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@JerryCoffin extrapolating the trend from this chart you're at least 55
@nightcracker why is it upside down?
@nightcracker That chart tries to answer a slightly different question. For "women who look best to me", around 20 to 22 might be a perfectly reasonable answer.
@JerryCoffin "age range entered as search preference"
source of the chart is OKCupid
@nightcracker Look at the title of the chart.
@JerryCoffin just because the title of the chart says something doesn't mean the chart can't contain other information
@JerryCoffin look at the middle of the chart
@nightcracker Add a few million years and you might get closer.
@nightcracker I did. Bottom line: it's a crappy chart. The age range men search for on a dating site isn't necessarily based entirely on looks.
> At my age, anything under 40 qualifies as young
you classify anything under 40 as young PURELY based on looks?
and I believe that "The age range men search for on a dating site isn't necessarily based entirely on looks." is exactly the reason why they included it in the chart, and does not make it a crappy chart
'I can't find any explanation for this any where' question. Anyone got any spare downvotes?
@Rapptz is it possible to use userdata but assigning to a table field instead of a global?
Like I want asio.io_service not just io_service.
just create a new table
creating userdata isn't defined in terms of state I don't think
But state::new_userdata makes a global.
Oh I meant
sol::table asio = lua.create_table("asio");
Is there any parallel filesystem that doesn't need SAN infrastructure ?
and then asio.set_userdata(...)
IOC, neat.
the userdata.cpp example goes through how to make userdata without new_userdata.
@Rapptz They wrote an opinion piece at one point about how Nintendo was failing, and from then on they keep linking that every time there's an article that says that Nintendo's doing better.
Basically, they're saying "Despite how reality goes, we're still right in a sense."
@EtiennedeMartel I can't imagine how anybody (cough @Puppy) could do anything like that!
Nintendo is always doomed.
@Rapptz As are we all. :-)
I've a simple question about C++
So, TL;DR: Polygon wants Nintendo to fail, and it shows in their articles because there's no real separation between editorial and news gathering.
@mouse Stack Overflow is designed for things like that.
/usr/local/include/sol/userdata.hpp:347:5: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 4 were provided
    userdata(const char* name, constructors<CArgs...> c, Args&&... args) :
It's a miniscule question and my googles yield no success, my friend
clang++ dat error message what are you smoking G
@mouse In my experience, questions are always larger than you think.
also we don't care, that helps.
@Puppy Please don't put words in our mouths.
too late.
you can babysit the guy if you want I guess
Everytime I'm here I land in some circlejerk :(
@mouse I'm surprised that there are any miniscule questions on any subject that Google does not have an answer for.
The fact that Puppy think he represents everyone is the saddest thing ever though
@EtiennedeMartel Hm...I seem to recall a whole bunch of articles recently pointing out how magazines and web sites writing about games are incorruptible, Lilly white, and basically perfect, so you're clearly wrong and probably lying. :-)
@JerryCoffin Huehuehuehue.
(@R.MartinhoFernandes should like this laugh)


Friendly conversation, including C++ talk — NOT the "Lounge"!
"we" can also imply schizophrenia
@nightcracker We are not amused (by this statement)!
SO says to avoid pointers, indirection should be avoided
@nightcracker That lets me in. I woke up this morning thinking I was a software developer.
I've a hundred classes in my vector, each frame it calls its Draw method.
@mouse We, on the other hand, routinely give pointers (mostly to places offsite).
@mouse OK. I assume it's a vector of 'Drawable' pointers.
OK so
@mouse Presumably you mean 100 objects? You can't put a class in a vector. I know that sounds like a silly distinction, but bear with me--I'm going somewhere with this.
Okay so the time has come for me to learn how to do variadic templates
I thought it was really clever to let each 'graphic-object' have its own color, which is a {float, float, float} struct
Instead of refering to, e.g., &WHITE
@mouse ..and it's not?
@mouse it's actually the same
you just change the domain of type "colour"
Owait, {float, float, float}??
@rightfold Huh. Weird.
Did you fix it?
Yeah boost::asio::io_service::run is overloaded so it failed.
@MartinJames a sum type of three floats?
Now I do "run", [] (boost::asio::io_service& s) { s.run(); }.
And now it fails for another reason.
Is this one of those things where you're going to complain about size of having a float, float, float per object, @mouse?
Erm.. so each 'graphic-object' has its own color struct, instead of a reference/pointer to a color struct. That's my point.
@BartekBanachewicz Never seen floating colors before, unless drunk.
@ThePhD sure ye
If so, just use an pool<T> and pull references from there.
In the constructor, get the reference, in the destructor, return it to the pool.
