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For free, obviously.
My observations above took for granted that if an exam is actually wrong in its coverage of the taught material, then it's a broken exam and there are other ways to deal with that. I was referring only to those exams that go over course material, whether you expected that specific material to be in the exam or not
Also outside of my normal classes.
</troll troll troll>
Guess if I took that opportunity to make life easier for upcoming generations.
Also choice tests with choices being absolutely ambiguous and the choice was basically "what the guy thought was a right answer", regardless of how much you know about the subject
People in charge are idiots, half of the people teaching are incompetent, exams are shit
@chmod711telkitty :)
wah wah wah I suck at learning and exams wah wah wah it's everyone else's fault wah wah wah
Hmmm, my Android phone is incapable of keeping two apps in memory anymore. Anyone else have degrading OS functionality due to app updates? I think the Google services crap might have something to do with it :-(
man the fuck up jesus
Funniest exams were the online ones where questions changed during the test :allears:
Ask anyone here what they think, and you'll hear the same thing
Yes, because the Lounge is mostly populated by morons
Country not Lounge
I don't think "ask anyone here what they think" is a great defence for anything in the Lounge
lol ok
Well, emigrate then
I'm done with the uni bullshit
I'm nearly done
I hope you filled in the feedback forms. So that the uni could be blessed with your superior intellect and knowledge
of course I did
hahahaha feedback forms
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Do I feel they will change anything? Considering students at some other university rebelled against my tutor some 15 years ago because of unfair grading, which didn't change shit that he's still teaching?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit select top 20 r.name from restaurants as r, review as rv where uf_distance(r.geolocation, @newyork_central_geolocation)<50000 and r.id = rv.restaurant_id order by rv.overall_rating desc
(he was working there at that time and they basically boycotted his exam and requested formal verification of their knowledge by 3rd party)
@BartekBanachewicz If all else fails, assassination is available. I don't get why you're so being defeatist about this.
because it's "I-passed-fuck-everything" attitude
and I admit I also feel that way
@sehe ew is that MSSQL?
@BartekBanachewicz you were taunted
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nope, more like oracle
(all I know is that it is not the holy MySQL)
People who are competent know to not do this shit, people who aren't are entrenched in their positions and no amount of feedback forms will change a thing
@sehe this was a honest offer. Amounting to basically doing the tutor's job for them
Oracle is great because it can tell the future so you know as soon as you start using it that bad times are ahead
Actually I like the Oracle flavour. Nothing with silly left outer joins "on" a relation. Just, tables and constraints
@LightnessRacesinOrbit True
Best exams were the ones where we could bring books, laptops and Internet
TIL Cat goes on Lounge in exams
@BartekBanachewicz You could have taken him up on it. Do the 20% that gets you 80% of the recognition. And then sit with your arms crossed
The best exam was the Dutch exam where people failed. :psyduck:
Just do what Puppy does... suck at everything and mope about in obscurity with no skills or ambition to speak of, then land a half-decent job anyway and be fine
(Seriousness level: 45%)
@sehe I've concluded it wasn't worth it (I'd really like to do it properly and it would take a lot of time and... basically, I could teach the subject, if they allowed me to instead of doing those stupid exams)
wait, puppy got a job? :D
I had a job before I finished the uni :v
I got a job around the beginning of 2nd semester
@CatPlusPlus I had a job before I started uni!
yesterday, by Puppy
@Ell offered me the job on the spot
That's one of two things uni is good for
@CatPlusPlus I had a job right the way through all four years of Uni.
And two years before it
And I resumed it the day right after they kicked me out.
And now five years after it
All at the same place :laffo:
TIL @rightfold got kicked out of Uni
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he quit, basically.
sneaking into the girls' changing rooms again?
> they kicked me out
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's my personal belief that he's dead. Also, people who believe otherwise would likely object that he shouldn't "man up" (instead, he should probably "deity up" or, has already done so in their perspective)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit for no reason eh
I'm gonna get kicked from MSc for ECTS deficit :v
I didn't make it through the first year since I didn't attend the uninteresting completely-unrelated-to-CS shit, as well as a few exams.
@sehe Jesus is not dead you sinner he is right here in all of us all the time all the places all the reasons and colours and trees and birds and snakes and hippopotamuses but you can be saved if you just accept HIS love
@BartekBanachewicz where did anyone say "for no reason", Captain Strawman?
I am torn between chatting here and checking FB, Tinder, reading GoT, or actually writing some Sunday afternoon code.
