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@sehe yup, cuz nobody knows what std::rotate does
Nobody, but Sean Parent
Things only Sean Parent would say "Clearly, that's a rotate"
@Puppy how on earth did you ever interview at Google, were you going to do C++ there?
@Borgleader nooo, rotate is not that hard to recognize
@TemplateRex Yeah, they found me on SO.
@Puppy but, but, the style guide?
who wants to work in c++98
@TemplateRex he's a dog, he'd have peed all over it ;)
the style guide was definitely the least attractive part of the prospective employment.
@TemplateRex Better than C, for sure.
@Loopunroller c++98 feels like Late Stone Age. Better than like when they first discovered fire, but nothing like C++14
@TemplateRex So true. C++14 feels almost like a new language
Ugh, System.exit returns Unit instead of Nothing.
@AndyProwl technically, it's past midnight
being in Lounge<C++> these details matter
Oh there is sys.exit that does return Nothing.
but hello
@TemplateRex midnight pedantry, feels good :)
@AndyProwl you're welcome
Wordpress still only supports SuckSQL
(btw I might have been in a different time zone)
@AndyProwl still, "evenings and nights" might have covered that
@rightføld Does it matter??
time to look up what "supercilious" means
@MartinJames Yes.
try { 42 } catch { case _ => System.exit(1) } has type Any whereas try { 42 } catch { case _ => sys.exit(1) } has type Int.
@AndyProwl lol, TIL what ...
@TemplateRex Yeah, in some regions.
@ScottW my dictionary has no pictures in it
Because Any is the only common supertype of Int and Unit.
But Nothing is a subtype of Int so the common supertype of Int and Nothing is Int.
lol implicit return in imperative languages
@TemplateRex There's always something to learn in Lounge<C++> headlines
i smell rubby
@ScottW Bring whiskey!
@AndyProwl time to hit Uncle Remy
@TemplateRex who's that?
I only know Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob's brother
Remy Martin VSOP
oh, I would have never figured it
@AndyProwl someone asked me the other day who Remy Martin was
that was even worse
how's the bitset thing going?
@AndyProwl scroll up a bit, I did some archeology
Well, time to implement type descriptor compilation and finish the parser and then I can compile, link and run a Styx program!
1 hour ago, by TemplateRex
TIL that std::bitset has so many odd issues because it was defined very early in the standardization process. E.g. before function templates could have non-type template parameters, before explicit constructors and even before the bool type!
@AndyProwl how's the concepts-after-the-fact going?
@TemplateRex reading up
Good job
@TemplateRex writing the next section of the draft, quite smooth so far, but until I implement something it's all words
@AndyProwl morning
@Puppy I read somewhere that Andrei Alexandrescu also used to have his own language, called Enki, then he met Walter Bright who had his own compiler infrastructure and he went on to transplant his ideas into D. Might be an idea for you to team up with someone, if you are the collaborative type
@TemplateRex that's one hell of an if
The sting was in the tail
@AndyProwl probably get something for the next committee meeting?
Kyrostat is not dead
@TemplateRex I don't think I can go to the committee with this without backing it up with some implementation
and I have no idea when I will get to that
@sehe now be nice to Puppy, he hasn't been barking and grumpy since he got a job, so why couldn't he collaborate?
@AndyProwl but you are going to go at this on your own, or are you trying to entice a Clang wizard to help you out?
@TemplateRex If by that you mean, he's been asking me for help the whole time, then yes :P
Speaking of writing compilers.
Making parentheses mandatory when mixing || and && was easier to implement than I thought.
@Puppy oh come on, I haven't bothered that much :)
@TemplateRex I first plan to write a serious or quasi-serious document
@AndyProwl Your soul is property of Puppy Inc now
@AndyProwl maybe you could apply to GSoC and find a good mentor?
@TemplateRex that might be a good idea
@TemplateRex No! All GSoCs must be awarded to Blender D:
this is probably an incredibly dumb question, but in visual studio, how do you stop execution so that you can see the prints in a very small program?
#include "stdafx.h"
void init(void) {
	std::cout << "OpenGL Version: " << glGetString(GL_VERSION) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "OpenGL Renderer: " << glGetString(GL_RENDERER) << std::endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
	return 0;
@corvid three words: Ctr+Alt+Delete
Make a breakpoint
@TemplateRex Been thinking about it. The Rust guys would be the obvious candidate- they're going down a lot of the same paths.
Or run it from the CLI
I think I see the pitch
@Puppy unfortunately, I know nothing about Rust
@sehe The last pitch I've done was an elevator pitch.
At school. Bad times…
@Puppy have you talked to them?
@corvid please, cut the return 0, the _tmain and other bad stuff
but in principle, a bunch of the Clang interop code I have would be quite useful for them
@TemplateRex what is better to replace it? Just call it main and make its return type void?
return 0 is fine
@corvid dude, main never had, never will have return type void
it implicitliy returns 0 if you don't return anything yourself
Which is a v useful feature C++ programmers like to be very annoying about
@rightføld she's actually the most popular politician in the country.
Despite that, it's weird to have a fat person minister of public health.
I see, but isn't a general rule of programming that explicit is better than implicit? Or is that just a python thing
@StackedCrooked thatś not fat, that's morbidly obese
There's no 'better' in C++
(Yes explicit is better)
@TemplateRex fat is a subset of very fat :P
@StackedCrooked "De succesformule: Maggie blijft nummer één" sounds like an advertisement for Maggi.
@StackedCrooked superset
or an advertisement for één
@rightføld oh, right. damn I suck
Speaking of Rust, smart people y u no answer my question.
what question
@TemplateRex Also, she is a doctor (gp)
Q: How do Rust's ownership semantics relate to uniqueness typing as found in Clean and Mercury?

