had a place for at least a while
@sbi Now to find an interesting job, somewhere. Hopefully?
@thecoshman I wrote "had a serious storm coming through." That means it's gone, unless my English is worse than yours. (That means it's all in the archives, BTW.)
@thecoshman Nah, french companies work a lot with internships, doesn't guarantee they'll hire you. You're essentially cheap and disposable. Anyway, I had no intention of staying.
@thecoshman Less over ownership than behavior.
@Cicada I guessed that much. What I was trying to coax you into saying was what kind of job you are looking for. Web development? Embedded C++? LISP AI fiddling?
@sbi oh well, as always I read about three words and filled in the rest. eye red goode.
@sehe You mean Radek?
@thecoshman And, no, it wasn't about ownership, even though it was triggered by someone relinquishing his, and one of the deeply underlying reasons for the whole debate might be the desperation of someone else to be an owner.
@JerryCoffin heaven forbid an owner try to help stem the crap.
@JerryCoffin I'm alright. I've been having some stressful weeks at work, but it looks as if its going to calm down a little...
@sbi Embedded LISP Web AIs. I'm kind of focused on GPU programming at the moment but in France it's a fairly limited field. Ideally I'd like to do some C++11/14 so that I can actually get to understand the language, but then again, it's fairly rare in this country. I'm looking abroad at the moment.
@sbi care to just say it with out all cryptic names?
@thecoshman Work your way back from here for where it came from, and the onwards from the same message to see which way it went.
@TonyTheLion I've noticed you hadn't been in much recently, but had seen you so little I hadn't had a chance to ask you directly about what was going on. I'm glad to hear that things are likely to calm down soon though.
I read some of the transcript from earlier today
I must say I agree with @JerryCoffin and @sbi on most points
@Cicada GPU stuff, huh? I once was at an interesting company that did a lot of this. I didn't fit in. :)
@sbi is the 'two of us' yourself an sehe?
@sbi <fat joke>
@sbi Oh, I've seen that company before! Why didn't you fit in?
@thecoshman In this message? Nope. Jerry and me.
@thecoshman <tired grin>
@sbi ah (presuming that is the message)
@JerryCoffin Yea, I haven't had the time or sometimes the energy to be around much.
@sbi vOv it has to be done
Taking over systems that one person has managed for over 14 years is quite a task
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬ I call it a day job.
Unfortunately mine had turned into a weekend/evening job too over the last few weeks
bit mad
been battling with a fairly trivial bug, in nearly two year old version, that is just unravelling vast amounts of terribleness
@Puppy job going well?
@thecoshman Yep, I know how that feels
@Cicada They had a C++ lib underneath everything and script in JS on top of it. I was brought in to fiddle with the lib, but it was written by the dev head, and he wouldn't let go of his baby. I am not the kind of guy who likes polishing the paint, I'd much rather fiddle in the engine, arms greased up to the elbows.
@thecoshman It's going OK.
@TonyTheLion Oh yikes--I can't quite imagine trying to jump into something that's been personalized to one person's way of thinking to quite that degree.
one of those times where the functionality I'm supposed to build is built on something that I'm sure is riddled with bugs and silent failure conditions.
@JerryCoffin yea, its actually quite a challenge.
@Puppy welcome to professional software development.
I feel like I'm walking in a dark forest most of the time, trawling through wads of code I've never seen, and trying to figure out what and why.
@thecoshman Why don't you just fucking click on the link, you lazy twat? really! I went in search for what you might mean, clicked myself through the transcript to find it, and when I present you the link and ask whether this is what you're referring to, you're to lazy to even look! I why I even bother to read your stuff tonight. Most is unreadable crap because you're too lazy to write more then three word or at least put in a comma.