I'm torn between some of those things
(Actually just the first two)
There's nothing interesting on FB and don't code
Problem almost solved
@CatPlusPlus I kinda use it as a newsfeed for some websites
Chicken's in the oven, and I have a couple of admin tasks to accomplish but not much. Need a shower to test new boiler (and, incidentally, to become clean). My house is still a tip so a month off work hasn't been entirely successful, though it is ... better ...
So on my FB interesting things come by :-p
I'd like to start doing my own coding projects again though. Going to try really hard not to do work overtime any more, in the hope that this will give me motivation to parallelise projects (i.e. theirs and mine), though I'm not great at that.
I check RSS like once a day
My wrist vibrates when stuff to read comes up :v
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I accepted his love slightly less than half of my love. Then it was time to repay some of that love Nah that's actually not true. I never pushed it away. It just faded from relevance for me
@sehe HE can save you if you only repent
your soul can find eternal peace
you just need to want it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sounds good. I should start some cooking myself!
Actually I'm quite looking forward to discovering precisely the extent to which the sinners at work have fucked up in my absence
@BartekBanachewicz you're wearing it in the wrong place
I wonder whether I can get $duration_of_time_before_we_are_dismayed_lightness_is_back down to 2 hours
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's a gift from God!
Including 1 hour tea and Lounge time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you have such a charming relation to reality
@rightfold the red bit actually makes sense in many ways. this sort of thinking prerequires a support in predestination, and predestination states quite clearly that your rape was the way it was meant to be
@sehe :)
I love the last one.
the orange block is also true, because you can't be turned on by a rapist and your bits are all narrow and whatnot. of course, it's not actually enough, but it is true as an observation in isolation.
IDG the yellow one
> I would give them a shot of estrogen.
Easy rape is also dead true. Many girls claim rape after having changed their minds, or having been drunk but not appearing to be that drunk and having apparently given consent then regretted it in the morning when they realised they don't remember where they were
A shot of estrogen solves all problems
I believe that's what the "forcible rape" thing was probably trying to get at, too
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ~Many~ [citation needed]
the white one is obviously not useful advice, though there is a sort of cynical practicality to it
I mean what's the point in making things worse for you
when a lion is approaching you just stay still and quiet, right?
@rubenvb [who?]*
No, I shoot it.
Oh I can't take the sarcasm in this room anymore. I've been out too long
In conclusion, that graphic is mostly a bunch of whiny misinterpretations from a hateful left spoiling for a fight.
And sell its skin.
Net result: profit!
@rubenvb Good assessment. It's pretty dense right now.
Really, though, that "will of god" thing is a damn interesting point. So God willed suffering abroad but he had no hand in your rape? Even though you believe all life is the will of God? What? It just opens up the contradictions inherent in modern Christian faiths and that frustrates the Yank religious folk
I actually don't understand how I ever managed to penetrate into your midst.
thick skin?
as you stay, it gets thicker
@chmod711telkitty that wouldn't be sensible.
@rubenvb We must have been asking for it
@rubenvb You forgot that nerd communities are usually meritocracies? And the social part: It varies. Wildly. There are those of us who are relatively stable. And balanced
@sehe lol "relatively"
Anyways: I still can't believe how many hot girls there are on Tinder.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit IDG why that's somehow funny
It seems I never hang out in the sexy part of the country.
Meritocracy, hmm yeah. Maybe that's why I'm not a room owner. I need to get myself an active project on github ASAP
@rubenvb ooh, really?
@rubenvb are they all unstable?
@rubenvb WOW. inb4 major influx on Tinder
@LightnessRacesinOrbit frustrates? no they just ignore those, there is a south african comic that described it perfectly. It's like talking with a robot that's just been told true is false
You are all mediocre.
We are
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't know, I can only ever talk to a handful :-p
@R.MartinhoFernandes True is false.
grabs popcorn
maybe we should send whoever I don't want be here to tinder
@rubenvb Sounds like a good night
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yum gimme some too
@chmod711telkitty Or we could just flip it on its head for ease-of-implementation sakes, and send you to Tinder
@rightfold here you go baby I knew you wanted some
Zij die vragen worden niet overgeslagen.
Zij die zwijgen hebben de kans iets te krijgen.
Hmm moment of realisation: I like being a girl on the internet far too much
you can't lure me to tinder, I like to hang around people in real flesh ... unless they are unbalanced &/|| unstable ...
