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oh, that tickled me pink
@thecoshman Looks fiddly to use, makes too much noise, and no hole for cables
define: TIL define is a thing
@Puppy god damn
¬_¬ yeah, I hate this 'feature'.
define: wtf?
@nightcracker Too big, cut it out.
define: thecoshman
That animal looks funny.
how the devil?
@CatPlusPlus it uses a different method
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahah lmao
"Dial M for Dick"
@Rapptz and then you wonder why people hate nintentdo
@BartekBanachewicz Erm.
go play mario
No, seriously.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm trying to imagine what the pun is in "nintentdo".
I've seen "Nintendon't"
but not "Nintentdo"
@BartekBanachewicz Please explain what the fuck you're going on about here.
I have nointentto buy one.
This just in: Satire articles are the reason why people hate Nintendo.
@MartinJames Interesting salvage. I didn't see "intent" in there.
There are satire articles about Nintendo? That's a shock...
@BartekBanachewicz Sure. Pretty sure it's way more fun than <your favourite game here>.
gosh how could any person write satire?
especially a random blogger favouring one company over another?
you know, I gotta hand it to Nintendo, at least they're open about just farming their old IPs endlessly.
Bungie just did it badly and pretended it wasn't
personally if I'm just gonna rip off someone else's work, I'll at least be honest about it
Congrats working cunt into a question in a context that may likely ensure it doesn't get edited out. — Won't 8 mins ago
Noun: cunt (countable and uncountable, plural cunts)
  1. (vulgar, countable) The female genitalia, especially the vulva.
  2. 1983, Lawrence Durrell, Sebastian, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 1138:
  3. 1959, William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch, page 68
  4. 2004, Leo Benedictus, "A bit of hanky-panky", The Guardian, 23 Jun 04:
  5. (vulgar, offensive, countable) An extremely unpleasant or objectionable person (in US, especially a woman; in UK or Ireland, more usually a man).
(4 more not shown…)
countable and uncountable? that's cheating.
even infinity can only be countable or uncountable.
1983, Lawrence Durrell, Sebastian, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 1138:
My favourite meaning of "cunt".
Let it henceforth be known that whenever I use the word "cunt", I mean "1983, Lawrence Durrell, Sebastian, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 1138:" unless explicitly stated otherwise.
What's it say in Funk and Wagnells?
@Puppy uncuntable
for the curious
I want to play OoT.
Anyway, by any reasonable definition, I'm thirsty and off for beer.
This is my last week at this job and I do not have any work to do. Why am I even still in the office today.
Guise, I have a voice message for you.
"Dick and Tuck"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why? I think I just posted something neat here: stackoverflow.com/a/25899872/85371
@StackedCrooked thanks for making clang -std=c++14 work OotB on coliru. Woot!
yeah, I'm good :P
Hmm. I can't call a java method with the jni for some reason
Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "legend league" and I want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil server and I am challenger 2. pls no copy pasterino my story
Did you just copy pasterino his story?
You fucker.
** 305** Text within parentheses has no normative value. (It can be included for information purposes.)
Tempted to make that my rule change.
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
That said, it's bullshit. There is no Challenger 2.
There's only one Challenger division.
@CatPlusPlus What's wrong with FYAD? Looks fairly standard to me.
You forgot not posting. User loses posting privileges for 6 hours.
lol did you get probated on first day
No, I was reading of other people's probation reasons.
It just seems so random.
Funny computer. User loses posting privileges for 6 hours.
No funny picture in the funny picture thread. User loses posting privileges for 1 day.
A magnificent shoe
I should sell my milk.
awww man
they stopped doing post-credits gags in season five?
robot I despise you
@MartinJames Yeah, those damn weaklings getting killed. We really need to crack down on them :)
@thecoshman Oh well. If this the worst of your problems, you're pretty close to Utopia
has anyone here worked with the JNI before?
@thecoshman wut
@Ell No. And if I had worked with that festering pestilence, I definitely wouldn't admit it.
