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hey sorry, where can I ask about pc hardware?
Windows does "%variable_name%" for Environment Strings, but most Unix places use "${variable_name}" for the environment strings.
Which convention should I take for the engine?
it's ${stuff} not {stuff}
anyway the latter
or you could do $stuff instead of ${stuff}
$stuff wouldn't allow for spaces in the name.
At least not without some escaping hoodley-doodley.
I want to learn to python, but i'm afraid it may be more complicated than C++.
You're smoking some serious shit.
@ThePhD Neither.
Any suggestion other than "Neither"?
@Rapptz Aww man, with ${stuff} I have to use a regex to find the right things. :c
If someone passes me a string they're intending to build-out with String.Format and I just willy-nilly replace ${ to % and } to % on windows, I might half-destroy the formatting end-braces for String.Format. D:
use % then
Well to be honest, I should probably be using ${} with a regex anyways.
Because willy-nilly replacing % to ${ and } when using Unix would also be hard.
At least in Unix-style I reduce the chance for derps by matching a set of ${ and }
@Loopunroller It is more highlevel. So in some senses it is necessarily more complicated.
@ThePhD come on this has been done a bazillion times now. /just write a proper parser and do the replacements from within the parser states/
@sehe That sounds like... like work, though.
Lazy b*d
Plus, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW seems to do multiple replacements at once.
I know with getenv I can do one-by-one...
@ThePhD I half remember reading some spec/reference implementation of command line parsing in cmd.exe (which is entirely untrivial and has very funy surprises kept for... you guessed it! Backwards compatibility)
A: How to expand environment variables in .ini files using Boost

seheI'm pretty sure that this could be done trivally (see my newer answer) using a handwritten parser, but I'm personally a fan of Spirit: grammar %= (*~char_("%")) % as_string ["%" >> +~char_("%") >> "%"] [ _val += phx::bind(safe_getenv, _1) ]; Meaning: ta...

May I ask a javascript question here as the other forums seem to ignore me?
@Clarinetking Not sure. Do you feel suicidal, at all?
:) I was ignoring him
Why'd you ask?
I usually do but today I feel less so than usual
@Clarinetking You'll find out. Or you can read loungecpp.net/w/Newbie_hints
Can't access it. I need some sort of extension to be true but I can see I'll get no help here either :/
13 hours ago, by sehe
SO has been tired for some years now
@Clarinetking Wow. That's off. Thanks for noting. I'll page the despondents!
@CatPlusPlus @R.MartinhoFernandes who knows what's wrong with the newbie hints? Installation appears borked
I guess that grants you your one java question... (not implying you'll get any useful answers from a bunch of c++ lunatics)
Oh for fuck's sake
@Clarinetking Post your javascript question on a West Ham supporters fansite. You'll get better answers than from the Lounge.
Heh, thanks :)
I want to know how to target multiple values stored in an array, i.e arr[1...N] so that I can store it as a variable to be used in later functions :)
Fucking MediaWiki
@MartinJames Probably true xD
@CatPlusPlus Did I page you in error? Sorry I'm accutely unaware of who uses the wiki. I personally haven't made it through the newbie hints, yet, I think
I run everything in loungecpp.net
So yeah ping me
@Clarinetking you want array slicing? I think there is simply array.slice w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_slice_array.asp
@CatPlusPlus ping!
I fixed it
That was quick
I don't know what slicing is, I just want part of an array stored to push to the end later :)
@Clarinetking "I don't know what slicing is". Read the doc. Job done.
Nice work @CatPlusPlus
I washed my big coffee plunger & cup in a creek today, I hope the local fish there got high
Okay I gotta do this fucking auth thing
Because this is bullshit
I had a bug in my unit test where I underestimated my optimiser.
@Clarinetking Now. In return, are you really playing the woodwinds?
It works :D the page I mean. nice work cat
OF COURSE :D Clarinet is great :)
Nice. Genre?
Also should replace MediaWiki with something not completely shitty
I expected it to optimise let a = 1; let b = 2; let c = a + b to let c = 3 but it actually optimised it to nothing since c is unused. :v
inb4 confluence
Preferably classical/romantic period
@rightfold s/underestimated my optimiser/didn't test my units in isolation/g
I haven't really used Confluence so might try!
@sehe I did, but I also tested them in not isolation.
So you accidentally made an integration test, which made it impossible to observe the correctness of the unit under test
Or just fucking gollum and who the fuck cares
@rightfold Ah. Okay then. Carry on
'Unable to connect' a lot today on main site:(
I test constant folding and pure code elimination separately but also combined.
But yeah that would indeed be an integration test.
Don't. That was my evillest joke in 713 days!
@rightfold (hint: depends on scale; everything's relative)
That slice() method looks perfect :D Thanks guys :)
I considered XWiki too
XWiki? Sounds like a porn site xD
A collaboratively-edited porn site.
Dear God NO
that would be XXXWiki
@Clarinetking Often times, the answer to the question is just "what's this called". I guess it's a corollary to the famous maxim:
Or PuppyWiki.
nononono so much nope
> "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

