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Ah okay. So how can I create my own compression algorithm?
Will that gain better quality images
Lol ok
if it were that simple, why would anyone use the standard compression algorithms?
@JoeyMorani Back in 1987 I compressed a jimi hendricks video to 1 bit video with rle. Extremely good results. The result was better the quality not so much...
I suppose @DeadMG's way is the other way to put it.
maybe if you have 20 years to study the topic full-time
@JoeyMorani You are asking: "How do I invent a new compression algorithm?". If we were to explain it to you then it wouldn't really be your invention anymore, would it?
Is there a library I can use or something?
Lol. Just asking :P
@JoeyMorani libjpeg
for C#? I doubt anyone here knows
There's got to be a way, but I lack the knowledge
@StackedCrooked You generally don't want to use low-level format handling libraries.
@JoeyMorani .NET has built-in stuff to save images.
@JoeyMorani It's like asking, "Hey guys, what's the largest prime? Oh, sorry, wrong room."
@RMartinhoFernandes +1
@KerrekSB It would overflow the MathOverflow.
In System.Drawing.dll or something.
Yeah, that's what I'm using atm. But I'm not getting the best quality.
@JoeyMorani However, I don't want to discourage you from trying to create your own compression algorithm. There is a (small) chance that you'll succeed and surpass JPEG.
@KerrekSB Mine. :P
>There is a (small) chance that you'll succeed and surpass JPEG.
Lets start an office pool
@CatPlusPlus Well, don't use it then.
Dammit, I can't type anymore.
@JoeyMorani Try PNG. On non-photographic pictures you can get sizes similar to JPEG, without losing any quality.
@RMartinhoFernandes A static member constant, I suppose...
Otherwise try varying with the JPEG level.
Okay. Thanks R. :)
You can also try stripping the palette.
I said PNG like, 1000000000000000000 years ago
Also, what is that for?
I saw GDI!!!On£!!
There's a PNG Gauntlet application or something that puts your PNGs on a diet.
What, did I delete my own message?
Well, we sure didn't.
@RMartinhoFernandes Surely "unfatten" isn't a word...
@CatPlusPlus Ah well, it's probably for the best...
@KerrekSB I have no idea what you're talking about :P
What the hell is Netlog.
unfatten is a calliflagristically embiggening word.
Anyway, if the picture is artificial (e.g. a drawing), a paletted PNG can be a very nice format. Unfortunately I've never found a program that can reliably determine the colour count and reformat the PNG accordingly.
> Unfatten Steven
@StackedCrooked Wait wait wait ... are you saying that "because I can append it to q= in the Google URL, it's a word"???
I'm talking about images from games. I'm developing a live game streamer
@CatPlusPlus It's a social network website that was briefly popular.
Does that count as artificial?
You just can't link, can you.
I've had reasonable successes with this: pnggauntlet.com
There's also pngout.
@CatPlusPlus Well, I just copy/paste from the URL-bar, but for some reason Chrome leaves the "http://" part out.
Has anyone ever heard of Onlive ?
There's no way to tell a Unix file from a Unix directory when you just have the path, is there?
Because Chrome is silly.
Or do directories typically have / after them or something?
@JoeyMorani Yeah, the only time I caught an STD from the internet
stat it.
@CatPlusPlus That's the backend of the gauntlet.
Directories in Unix basically are files.
@KerrekSB Did you know that dictionaries add new words based on their observation of the language spoken by people? If there are people using a word, then it is a word, even if it isn't in the dictionary. ..
xD I'm trying to develop something a tiny bit as awesome as Onlive.
You really need to stat and check attributes.
@JoeyMorani We could speculate if it would produce good results, but it would be just that speculation. You're better off trying it.
Okay. So I'll try PNG images. :)
How inconvenient.
Right, OnLive.
@CatPlusPlus Cat is vim your do all editor?
@CatPlusPlus What's that?
@CaptainGiraffe He's a cool cat!
Linux is the best development environment I've ever been on, but it just feels so inelegant sometimes.
A platform for remote gaming.
With a remote control?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yep, our own cucumber cat
At least that's what they've planned.
Think RDP specifically for games.
Yeah. That's what I'm trying to do.
Remote gaming
Wait, does that mean it sends dozens of images per second?
If so, quality isn't that important.
@Maxpm Lately I prefer Mac, but keep this silent if you want to avoid a shitstorm.
@StackedCrooked Ew.
Hey, Mac suxorz.
@Maxpm It took me 5 years of eew working on Mac before I started to like Mac.
Don't ask me why. Perhaps I was just desentized.
I don't find anything interesting in OnLive.
It's like those always-on DRMs Ubisoft loves so much.
But even more error-prone.
Yeah, but the point is it can run on laptops
or crap PCs
@CatPlusPlus The World minus Ubisoft hates it :D
It won't run any faster than it'd run directly on those.
@StackedCrooked Don't say anything about mac, you will make @CatPlusPlus and the rest of the guys angry
Especially @DeadMG
and @RMartinhoFernandes :)
Oh God stop pinging them.