@sbi I'm in a awkward middle ground. Can more or less make what ever changes are required to fix shit up, or force in new features/functionality, but always with the ever constant 'do as little as possible, for fear of breaking other stuff'
@Puppy That's called "normal", actually. :-/
@TonyTheLion I'll bet. I'm pretty sure if I could jump forward in time to take over something I'd been working on for 14 years, it'd be a tough nut to crack even though it was my own work.
@sbi ... yeah... that message <hangs self head>
@sbi I guess that most things aren't maintained to the level of most compilers and standard libraries
@sbi he's new to it, up till know, he's just dealt with his own problems. He's never had to spend a hour trying to work out what the fuck the guy was smoking to eventualy discover a week later, that shit is never even used!
@JerryCoffin I'm hoping that going through this will be a good learning experience for me.
@thecoshman Actually, I absolutely have done that with LLVM and Clang.
@Puppy "if it aint broke, like really really broke, don't even look at it" is the generally policy it seems.
@thecoshman Oh, but he had! I remember well when he complained about the students he worked with. :)
I was no veteran back then, but those guys couldn't even search the docs (literally)
@TonyTheLion I'm sure it'll be a learning experience. Whether it's a good one or not seems open to more question. OTOH, learning it does sound like solid job security.
What's the range of representable integers in a floating point number?
job security definitely bothers me.
@Puppy When I started my first job, I was full of idealism. There's considerably less of this now. And this isn't even only bad, it's just that I have learned that there's other factors coming into play as well. Like economics.
@JerryCoffin Yea job security it is, the place kind of depends on me and my coworker to keep things running
I have no accurate gauge of my own performance anymore.
@Cicada ... depends
@Cicada Are you interested? I know they went through hard times a few years back, but maybe there's still someone who knows me.
@EtiennedeMartel No. Maybe. :)
@sehe Oh you
boy I ate way too much today
gonna be paying for it tonight
@Cicada Basically comes down to the size of its mantissa, so roughly 24 bits for single precision and 53 bits for double precision (assuming they're implemented as the usual IEEE 754 types).
@TonyTheLion It's just the two of you? And someone's just quit his job after 14 years? And you're doing weekend shifts because of that? Uh oh. I don't want to discourage you, but have you considered looking for another job?
@JerryCoffin That's odd. 32bit is 8:24, but 64bit is 11:53? Why the big change in exponent:mantissa ratio?
@JerryCoffin IOW more or less what ever you want it to be until you start putting some limits in.
@sbi I definitely have, and have had many discussions about it with my coworker
@TonyTheLion What discussions?
About whether this is going to go anywhere
@TonyTheLion Ah. So is he new, too?
@TonyTheLion make a black mail pact :P
@sbi yea, he's been there a bit longer than me, but all the stuff we're taking over is new to him too
@Puppy Mostly stems for lack of use for bigger exponents. I've read some arguments that double would be better if it devoted even fewer bits to the exponent.
@JerryCoffin So what, 128bit would be 14:114? :P
How often do you need exponents of 2^15 and up?
@JerryCoffin Perfect, thanks! Yes it's the classic implementation. Asking because I'm considering switching from int to float on GPU code for higher instruction throughput.
I don't even really need floats, so you're asking the wrong person :P
@Puppy Close anyway. I think the IEEE quad-precision type is 15:113.
@TonyTheLion Well, if you're a good team, and manage to block off unreasonable requests, then it might work out well. My experience in a small shop (up to four devs), where software was just one branch, and the management had no idea about how software is made, was horrible.
Socrates was always asking the right person.
@Cicada Some older series of GPUs have massive penalties for integer ops, IIRC.
@sbi I'm currently trying to move to Asia, HK and SG mostly
@Puppy Even modern ones (altough it's getting better)
SG is Singapore?
@Cicada Ah, yes, you had been to Korea, right?
@sbi so hey, you back in your own place again yet?
@sbi does management ever have any idea about how software is made?
I thought that Singapore was a brutal police state and Hong Kong is going the way of the Chinese mainland
@sbi Yep. Couldn't find a job there. I'll try again when I get some more experience.