/usr/local/include/sol/userdata.hpp:256:9: error: static_assert failed "Any non-member-function must have a first argument which is
      covariant with the desired userdata type."
Isn't boost::asio::io_service& covariant with boost::asio::io_service? :V
@Ell Sounds like fun.
@ThePhD Not great with templates.
@MartinJames float colour buffers are used in i.e. HDR renderings
when you need to express the light of more than 1.0
@BartekBanachewicz Orite:)
@MartinJames If he got more drunk more often, he'd be more likely to have seen floating colors. I hear even a little LSD can help you see a lot of floating colors too.
@rightfold Hm.. I don't know why that wouldn't work.
It's part of the test suite, if anything.
@rightfold why don't directly use asio coroutines instead of some lua stuff?
@ThePhD I save a dereference, I thought that was real clever. I'm not sure if this is a case of microoptimization or the favorable approach. For example, I do not intend to change 'Color WHITE = {1,1,1};'.
@bamboon Uh, why would I?
Lua coroutines do the job perfectly fine.
@rightfold because it saves you work?
Why would it save me work?
@ThePhD On the basis that I do not want to change the color, I pass it by value. Is that the right justification/reasoning?
I can use either coroutine implementation.
One is not more work than the other.
@rightfold How are you registering it?
void install_io_service(sol::state& lua) {
    sol::userdata<boost::asio::io_service> io_service(
        "run", [] (boost::asio::io_service& s) { s.run(); }
    auto asio = lua["asio"].get<sol::table>();
    asio.set_userdata("io_service", io_service);
@rightfold you wouldn't have to have this conversation
'string ****ptr' lol
personally I never understood people's fascination with programming in Lua
@Puppy nor me
even brief exposure to a language worth using should be sufficient to cure that ailment
@MartinJames I claim troll
it's simple and easy
easily extendible too.
it's too simple for me
but I guess it's easy to embed or whatever
Lua's so simple, you have to bind every function you care about
@Rapptz I'm using clang 3.5 btw.
@mouse No, not really. Passing a const reference can accomplish pretty much the same thing (prevent you from modifying something). A reference (or pointer) can be handy if (for example) you might, at some point, want to support some sort of theming/skinning capability, so you can change one color in one place, and have everything using that color change together. For such a thing, you usually want another level of indirection though. Items use "logical color" (e.g., "window background").
uh the fact that cabal can't have templates it's retarded
half of which won't work properly because they want deterministic destriction.
@Ell right.
it's not natural :P
Then you have a table of logical colors, and the actual color for each.
@BartekBanachewicz the type system is too simple for me
@Mgetz Hmm 'for(int l=0; ptr[i][j][k][0][l]!='x'; l++)'. Could be, yes:)
it's a dynamically typed language
@rightfold A couple things, just do "io_service" instead of "asio.io_service" and set_userdata only takes in one parameter, not two.
Oh. :v
Why is the name part of the userdata?
I'm not sure. That was @ThePhD's design decision not mine lol
@Ell One of the biggest things I dislike about it is that there's no proper discrimination between global variables and your code.
I always find APIs that carry state that way confusing. Especially if they are undocumented.
@JerryCoffin Right, exactly. I'm actually changing it back to pointer now, so I can:if ( color ) glColor3d(color->r, color->g, color->b);
every function is a global variable
@MartinJames I went ahead and flagged it
@BartekBanachewicz I want OOP though - or at least records or some way of annotating a variable with a type other than just table
@Puppy That's false.
@Puppy er.. no it isn't.
I know you said that it's up to the lua programmer to do that
@Rapptz Why is the what set to the who now?
@Ell it's not an OOP-oriented language
@Puppy yeah I don't like that either
@BartekBanachewicz I know - I'm saying that is one thing I dislike about it
@Puppy LUA is the fast embeddable language. People are always going to want to learn the fast option. Besides, it's what Blizzard uses for WoW and War3. That's a huge endorement.
and it's enough to get me to not want to use it
asio.io_service.new = function() end -- non-global function!
coroutine.create(function() end) -- non-global function
local function f() end -- non-global function
@QuestionC Lua is not an acronym :|
@QuestionC Warcraft 3 uses JASS.
also fuck performance it has nothing to do with anything
also what puppy said
also Lua isn't fast.
@ThePhD He's asking why sol::userdata stores the name rather than delaying it until set_userdata.
@Rapptz Okay, fixed that.
@Ell that's like saying you dislike lisp because it's functional
LuaJIT is fast.
@Mgetz Even the OP says 'it will take months debugging it' so, why post it on SO?
@Puppy Faster than Python and Ruby by a mile.
so what?
@BartekBanachewicz What would be wrong with that?