-- Phil Karlton
@CatPlusPlus let me save you some time, it's shit
Something wierd is going wrong with the main site.
@rightfold those exist
Owait - no, it's me:(
CSE is gonna be fun.
P sure it's better than MediaWiki
Centraal Schriftelijk Examen?
Common subexpression elimination.
Reboot time
I.e. reduce let a = 1; let b = 1; f(a, b) to let a = 1; f(a, a).
Bye everyone :)
@CatPlusPlus ergh...
What is the problem with MediaWiki?
@rightfold Not too hard, given proper hashing/equivalence on AST nodes. Just have a canonical form after simplification and make a unique set out of the nodes :)
I don't want to do it on the AST.
@CatPlusPlus P sure you'll be sad to prove yourself wrong
@sehe is it just me, or does the editor always seem to end up getting itself confused? Especially if you try to format as you go. I've learnt to always just write, then go back and apply styles afterwards.
Because other optimisations like constant folding may generate duplicate code.
@rightfold On the intermediate rep? That's basically the same thing
@CatPlusPlus depends... what is it about mediawiki you think is so bad?
But let's try dead code elimination first.
@rightfold That's why I mentioned canonicalize . simplify.
FUCK YOU MOZILLA... update to FF V32.0.2 has totally fucked up my interwebs. No matter how many versions of FF come out, it is still unable to download updates without screwing the user.
I basically meant "whatever your optimizer works on" when I said "AST"
PHP and everything related to that, no SMTP without shitty PEAR packages, terrible permissions, no real way to do dynamic content
I think GCC calls it gimple or so?
@CatPlusPlus OIC.
Also CSS/JS as wiki pages ;cripes:
Also there was some other things I forget now
It's just terrible
@sehe I call it "SSA form."
Sounds appropriate
Oh aha @ThePhD I just noticed I had a boost-less, generalized, streaming solution there too: stackoverflow.com/a/17128601/85371
Special:ActiveUsers still doesn't work :allears:
Only available to Special Agents
@CatPlusPlus confluence don't solve much of that
plus it throws in wysiwyg editor, that is shit.
You can restrict who can see/edit pages though, without having to get some admin or to set up for you.
MediaWiki's is broken too
plus it does hook into jira... which is nice if you are already using jira
@sehe I was just wanking around with std::regex, aha.
@JohanLarsson whose profile?
anyway, time to head off
So wait, Unix uses % for is Environment Variables too?
see y'all
@ThePhD whyyyyyyy :{
@ThePhD No (at least not POSIX shells or "scripting languages"
Then... why in your code? D:
I see %HOME%
@ThePhD Because they had the same question as you did, apparently?
Well, nobody gives a damn about scripting languages. D:<
Don't know how people come up with them questions. I just answer them!
Real Code or bust!
If it runs, there is Real Code (TM)
Not this scripting language nonsense again
I quasi-quoted it for a reason
> Expression templates and lambdas are both suitable for passing lazy computations to functions. They both can capture local context (variables) and don't extend the life-cycle of the captured argument. Their type is not meant to be observed (it is often unpronounceable). Expression templates, however, are very specific because they appear only in the context of overloaded operators and as a result they may be lot more expressive.
What. Seems to be deep. I'll have to mull this over and run it through a sieve 27 times to arrive at a verdict though
@CatPlusPlus Well, this code runs across multiple machines. I want to establish the Common Environment Variable Conventionâ„ â„¢
Bash and friends seem to use ${}
Windows uses %% all-around
Suddenly, a wild @rubenvb.
@ThePhD take note: here's your guy with a fetish for handson experience creating POSIX tools on Windows
@ThePhD Uh for what
@ThePhD with the braces optional
@rightfold :(
@CatPlusPlus For my code, when it expands environment variables in strings.
This is shell interpolation syntax, it differs from shell to shell
@ThePhD Just pick a convention, really. Make it Mustache!
@sehe rightfold's
@CatPlusPlus you seem to have developed an amusing little lisp there.
It's particularly noticeable when you try to say "It differs from hell to hell"
@JohanLarsson He wants his vagina deleted?
how can you tell?
Errrgh. Shell Interpolation looks like a nightmare.
oh, correct number of dots
I'll stick with %%
At least they're consistent there. >.<
That's just a different shell
Also it's really not
Also woo finally managed to install Movie Studio and a frameserver
@sehe I seem to be unable to deduce the context in which I appear. It may be due to my still-half drunken condition my brain is in since last night, or just the Sunday blues. Care to elaborate?
oh wait
Jefffrey, shut it :-p
@rubenvb ThePhD is having an existential crisis over whether %HOME% is better vs. $HOME or ${HOME}. He doesn't know what he's talking about, hence he can't see the futility of the choice
@ThePhD you mean cmd?
@sehe yeah gathered my brain (it was pretty splattered across my cranium) and figured that out.
and command.com :)
@rubenvb Not just cmd: the Win32 API also obeys %% as the variable expansion style of choice.
CodedUi looks ugly
@ThePhD Where
@CatPlusPlus ExpandEnvironmentStringsW/A
@ThePhD I believe you are talking about the Win32 Shell API... which pretty much is the C interface to cmd.
Really. I'd say it's more like the C interface to explorer.exe
That's just because Windows is shit and has things built-in that shouldn't be
Yeah, true.
y dis so hard
Also that's not consistent either, because it doesn't support substitution
So :v
@ThePhD °-°
@CatPlusPlus what do you mean?
> Note that this function does not support all the features that Cmd.exe supports. For example, it does not support %variableName:str1=str2% or %variableName:~offset,length%.
@CatPlusPlus Wow. I didn't know they've nicked that from Bash :)
@ThePhD Because you don't copy my code
@CatPlusPlus it makes you wonder what black magic implementation cmd.exe actually uses :-p
@rubenvb I have a string, HOME, and on Unix I want it to expand to /home/derpstorm, and on Windows it should expand to C:/Users/Derpstorm (in theory, I'm not saying both platforms have HOME).
@ThePhD And what's the problem?

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