@TonyTheLion My boss, the owner of the company, certainly does.
@sbi not much fun in a big shop either :P
I actually really like my boss.
have I mentioned this?
@Cicada That can depend heavily on the GPU in question. Quite a few (most?) also support a "half" precision floating point type (16 bits total) that's pretty much exclusive to GPUs, but if your data will fit it's really fast.
@thecoshman Nope. I was to move end of next week, but this time I blocked this off, because I need a bit more time to sand of the floorboards before I move in, and work is busy currently. They weren't excited when I pulled that stunt today, but after failing to meet four deadlines in a row, there's little they can say without me ridiculing them.
@sbi "sorry sir, you can't not move back in now" <cold glare> "ah, well, when you put it that way sir"
But yeah, sanding floors is a surprisingly long job
@Puppy yes, no.
@thecoshman Nope, definitely not. I never worked for a company that had more than a hundred employees, and often on those which had about two dozen. There's such and such, but in the end I feel like my chances ending up in a nice environment are much better in a shop where everybody knows everybody by their first name.
in other news, its raining
HK is fighting hard to avoid becoming China.
@Puppy Singapore is an unusual place. It does have extremely strict laws--but people who do polling about such things claim the residents there are the happiest in all of Asia (and pretty close to the happiest on earth).
@Puppy I don't recall your having mentioned it, but it is good to hear.
@thecoshman Especially when you haven't even started yet... Also, I want some professional look at the boards first, and assess the amount of damage done through the construction work they did in the last five months. Those boards had cried for some treatment for a while already, but they have suffered a lot this summer, and I am still fighting with them over whether they have to pay a percentage of the price I'll pay for sanding and painting them anew.
@JerryCoffin No drinking in public transportation! No chewing-gums!
@TonyTheLion Here it's mostly been raining on weekends since September. Many of the autumn weeks have been stunningly sunny.
@sbi yeah, took me about 30 hours to work through sanding a 10m^2 (ish) room.
That said, if I had a big snader it'd be a lot quicker.
> snader
I just google image'd "snader"
¬_¬ I hate y'all
@sbi Here it's very patchy. It rains very hard for like 10 minutes, then it's overcast, then sunny, then overcast, then rains super hard for another 10 minutes.
Sounds like Brittany
@thecoshman Well, we did this job ~12 years ago, so it's all level and mostly even. It's just that over a decade the varnish(?) came off in places, and so I need to sand the remainders off an repaint it. Its one room (I guess ~24m²) and an L-shaped hallway (maybe ~10m²). I hope I'll get this done within three days. (Plus maybe a few hours to put a second and maybe third layer of varnish on it a few days later.)
@Puppy Yeah, that's what I saw when I was in Britain. :)
@sbi Triple level caching?!
@Cicada I'd be happy if this would last another decade. (Assuming I will last another decade in that apartment.)
@sbi varnish, yes. That's a fair bit of floor, in three days? I guess an ape could muscle a sander in each hand, and maybe one in a foot...
@Cicada ...and corporal punishment (caning) for quite a few offenses, including some for which many outsiders think it's excessive such as vandalism.
@sbi if you don't saying, do you own the apartment? (curious about prices/sizes see)
@thecoshman Oh, no. I will rent one of these. Then you only need an angle grinder for the corners.
@sbi oh yeah, that'll do the job. Though... angle grinder? I suspect you mean something else.
@thecoshman Are you nuts? Would I have been fighting against the owners for 1.5 years if I owned the place?
@thecoshman Sorry, that's what leo spit out as the translation for this.
@sbi well, it could have been property management 'demanding' that all apartments in the block get the 'upgrade'.
@sbi oh yeah... that's an angle grinder alright.
@StackedCrooked Whee, finally an STL video again!
I thought you'd have something like this this for the edges.
I mostly used a belt sander.
@TonyTheLion man, hallelujah...

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