@ThePhD What do you expect. It's because you elect to install them dumb mobile/app dev extensions...
@EtiennedeMartel nothing, really.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait. Did you actually want to not get paid? That's not how it works for me. I just don't want to be asking, having to jump through hoops, proving my worth, reiterating expenses (I'll just buy the damn things myself, thank you) whatever seems to be required to make you very very conscious all the time about being paid.
I don't mind getting paid. I even see it as instrumental (I mean, I'm bad at saying no. Having a price-tag lessens the problem on the influx side; talking about the musical gigs)
aghhh why doesn't this work >.<
Since strtok cannot handle blank nodes, how would you approach an input line such as "A1,B2,C3,,F5,G6" I'm using a combination of strchr and strcpy but Im having trouble getting the 'G6' value. — ProfessionalAmateur 1 hour ago
It complains when the method doesn't exist but doesn't appear to call the method when it does :S
Oops. I regret answering those few questions.
@ProfessionalAmateur I'd be using C++. Sorry. See c++ answers csvsehe 33 secs ago
11 Reasons Why Scotland Should Join Russia
The kilt problem. Do we go all Pussy Riot on the skirt-wearing haggis-munchers, or simply ban tartan as gay propaganda?
@sehe Yeah you did, but good luck getting any rep out of it is what I'm saying ;p
how can you be around the web but on the INTERnet
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh. What's new. Has been like this forever, right. I don't mind. It's just less work to focus on the outliers and "buh" about the repz. As long as I can learn/entertain myself :)
Somebody posted a fresh ninja build here a while ago...
@rightfold #12 One less part of #notrussia for Russian soldiers to accidentally get lost in
@ThePhD That's the stench!
@rightfold or that
Aug 8 at 17:29, by Abyx
@ThePhD https://yadi.sk/d/GKRmY3bSZJayT
There it is.
@sehe I love how Google listed that article as a news article.
@rightfold why doesn't my code workkkkkkk?
well, it works when called from one function
Because it was written by a fool.
and not the other :S
SSCCE or get out.
not the same condition when entered ... means different code called
@rightfold I can't :(
Then no help.
do you have if, while or other condition/loop statements in the function?
You can specify which targets (files) to build as command line arguments.
@chmod711telkitty There are no conditionals in either function
~* Documentation *~
but, on of the functions is called by expat as a callback
I feel that might be doing something
@ThePhD Don't whine about documentation until you have written it for Sol.
My documentation will be amazing.
Amazing, you hear me?!
Still not sure whether I want singleton types in Styx.
@ThePhD I hear your claim. Believing your claim would be a whole different question.
the argument is what follows the command and options.
Also, it's likely what follows this post.
One thing I am sure of is that I want chop fucking suey.
@rightfold Styx is a singleton.
@rightfold Tjap choi?
JA <3
Tjaptjoi is superlekker.
Best lekker. Zelden echt goed, though
Jij bent ook nooit tevreden.
We used to have a chinese that made Tjap Choi right. Since then, I sometime try it out here and there. Never liked it again
Go to Chinese in Schijf.
The thing is, it needs to be with fresh vegetables. And not with all those quantities of nut oil, smoked this-and-that aroma's etc. Just friggin' honest taste, please. Can haz?
@rightfold hahahaha
Also, apparently if you mention #freud in a tweet, Freud will follow you
goodnight you bloody bastards. normal lightness programming resumes tomorrow night
feels like i've been on mobile chat for decades
4 minutes late
Still got no follow.
non-sequitur :)
Give it a few hours
Q: Would anyone care for some processed meat-like substance with a gelatinous glaze?

Tim PostSomething sort of magic happened a short time ago, sometimes a graph is worth a thousand flags: That's right, around March 28, the spam protection layer blocked about 20,000 spam attempts, mostly in the form of suggested edits, while users didn't see much of an increase in what they had to fl...

they did say that prevention is better than cure ...
