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@BartekBanachewicz Sometimes I wanna call you "Bartek Sandwich" Don't beat me for that :P
nothing original
Cool dancing video
@LucDanton anything that's more elegant and c++03, yeah
> TBD between:
> - England - an amazing idea to organise a hog roast event in the UK somewhere, with keg and all that jazz
> - Poland
Sorry for the thumb :P
@ProblemSolver liar. the video doesn't dance
yeah, I really feel the tension in this choice
@sehe Then I don’t see what’s inappropriate with your answer (although phoenix::lambda doesn’t ring a bell).
@sehe Drink some alcohol .. it should help :P
TDB between:
- bitches, money, alcohol, drugs, fun, not c++, rock 'n roll
- Poland
fuck you markdown
shit, I thought you were elsewhere
the problem is with SO.chat, not markdown
@Sofffia uh oh
@BartekBanachewicz How it feels like to have reputation 12,666 ?
@BartekBanachewicz 100% HAPPINESS GUARANTEE
@ProblemSolver "oh look, I have 12,666 rep"
"cool. I guess."
@BartekBanachewicz I've been using this "solutions" forum almost 4 years and got only 85 rep score :P
@AlexM. That's a strong guarantee. Given that I'm always near "depressive suicidal" when I try gamedev.
@ProblemSolver it's not a forum.
Hahaha. I just confused myself so hard.
@Sofffia buy that book then ask for your money back because you're near "depressive suicidal" when you try gamedev
@BartekBanachewicz whatever -_
Doing unset ${!PS*} doesn't quite revert the prompt to "defaults". It took me an eternity to realize why bash was "still hanging" even after disabling PS* and PROMPT_COMMAND ...
Yeah. Time for lunch :S
@ProblemSolver no, it's not whatever.
about facebook*
@ProblemSolver how dumb you have to be to believe that kind of "news"?
@BartekBanachewicz It's my dream
How is that "good news".
SO best social network
every time I click on a .pdf link in Chrome I'm like "please don't download it please don't download it"
then it downloads it and I'm like "FUUUCK"
I have no idea why it auto-opens some in a new tab, and others it downloads
hint: to view it, you have to download it.
13 secs ago, by Alex M.
I have no idea why it auto-opens some in a new tab, and others it downloads
some are opened in a new tab like web pages
hint: to open it, even as a tab, you have to download it.
yes but I don't have to go to my downloads folder to delete it manually if I open it in a new tab
if I want to view a pdf in a new tab chances are I don't want to store it indefinitely on my drive so I go delete it immediately after I'm done with it
lol voluntarily using PDF-in-browser stuff
Kids these days.
Good dancing song 2 *
pdf-in-browser is great
@AlexM. oh no! the precious bits!
no, the unused files
it lets me download the pdf so that i can watch it with pdf-in-os stuff
@AlexM. see above ¬_¬
it's not the bits I care about
I don't want unused crap on my drive
@ProblemSolver I no longer have rep ending in 666, there. My feelings stay the same.
my Downloads folder is always empty
@BartekBanachewicz lol, Finally You got the sense of my message :P
once I finish downloading something I either move it somewhere else if I want to keep it, or use it on the spot then delete it
@ProblemSolver meh obsession with numbers
I clear my downloads like once a year
Or two
@AlexM. Let's calm down .. :P
@CatPlusPlus or never
87GB right now
what is wrong with you
@sehe …there are both boost::spirit::_a and boost::phoenix::local names::_a? :s
I rarely delete data
too much HDD space makes people weird
@BartekBanachewicz Sometimes it comes in mind :P
but yeah don't get into that again
@sehe Here is what the OP intended I think.
I don't live in 2003 again I don't have to care about disk space
@BartekBanachewicz agreed.. because of that I moved all my shit to the Chinese cloud storage :P
@CatPlusPlus incidentally, I saw a laptop ad here that gave you a 500GB hdd and 1TB in the cloud
in the butt, I mean.
@BartekBanachewicz Funny, I thought the weirdness was the obsession with not having a single unused file on disk.
Cloud is for backups not primary storage
god would everyone just fucking get over the cloud already
> Cloud is for backups
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How about you? Are you still resisting? lol
If you keep non-encrypted data in the butt you're dumb :v
My math teacher just said "infinity is the biggest number in the world"
@CatPlusPlus Are repos primary storage or backups?
And encrypted primary storage that can be put in cloud is not very convenient to use
@CatPlusPlus encrypted folder in Gdrive is p easy to set up
you put files there, your encryption agent takes care of local encryption, and only then google agent gets them
Google Drive has encryption?
Syncing that stuff takes forever and it can't be synced incrementally
Because the container needs to be locked
So you have to unmount it to sync it
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was under impression it was about separating storage and encryption providers
The time to rename this group to the "CloudSolutions<C++>" :P
god The Fallen is such a great piece
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, the Google Drive mention was just in passing and not important, you mean?
It's so fcking amazing
@BartekBanachewicz Did you buy it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Could be anything that works on folder-level basically, so yeah.
@Sofffia shoon
@BartekBanachewicz lemme know how it is
I'll watch her presentation first
Ah, ok. I was confused for a while.
Wait what do you mean by encrypted folder, NTFS encryption?
@BartekBanachewicz link?
@CatPlusPlus Back in the old days TrueCrypt could do that
RSA that shit
Yeah that's not folder-level
@Sofffia RSA is not for data encryption.
Whatever that means
TC containers are locked when they're mounted
@BartekBanachewicz what
@CatPlusPlus A friend told me that he did such a setup and it worked fine for him
@CatPlusPlus "data" being "arbitrary data" or "data data"
I've used it to encrypt backups on Dropbox, but it's just easier faster and more convenient to encrypt every archive separately
@BartekBanachewicz What
@CatPlusPlus Dunno, I just encrypt local storage.
inb4 dropbox using my private photos to advertise stuff
@BartekBanachewicz Really? It's shame
@CatPlusPlus why would you encrypt 'all' backups as one big blob?
@thecoshman To simplify the backup procedure
@Sofffia her face looks competent though
she has looks of a person who would rather code haskell than sleep and eat
it significantly raises my trust level
@CatPlusPlus what part?
The encryption
just encrypt each version... well, I guess if you are using increments it get's a bit trickier
Λa . (a, a)
why do you need quantification here?
how do you say someone who has scars
scared no
Scarred you butte
@Sofffia ... they have scars, they are scarred...
Isn't a in (a,a) universal anyway?
@BartekBanachewicz she looks scarred in the inside
> Notice the capital lambda for defining functions on types, as opposed to the lowercase lambda used for functions on values.
oh fuck
I'm dumb
Disregard everything I said
@tef unlike grief, the five stages of pythonistas learning Ruby are denial, anger, anger, anger, and rage.
lol fuck ruby
huh, it's remarkably difficult to get a reliable code folding method into C++ files. #pragma region doesn't work out of the box in Notepad++, though #region does but C++ thinks I'm trying to use a non-existent preprocessor command even if I write # region. FML
also lol this thread
if anyone tells me "ruby and python are roughly the same language" today, i will cut them.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why do you need that?
@BartekBanachewicz I want to group function definitions within my source file and fuck splitting it into multiple files frankly
@blaine the difference is that one of them is dead to me
@tef I'm guessing Python.
@blaine you are dead to me.
Q: What's the difference between equal?, eql?, ===, and ==?

