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@BenjaminGruenbaum Not quite this bad, no
@Ell I want to set up both builds (windows and linux) on one linux machine
but I need opencv
Oh you're cross compiling. I thought you were using mingw
I am using mingw :D
it's still called mingw on linux
@sehe the obvious?
Oh. I'm so confused :L
I thought mingw was a port of gcc to windows
so you're using a port port to compile for windoze? :P
for what
I am using a linux build of mingw to cross-compile from linux to windows
Right, got it
What are you making?
@BartekBanachewicz I dunno. I kinda think the weasel words might well be a bit, you know, on the superfluous side of things, as it might appears to many to be somewhat obvious that the C++ compilation is what you could consider kinda clumsy... [etc.]
these two are equivalent, right? pastebin.com/mA2cPhAX
I'm trying to think of a reason whoever wrote the first wrote it like that
when he did not have to write C
@BenjaminGruenbaum work
on any case I throw at it the output is valid so I guess the 1st guy just decided to mess with things for no reason
@AlexM. You're reading into a string stream, which might work but also implies things like potential character operations based on locale.
What you should be doing is reading out a std::vector and returning that into result.
If you are indeed looking for bytes.
If you're looking for a string, then string stream is just fine.
yeah it's a string I'm reading
i.e. normal text
fopen(etagPath.c_str(), "r") is borked.
What name can you give to a type containing a number of vertices ? Vertices number type ? Vertices count type ? (singular or plural ?) For instance, in the Boost Graph Library it is named that vertices_size_type, probably for consistancy, but it does not seem right to me (although that is nitpicking).
std::ifstream inFile(etagPath); is borked too.
They truly are equivalent: they even share the same bug.
@Nelxiost int ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes what bug is that?
Open your files in binary mode when you want to use the binary operations.
@FredOverflow Meh.
@Nelxiost decltype(vertex_count)
@R.MartinhoFernandes do I want to use binary operations here?
@Nelxiost Why don't you write a class template size and use size<vertex>?
I'm just reading the contents of a file into a string
Q: Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string

EscualoI need to read a whole file into memory and place it in a C++ std::string. If I were to read it into a char[], the answer would be very simple: std::ifstream t; int length; t.open("file.txt"); // open input file t.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // go to the end length = t.tellg(); /...

@PolymorphicPotato This can be useful, but not for a name in an interface, right ?
@JerryCoffin yeah your answer is where I landed earlier
@FredOverflow Well, it is the "size" that bothers me
I do not really want the size of a vertex, but a number of vertices
actually the whole file is a single line consisting of letters and numbers so I might as well use std::getline once or something
And why do you need a distinct type for that?
now that I see it running live in more cases
For the same reason that std::vector has a size_type (here, the name corresponds to the size of the vector, so it is a good name)
I'll get back to it tomorrow, it's time to go home
My question would be about an alias for something like std::vector<Vertex>::size_type
      set( ${var_name} "${__value}" )
       if( __obsolete AND NOT _CMAKE_IN_TRY_COMPILE )
        message( WARNING "Using value of obsolete variable ${__var} as initial value for ${var_name}. Please note, that ${__var} can be completely removed in future versions of the toolchain." )
yeah. Just like that.
Also, do you say "vertex count/number" or "vertices count/number" ?
vertex count
Now go forth and code.
@BartekBanachewicz What.
@FredOverflow Already doing so (the question does not stop me from it :D).
Ugh, boost::gregorian has a special not_a_date_time value\.
> Hacking implies quality.
^ says Erik
Next time you're gaming, you need some table top audio
BSG OST does a good job for BSG games.
no shit
BSG OST is good.
yay, what-if book in my hands
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, getting in your practice for some Sherlock games?
@Xeo wht-if I didn't make that mistake and actually brought it?
@thecoshman lol
@thecoshman Oh cool. I always used freeplay music and hoped for the best :L
oh, when I went over the the homestead the other month, I played a variant of Fluxx my brother picked up, Pirate Fluxx. Surprisingly good variant. Different enough that I would consider it perfectly fine to have both on the shelf.
@thecoshman Seems hard to imagine that you (of all people) would fine "Pirate Fluxx" interesting, being so anti-pirate and all... :-)
@JerryCoffin me and my timbers have no idea what you are on about o_o
I downloaded something in the region of 110 episodes of this TV show, I wonder if the compressor folds all the title sequences into one?
What show?
@Puppy What compressor?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes
@JerryCoffin dunno, think it's just a rar/zip
Has anyone here done something like converting a C# LinQ expression to a string?
you mean, plain old AST printing?
because that's basically what it is.
@ThePhD I'm pretty sure expressions will do that for you
I'm trying to figure out how, though...
Where's the tutorials...
it's a trivial case of visit each tree node, print it as string.
Not sure but isn't that weird to see that kind of question coming from a mod?
Q: HTML not calling external JS file

JuiceHTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="adlocationverify.js"></script> <!--other script and also external css included over here--> </head> <body> <form> Sales Rep: <input type="text" name="salesrep" required><br> Customer Name: <input type="...

So I'm gonna see a free talk by Bjarne next month.
@EtiennedeMartel do you think there will be a question session?
@ThePhD It's "LINQ," not "LinQ."
wat the fuck were these guys smoking.
1 connection for every user you've ever encountered?!
> I have a 100 MBit/sec connection (12.5 MB/s top speed) and it sometimes takes half a minute to load the game list ..
@Puppy What.
Today is the Day of Whats.
> Gay sex prevents abortion. Suck a cock for Jesus.
@Griwes That's on top of the lobby list taking 1Mbps to load, as well.
@FredOverflow extends (String => String) noob.
Woooooooooooooooooo!!! I got my new phone!
whoa, what phone is it?
@StackedCrooked wut?
@AlexM. OnePlus One
argh jetbrains
why do you send me an email everybody upvotes an issue.
@Ell cool, you have a better GPU than I do
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I hate the US... and our horrible "broadband"
I have to lower details on every game I play :(
luckily, with such a high res on such a small screen you can usually barely see the difference
so for example the bard's tale looks great on lowest details
@Ell does it feel sturdy?
I was always wondering about that wrt the oneplus
@AlexM. Hasn't arrived yet :)
oh ok
@R.MartinhoFernandes I believe this is done because ?: works like ?? in C#.
E.g. $a ?: $b ?: $c is like a ?? b ?? c.
Now I need to find a good 4g tarrif
what, in case you visit the only 4G tower in the country
there are lots
To get a job interview, I have to recode some parts of Chromium in javascript. It's going to be fun
is that a job where you recode things in javascript?
Technically no, but some things might be required... the company already recoded zlib in js
For example, the thing I have to do is a resize image function (resampling)
@StackedCrooked how come I'm getting can't convert IO into Integer on coliru when I try to compile?
Make it work plx! :D
I was just trying something out ...
@Puppy luckily for the UK, competition is rather good, so 4G has been set up fairly fast. No one wants to be the last one
Cat loves it when I do this.
@jalf ok
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does the PDF reader you use also support some trivial PDF operations?
sweet, wd
great :( youtube is broken for me
(E.g., drop pages from a PDF or something...)
@ThePhD you mean editing?
Yeah I guess so.
aka not a reader
@thecoshman ditto me on one computer... in one browser... for no apparent reason
huh... very strange
my connection seems up to scratch
All these PDF editors paste shit all over my stuff since I don't buy the full version.
yeah, PDF is annoying like that
I need to pick a random element from a vector.
@ThePhD Last time I had to edit a PDF, CutePDF Editor worked well for me.
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t> dis(0, vector.size() - 1); return vector[dis(prng)];, I guess.
@PolymorphicPotato 4
@ThePhD to quote my old boss, "You don't come back from chaos"
OK, nothing has gone wrong today, OTOH, England game just kicked off..
@MartinJames Did you manage to figure out the Martin child-proof door in the end?
Does void template specialization work well ? Looks dubious.
@xeo yes. 14 yo girl fron next door showed me how.
not matter how sad my life can get, I can always think of that and know it's not that bad.
@Xeo Where d'ya go if you want to become a real C++ pro?
Also, why do you ask me that, I already am a real C++ pro.
whatever that means
At least some people here are insane enough to be relatively good at C++.
@Xeo So where'd yo go?
@Xeo sigh On what website do you spend most of your time learning C++?
I just named a function resumeThreadWhenAnObjectWasSentOnChannel but it's so ugly. :(
1 min ago, by Xeo
Also, why do you ask me that, I already am a real C++ pro.
@Xeo oO You become a good programmer at SO?
Suprisingly, a website made to become a knowledgebase for programming is great for becoming a good programmer.
@PolymorphicPotato I one called one dontCallMeIWantToBeAlone
I think registerThreadForReceiveOperation is better.
hey guys, it might sound desperate but i'm really looking for an example to a question that I posted on SO and I haven't got any answers, is it okay if I post a link here and any of you could help me?
@Hawk Absolutely yes
Q: HttpSendRequest to post fom data