@nightcracker Are you talking about branch hints?
@sehe No. I just didn't care.
Take more than UTF-16, and that's what I would still complain that the else body will be on Stack or on the sizes of the types involved, and it has potentially undefined behaviour due to returning references to temporaries.
In this case you'd write misleading client code where you think this is an interesting exercise for vertices. You consider an hexagon at compile time? See above :)
Sorry, I just discovered Flack Overstow.
woo my code is fixed
Constant expressions are constant expressions or not.
Label and the edit box. Object Trees &amp; Ownership in Qt docs. Another way is making an UDL. Left as an exercise (and also because this is not the (almost-)in-place version of QS. Instead, new lists are more ways to split string into the mix). Keep it simple — it only works for Blank. "Could not deduce (b ~ Blank)" means you'll start throwing newtypes or even more arcane extensions into the mix). Keep it simple — the original capitalize is just fine the way of inventing transformations like that.
(see full text)
Puts "Serial number: #{drive.SerialNumber}" puts "Share name: #{drive.VolumeName}" end The problem was I got: \b(?:.+\.|,)+(.+)\b This should capture the CPS plugins class on the Scala Compiler > Advanced section, as well as enabling the switch: Xplugin should be the dir which contains org.scala-lang.plugins.scala-continuations-plugin.jar You could use shape() for a static ip.
I think this is my favourite bit:
Call the heap and then return a reference to a temporary which will be like trying to get a C programme from an executable.
I give that generator 3/10
You just have a crap corpus.
It doesn't skip code
3) (extract 2) (extract 1) (extract 0) where extract idx = fromIntegral $ zip [1..] problems I'd say the rest of the elapsed time (a fraction of a second), represented as your typeclass, except without abusing typeclass cause a compile error?
Look at the end of the scope (when you call layout-&gt;addWidget, for example, layout takes ownership of the passed widget), when those are destroyed. In your [FilePath]: do files &lt;- getTestFiles runTestTT $ myTest files STL has remove_if and remove_copy_if algorithms.
(see full text)
Also god that stupid pointless message length limit
The simplest way to "iterate" over types in a pack is 0x123400000000L.
The encoding used for storing the data outside the program is odd. This gives you constant time for any lookup.
You get this error because one of expressions that can be used in C++ (whether that is a good or a bad idea is a (rectangular) matrix perfectly, you will need to play the game.
Lets say I am writing three-way partition. Should I first try to find which part of the range is already partitioned so that the running (not output) invariant holds, at the cost of average case, to optimize for stupid things like [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... , 1] or just say fuck it and let it do 2N swaps?
It just generates bits of Haskell code for me
Thanks :) Ahh, silly me, I had main saved as a new person on the heap and also checkout NoIp(no-ip.com)
And inserting posts p much verbatim
@Xarn Wait, is this spam or an actual question?
5 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
You just have a crap corpus.
Because I dunno. It seems that pesimization of average case at the cost of stupid cases isn't good idea, but then, I don't like the idea of really bad worst case.
So don't use in any programs but I can't prove type equality here. Same thing is common practice because I have fixed size They're exception safe - if unhandled exception occurs in (...) Why STL containers are better: They're exception safe - if unhandled exception safe - if unhandled exception occurs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actual question.
Just realized that, when using CRTP, I could emulate pure "virtual" functions by using = delete; syntax instead of = 0;. Like this.
Why would you need that?
skeletons.get('base_django', progress).materialise()
Good api/bad api
@rightfold The last part of your snippet is actually correct: you can pass hte name to new_userdata or set_userdata, although for the first bit you don't need to do asio.io_service like @Rapptz said.
I didn't say it has benefit :)
The only advantage would be that this provides documentation about which methods need to be overridden.
The name being part of the userdata was a bad design decision, but the API's already shipped. Still, you can just pass it a string and the overload for new_userdata or set_userdata will still take a first argument of a Key type for lua if you let it.
All fo these things need to be documented...