dennissI am trying to understand the difference between these four methods. I know by default that == calls the method equal? which returns true when both operands refer to exactly the same object. === by default also calls == which calls equal?... okay, so if all these three methods are not overridden...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit if a need for grouping arises, doesn't it hint you might be violating SRP?
@BartekBanachewicz No. The responsibiility of this module is to interact with a single mechanism on a remote device; it just so happens that the code required to implement said interaction is fairly complex. Splitting the logic into multiple modules or classes would be an absurd mess and create all sort of nastiness
lol PHP is better than Ruby
@CatPlusPlus all aboard the hate train
hey hey! what's with all this oneboxin?
47 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Sofffia Good job on the cherry-picking there.
I like learning new fallacies
@LightnessRacesinOrbit vim uses comments to mark fold regions
fuck you all
@Sofffia lol what
ruby is great
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I see. o
@CatPlusPlus are you high?
like better than haskell
@Sofffia now, calm down
wow, microsoft's speech recognition APIs suck tremendously
I know it might be hard for you
waiting until he reads the last messages
lol ruby fanboys
@BartekBanachewicz (In short, the "public" API is tiny : it's all the internal, private functions causing me grief)
i'm no fanboy
@Sofffia you just don't know what's good and bad anymore
I have a question I'd like to ask.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You really can't split them up?
anyway, I wish C++ ignored # region FFS
man your codebase sucks
Use a better text editor :v
@CatPlusPlus I can spread them over multiple source files, of course I can
this isn't a "problem" it's just something I'd liek to do
i liek you
@Sofffia having 4 different ways to express equality isn't cherrypicking
choosing one of them is
@sbi well then, I don't think you need to wait for permission
@BartekBanachewicz you are focusing on equality
it's not even that used
@CatPlusPlus cynic tendencies then, eh?
@Sofffia lol what // cc @Cat
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Don't those // { } things work?
@sbi spit it out boy!
@BartekBanachewicz just look at females
@Sofffia No, it's just one example out of many
do they get equality?
Is there anyone going to be in Berlin next Tuesday (besides @melak & @R.Martinho, which I assume as being present)? I ask because I'll have a beer with @JamesMcNellis on Tuesday.
It's not "focusing" on anything
@thecoshman Not sure I should ask that on SO.
Also 0/10 on trolling
38 secs ago, by Cat Plus Plus
@Sofffia No, it's just one example out of many
@sbi speaking of meet ups, June 13th, start clearing it man :D 2.0
@CatPlusPlus I think he really has problems with detoxing from ruby
look at how wrong this guy is
@sbi maybe...
i liek being wrong
@Sofffia you're getting dangerously close to thephd zone
cease immediately.
@thecoshman That's next year!? What do I know about then?! (Maybe my ex-wives will have been run over by buses by then. Or me.)
@Loopunroller It's just true
@CatPlusPlus No :(
At this point I'd rather write PHP than Ruby
I'll go play some minecraft.
@CatPlusPlus It's scary but I guess I'd need to reevaluate
PHP wasn't designed at all
but Ruby was designed with malicious twisted intents
@sbi stop being silly. It's easier to not go at the least minute than the reverse.
Sometimes utter stupidity is easier to deal with than malicious intelligence
good times
> @sbi stop being silly
lol you're kidding, right?
that's like asking an ape not to fling shit at its own face.
oh, wait...
They're both developed by idiots but Ruby is worse
Oh, Mr. Everybody Likes Me is still all puffed about me. :)
why is there a Ruby/Python theme on Twitter today? wagwan?
@Sofffia why is this starred? it's true
hey hey! you stop it. We get it, you're both stuck up twats who enjoy making a point of not wanting to talk to each other. Just shut the fuck up about it and move on.
Someone had to write Ruby
it didn't have to happen
@LucDanton Yes, I'm not sure how they shadow each other (if at all). I always thought that qi placeholders model phoenix placeholders
Also muh too lazy to go shopping
this tragedy could have been avoided
Also my code design is getting hellishly complicated
lol whoever said that OOP is a "natural model" should die in fire
@LucDanton huh. That's pretty convincing. I'm absolutely sure I had that at a given (early) point. Must have been the borked rule declaration that made it appear to not-work
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, RankNTypes #-}