@chmod711telkitty Consider it done // kick-mutes telkitty
/me heads straight for Tinder's "lesbian" section
@chmod711telkitty Right, it's important to hang out with people different than you
I feel safe here, knowing you are more than a thousand miles from me ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit we realized this years ago
I've also just realised that I want loads more money ffs
@chmod711telkitty In truth, you can't be sure of that.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you're not a girl on the internet
I like being a girl in real life.
you just have an avatar depicting a female
I'm quite enjoying this 56% humidity, 5mph winds night, @chmod711telkitty. Are you?
@chmod711telkitty Talk about unbalanced: &/||?!
@BartekBanachewicz How do you know?
@sehe lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meh
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You have a beard
@sehe best I could do at short notice
@BartekBanachewicz Prove it
Also for the record I'm still convinced my female 5th form Maths teacher had a beard of sorts.
@BartekBanachewicz Thuis heb ik nog ansichtkaart, waarop mijn vrouw staat met een baard.
@BartekBanachewicz Who's that?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so, don't. It's the exact thing that your coworkers will say in their defense tomorrow. Makes you think, right
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That is .
lol that's an old meme
@rightfold According to which government ID organisation?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah haven't seen that in a while. glad it's back biatches
@sehe dammit
@BartekBanachewicz were you on a boat?
Let me find you another photo of that unidentified male
@sehe nah, I haven't had the chance to meet our beauty in person yet
I'm so sad internet is slow
Londen is nearby.
@BartekBanachewicz I was trying to work out why the orientation of flat surfaces was somewhat atypical
@sehe maybe he's just bad at selfies
@chmod711telkitty you're pretending to be a chick right now
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix a chicken, perhaps
@chmod711telkitty that's a sad story, actually. I'm gonna tweet that, with #whoisbeingsexistnow
2006 (holy fucking fuck)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That nose job
@LightnessRacesinOrbit your nose seems borked
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what a phaggot
trick of perspective to a degree but also big nose
you know what they say about guys who have big noses
Oh wow. Perspective FTW
I mean you can see in the one Bartek posted that this unknown individual has a fairly normal nose in reality
Can you make an isometric picture?
that's more like it
@sehe selfieless?
@rightfold you can just do a matrix transform, or a polar->cartesian transform to undo the fish-eye
dammit, no online isometric tile generator
@sehe I have it on good authority that he was in a marquee during a rainstorm ;p (So, close)
fucking hell
I think I this guy actually looked quite Polish back then
you know that if these pictures came from anywhere on the web you are infringing copyright, right?
@rubenvb Yeah :(
I'll alert a mod in the case of a DMCA request
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Add earrings, remove lipstick, BAM! Girl.
@sehe job done eh
hang on I'll just Photoshop it a bit
one sec
no data about what I need to learn
I thought that I might have written this answer badly but there's nothing in the PDF
taken today with my friends @ waterfall ...
guys halp I need to compare SPN and FN algorithms
@rubenvb (actually, posting a URL does not infringe copyright - and if the photos aren't being rehosted then there's no storage issue, either. It's just linking)
@chmod711telkitty your friends have a postage stamp camera? Vintage!
I have MS paint
you know ... people complain about large pictures ...
@BartekBanachewicz does LuaJIT expose the same API as Lua?
@rightfold y
@LightnessRacesinOrbit these are all on stack's imgur, that's a repost 99.9% sure. Hell, I'm not gonna spill the beans or anything, just making sure you know :-p
There we go
Photoshop is so easy to use nowadays
You are beautiful darling <3 <3
@Sofffia nice
@BartekBanachewicz So I can just drop it in and it will work with Sol? :v
@rubenvb Yeah, because as a repost the original artist put them there. I'm just writing the link to those images. Your browser is then displaying the image at that URL.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it took you a bit long, though
@sehe Got distracted by ruben's nonsense
@rightfold that was the intent, so yeah, I guess
Is there a reason to not use LuaJIT?
lol flattered ... thought you were going to say I should choose a prettier chick than use my own picture ...
Maybe we'll just gloss over this guy's "Bartek" period
I wonder how old he was at the time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not sure if 18th birthday or IS balloon in the background
ok this was funny 9gag.com/gag/aEGRN5G
@Sofffia thnks :)
@sehe hahaha
ITT telkitty feels flattered because she's being ignored
14 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
user image
Is there any news on the cppcon recordings?
