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Nobody is listening to Telkitty since everyone plonked Telkitty.
Guys, get a room!
@StackedCrooked nice
hello experts.
I'm stuck with a problem,
can' find out any solution.
desperately need help
shouldn't I ask anything here?
Especially not if you're desperate.
@ScottW is malaria transmittable through saliva? :p
actually I'm trying to solve, but can't get the solution.
@thecoshman The hell is this supposed to mean.
I've be given some names and have to sort them alphabetically,
here the solution http://ideone.com/SWPFJT gives the perfect result.
but if i use user prompted inputs
then this: http://ideone.com/3qqmE0 gives me segfault error.
No wonder you get segmentation faults. You're writing C code.
Try again in a high-level language.
requirements is C
Why do you ask in a C++ room if it's a C question?
and the chat group for C is not available. :(
@Sofffia Falling due to excessive stupidity.
sorry for bothering you. but nothing to do
@Sirajul_Islam Luckily I have been given only three names, and they were already sorted: First name, Middle Name, Surname
the second url?
@Sirajul_Islam If you have a problem with your teeth, and your dentist is not available, do you go to an oculist?
@rightfold, no actually not.
in C, 14 secs ago, by Sirajul_Islam
Anyone here?
Dentus Rift
That's ... interesting question
@rightfold I have a feeling (though I'd have to look it up) it's more like Dens then
@R.MartinhoFernandes just 'going to see a doctor' does not really mean much :P
looking at paying £150 to go back to Bristol :(
@rightfold what could would a cultist do? (lol lol lol)
@Puppy I thought you now work there?
yes, which is why I have to go back there.
move dick butt
working on it, idiot.
hurry up douche
@Puppy That's an expensive trip.
moving as fast as I can, moron.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, worse than living there.
do you like anime?
I dislike anime.
@Puppy apparently not twat jokey
I also dislike you for no apparent reason.
> C++ game developer
^ +1
@thecoshman What makes you say that?
oh boy
Now the reason is apparent! :D
@Puppy still here vOv
> Ukraine
It's just work
nothing personal
do you like to jump?
yes, I could have magically teleported myself there and found a property to rent in five minutes, but decided not to
#define ACCESSOR(x)         decltype(x) get##x##() const {return x;}
#define ACCESSOR_REF(x)     const decltype(x)& get##x##() const {return x;}
#define MUTATOR(x)          void set##x##(decltype(x) value) {x = value;}
#define MUTATOR_REF(x)      void set##x##(const decltype(x)& value) {x = value;}
#define MUTATOR_MOVE(x)     void set##x##(decltype(x)&& value) {x = std::move(value);}
lol dat code
homebrew stalker?
That's broken.
x##( is not ok.
never tried this in real life
Well, now you know.
@teivaz why not. take risks!
Did I said I didn't know?
Are you retarded?
I'm flattered, though.
Makes sense
@Puppy you lazy fuck
Now, when you come back, you may want to check your attitude.
And your altitude. Don't want to be in a place lacking oxygen.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey! I wanted to do that
I think you're abusing your powers for personal reasons.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ignoring the fact that the guy uses macros to spam out terrible getters/setters, his macros are broken :P
@Abyx nah, seemed reasonable to me. I'm sure @sehe would say otherwise though
> #401: Use time for markers instead of sample sequence numbers [fixed]
#448: Markers should be sample numbers instead of timestamps [critical]
Oh well.
you kicked him?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? Cycling between two possibilities?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so someone made a 'fix' without knowing that it was like that for a 'reason'. See it all the time.
@Puppy wouldn't you have?
@thecoshman No, someone made a fix because there was an issue open to do it like that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes just because something is reported as a 'fault' doesn't mean it is actually wrong.
or maybe it does... I've no idea how you guys do your work :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, I have seen that as well here.
@VáclavZeman what? people doing work? crazy talk!
@thecoshman lol, no. People changing stuff just because some QA tester without a clue complained.
@VáclavZeman or was it the developer who was without a clue? He should know what the software is supposed to do.
@thecoshman lol, no.
@thecoshman TBH, I half the time do not know what the whole thing does and how. :)
Any C++ Builder guru here, per chance?