HawkI'm a complete beginner to windows internet and I am trying to POST simple data to the localhost in my computer to a simple index.php page. I don't know how it's supposed to work but I made up some code and it compiles fine with no errors and the request and everything is being sent but the outpu...

@PolymorphicPotato resumeWhenSent(Object, Channel) ?
sleepThreadUntilSend :D
You're a complete beginner to windows internet?
it's a question about HttpSendRequest, I am not sure how to post data to the page, the application works correctly however no data is displayed on the page.
yes @Arcoth
@Nelxiost The first argument is the thread which is waiting for a message from the given channel.
Well just add Thread parameter
(if it cannot be a member)
@Nelxiost I already have that. void sleepThreadUntilSend(Thread& thread, GCPtr<Channel> channel).
"UntilSend" what ? (and isn't it sent* ?)
holy shit, the JetBrains notification thing on their JIRA is shit.
No. Until a send operation happens on the channel.
I've got classnames longer than tjat, never mind the member functions.
Oh. Is a send operation equivalent to an update or something similar ?
Receive instruction makes the thread inactive and tells the VM it's waiting for a message on channel. Send instruction tells the VM to resume at most one of the threads waiting on the channel.
(If there are more than one, one is picked at random.)
Why isn't that "resume" rather than "send" ?
A thread is resumed. An object is sent on a channel.
You don't send a thread. You send to it.
Bing Apps are now rebranded to MSN. So MSN is back! Yay!
So the VM stores std::unordered_multimap<GCPtr<Channel>, Thread*> receiveOperations; inside it.
The method in question inserts into that map.
The resumeThreadWhenAnObjectWasSentOnChannel ?
So it registers some sort of callback ?
Send instruction tells VM to pick a random thread for the given channel and resume it.
Or block if no thread is available.
so I think that I'll have to identify every module interface and implementation as GUIDs.
then each module can carry and identify all of it's dependencies.
@PolymorphicPotato Yeah but was does that method do exactly ? It is called when a Send is received ?
Thread A does Receive, which tells the VM it waits for a message and makes the thread sleep, then thread B does Send, which resumes thread A.
And where is resumeThreadWhenAnObjectWasSentOnChannel in that ? Sorry I do not seem to grasp the structure...
anybody knows a linux distribution with a graphical installer and up-to-date packages?
@ThePhD no. It's a PDF reader.
> Created by woof woof 1 minute ago (23:23)
they insist on identifying me by my "real name", so they can suck on my "real name".
Fuck.. the servet streaming the soccer blew up. Tech. guy in bar found another HD stream, but now we have commentary in ara ic:(
..still makes more sense than Lineker.
umm, could someone please help me with my question?
23 mins ago, by Puppy
In here? Are you crazy?
@Hawk What question?
Anyone gomna open that?
when I run the code, it doesn't show anything on the index.php page What do you expect to see where? Are you navigating to the page in your browser (which sends its own GET request), and expect to see the results of a completely unrelated POST request made by your program? It doesn't work this way. If you want to see the response to the request you made with HttpSendRequest, read it with InternetReadFileIgor Tandetnik 17 hours ago
that was a mistake
i posted the link now
please don't.
when I run the code, it doesn't show anything on the index.php page What do you expect to see where? Are you navigating to the page in your browser (which sends its own GET request), and expect to see the results of a completely unrelated POST request made by your program? It doesn't work this way. If you want to see the response to the request you made with HttpSendRequest, read it with InternetReadFileIgor Tandetnik 17 hours ago
@Hawk Why'd you want a downvote so bad?