You're better off with upgrading crap PC than using OnLive.
@ManofOneWay I love Mac ...Donalds, hehe, ...heh.
@StackedCrooked GOOD ONE.
@Maxpm I'll ping you instead
I hate fast food too, actually.
@ManofOneWay Okay.
Yeah, I agree. Much better when the games are local
but still..
@Maxpm Is that ok?
Let us all ping @Maxpm until he is driven mad by the "ping" sounds.
I like fast food, because it's food and it's fast. What more do you want?
Ha, I don't have ping sounds.
Joke's on everyone who pings me.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh no. Heaven forbid I might have to mute my computer.
But I hope @Maxpm has them on!
@RMartinhoFernandes Why is quality not as important when loads of images are being sent?
@Maxpm definitely has it on!
@JoeyMorani There's little time to find minor artifacts. And even if you do, it's gone the next millisecond.
Am I doing it wrong then?
@RMartinhoFernandes @ManOfOne DOUBLE PING COMBO
Like a movie.
@Maxpm I get turned on by the ping sound, ping on baby
Neither PNG nor JPEG are good for streaming, though.
But when it looks that crap, it's pointless really.
You want a smarter algorithm, like MPEG.
Quick, everyone star that message so the world sees it.
And not send 30 full images every frame.
@JoeyMorani Sure there's a point where it gets noticeable :) But it doesn't have to be perfect.
It won't be playable if you use JPEG, PNG or any other dumb image compression algo.
MPEG? Oooh
@StackedCrooked That is freaking adorable.
They're for storing images, not streaming videos.
@JerryCoffin the man, the myth, the legend is here today. Where have you been lately?
Using MPEG won't make it live any more will it?
Wouldn't it be delayed
The thing about frames in a video, they tend to differ only slightly.
Movie compression schemes require less data per frame on average because they reuse data from previous frames.
So they're much better for streaming.
So the idea is to only store what's changed between them.
Ahhh okay.
Yay deltas.
Right. Okay.
(It's more complicated, obviously, but that's basics.)
I'll look into MPEG then
Can I compress a JPEG image? No. Can I compress a series of related JPEG images? Yes.
3,203 rep milestone!
What's the lounge record for stars given to an awesome message/comment?
Ooh? :)
@Maxpm That's a milestone?
H263 is a solid codec. (H264 is a little fragile.)
@ManofOneWay It's probably a newbie hints thing.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yep. The next one is 8,572. :(
@RMartinhoFernandes Can't you say something awesome and then we can break the record?
Am I better off using C++ than C# ?
For what I'm trying to do
You can always star me.
@ManofOneWay I'm a robot. Creativity is not one of my strengths.
@CatPlusPlus You'll have to earn it!
@JoeyMorani If you know C++ less than C#, then no.
Also have fun resolving latency problems.
Lol :P
@awoodland Are you a moderator yet?
I should shave.
That's what I'm using to display the images
@ManofOneWay nope. roughly middle of the pack in the primaries, so I might make it to the next phase
Shaving sucks.
@CatPlusPlus I haven't shaved for the last week, preparing for winter =)
Its getting softer now
@StackedCrooked Neither are codecs; they're formats.
I haven't shaved for 2 months or so.
What's wrong with H.264?
@CatPlusPlus I'm an expert at handling cutting utensils, so I cut myself often. But this beard is starting to annoy me.
I just shaved. And it sucks because my blades are 6 years old.
< Preparing for winter too I presume =)
No, I hate shaving, it always ends up in tears and blood.
@StackedCrooked Don't use your gardening tools for your face
Machine. Yay I just found new blades.
It even says so on the label
^ My machine.
@StackedCrooked For your garden???
@CatPlusPlus Same here, but without the tears. I'm not a crying wuss.
I'm speaking metaphorically.
Ok, just because most of our gurus, Dennis, Bjarne etc has/had facial hair doesn't mean we have to.
Thanks for the help peeps. :D
Anyone know how to interpret "5AM fingers"?
I don't really bother with shaving anymore
you shave, and then in a few days, you just have to shave again
that's not a very efficient use of time
It was 5AM, and we discussed fingers.
maybe if I possessed a woman who gave a shit
@DeadMG I only do it every month or so.
@DeadMG Preaching to the chior
@DeadMG Your peers are here =)
oh come on, nobody jumped on me for suggesting possessing a woman?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Compressed lossily by discarding sanity. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
Are you an evil spirit?
I was thinking poltergeist style, nothing gender about that.
possession as in property
@CatPlusPlus Nice one. It was time for a change.
Thanks Cat
We really need to make an archive of topics.
@DeadMG Do you have an invoice?
laziness kicking in
I don't have a linkedin profile.
Kinda link fail yes
he's a robot
didn't think robots had beards
@TonyTheLion Metallic ones. Made of iron clippings.