Damn. Should have colour checked the png conversion
@VáclavZeman nor do I. But I recognise when a change is a functional change, and would question if this behaviour that has been such for so long should be changed. I have no idea how much is depending on this 'broken' behaviour. Chances are, other areas need to also update too.
@sehe dat gamma
Couldn't be it, right. Same monitor. However, color profiles and palettes are at play
@thecoshman True.
@sehe actually... probably not. Got confused; there was (still is?) an issue with IE where it would apply gamma correction wrong, so you had to strip it out of images.
that's colour profiles.
AFAIK the problem I am thinking of was only a problem for some versions of IE
emplace_back, make_shared, etc, all produce terrible diagnostics.
@R.MartinhoFernandes By ‘all’ do you mean anything that emplaces?
I think so.
std::make_shared is doubly terrible because it happens so deep.
@sehe MyBangaList
You saw it :)
@Sofffia is on my bangalijstje.
For a second there I thought you found out I tried to access your mc server.
And that you were talking about the whitelist.
let pizza_hex: u32 = 0x1f355;
let pizza: char = '🍕';
println!("pizza as hex = {:x}", pizza as u32); // prints 'pizza as hex = 1f355'
println!("{} == {}", pizza_hex as char, pizza); // error: only `u8` can be cast as `char`, not `u32`
Rust's da best.
LOLCODE is an esoteric programming language inspired by lolspeak, the language expressed in examples of the lolcat Internet meme. The language was created in 2007 by Adam Lindsay, researcher at the Computing Department of Lancaster University. The language is not clearly defined in terms of operator priorities and correct syntax, but several functioning interpreters and compilers already exist. One interpretation of the language has been proven Turing-complete. == Language structure and examples == LOLCODE's keywords are drawn from the heavily compressed (shortened) patois of the lolcat Internet...
@R.MartinhoFernandes use type inference :(
@rightfold No.
The types are important for the exposition.
Not sure I follow.
So you can cast char to u32 but not back?
Is that not silly? :v
Why not?
well... not all u32 code points equal one 'character'
plus I assume that char really means 'byte'
having char at all is probably a bad thing.
Look how it assigned a PIZZA to it.
char is a Unicode scalar value.
what ever
@rightfold The valid values are those in the ranges [0-D7FF] and [E000-10FFFF].
Ah, I see.
Is there some way to do the conversion anyway if you know beforehand the value lies within those ranges, and getting a runtime error if it isn't?
u8 can be cast to char because its values are a subset.
Makes perfect sense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's this from?
@rightfold Yes. std::char::from_u32 returns an Option<char>.
@sehe Animu & Bongo
I'm missing the reference
@LucDanton They also hide constructor usages from poor tools (everything?).
Corrupting it further.
Good job
@Puppy What will you have in Wide instead?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Eh, I do things like push_back({a, b, c }) so I’m not sure that’s really specific to emplacing.
probably nothing
u32 is bad.
I fail to see what useful purpose char serves except to confuse everybody.
Name it whatever you want.
code c = 'Ψ’;
if all you want is an integer with limited range, I don't really see why that needs to be a language feature
Yeah, don't make unicode support a language feature either.
Let's see how that works out.
Everything is integers with limited range, duh.
How do you know it's a language feature?
(i.e. strawmanning)
if it's not a language feature then I'm not sure why you asked what a language would do
Blah blah. You said you'd provide nothing.
I swallowed a few multi-vitamin pills, still sleepy ...
as part of my core language.
You said "at all."
14 mins ago, by Puppy
having char at all is probably a bad thing.
I still fail to see what this is supposed to mean, then.
"having char at all [unless you actually have the same thing in some other not very distinguishable manner] is probably a bad thing."
@Rapptz I’m back to auto requires(…) -> all_of<…>; instead of the silly puns.
-> all_of<constant<(N < 5)>, expr<a[N]>>; for booly things or what?
eh, if you write your own char, then any confusion you make is your own responsibility
not every invariant absolutely requires a new type to express it
> There is a likely possibility it was inserted up into a certain tract of your body last night while you were intoxicated with friends. Please wash your hands and keys upon extraction.