Clocks. First and foremost one needs to be allowed, the class must be used from other software. Someone will happen. The standard doesn't place any other kind of non-local jump that lets you pick what encoding will always point to the same node. The advantage should be clear now: with the second, if the caller forgets to assign the returned node to the head pointer, bad things wrong with this test.
@Rapptz Should we break API and throw out the name on the userdata ?
nah, not yet
lol 100 emails in work inbox
Someone deployed a dud
Also one more real question: Is it better idea to ask for predicate in place of function that would return -1, 0, 1 (c/java style comparator) and use it like !cmp(left, right) && !cmp(right, left) or say fuck it and ask for java style comparator? Can't think of anything in STL that uses the -1/0/1 convention.
Different things, I guess.
Some C compiler information porn to chew on:
Q: Assembly - why is %rsp decremented by so much, and why are arguments stored at the top of the stack?

Adam Assembly newbie here... I wrote the following simple C program: void fun(int x, int* y) { char arr[4]; int* sp; sp = y; } int main() { int i = 4; fun(i, &i); return 0; } I compiled it with gcc and ran objdump with -S, but the Assembly code output is confusing me: 000000000040055d <...

did you not see that ++ behind C on the room title?
I always forget the degree of zealotry in this room.
@RobertHarvey that's just telkitty you know
also unused parameter in the function makes me not want to read on ...
@RobertHarvey You could, I would call trivial has given me trouble. For this case you can result in a constant expression, a constant expression. Note that constexpr is longer. The code shown is also be a constant expression.
Good night.
@Mysticial yes
@RobertHarvey It's not zealotry--just the rightful passion of those enlightened by God toward the evildoers ... well, I managed to keep a straight face for a little bit there anyway. :-)
& besides, that's not even a C question but an assembly question
who cares
apparently Bartek does ...
I wonder whether I should make my java wrapper thing statically typed
why on earth would you wrap Java
that's like gilding a shit
Scala innit
But scala has some stuff I can't represent in c++ so idk whut IMA do
@nightcracker Then the answer is no because I've never used the branch hints. I prefer not to branch at all.
Urgent! DownClose votes needed..
I charge double for all Urgent! services
@Puppy OP has just edited title..
why is it that noobie programmers seem to hate identation
like, it seems they have a random number generator hooked up to their indentation levels
lol guys its honestly my first time using this website, i used it before only to see already asked questions and checked the responses which helped me alot, but now i decided to sign up and ask this question so help me out on this im new to this website — Emad Ghantous 47 secs ago
we like new people
if I was the professor and saw code handed in indented like that I would grade a 1/100 and tell them to fix it or I'm not checking if it's correct
@MartinJames that question is not much worse than the one harvey R posted ... such a double standard ...
@chmod711telkitty No - it's much worse. @RobertHarvey question is, at least, something I might be inclined to look at, (despite AT&T syntax, which I hate).
Struct a { int a;}
Structure b : a {}
I wonder what size of(b) is
same as sizeof(a) I'd guess
why not just ask the guy who had to implement that shit
Also typing on my phone sucks
@dead you did?
yeah seems like it's identical to sizeof(a)
same with clang++
there might be some guarantees regarding that, I dunno
@Ell Yes. How do you think I implemented inheritance and stuff for Wide.
@Jefffrey Structure layout is defined by Itanium ABI. It's not that complicated if you're not dealing with empty classes or virtual bases.
Do clang and gcc follow itanium?
as long as you're not on Windows.
and some other architectures define slightly more specialized ABIs that deviate a little from the Itanium family.
Does it say how to throw exceptions?
there's a separate ABI for that (more than one is involved, I think)
and I'm pretty sure that ARM has it's own EH ABI
the LLVM guys bitch about it all the time
@MartinJames lol, comment thread keeps going
@Mysticial Yeah - surprised no 'take it to private chatroom' yet.
The OP has less than 20 rep.
@Mysticial Orite..

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