-- | Functor arrow
type (:->) c d = forall a b. c a b -> d a b

-- | Hask category; types are objects, functions are morphisms.
type Hask = (->)

arr :: Arrow c => Hask :-> c
arr = Control.Arrow.arr
lol sometimes Haskell is really a WTF
@sehe Replacing the using directive by using boost::spirit::_a; gives out errors.
I didn't do that, though. Yeah, There'll be a difference. Luckily
Re: how the two _a relate to each other. Worth mentioning if you incorporate it into your answer, it’s a hidden pitfall.
@thecoshman Raises eyebrows. What is it that I shall stop doing?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit did it arrive?
I've also considered using my cats to transport it.
@LucDanton I'm currently finding out why it's segfaulting on my linux box :/
Also splitting files in definition and declaration is really annoying
Indexing into a string literal with a bogus value produced by a silly conversion, perhaps?
oh QtC can refactor that
@sbi engaging with him ಠ_ಠ as well you know.
@CatPlusPlus If your idea of a cookie includes anything that has to do with dicts, you have a really weird idea of cookies.
don't make me put on my grown up boot
@thecoshman At the end of the year I will have to negotiate the times I will have the small kids for the first half of next year, and this is one of the many things which influence what I want from those negotiations. (What I will then get is, of course, even more open to questioning than what I want.) I have marked the date in my calender, but there isn't currently anything else I could do.
@rightfold It's a container serialised as a cookie
Yes. Why would the cookie care that it's a container?
Cookies store text, not containers. It's the user's job to serialise whatever they want to store.
@thecoshman "Engaging" seems a pretty strong term for me noting him sneering at me. :)
Because it's fucking convenient????????????????
It's not.
@LucDanton same code
@sbi IIRC that's better than last year... and last year worked out rather well.
Anyway, where's that robot when you need him? (@R.MartinhoFernandes?)
And even then, why should it be the only fucking option?
@sbi like ways, he shouldn't engage with you. Fuck sake man, you're the one with kids :P
@sehe And I thought that would be the end of it, lol.

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