So your library will provide nothing at all?
dunno, we'll see when I get around to it
@rightfold you spend way too much time there
@LucDanton is_true
har har
that's what niebler-ism calls it iirc
@chmod711telkitty check your logic modules
one of the reason for being sleepy is the lacking of certain vitamins ...
if it was up to me
@Rapptz It’s more and more obvious he needs supervision when it comes to naming things.
@chmod711telkitty sure. carry on. Be sure to also rejuvenate a little
I'd just use boolean<stuff> or whatever
I’ll start with that.
I had enough sleep, I had enough coffee & I had enough vitamins & I am still sleepy ...
also groupon is jacking up the prices for most deals then tempt users like myself with $20 off ...
Why is dev.twitter.com slower than twitter.com :v
I am like a tuna to a worm at the end of that fishing line, ready to be slaughtered ...
Well, I could pick atom as a name. A bit too deep down the EDSL hole though.
David Cameroff
david camel on?
Measure everything in light years, solar masses and seconds.
we need a measure for stupidity
I love installing @discourse instances! When you buy the $99 package on http://www.discourse.org/buy I artisanally install your instance. Really!
Artisan and related are cool words in French. Dunno why English is running them into the ground :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes ಠ_ಠ
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@LucDanton Yeah, in Portuguese as well.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which bit?
In actual fact you should have reduced the question to /just/ ask how to serialize mpq_rational, since the rest is not essential to your problem (or the solution) — sehe 55 secs ago
@LucDanton Oh. Former.
Also, thank you SO for being well-programmed. My pending post survived a total browser crash - even though said browser is unable to logon now (cookie trouble?). I just fired up chrome and - bam, post was still there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm sure Cat would trust Atwood to set up a chat system
@smd @discourse I use electron tuned TCP/IP packets. You can hear the quality.
> Foot pound system great for the British people, science and technology - Rule Farangia.
> There has to be a point where David Cameron's humiliation of the country he leads actually slips into high treason
I’m not prepared to read that kind of kind of effusion towards the web and web programming. Please stick to sarcastic witticisms.
user image
top kek
what. "javascript codes"? as a street name?
@R.MartinhoFernandes wow, Cameron is really going for the UKIP vote isn't he :S
As someone that often sees himself taking the side of Imperial measurements against the tennists (i.e. extremists that obsess with powers of ten :P), I still have to wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
vOv it really isn't that hard to 1.8 metre both units.
TIL a fathom is a hell of a lot shorter than I've always thought it was.
It's the length of a forearm, no?
Wait, no.
That's a cubit.
honestly Imperial units should just die in a fire so we can all move on.
ITT Puppy is a tennist :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit its a forum
a web forum system
web system forum
It's crap
@R.MartinhoFernandes the length of your out stretched arms.
Oh, length of outstretched arms.
I should be working and not reading Lounge.
I knew it was somehow related to arms.
@rightfold omg that actually hurts my brain
@R.MartinhoFernandes repost :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes armies walk them :P
@thecoshman Yes, but with proper spelling :P
@Puppy hint: it doesn't work like that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I initially wanted to ping you but I forgot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Almost certainly misquoted and misinterpreted. The constant Cameron bashing is really starting to do my fucking head in.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no you fool, you have to stretch your arms out(side).
@sehe That's Chrome being well-programmed, no?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he does look a right dopey plonker though, you have to admit... well, they all do :S
@thecoshman I know far worse
@CatPlusPlus but cloud man!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No? SO has been saving post drafts since ever. /cc @sehe
Usually those are the ones flailing about on Facebook going "omg tories r utter utter cunts"
Y'know, having never met a single one of them
@thecoshman It's not butt
(Not ever, but for a long time now)
They actually believe Tories set out to make the country worse
I don't understand the hate
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok
I want to make a web application in Perl.
@CatPlusPlus #web-scale
@thecoshman Why not?
@Puppy It doesn't work because you're reading the Lounge.
you mean, I'm not working because I'm reading the Lounge :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I love the photograph of a wooden ruler that they captioned "Conservative rule: David Cameron favours imperial measures."
I'm working and reading the lounge
get that!
You're not working because puppies don't work.

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