I ate them
girl's gotta eat
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I had been thinking the exact same thing. But I didn't want to put Bartek off-balance during this time in which he's naturally more emotionally fragile (due to his signif. other being abroad)
@bamboon I'm wondering too
Abroad, not a broad. Or, well, maybe
I want to see ubisoft's singletons in action
the pdfs don't do them justice
> put Bartek off-balance
where's Ms Bartek anyway
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is that jarring use of English? I can't tell. I'm just a Dutchy
I posted this on a forum a while ago ...
@BartekBanachewicz You gonna vote on Nomic or what? I've been waiting to take my turn :P
> "I don't have a mommy or daddy," Harry replied sadly; and looked at his raggedy, old shoes that were blue.
Damn. Don't wear shoes that are blue.
@sehe o.o are you reading Harry Potter?
> "You can speak with my auntie and uncle," Harry retorted politely; and blinked his big, blue, childlike eyes.
@Borgleader The censored version! fanfiction.net/s/10644439/1/…
@sehe it's ok
@sehe orly? phone number #
why the 'e' in she?
Sep 10 at 19:12, by sehe
Full stalk mode engaged:
why the "mod 711 telk" in "shitty" "chitty"?
(I did my best)
"chitty" "kitty"
the miracles of platic surgery
plastic surgery adobe
> platic
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ahah
def integer = lexeme(for {
  base <- (("""[0-9]+""".r ^^ { _.toInt }) <~ "#").?.map(_.getOrElse(10))
  value <- """[0-9A-Z]+""".r ^^ { java.lang.Long.parseLong(_, base) }
} yield value)
man my ISP kick banned me for 20 minutes
@rightfold amazingly unreadable
@rightfold Are you learning Egyptian?
Oh, it's code. I see.
@BartekBanachewicz Which part is the most unreadable?
@rightfold <~ "#"
That's like <* string "#" in Haskell.
And ^^ is flip fmap.
lol now this is a proper GPU ad youtube.com/watch?v=GThxpjwMudA
> Harry Potter has many good things about it; but it still has witchcraft; so my children cannot read it. BUT that is why I am writing this! So they can have all the adventure and good morals of the Harry Potter books without all that bad stuff that is bogging it down. I mean, Matthew 3:12, am I right?!
I parse 17 to 17, 16#FF to 255, 2#1001 to 9 etc.
@rightfold getOutOrElse()
> so [obviously] my children cannot read it
Monadic parsing is a gift from God.
@rightfold what's wrong with flip fmap? Are you trying to recreate Perl? Maybe you can use $^^ so that you can reassign it from inside some module
@sehe I'm not, the authors of scala.util.parsing are.
That's... bad.
Why? For the same reason Spirit overloading operators to do completely different things than what they were intended to do is bad?
APIs have to be learnt. vOv
@rightfold No. ^^ isn't a mnemonic or well-held convention for pattern notations.
I could write map instead of ^^ and it would work just fine.
@sehe it lifts!
Lifts go up!
That's the point. You should write that then
^^ goes up as well!
I use ^. for view, but set for setting
@sehe Except everybody that uses this library knows what ^^ is.
I had a dream about Haskell last night
I can't go to work tomorrow
I have to much uni bullshit to deal with
Why? Got fired and Puppy got your job instead?
@rightfold In that case, why explain?
@MohammadAliBaydoun Was it about using Haskell in production code?
@rightfold O goes down, I get it.
@rightfold It isn't bad at all.
I know. :P
@rubenvb I don't remember ;_;
I woke up thinking of Haskell
I'm using both C++ and Haskell to solve Project Euler problems, alternating between the two as needed
I'm stuck on Problem 26 now ;_;
I started on Project Euler, then wrote three incrementally better solutions (more and more compile time calculation wanking) and never got any farther. I should work on my OCD :-p
wank wank wank
Hmm, in f(x), should I evaluate x first or f first?
project euler is the only place where I use functional languages
@sehe Nice. :)
@StackedCrooked That really unbroke Coliru for me, just unbroke a Coliru link there
> _Calculator
Uhoh. You should not forget goggles, wherever you are going tomorrow.
it was a link I followed from you :P
I find it amusing that Puppy assumes people have no brains when he misses a point.
Oh. ":P".
I should do that word deletion trick more.
It works.
polar bears.
cartesian rabbits.
oh that reminds me...
@sehe What were you doing on that island?
in the middle of nowhere
Dat awkward moment when cartesian rabbits remind you of critical questions of evolutionary physics
a what now?
I just got +30 rep in literally 5 seconds!
Yay I can now compile 1 1 to let a = 1; let b = 1; let c = call(a, b).

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