I swear to god I always get the bad endings in VNs
and this isn't even a normal bad ending
it's a good ending but the wrong good ending
How the fuck did you manage to get a bad ending in a VN about travelling Japan
I don't fucking know
I suck at VNs
@Angus : please upvote if it helps.. — pradipta 30 mins ago
i don't want a downvote, i just need an answer to the question, a simple example..
@Hawk In case you hadn't noticed, we don't really appear to care.
@Puppy well..it doesn't kill to try..
well, it kills my time and your votes.
@Xeo Cool. I'm a complex C++ pro (and not just a planar complex either, but a complex over a non-Euclidian spherical field).
In here, it kills to try.
I also am a C++ Pro. I get 10/10 on every Quiz on cppquiz.org!!nineoneone
alrighty then
@Hawk ordinarily spamming questions here is because you think they are amusing or stupid and thus worth chuckling about or downvoting for great justice.
@Arcoth That makes you a QuizMaster (or something like that), not a pro.
but they are still spam
@JerryCoffin How do i prove i'm a pro?
all i see is a bunch of people that care about voting rather than the knowledge..
@Arcoth You can't. It's a title that can only be given, not taken.
I'm in a sports bar in the Canaries. There are large beers. NAN fucks given.
@JerryCoffin Give me the title, then!
@Hawk This is the Lounge. It's much more about relaxing than knowledge.
hmm..so i guess i should look for the c++ chatroom that's not a lounge.
@Arcoth I might give you a title, but chances are pretty good that if I do, it'll be a title you don't really want.
@Hawk thats on freenode
@Hawk There is one (or at least was one for a while), but I don't know anybody who actually knows C++ well and hangs out there.
@JerryCoffin I don't want a title, i want da title!
@Hawk are you sure you don't want an answer?
I can answer it
well, i do need an answer
Isn't it enough to know plenty about templates, the memory/object model and the standard?
lol no
Proving you're a pro is easy - post an invoice address so we can get paid for answering your queztion.
@Puppy + The standard library and other important shit
@Arcoth It might be. If you know more about templates than @Xeo and more about the standard, memory/object model than I do, then you might at least start to get into the running.
I always read tfw as thy face when :\
@BenjaminGruenbaum, could you answer it for me, please?
lol still begging for help
@JerryCoffin So how do i know how much you know?
Oh.. I hope Anne has fed Bailey!
@Hawk I could, but I thought you wanted downvotes :/ Are you sure you want an answer and not downvotes now?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, the prime reason that i came here was to look for a solution.
@Arcoth You'd count the number of answers you've posted and the number I've posted (in , of course).
@Arcoth You know when you know, that is part of knowing
Know off..
@Nelxiost So i know when i know that i know what to know?
@Hawk did you ask @Puppy ? He's a c++ windows internet post expert who'd love to help you with your interesting question. He's also quite the PHP fan.
You should definitely ping him about it.
Puppy power!
hahahah you know, i realized that none of you can actually answer the question but all of you are pros at downvoting, i mean, who can't downvote? anyone with 125+ points can downvote..
ah yes, employ the "You're too stupid to help me" argument
that always got people their questions answered
@JerryCoffin That's like the worst comparison ever. You can answer as many trivial questions as you want, that doesn't prove anything.
@Hawk You're not helping your case, just fyi
OK, is it time for a 'fuck off'?
your tears are bringing me joy
@Hawk I know the answer but would rather not so experts like @Puppy can answer your interesting C++ windows post question, he's written the documentation and a book on windows internet C++ post too.
@Hawk And anyone with 0 rep can STFU.

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