rightføldI noticed that in Rust moving is applied to what in C++ would be known as lvalues, and it's statically enforced that moved-from objects are not used. How do these semantics relate to uniqueness typing as found in Clean and Mercury? Are they the same concept? If not, how do they differ?

@StackedCrooked i read in a dutch newspaper that her weight is the best kept secret in their marriage (according to her husband)
@StackedCrooked She's also your mother.
@rightføld She's also your mother.
@TemplateRex Like you need an exact value
We're sister and brother!
You know who's also fat? Cartman.
@CatPlusPlus for circumference you do! she might get stuck in the doorway
I think she'd win
and building permits to reinforce the house foundation
* ERROR: dev-db/mariadb-5.5.39 failed (config phase):
* Your machine must NOT be named localhost
Windows 98 was not very good
Kinda need to play a building game of some sorts, I feel like I’ve wringed out all that I could out of Tropico 4.
I don't recall if you were a KSPer.
@ScottW but but, why? legacy game?
Haven’t tried it.
Space Engineers is free atm
for the next 2 hours or something
I couldn't really get into it
P sure until evening at least
@LucDanton 2 more weeks until Civilization: Beyond Earth
@Puppy Not sure if I’m into orbital mechanics just now.
@TemplateRex Those are some tough weeks.
boy green milk is really thick
I'm still not sure Beyond Earth is sufficiently different from Civ5 to be interesting
@Ell milk is white =/
@CatPlusPlus wow, it's not often you label something as "not very good"
@CatPlusPlus civ5 sucked compared to civ4
@Borgleader you know what I mean :p
I like the streamlining
wait unless it's a uk thing. which I doubt
Civ4 UI after all the expansions is a fucking nightmare
I've never heard of green milk.
@CatPlusPlus I suspect it will be different, but that’s not enough to be interesting. I’ll likely delay a purchase (so more than just two weeks actually!).
Larry Wall looks like Perl.
@CatPlusPlus they had some player write a better AI, that was pretty cool (Blake's UI, IIRC)
I'm not buying anything at release anymore
I haven’t in a while, no reason to change :)
@CatPlusPlus just wait until the big players give their verdict, game magazines are total whores
GW2 might have been the last, and I’m fairly sure I tested it at a friend’s first.
I don't care about anyone's verdicts
I want to see gameplay videos
@CatPlusPlus it's all about balance and giving interesting choices (at least for Civ type games)
@CatPlusPlus Trading ‘what if they don’t know what they talking about?’ for ‘what if they don’t know how to play?’ :Þ
not about who can build-click the fastest or have the coolest graphics
I don't care about graphics
@TemplateRex #gamergate
@LucDanton Even if that happens you can form your opinion a lot better than with a written review
@CatPlusPlus Dunno. I know a piece on ciV (at release) by a well known player that dissects in depth issues with the game at the time. In the text I can recognise the same frustrations I have faced with the game as he has; and some of the conclusions that are drawn I had made for myself. If that player were to write something on BE, that’s probably what would influence my purchasing or not the most.
Well, time to sleep.
Gonna play with Boost.Context tomorrow.
I'm not good enough at strategies for in-depth analyses to matter much to me
Point in case: I have fun with Civ5 and see little reason to go back to Civ4 clusterfuck nightmare
@LucDanton Sirian (from Realms Beyond Civ site) is reportedly working for Fireaxis again, after the civ5 strategic fiasco (it was very nice looking though)
@CatPlusPlus Well, the example I brought up was for the ciV release. It’s a very different game now. I haven’t played cIV for a long time, too.
I played at release and later and honestly I can't tell much difference :v
@rightføld boost context's code examples no longer work. It seems that you are not supposed to use it directly but via the boost coroutine library instead.
That’s fine. (And I’m not going to bring up the painful memories of that time.)
Also I am speaking of ciV together with its expansions.
If you can’t notice that vanilla doesn’t have religions while G&K does well… ;)
@ScottW What? 'i was installing windows 98 yesterday'. Is there some problem with chat DateTime ordering?
New features yes
But balance changes or whatnot not really
Do you guys prefix/suffix your private members with an underscore?
Or do you use this-> in case of ambiguity?
Neither option. I sometimes use a suffix underscore on otherwise problematic function parameters, although I try not to make it a frequent occurrence.
@Rapptz Fuck no.
I'm kinda concerned with BE because I'm getting 'this is a mod/redressing of Civ5 not a new game' vibes from what I've seen
Q: To underscore or to not to underscore, that is the question