Roy Fielding does have his towel with him at all times, does'nt he
@ManofOneWay No, that's definitely not me.
@RMartinhoFernandes Now you just don't want to admit you're an "independent fine art artist".
Who needs blankets when you have towels.
No, really do you think that guy knows C++?
Well, he has a beard.
Also, why the fuck did you google me?
@CatPlusPlus I owe you one
There's an East Timor terrorist with my name.
Internet stalking at its finest.
@RMartinhoFernandes I was on linkedin and looked around! No reason really
I was on facebook and facebooked you to linkedin
I don't have a Facebook profile either.
I still don't know why I even bothered creating FB account.
@RMartinhoFernandes WE WILL FIND YOU!!!
I actually removed my FB account about a year ago
@ManofOneWay Really, it's not like I try to hide. Like, I'm using my real name as a screen name.
(Well, minus the R.)
I actually have a decent proposal to how the facebook urge (stronger than the sex urge) can be satisfied in a reasonably integrity salvaging way
I never saw FB from an own account
The what urge?
Hey Mr Giraffe, that facebook urge is the root of all evil
@Cat you and I don't have that urge, the rest of the planet does.
I don't understand how everyone can find facebook that fascinating. It's shit, really.
@ManofOneWay No not at all, but facebook is
Well, we make FB apps at work, so I'd have to make an account for testing, anyway.
Ok, can I ask a serious question? What do people actually do on Facebook?
But really, nothing interesting there. Just a platform to milk people out of money.
More or less directly.
Invitation to parties for people they dont know
Like, what's the usual Facebook "workflow"?
@RMartinhoFernandes No idea sry.
You go to the main page, post some silly status update, maybe some photos, comment on other people's post, and repeat 10 minutes later.
Oh, and spam people with apps.
Sort of like SO, but without actual content.
@RMartinhoFernandes The only really usage I can see is if you are single and want to keep some initial connection with girls
And points.
This facebook stuff is very much connected to your online identity. FB makes you feel like you are online
Pfft, I was online before FB was cool.
hipster glasses on
=) beat my homepage in 1994 =)
The identity concept currently online is a bastard that should never have come in to play.
The web was even uglier then.
Google Dick Hardt for instance
I'm not Googling any Dicks.
@Cat no not at all, I had a very bretty gif background =)
Identity 2.0
So, should we all watch some good old ascii-porn?
I maintain my online identity via my homepage. I don't need no Bookfaces.
@RMartinhoFernandes We need islands of trust and localized friends.
@Cat Yes but you know what you are doing
@CaptainGiraffe I don't get that. I have friends.
Yes, but online trust needs to be transferred/similar/the same as to trust IRL
no it doesn't
if it did, people like me would never be here
The best reason to die is not because you are miserable but because you have a sense of completion and are looking for a new vantage point. At least, that's what I read somewhere.
Not a requirement but an opt in necessity
I like to think I have some online trust. Every forum I've participated seriously on, I was made admin after a while.
To this day I don't really know why, but there you go.
We all have different forms of ID IRL too, take your library card as a"for instance"
I don't have a library card :P
The what?
WTF is a library card btw?
I don't even go to libraries.
I was admin briefly time on a site called intuitivecentral.com. This forum went down shortly after that :(
I prefer to buy books.
I did use libraries regularly in the past, but I don't remember ever having a card.
I'm sinking in mud here, well just let me get to the ither side of the river so I can get away from the hounds
@RMartinhoFernandes You don't know??
We have some sort of library card concept, but they're kept on file in the library.
Exactly and only in the library that is localized
@StackedCrooked I may have a vague idea of what it is, but I'm not acquainted with the concept.
(unless youre in the US)
I used to have an old-fashioned card before the digitalization crap.
@RMartinhoFernandes The person at the desk had to write the name of the book you lent on it.
And the date and stuff.
I think I forgot the actual system..
Oh, so, it's my file?
Sort of.
Your history of book lending.
Please read up on the MS guy Cameron on The truths on identity, and Dick Harts Identity 2.0
The cool thing was that each book also had a card.
@StackedCrooked stamped with the due date
Seriously, isn't it time to all meet soon? The C++ lounge?
And this card carried a list of lenders.
Have you guys met before?
Yeah let's meet at my house. I'll clean it up for this special occasion.
Us europeans could meet
No, Portugal is more halfway between the Old and the New World. :P
Portugal has a nice climate as well
And you can come and visit... I really don't know what tourists come here for.
Now who in their right mind would want to go to the "new" world
What's 'new world'? USA?
The Americas.
We were looking for the indians
We're the Old World. Because we're older and wiser.
Well, I'm not going there, ever. They've got silly laws.
A few wars followed
I go there regularly
Lisboa is a cool city from what I've heard.
Estados Unidos da América
@StackedCrooked I only went there once, and I didn't have time to visit anything :(
Unidos sounds like Pokemon.
They do have silly laws, but I never bring a computer, and my brother and his family are very nice to me =)
@RMartinhoFernandes How come?

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