@JerryCoffin However, I made the member 'Color' of 'Graphic' a value instead of a pointer Color *color, with the idea that it would improve speed.
Without JIT Lua is the fastest scripting language.
again, so what?
I'm saying your statement is a load of bullocks.
@Rapptz ruby is absurdly slow, so it's not really an achievement
that's like saying, "I got ten guys, broke all their legs, and look, this one can crawl the fastest! I didn't even set the breaks or anything."
@Rapptz s/ll/tt/
@Rapptz So is my Fiesta diesel, but that's not exactly saying much.
@Ell that you don't like the paradigm, not the language? :X
which is p dumb on its own already
@BartekBanachewicz what paradigm is lua then?
What the hell are you comparing its speed to if not other scripting languages?
if you actually care about speed, you'd never pick a non-JITted Lua/Python/Ruby anyway
Lua is imperative and object-oriented.
Pretty much like Python.
@Ell I'd say scheme-like
you'd probably just program what you want to be fast in your host language
@Rapptz I could have sworn I wrote an overload that takes the name...
like, I dunno, C++.
But you're right, I should patch that out and fix it right now.
All I'm saying is I don't like the way that the type system doesn't support annotating types with variables besides primitives or a table
I used to like Lua, before I go introduced to Python
But idk enough about Lua
then I realize Lua was pretty shitty apart from it's speed
like the whole metatable thing
@nightcracker look the fucking prophet has spoken
I don't think that Lua is the best language out there alright
but I don't believe it's shitty because it has to be speedy
I believe it's shitty due to bad design
but people saying that it's shitty are just fucking braindead idiots
@mouse Not a simple situation. If they're larger than a pointer (they are) and you have enough of them, you could end up using enough extra cache space that pointers to a few color objects would be faster.
@nightcracker show us a language you've designed then
There are a few things that bug me about Lua.
if you want speed then you'd not go to unJITted script languages anyway
fucking PL design experts everywhere
@BartekBanachewicz you don't have to be a fisherman to see a boat is sinking
@JerryCoffin Yeah that's why I think this is a very clear case of 'premature optimization'
for example "let's make everything floats"
@nightcracker why don't you be constructive in your criticism then
@nightcracker yeah, what about that
that's incredibly shitty
for fucks sake
you know what's shitty?
your unbased, unconstructive, dumb as fuck arguments
I find it rather glaring
Wait it just started using your full name
In particular, I don't like 1) no continue (they recommend using goto instead), 2) no metatable entry for name so type(x) could return __name from the metatable if given, 3) no real numbers (just like JavaScript)
And your head grew
@Rapptz does this compile on your machine?
Oh Lua has goto? NICE.
no, no it is not.
@mouse ...or perhaps premature pessimization, yes.
Of course it is. Makes jump instructions easier to translate to Lua.
@JerryCoffin Right, definitely, thanks for the new def
@BartekBanachewicz I love the irony. Have a star.
@Jerry What would you do
@rightfold I don't have Asio on me.
Does it fail to compile on your end?
Oh. :P Yes.
Maybe try lua.get<sol::table>("asio"); instead.
I wish writing documentation wasn't so boring
/usr/local/include/sol/userdata.hpp:258:16: error: no viable conversion from 'unique_ptr<struct sol::userdata_function<const char *, class
      boost::asio::io_service>>' to 'unique_ptr<struct sol::base_function>'
        return detail::make_unique<userdata_function<function_type, T>>(func);
Maybe my standard library implementation is broken?
no upper bounds on packages in my .cabal #livingontheedge
actually I should twee that
Doesn't std::unique_ptr support polymorphism?
Or do you have to be explicit about it?
it does.
Beginner error messages in C++ vs Haskell http://bit.ly/1tgd1oo
oh look
error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'sol::detail::fx_traits<char [4], false>' :v
But if it needs explanation, floats on CPU's are horrendously tricky, limited in precision, counterintuitive in many aspects and slower than integers. Not to mention that most uses of numbers in programming are covered entirely by integers (looping, counting, indexing, logic). Those facts combined with that integers and floats can coexist really well with any language that implements operator overloading (which Lua does) makes the decision to make every number a float bad.
> slower [citation needed]
@rightfold Can you run tests and tell me if they compile?
they pass on gcc 4.8 and clang 3.4
@mouse As a starting point, I'd profile the code to figure out whether it matters (chances are pretty good it doesn't).
@JerryCoffin Right OK
@Rapptz All tests passed (144 assertions in 31 test cases)
@BartekBanachewicz but those costs are dwarfed by the fact that you incur a LOT of floating point unit -> integer unit conversions because the underlying CPU still uses integers
huh, interesting

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