TheCodeJunkieAre there any problems with not prefixing private fields with an underscore in C# if the binary version is going to be consumed by other framework languages? For example since C# is case-sensitive you can call a field "foo" and the public property "Foo" and it works fine. Would this have any eff...

this question made me think about it
I think I even preordered Civ5
'this->' is too much 'I don't sanely name my vars, so I need additional gunge to differentiate'.
@CatPlusPlus I think you’re very well right to be concerned about that.
I get the same from the spinoff-y Colonizations, although I’ve never played any of them.
@ScottW did it work?
Is 'Civ5' a particularly strong brand of expensive coffee?
well I usually do things like void set_stuff(stuff fancy) { this->fancy = std::move(fancy); /* other stuff omitted */ }
terrible example but yeah
* Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
* Change these to different unique phrases!
* You can generate these using the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service}
* You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.
A secret key service
@CatPlusPlus lol
@Rapptz We had identical discussion yesterday evening.
@StackedCrooked make em public?
That would be one way, yes.
Ah, sod it. There are still a few things I want to try in Tropico.
Tropico the game?
Ugh email validation bullshit
localhost is a valid domain you fucking piece of shit garbage
@Rapptz Hm, I never considered that.
Okay WP is still bad and bbPress is no better
Also jesus christ vboxsf is so slow
@StackedCrooked de botte bijl methode
@sehe yep, those are colors
You nailed it
@CatPlusPlus that's more like it
> The path used for all board uploads. It must be chmod 777 (on *nix servers).
PHP developers still terrible
> The format of the dates used on the forum. This format uses the PHP date() function. We recommend not changing this unless you know what you're doing.
@StackedCrooked loungecpp.s3.amazonaws.com/…, upload will be done in around 42 minutes. Now ear friendly
@sehe you are a good man :)
I don't wanna put it on YT
@sehe you're good at sounds and things right?
Not sure it's related, but I'd say I'm good at music
music and sound are totally not related
I was going to ask a question about decibels
but I realise I haven't googled it yet
Decibels rock
so I'll do that first
inb4 logarithmic
@Ell how diligent :)
there should be more people like you on this world
The answer is "20 micropascals in air". What is the question?
What air pressure does 1dB correspond to?
@sehe I guess that's sort of it
I know that decibels are used to compare things to a reference
Just making shit up here :/
@sehe It's relative shit.
but I wasn't sure what the reference used in audio was
@MartinJames We wouldn't want it to be absolute shit
@CatPlusPlus lol
It's 600 summat.
> Selecting yes will cause posts to look similar to how posts look in USENET. No will cause posts to look the modern way.
Mebbe the 600 is electrical..
mplayer original.mp4 -benchmark -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast
time sox --multi-threaded audiodump.wav filtered.wav sinc -a 180 6150-6050 sinc -a 180 5800-5600
mencoder original.mp4 -ovc copy -o filtered.mp4 -oac mp3lame -audiofile filtered.wav
@StackedCrooked took forever to find that out ^ But at least it takes even longer to upload
'In audio and telephony, dBm is typically referenced relative to a 600 ohm impedance,'
that's not audio, friend
@MartinJames ah
I knew there was 600 in it somewhere, but history...
why is it that when I dual screen in windows, it makes my main display lower res?
@corvid because your drivers are out of date
@corvid to prevent the secondary display from becoming envious
mmm. there would be a market for that
a market for bitches?
one please
£989.99 please
pounds? I don't want to live in this dystopian future
fucking tough luck
you want a bitch or not
can I get a student discount on one?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit how envious?
total price
(+ shipping)
oh god I just realised I can probably be held without charge for 30 days due to "human trafficking" ..... note to law enforcement: this is a funny joke and I am not a human trafficker
put on that red light
no traffic passing here
He is a human trafficker.
I'll testify to that.
We have gone too far.
i'll have your head for this
Oh. Now they can hold you for 60 days, because your funny joke was intended as such, by your own admission.
wait.... note to law enforcement: this is a funny joke and I am not a beheader
I need to do what's right. I'm sorry.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Meh. US don't care unless it's a US citizen
oh please if you cared about doing the right thing you wouldn't be on SO
inb4 spelling
don't touch me there
spelling was fine
so now I can take the piss over your false inb4
@StackedCrooked 10 more minutes / i'm off to bed
Sounds like fun
@LightnessRacesinOrbit where?
fu k i've had far too much red bull
is that another funny joke?
I thought I was buying puppies
any of that at all is too much
it's too hard to get them envious of display resolutions

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